Page 63 - TheGoldBug1970-71
P. 63
February I, 1971 The Gold Bug .page 3 Comment: ~ . the Leisure or boring? lleHers to the .editor_; top hat .,.---1 drive in ATo the editor: DINING ROOM COFFEE SHOP Somewhere embedded in the very nature of Well, fellow students, here we sit, waiting FOUNTAIN SUBS January term is the desire to learn something patiently and ignorantly for a behind the scenes open 24 hours rno n-sat new, create something different, visit decision to be made that will deeply affect our lives closed sun. 3am . l1pm something foreign, read something and have nothing to do with the lives of those route 140 phone 876"1030 interesting. This was the original purpose for making the decisions. The decision to be made- try to remember- is about open house, keys, and the program-to encourage students to expand sectional autonomy. Most of us don't even know into subjects not normally offered in the who is making the decision because apparently it . ALITY regular semester year. won't be coming out of the president's office. At Also contained in the nature of January any .rate, being negotiated right now are our U term is a more relaxed atmosphere than demands for those privileges which riahtruuv CLEANERS normal, due to the lack of grade pressure and belong to us. & LAUNDERERS, INC. If the demands are passed they're going to affect the one-course curriculum. There is more our Jives deeply because the decisions that have been LAU.DIRI •• DRYCLlA.... time for leisure, which brings up a point-what previously made by curfews, limited open house todo with the leisure. Open parties, movies on hours and the other rules which "govern" our TAILOR' •• week-ends, and guest lecturers ate fine, but personal lives will be left up to us. In short, no one Garment Storage &- Linen Rental Service they were few and far between. is going to tell us what to do. We will have to learn to Service for Students in WMC Student Center A three-week semester in which only one make our own decisions. We have our own lives, Monday thro~lgh Friday course is taken can afford to offer a much they don't belong to President Ensor, the Board of 9:00 O'clock Until 3:00 O'clock Daily more varied schedule of events to the students Trustees; or anyone but ourselves. We pay for our tuition, our food, and our room- we don't who must remain or campus to take their pay for a guardian, babysitter, or substitute classes. A Dutch art exhibit and an American parents. This school is an academic institution, Nazi party speaker sound good on paper, but not a boarding house or nursery school. We in practice they turned out to be .less than come here and learn all kinds of wonderful stimulating. Multi-media weekend was an facts but if we can't even live with other excellent idea, but it was a misnomer: multi- people away from curfews and nannies, how can we use them. media Saturday would have been a more This is a reminder that some people who have no accurate name. And just how much interest right to are tampering with our lives. They play did the ecology and marriage discussions games with us by stalling and negotiating and generate? compromising and misleading us. It's a dangerous With Baltimore and Washington close by, game because it makes us caged animals and them there is a wealth of musical, theatrical, avant- the teasing zookeepers. We aren't animals. We are phone -848-5.860 garde, and unusual facilities that could easily intelligent and responsible or we wouldn't be here. We have some respect due us. So does the faculty, be employed for entertainment purposes and the administration and the Board of Trustees. during the slack January season. The college If they respected their own judgement and integrity itself has enough talented students and (which are part of what brings us all here because _emJJloy.e~ an interesting they are important in making this school a good .!h_1ke.s entertainment agenda. Oneof the better forms one) they would have passed the demands as they of recreation during this January term carne were presented originally. Because they insist on from the inter-fraternity basketball games, seeing themselves as nursery-nannies the demands subs- pizza have been watered down and delayed (if passed, which were often as unorthodox as they were they will only come into effect second semester) open 7 days a week exciting. Unfortunately, few students were and will be weakened even mere. If the demands aware of the games. are refused those who have made the decision will sun to thurs-IO to II fri & sat 10 to I If January term is to be incorporated into continue to be unreliable zookeepers and we will the regular year, it is going to need a modicum remain animals. When those people grow up about of facelifting on the social level. True, the this maybe we can. If not then maybe we should 29 east main street 848·6070 moderators of the term are under no forget about them and Jive as human beings - anyways. obligation to provide us with entertainment. Ruth Feuchter But it would seem to be defeating the explorative intent of the program if the Dear Editor: enjoyable aspect of the concentrated study I am a junior transfer student who came here course is neglected. believing Western Maryland College to be a school Let's Get It Straight DMH of high academic standing. The purpose of this letter is to explain why I am disillusioned with what I have found at this college. "DO NOT DISTURB" Three out of four of my major classes are taught in a very formal lecture method, a style of teaching A sixteen-year-old girl was rushed to the hospital be- that is older than the college. There is little cause she had taken an overdose of sleeping pills. When THE GOLD BUG opportunity for the sharing of ideas or her mother visited her the next day, she adopted a light, interpretations in class. Perhaps more instructors gay tono in talking to her daughter. A doctor passing by calledher out of the room and demanded, peremptorily could make their classes more informal and free if "How dare you take such an attitude? Don't you know yOU Publishedby and for the students of Western Maryland College. there were fewer people in each class. Before could be attending your daughter's funeral today? Didn't The opinions in this paper do not necessarilyreflect those of the applying to Western Maryland College, I was led to you know she had serious problems? Where were youwhen <\dministration. believe that classes would be small by a line from she was growing up?" The mother had to confess that the college catalogue on page 11. "Because of the she was so absorbed in her own career that she had-tittle time for her chil' Western. Maryland College interested students, attempting to bring change them because they might ing to others also. Westminster, Maryland 21157 this school, either ignored or squelched. As For free booklet, "CONSIST8NT CHRISTIAN LIVING," write to Entered as second classmatter at the post office, Westminster, result, how many students do you know who a..e Box 327. Rn>GUlELD. N. J. 07&57, Dur. Ci:e Maryland,21157. Second classpostage paid at Westminster. leaving? A.Ellzey SUBSCRIPTION: S5.00 yearly X.Student
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