Page 12 - TheGoldBug1971-72
P. 12
PAGE FOUR New food manager in cafeteria By Jeff Bell Barney Rice finally made good on his threats to retire. The new Food Manager is Mrs. Arlene . MacDonald. She worked for Mr. Rice for 17 years before returning last year as his assistant. Already several changes have been made. Spaghetti has been switched to dinner, and a new item, Barbequed Chicken, has made its debut. We should see several new desserts this year, also. Mrs. .MacDonald indicated that the students are eating more, so far, and gives credit to the cocks for the improved seasoning of some of the items. The cafeteria is now dealing with a new company for its new equipment (lemonade machines) and china. This company is represented by Sue Seney's father. (Sue Seney graduated last year, and her father is also a graduate of WMC.) There is an increased ac- count for the cafeteria, but the per student ex- penditure for each meal is about the same. Mrs. MacDonald said that she has several surprises in the works and wants the Gold Bug to come back to her in another two months for a more com- plete evaluation of her efforts as the new Food Manager. Interviewer: Do you feel better about having a Terror football team mem~rs found their way "through the hole" at the pep rally sponsored in their Woman running the cafeteria'? • honor by the school cheerleadingand porn-porn organizations last Friday night. Student: I am less paranoid about being poisoned to death. But my outlook does not Iorsee. any improvement in the food. The meal tonight letters to the Editor (Sept. 23) was fairly good, but all the rest showed little improvement. Interviewer: How do you feel about the changes in the menu mentioned in the article'? To the Editor and Students: Student: You know I have to say "yes", it is Dear Editor, Last year the senior class president proposed better. But I am still generally negative about As Isit down in my room after a night of pure that the class abandon the traditional graduation the whole thing. Tonight I could almost tell what boredom, I too ask the question: "What lies garb of caps and gowns so that the seven dollars kind of meat I was eating. . ahead'? What's happened to the activities on this ($7.001 normally spent for this once-In-a-lifetime campus?" When I was a freshman four years dress could be donated to a worthwhile cause or ago, they referred to WMC as one of the top ten charity. The proposal was voted upon at a class colleges where the action "ain't", Well, 1 think meeting and defeated for three reasons: (1) by this time we're No. 1 on that Jist with ab- Most members of the class felt that the idea was solutely no competition. "radical", and thought that their parents who Slowly tradition and activities on this campus had paid for their education would be displeased have fallen down to mere nothingness. at this sign of latent rebellion on the part of their Remember the GIGIFs or how about Rat Week; children; (2) The President of the class made it an Homecoming Parade or the Junior Follies - 'tall-or-nothing" proposal which excluded the well. they're gone along with other things. And in possibility of an ad hoc group forming, at least, their place, nothing. I'm tired of looking back without organization; (3) There was no incentive and saying, "Remember when there was the ...", for individuals to obey their own consciences and Weekend dilemma and instead I want to know what we (the good independently divert themoney to a more worthy benefactor than the cap-and-gown industry; only people of whimsee: are going to do to change the situation. Right now if you think about it hard, the embarassment of being the black sheep come Is it so bad for Western Maryland to be a you could probably count the number of ac- graduation day. Seven dollars given by 180 students is $1260 --- tivities on one hand -count 'em! Isn't it time to ~:~en~m!u':ing°3te t;:ar1ij3~~t i~fM~~ change this'? that's money that could be used for an awful lot of good things. Coat-and-tie could be just as people who bother to study do a lot of that After 'only about three weeks on campus the formal and appropriate for these ceremonies. s.tudyingon the weekend. Most people who freshmen have gotten a real taste of what lies Any reasonable parents would be more pleased, like to relax. do a lot of that relaxing on the ahead on the many weekends to come. On in my mind. at the show of initiative and good- weekend, too, and it's hard to relax when weekends. the kids up here walk around the will ofdonating the money to charity; the students you've got a lot of functions to attend. Is it dorms bored stiff. Some people play cards end- are not just trying to dodge responsibility, nor lessly, very few study, many watch the "boob- make a radical power show, but a simple ~a!~i~~~~cS~:l. ~~tc~~J:~~en;~ tube". and some throw parties to break the statement of their values and a demonstration of won't ever be? boredom -- but these too reach their limit. And, of good sense. The idea need not beadopted by the .After a week of classes, sometim~ it's course, so many People just sit in their rooms entire group -- everyone must make their own nice to be able to SIt back and realize that and get themselves drunk because there's decision and wear what they deem appropriate; there's ~othiI)g to do. "Nothing" on a nothing better to do. But the smart people are the I do hope. however, that the President of the ones who leave campus for the weekend -- College would take time at the ceremonies to mainly b:e:~,I~Ce~~,IY m~ri~ ~~trc!:~~~i~n to have the opportunity to do something. recognize those members of the graduating class campu~, to name some of the nameable It's definitely time for a change! that had made a meaningful contribution of their somethmgs that apply to any college money and the benefactor, to be decided upon by Where does the money the SGA gets from the caJjlpus on a dead weekend. It's useless to students go? Why can other small colleges have that group. enumerate any fur-ther diversions. But fun-packed weekends and activities all over the It's so easy to just go through the senior year surelyno one applies to Western Maryland and say "Oh well. who gives a shit"; but we are expecting to .flnd a well-planned socially place. and we can't'? Why doesn't the SGA, which fortunate and few of us appreciate the real value the student _body, plan is. supposed to represent oriented weekend agenda ready for him more activities for its students'? Sure, everyone of money and the goocleffect that even $1260 can when he gets here. I feel sorry for anybody has heard these complaints before and many have in needy hands. This has already been done who did. have probably voiced the same ones themselves at several of the more progressive colleges and Sure, we have too many dead weekends. _ but who is going to change it? - how about in a few high schools. Iwill be graduating in Jan., But that fact tends to make the "other" kind starting with yourselves'? Write down 5 activities I hope, so I wish to spark someone's mind who of Saturday-Sunday schedule more ap- that you would like the SGA to sponsor and give it will organize this plan, if not for this year's preciable. to them -- at least you show you care, and it's a senior class. perhaps for one of the next ones. start! Maybe with some luck things will change. Hopefully, Don Krueger A senior P. S. Here's my list-how about yours'? The Women's Glee Club is'to.ming. They are I. Tri-cycle marathon in need of good voices, especially second 2. A computer dance sopranos. The group meets every Tuesday 3. A campus scavenger hunt morning from 11 to 12. The first concert is Oc- 4. Car rally , tober 31st with the College Choir, and the second 5. Team up with other small colleges (Get- is Dec. tst. Anyone who is interested in joining is tysburg, Mt. S1. Mary's, etc.) for big-name invi ted to come to the next rehearsal on Tuesday, entertainment. Oct. 5.
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