Page 12 - TheGoldBug1965-66
P. 12
@h~Gold Bug, Oct. 22, 1965 Gridmen Seek Revenge Against Virginia's W & L Offense looks For Precision Success In Numbers Booters Strive to Jell MtClintock, Sybert _--Toug"! the ~::~Ys::;ssh~~ ~~:a~~n d~~:r%ti~~do:y s~~~e~~m~~ra!~l~~~~ Joyner Keeps Hopes AI"lve The Terror football squad when end Jay Sybert cleared as compared to the nu~ber of losses. To Director of A~hletics- faces a significant challenge the way with .a crucial block. Dick Clower, success IS also related to numbers, but In a less against washtngton and Lee McClintock again proved val- fateful sense. by Lantny HU1chenhorn. was the Homecoming game for College hi Lexington, Virginia uable with a 38 yard field goal Mr. Clower defines success (in regards to the school's athletic The Green Tenor Soccer this school which honored the ~mor~ow. ~~~hfir~~~~~ut~~tel~~~:!~;~gsa~~ program) as the "involvement travel for more than 10 minutes b;t~b::~neg i~:k1i~~ os:at~Oent~; :~~~:~ t~~m ~v~~~r~~:~H~~~s:' The W&L. Cenerqle are ~ot the Terrors ahead 10-6. A safe- of as many people as we can. in at a time without seeing some of the i~te~collegiate pecking Western Maryland lost the game to be taken hghtly, but the big- ty early in the second half sent t~e total program." Talking- crude f_arm of a soccer goal. order, number one-ranked Drex- 3-1, but put up a tremendous ~~:! ~~:~s~l~e~aYT;:r!h!il~e:~ ~nu~:al~ft 1i~-6the\Y~~~d~~~~: :~t: !fr·rJ~~~~~~gla:~p!~~~~::' ~hr:;~;~~cefi:I~~le;:~:resttho: b~~ el, in Ph~I~~~lp~ti:~ina :~~~~ ~:J;~~nal~~:. re;h:cio~! no hullabaloo fo! t!HS game and ter, Lycoming went ahead 13-12 The soft spok~n, congenial di- nana pic~ers played soccer, The game was an even con- Terror point was scored by the on t~e surface 1~ IS not an at- on a 59 yard run by halfback rector was ,telhng me about ~he w~en .theIr .wor~ .was" done. test for three periods with Scott phoenix, Rowland Creitz, on tractive one. It IS a n~n-Ie~gue, Mike Cohen. With the pressure department s r ~ c e n t "pol~cy !nere IS no~hIng minor about Joyner of WMC and Bill Nahr i an assist from wiry Bill Spang- r;V~1eg~~;;e !~gf~~t'\~~e;~ll t~: ~~~k;~~~~e ~o~~~d ~~~eTe~~~~~~~~;ra~~ ~·f:::n;p~~t~' :~~~ ~·ea~f:~~~l ;h::e: o~ft~~i~J%~~~~~e~:~~~~ e;~~rt~~01~~~~~e.: ~~~~ ~~~ 0~v~!an:~~1a~~rr~1~~~ gridmen were beaten last ahead to stay. Bryant Parker, tags from the nine intercol- Here on the "Hill" we don't scoring in the third. In the Daily. ;;~~~rs B~;e ~~:~ ~henofs~t~~~ ~~7ng~1~~iC~iay~~\n\V:~i:ta~~~ !,etii~~,~~~o~\~:nt hoe~eto o;xPI;~~ ~aav:y:~:Cerb:~~~:si:s~cs~e~he~; ;.~~;t:oti~~~~d·' a~~:w~l;e~r!:~i an~eheag~~~~~rt~:aU;iV~:~~~r~f :.~~~;~~~,toth~~~ul~.~:·cu~~:~~;; in~:=~:t Hampden. Sydney i~a~iyt~:l~~:~nf: :~ea!~:~~~ ~;~~ ~~:thb~~:;i~r;~ ;~~~i~ns~ I~~~~n~~~~\~v: ~~~~!so~ng_tinT~~~ ~~~~,~~:eo;;os~l~: o~e~~~tWt:~n~~ ~~~n'!oifO~~~vn1..~Oi~;hic~t t~~a~ foo;!:~eto t~~g~~a~al~;~s on~;a~~ ~:;:e i~a~t~le!~C:l:tS"~h;~he~::! !