Page 120 - TheGoldBug1971-72
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PAGE 16 Stickmen finish 9 - 4 With second half victory over Frostburg State May 10, the Western Maryland lacrosse-squad, closed out their season with a record of 9 wins and 4 losses. The Frostburg victory followed an 8-2 win' over Pennsylvania Military. Frostburg got off to a quick start by slipping four goals past Ron Christy, the Terror. Freshman middie, Bruce Anderson, started the WMC offense moving with a tally after 10:02 of scorelesss play by the Terror stickmen. Bruce Preston followed 26 seconds later with the next score and Anderson added the last score of the quarter. At the end of 15 minutes of play the score stood at 4-3in Frostburg's favor. The second quarter saw each team copying their first quarter performance with Frostburg netting goals and WMC three. The score stood 8-6 at the half. As they had done in many previous games, Western Maryland blew it open, in the second half, pushing eight straight goals through the Frostburg defense. Frostburg could manage only one score through Christy'S tough defense and the game ended with WMC on top, 14-9. Ron Athey Ieathe team again this year in scoring with 18 goals and 39 assists. He has been number one scorer for the past three years. Athey, a senior, and was Trackmen undefeated; best has been outstanding in soccer, basketball, and lacrosse throughout his college career captain of all three teams this year. Bob Wolfing and Bruce Preston were the teams other major record in WMC history scorers with 34 and 33 points respectively. David by Tom Trezise Hoopes, David Volrath, and Bruce Anderson also contributed to the team's scoring. Ron Christy had 218 saves in the goal. Western Maryland's thinclads turned in a perfect with a time of 3:23.5; the 880 relay team of Brock- record this year for their best season in the school's meyer, Roulette, McCormick, and Steve Wilson with a time of 1 minute 33.4 seconds; the two mile ~:c:e~:~~rJ~;~~~~re ~~:~tfr~:~~!s~t~r~e~~~~~ relay squad consisting of Appel, Bernie Pfeiffer, On spring College by an 80-65 score May 8, at Frostburg, to Larry Clendaniel, and Tim Eckherdt by a time of They also 9-0 record. give them their perfect 8:22.2; the sprin'. medley relay team of McCormick, finished third in the Mason-Dixon Championships Roulette, Bromeyer, and Ed Enstice with a time of May 5-6 with 303 points. 3:45.6; and the shuttle-hurdle relay squad of Wilson, football meet. Both the 440yard and mile relay teams won. Boniface, Zucco, and McGaughran with a time of The squad took ten first places in the Frostburg records by Steve 66.2. Individual were broken Also winning firsts were Jim Zucco in the high Wilson Tn the 120 yard high hurdles with a 14.9 hurdles, Joe Brockm~yer in the 100 yard dash, second time, John Verderosa with a 21'11.5" long Jerry McGaughran III the 440 hurdles, Lynn jump, and Odd Haugen in both the shotput and by Andy Keefer Boniface in the pole vault, Odd Haugen in both the discus with respective distances of 53'4" and 160'. ?hotput and discus, John Verderosa in the long Odd also qualified to compete in the National Jump, and Dave Roulette in the triple jump. ; Championships in Ashland, Ohio. Du~ to t~e rumor that the boys out for spring A good measure of the quality of the team's Coaches Rick Carpenter and Sam Case deserve a practice this year were an exceptionally rough season would be to look. at the number of school good deal of credit for the team's success. In the bunch, very few old tarts could accept the challenge records which' 'fell this year. New records were three: years he has coached the squad, Carpenter to play in the Alumni game. A second reason-one establihed by the 440relay team of Roulette, Brock- has compiled an impressive record of 23 wins and 4 not worth mentioning-was that the game was meyer, Bill McCormick, and Ron Sewell with a defeats. He will still have a solid squad to work with played Friday afternoon, April 30, and few could time of 4?.4 seconds; the mile relay team of Zucco, next year with only Bernie Pfeiffer, Charlie get off work. To the Alumni who could play we Mcccrmtck, Larry Appel, and Frank Schaeffer Bowers, and captains Lynn Boniface and Dave thank you for the scrimmage and also to Chris Roulette graduating. "Hiro" Bothe who had nothing better' to do before he graduated than learn the game of football we also show our appreciation. Batsmen shut The purpose of spring football practice is to have a good time-Jearnlng and developing new positions and skills. It gives you the opportunity to work at your position without having the constant pressure of trying to make the first team. It also gives new out in final ballplayers a more relaxed atmosphere in which to be initiated to the system here. Several of the new prospects out for the spring training were Randy by Robert Ramsdell Draper, Larry Bocchese, Dave Reese, Dick Sch- wanke, and Ben Jenkins" The Western Maryland batsmen concluded their As for the game itself, it turned out to be an in- 1972season on a disappointing note as they lost to tersquad scrimmage with the Alumni substituting Baltimore University on May 6. The Terrors were here .and there, mostly on defense. It was mostly a never really in the game as Baltimore struck for running game as the team, led by Mike Bricker foqr runs on four hits - two of them homers - in (Speed, Inc.), racked up 20 points and "held" the the first inning. It wasn't until there were two down other team from scoring. Anyhow, everybody did in dhe fifth that Bob Repsher got the first hit for have a great time while also benefiting from this Western Maryland. But the Terrors managed only spring practice. f~U[a~~~~fa~la~~~t~:ef~~::::~i~tas a 12-0verdict This loss gave the Terrors a final log of 5-6-2,with --- 7 Catonsville Community College Intermural softball games are svnonornous with spring. losses, five were by three runs or less and with a few TEAM TENNIS RECORD WOMEN'S five games being cancelled due to rain. Of the six WMC breaks the games might easily have wound up in WMC win column. the one only senior And with of ,..Maryland, 7 University WMC 6 Frederick Community College graduating from this year's squad, the' Terrors GoaoJ Baltimore County WOMEN'S INTRAMURAL SOFTBALL should be able to field a good, experienced team softball teams (all four of Women's intramural WMC Towson State College them) are back out this year. Each sorority and the next year. WMC Gettysburg College freshmen have formed teams, and four of the six Coach Hitchcock said of the past season: "By and WMC Goucher College games have been played. So far, it looks like a tie large, we played pretty well. Our pitching was WMC University of Maryland, College Park between the Sigma's and the Phi A1ph's, each with O.K., it was just a case of not getting the big hit at WMC Notre Dame College an undefeated record, for 1st, and the Dell's and the the right time. Plus a lot of close games could have Season reeord . 1)..2. Freshmen, for last place. gone the other way." Heather Keppler
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