Page 117 - TheGoldBug1971-72
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MAY 16,1972 THE GOLD BUG Newsbriefs Ensor 'honored at special dinner Dr. Lowell S. Ensor, retiring in June as president of Western Maryland College, Westminster, was honored Friday evening by the trustees, faculty, and students of the college. At a dinner in Engler Memorial Dining Hall hosted by the Board of Trustees, the retiring president received gifts from each segment of the College. The trustees presented the Ensors with a . check to be used in furnishing their new home on Ridge Road in Westminster. During June the Ensors will move from the president's home on the campus. Members of the faculty have established a fund to create a garden on the campus in Dr. En- sor's honor. The student body IS iunotng a scholarship honoring the retiring president. Many groups within the student body are par- ticipating in the fund. A principal gift came from the senior class which made its contribution as the 1972 gift to the college. Members of the college's These three people will be honored along with Nanette Fabray at graduation. alumni association will have an opportunity to A. Chirigos, Mrs. Frances D. Tompkins, Reverend Herbert L. D. Doggett. participate in the scholarship as well. The alur-ut presented their retirement gift early in the fall, a color television set. About 350 people attended the Friday evening dinner. Master of ceremonies was Wilbur D. Threehonored otcommencement Preston, Jr., chairman of the Board of Trustees. He introduced those making the presentations: Alfred V. Clark, president of the Faculty Club, for the faculty and Bryson Popham, president of the In addition to the honorary Doctor of Fine Arts Modification Section at the National Cancer In- Student Government Association, for the students. degree Western Maryland College, Westminster, stitute in Bethesda. The scientist conducts a multi- Mr. Preston presented the trustee gift. will confere on Nanette Fabray, its commencement disciplinary approach to the detection, prevention, Highlight of the evening was a slide-sound show speaker, a nurse, a scientist, and a minister will be treatment and/ or controls of neoplasias called The Ensor Years. Pictures representing honored on June 4. (leukemias, sarcomas, and carcinomas). many phases of Dr. Ensor's career were converted The recipient of the Doctor of Divinity degree was to slides shown with an accompanying script Mrs. Frances D. Tompkins, director of nursing at elected to the General and Jurisdictional Con- narrated by Dr. John D. Makosky, dean of the Union Memorial Hospital, Baltimore, will receive ference of the United Methodist Church for 1972. faculty. The set of slides and the tape were given to the Doctor of Nursing Science degree. An honorary Mr. Doggett is district director of missions, a the Ensors because of their particular interest in Doctor of Science degree will be awarded to Dr. member of the executive committee of the Board of photography. The second set of slides and tape, Michael A. Chirigos, viral biologist at the National. eventually to go in the college archives, will be Cancer tnsutule" Herbert L. D. Doggett,' ~it:;:i'0~~1~sl~~~.~~~~~~: ;~~~e~~~~o~~:~~ shown during a community reception on May 21 and superintendent of the Hagerstown District, Argentina under sponsorship of the General Boards to alumni on June 3. Baltimore Conference of the United Methodist ?~Evangelism and Missions. Following the presentations Dr. Ensor responded Church will receive the Doctor of 'Divinity degree. to the group. He thanked those present for the The commencement ceremony will take place evening, for the gifts, and for the association he has Sunday, June 4, at 3:00 p.m. in the Westminster had with them, many for more than the 25 years he High school auditorium. At that time the college has been president of Western Maryland College. will award 255 bachelor degrees and 45 master of The college baker, Clarence Gale, created a special education degrees in addition to the honorary The program to train teachers of the deaf at cake in tribute to Dr. Ensor and it was cut and doctorates. This commencement will be the final Western Maryland College, Westminster, has served as trustees, faculty, and students left the ceremony for retiring President Lowell S. Ensor received a three-year grant from the Bureau of dining room. who completes 25 years as head of the college on Education for the Handicapped. Prior to the dinner Dr. Ensor took part in his last June 30. Under Public Law 91-230 the Bureau approved the meeting of the Board of Trustees as president of the Mrs. Tompkins, as chairman of the committee on grant for a three-year period. The 1972-73 award is college. He was a trustee before election to the professional nursing practice and nursing for $53,000. This amount will provide len graduate presidency and will continue as a member on the representative to the Medical-Chirugtcal Faculty traineeships. Board. At the final faculty meeting over which he of Maryland, drafted a protocaI for the legal Under Senate Bill 325 ten Maryland State presided on Thursday, May 4, Dr. Ensor received a practice of nursing in Maryland. She also scholarships are provided. The amount of $20,000 spoken tribute and a standing round of applause established a new school of practical nursing at the will provide five undergraduate and five graduate from the faculty and staff. Union Memorial Hospital and helped plan a scholarships. coronary care unit. She is co-director, with the chief This is the third year Federal funds have been of medicine, of a new educational program to awarded to Western Maryland College for the upgrade skills of selected nurses to enable them to program in deafness. The State scholarships were take on duties previously assigned to physicians. established last year. Dr.Chirigos is associate branch chief of theViral Mr. Britt M. Hargraves is director of the Biology Branch and head of the Virus and Disease program to develop teachers for the deaf. Profs (continued from pg. 4) fusing." (Female, German, 1974), "Tests don't test Psychology, 1972). Reviewing the qualities of the. knowledge of material-students not reading the ill-favored professors, one student sums it simply material- usually do better than those who are by saying, "Is of little value as an instructor." prepared-gives mostly short essay and sometimes (Male, Political-Science, 1974). "His only saving ridiculous identification, i.e. name chapters of book point is that he's a nice guy," (Female, Math,. in order." (Male, Latin-French-Education , 1974). 1973), and some don't even qualify in this category. Not only is there a controversy in test content and We have mentioned several professors who procedure but also -in grading ... "Tests are given through the random survey rated highest. We and marked extremely subjectively ...graded by realize there are many more excellent professors at quantity, not quality." . Western Maryland College that have not been .... A dynamic teacher has the ability to draw his mentioned, only because of our limited sample, and students to class whereas a poor teacher "holds bad for the fact that not every student has had every attendance against the student when giving final professor.To compensate for this problem to some grades' if a student is able to perform successfully extent, Depatmental ratings are given in Table II. on tes~ by reading his material then that should The qualities and characteristics that distinguish suffice." (Female, English-Educatlen, 1973). Some the outstanding professor however, seem universal. professors who require attendance "use ~he So, Professors, where do you rate? And for YOU classroom as a stage for himself. Jokes and stories students beginning a teaching career, where will are important, learning is not." (Female, you rate?
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