~~racc~~:Ut~~~~li~p~~t.jU~i ~~~ ~~~~tC:~~;n, ~~~f~I~~I~~:g~~fi:~ ~~h~l~a~~:ts:ea~~i~;;Oc~o~~Il~;aC~ ~?n,~~n~i;~~n, 6~;~hfOJo~he~s~~: ~~~ s~o:;r:~ ales~or:v~;y;~;:~ ~::l~n;i~~i:tdth':;:j~~: n~t':ou~~ ~~~ ~:~~in:ie \~~rcih~~e c~~~~~ ~~~~eh~a:~!;·;i~i~~e ,,~::e;'ut~~ ~~mt~:n:e:~e'w;~e are~!~~·I::~~~ ~;I~v;~~ea~~e!l~~eg o~~:~vt~~r~ ~~!t~0~~:s~;0;;~06~r~·ar~;-;~s~~ ~~:~o~h!o:~~~~s d~~~n~;i;t7ci~:~ ~~n'~a~i~veA~e~~:~ie~~dnuE~~~~~al~~:~~gsl~:.rformance at the :~!~:d~n. ~~: f:\~es~s;ts f:~~ei~ab~~ co:n es alive m the opemng ing and 150-102 yards passing. Lion in athletics should be the pean students who might gene- Alumni Laughs to it and the defense p'lt on its ~~~u~:el~,n~h~'ll~~i~ge:o~~, ~~~i :i~~::e~snu~~ i~o!~: j~~~~~~:7ues;1~:hi~;~~:~~~:dth~0~~~~ ~·~,~eath~ic~e~~s::;:, ~~~h~~ias~~ila~dhe;;vee:a~:e~~~~~rn a~~~~; ~:r;~e~;~ra~~e;t!~~OI"~faanr~la~! not be a long one. ahead 10-0. It was 15·0 before cer player as football is to the doesn't explain our lack of at- game was played Saturday, Oc- lost by a score of 2-0. The Homecoming game saw sophomore quarterback Barry football player. The educational tention to track, wrestling, golf, tober 9. While the present . the squad at its season best. Ellenberger tossed a 12 yard value of these sports does not rifle team. team could hardly hclp but DesIre the Key We triumphed over a tough Ly- pass to Dana Huseman who rest upon the type of sport." The probable reason rests in chuckle at the feeble gestures The question now is: What is coming team 19-13, coming went in for the score. The two Mr. Clower has made a wise good 01' WMC. Too long have of old.timers like Jack Baile, the problem? Well, the prob- from behind in the last quarter. point conversion attempt fail- judgment and the sports page we bowed to tradition and ig- Dan Seibel, Neal Hoffman, and Jem is that the team has ~ot Jerry Borga continued to star ed. Ellenberger also connected wishes to go on record as en_ nored so~cer and the other so- Don Schmidt, the final score scored ~ffectively. As on; wIse by scoring 2 touchdowns on 65 with Jay Sybert on a 21 yard dorsing is completely. The only called nunor sports. Too long was no laughing matter. The man saId, you cannot wm un- and 34 yard runs. With 5.05 pass play and McClintock's kick thing "minor" about certain has tlie image of the soccer Alumni won 2-0 with Jackson less you score and in soccer you lett in the first quarter, Borga brought our team in range, sports is in the people who con_ player been held unequal to that and Wenderoth doing the dam- cannot score unless you get the shot up the middle into a host 15·13. sider them so. Soccer, for ex- of the football player. The re- age. It has been suggested ball-and keep it for a reason- of tacklers. He appeared to be One of the opposing players ample, is not considered by organization of the athletic that in the future, instead of able period of time. No coach stopped when center Paul Mc- was overheard saying, "If the Terror fans as "popular" or ex- awarding system is the first playing a conglomeration of in the world can make a player ~!~i~;:t~U!c~o;:~r;h:r;:~UI;~~~ ~~m\~oa~:ee~a~emi~~~.~, lo~~~~ ~~ti~~nyT~~r:: ~;\~~' ;~;7~~er, :~:p s;~;,~~r~~a~~: i:~eA;::;e!~I~ ~~~~f~teth:I:~~ ~~~~d ~la~n: !~:~f~:~l~~e,e:~t t~~e ~~~~:; Eral seconds later, ::lld 15 yards w~ek. in Le~ington, le~'s start While traveling across Ecua_ the value and success of ath- specific year, say 1925. withil_l hImself. and must do e.v. downfield, a \Varnor defender cllckmg 5 mlflutes earlier than dor this past summer with two letics is not confined to the won- Tie with A. U. erythmg possIble to get It. ,*as zeroing in on the fullback usual. Peace Corps Volunteers, we be- loss record, but extends to what The first home game took There some pl~yers who al- "lghll"ghts and Sidelights ;.========",h=="==~"==== ~:~~:~~rest~;v:~ ;~~;r~p~~i~ ~~~~~ ~~:~a~a~!\~t~~ec~;~:~ ~~:~.ic~; u~~~e~~~tyl~am:h~~ ~~;:s f~v:n;v:;;:;~~:~fac~i:~~ H loved sports-especially soccer. lind the experience one takes the "Hill" to do battle-literally. victory, and there are some scoreless first half, who do n_ot. by bus from the from it." We traveled a After wast into the Andes Mountains. The question now is "Will the American University scored In closmg, we pass along .two by Ed Lowry ing and exciting soccer in the We passed over faulty and dan_ campus-the administration, the two goals in th~ third. quarter. g.ood announcem.en~s: First, . The trusting cit i zen s of remainder of the season. So !et gerous roads, through stark faculty and the student body- S~ott Joyner, WIth assls~s from slflce the last prlntn;f bO~.the Fi k b b t wn us support our soccer team WIth naked towns where houses were take the second step1" Only Jim Resau and Dave Millhous- GOLD BUG, Ken a 0 I, a fo~n~ ~~~'w~at ia~~e~; iff\~~ attendance a; a~l h~me games. ~n~dt~in~ nl:::::' c:~:;b;~ovf~: :e~!~s ~'~~1·0:'~uaJ;~rt~P~~;; ::~ ~;ith re:a~ri~~dinth~heco~f~~me:nt~~:~r,~:~af~~ne!r~~~m;:~m h:~fd electha v~~~r~~ o~1ic: c~~!is- By the way" the fourteen hun- Yet the most striking aspect of "minor image" fall, as the fo_urth perio~s. After two five· has tur_ned in excellent P~fOl~- t? t e PTh p y d h as- dred girls at the Longwood Col- this country was not the pover_ minor letter has fallen. IDIflUte periods of scoreless ances III every ga~~. . eco , :~o~:~. ?ffi~:,v:: ar~;stede ~he ~:~:n~n ~;rg~;~~te~V:UI~:li.~fa~~ ~~' ~~!c!~e ~~:I:~pr~~ p;;~se~~~ ~:t~o~a~:~~: ~~;.rtime, the final score stood ~~~a~~as~~~-~!!ce:a s~~r~: f;~~ ~~~~.~~m~: ~ohu::;:~d}'~~rs~~~k ~:~~~~~'sap;~~~~:~:ont~~~,a ~e~; in!~~hC~I~~~S\nag~~~:~;~,:~ ~Z~l~/~:~;;~d~:~:l~ ~~~~s t~: ~as Illegally. enlightening *Fr!da~ evening. Intromurol Gridiron Blozes ~~~fO~~~~:~ ~;l\h~n y!~;.ir ~~~!;:e~:. by Its reporter on the 1 Coach Jones believes that the Last week's game at Hamp- ~~:tiaWY ~d~~Pdt~n~~;~~;~ri:~~: ~:~~S~;~~;i~:asp~~~r~~a~~~sbt Bothelors, Nods Leod Leogue apd thiS IS the price one often a long time for the Terror grid- . . . Spirit 01 Homecoming p~ys until the pl?yers get valu- men. The squad moved for 21 by Ralph Wilson termty once agam at the helm able game expel"lence. first downs, 330 yards rushing Intramural action on the grid_ -With the first seven games of EDITOR'S NOTE: The following poem, The Spirict of Home- ~Oregon State's head football ~~!~:~:~nfn a~~ ~~t~::'~t~~were :~~~ :ft ::~~ ~~!sm;h~a~a~~:~ ;~:or~Ch:~~~et~~m:~~~ee~or~:~~ ~~;~i~rdt;~S o~oe~P~~~~:i~~.sU!~~~t~:hf~!I~:i;;m~~; ~uotm:~o~~~: c~ach believes he has fo~md .the spot while the independent team late, I feel it deserves recognition by publication. final solutio_!! for the bIg tIme S tl" ht C k in the league, commonly known An eerie silence pervades the practice f?otball! One squad for defense, por Ig on 00 as the Nads, holds a close sec· That precedes this wondrous day ope squad for offense, and one ond 2-0 slate. Delta Pi Alpha Homecoming-the magic word sQuad to attend classes. \ fraternity brings up third place Seems to echo often but die unheard. by Walt Michael dence has grown so that he is as the Preachers stand even at As mcn prepare to do battle Now that the soccer team has now very much at home on tlle 1-1. The blue and red Gamma Each in his own different way. ~~eog:~o~ow;~l~~: :o:~\~:r~:t~ is Daef~~~~V;ctta~:I~e:;~:in;t~~~ t~!d~Pl~~~n~o:f;;~;s)st~Zve(~n~ !f~~~,:r~I;~:' ;~il~~~e:l~~~ "Let~: ~:f:~~t:fth:~t; and patience. ticed a marked increase in his the Freshmen team have yet to It's Homecoming-the magic day fall, Every The hearts so near of those so far away Shooters Zero In! land's Varsity Western Mary- speed as well as his desire. He taste victory in two attempts. ar;d And men from God seek Wisdom is studded with hasn't Bachelor let up all year, making quarterback a few first year greats. In four the maximum of the opportuni- captain Bob Hollywoo~ led hIS 'Ere the battle will take place. The b~i:eObT~:~U:~:h~f last ~:::, :~:: n~~~~rri~~arhe\;~~h ties afforded to all by the new ~~~~ !~_~h~~~/~~:es~;:~ksha~td The ;hh~S;~tt~~r~:~\~~d b!~~~o.ntestants know year's two championship varsity f?r any appreciable amount of platoon system. \V~ltes, 12-0 over Gamma Beta It's Homecoming-the game of games (remember, there are no minor tIme, nor do they know how Head Coach Ron Jones v>llues ChI, .a.nd 47·0 ~ver th~ f~osh The time to remember forgotten names ~~oi~~'~~~s~~~?iedte~:~~;ret~~ ~~~; ~!~~~~t~\::r~e ~~res:::;~ Russ as ".. a go.odboy to ~ave ~~:~I~n~e;~5 ~~~~!~eTo~ls3~~~e: And ':;;:~t~Oaf~:;l~/~~:bbe~t~~n. I ft if I st season by defeating of our squad isn't made up of around all the tIme, espeCially game. Denny Wool led the rush Then suddenly the deadlock is broken ~oyo~a ~f Baltimore-------1377to these '~fi.r~t year wonders," when the going is Tough. He's while _!I,~ikeKroe and John Car· The crowd has come to its feet. 1330. rather, It IS made. up of. boys a good team man, and he never ey receIved. It's Homecoming-a time to return Qualifiers for Western IIIary- ;I~~ h::I~ aa~~rot~bl~; d:i~!~ ~ complains." Russ, a man of For t~e Nads, it has been A time to relive, a time to relearn .. land included the Big Four- h It' f t tch few wOTds who gets the job Walt IIlIchels and Larry Suder For those who came to do battle Captain Pete Riker, Gordy Shel_ ~a::efrom 13th~nsta~ds~V\ut i~ dOlle, is a welcome change on calli!Ig the signals while Will The scent of victory is sweet. ton, Jim Morgan, and Ira Kle~- hurts to watch it from the the Green and Gold He's the ga;;s, Joe ~mtther: ~nd G~~~ Yet ~~;~a~oe~~~~w;ri~~a~::~~ns~~rn~e k f;:.i, ~~~~t~it:::s~i~:;:~ ;:oa~~ ~€~~~. ,~a~~i~o\h~:n't se~~i~; kind of ball player ·who we as bl~c:in~O~yeBnt D~~le~e::d ~~m It's Homecoming-a time to smile, of his young career. _Their He's playing good, hard, ball. Western Marylanders can be Godoun. A time to linger-to laugh a while scores. were 281, 280, 27o, 275, proud. Russ has kept his nose John Greenleaf throws for the But those who came to do battle and 266 resp~ctively .. The match . Russ, a senior sociology ma- to the grindstone and his eyes Preachers, teaming up with Face their greatest foe-----Despair. ~Vr~sern~h::c~:~dyUn~~eli~~ ::~ ~~iihc~m~p~n\~;t~~n e~~:~~:~ on the gridiron. !;eCakth,B;i~hG7bso~,a~nJ~ow~~~ ThenT~~d~::,~ ~~:,~i1~~I~:V~i~~so~~~ndone. Jim Morgan pulled the Win out and a bucket.ful of deSire. Goldburg. Rick Grey of the It's Homecoming-a time to rejoice----- of the fire for the "Hairy Birds." comes from a rath~r mobile Gamma Betes survived a back To lift in song an aging voice. Four sophomore shooter.s who ATmy h_ame,bUf he·ld~d m~n:g~ Basketball fans will be i~jury an~ conti~ues to pas·s to Even they who came solely to see football are being counted on to lighten to stay In. one.Phac\ ° Igfe ~b11 Jim Mornson, Rich McCanna or Knew a much greater victory had been won. the burden of the Big Four are to let.ter m .hlg ~c o~ 00 a d glad to know that practice Gorden Diggory. The linemen And each of the men in his heart knew well 1 Russ Richardson, Brian Mills, In hiS senior ~a.~. e X aye. for the hoopsters began this are Dave Horten, Tim Hart, and Though even the films would never have revealed :r~~~~. La;~:~~' a;~nBo~reCa:\i ~~~kl~{;~ ~c~oo~ ;~rs Poi~:~~~ past Wednesday. Aspirants ~:sveca~:a~;;:~~i:rfOrL~~~yB~~~ ThOui~e:~~:~n;~!~ =at;':~:h n~:~ :~r~:: field. struggling to obtain the coveted France. ~~:rem~~rt:::n O~n~g~~I~e:V~!~ and Whites as Howard Winblat, He was the Spirit of Homecoming- ;:!~r ~~~~ion. Improvement is sh~pe l~ndOfgot~~g~el;a~olt;k: other running drills. ~~~c~agoe:,~~~~g~:~r~eti'r?~~:~ The ~;:{!~fJ~:: ~:i~~eA~~~~rdS On the bus ride home from top flight ball player in three Travelers on route 140 can and JIm Hartsock back. him up. The fathers, and the friends. Loyola several members ex- years. As a 5'11", 200 pound see a nice green sign with The Fn:s~men, capt~Ine~ ~y pressed the hope that senior Green Terror, Russ didn't I last year's basketball sched. Gary ShIPIrO, field PhIl. Rlg~In It was to him ... and yes, one Other "rookie" Mike Roney will soon muddy a Varsity uniform for ule. as quarterback along With Rick That each owed his smiling face------- ~,:!filioh:~/~:~!:l s~~~e~:ntrib-. ~~~:~e~~ar:to~;t t~~s:.~ar c~~fi~I ~~~~~:~::ty. Bob Wesley, and For it had been victory without arrogance. Anonymous And not defeat without disgrace.
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