Page 8 - TheGoldBug1965-66
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2 The Gold Bug, Oct. 22, 1965 Vigilance Begets Protection Coffeehouse Lends Ethnic Touch to Campus; tho~~:m~t~:::~t~'::~:':::';~:j.~:i~O:.i~t~:n~tI~:,~~:!:';::Og~~~:~A llttle Cosmopol"ltan"lsmGoes A Long Way by the student body at large. Granted, the majority of campus concern with the SGA was negative; but, at least someone no- ticed that the organization exists. • . I think the SGA deserves our thanks for their efforts to by K_aTfm a.nd Michael Ldoine the n;iddle of the room, part .of straighten out the confused maze that constituted our scheduling With th.e arrival of Deacon a .chlcken. coop that was mrs- procedure last year. None of us want to repeat the rnix-upa that David Poist at 158 Penn~yl- TON I' H T laid happily, an odd. assortment ~:~~It:;d b:o!:oo~;a:i~~~i:!j~ra:i:~nt~ bc~~~el1i~~e~O:~p~~~~~~~ ~~~~~esA;::eu~k~o:;la~;a:i.l~~! ~!u;:ebl~~e a~~ad~~i~~:i ~~~dl~! affairs. ~~~~~;~(~h~;l~~~ :~h~h~~~~ ~natere~p C~;:k~~~~g~~~d~lothS, Th~ SGA S~nate (composed of representat!ves W~ elect) is ern Maryland College campus, As of now, the coffee house not trymg to railroad thr~u~h a set of ~egulat1o~s ~dlOus to t~e David Pcist has initiated and opens only on Friday. How- stud~nt body. They are .trymg to establish a guideline that will carried through plans for es- IS AS GOOD A TIME AS ANY ever" if increased interest is provide t.he ~east confusion and t~e most benefit for the campus tablishing a coffee house. shown it will be open as long at. large. Bemg. merely students, hke the rest?f us,. they do ma~e The coffee house (still lack- and as often as demand re- mistakes,. as. evidenced by the passage of Article SIX. When this ing an official name) is now a TO SAMPLE THE DRINKS AND DIALOGUE quires. Some talk goes on happens It .IS up ~o US, the governed, to protest and demand a dimly lighted, welcoming reali- about a regular Sunday after- change-th~s we did. . ty. On Friday nights from noon jam session. For the . If we Ig~ore and condemn the SGA :or Inc?mpetence, who eight o'clock to midnight, stu- IN THE COFFEEHOUSE present it's a good place for re- Will be watching to prevent. other ~egulatlo~s being passed that dents and faculty of the college, laxing with a cup of coffee af- we do not support. By taking an mterest In the affairs of the and various others gather for ter "Ride the Wild Surf" at SGA, be it positive or negative interest, we can have an orgamza, coffee, conversation, and enter- AT 158 PENNSYLVANIA A VENUE. the Carroll Theater. tion that stands for our interests and concerns on campus. Only tainment. Volunteer student waitresses then will it become an effective arm to protect the students. The customers provide the en- do the necessary work in the LMS tertainment. During the past kitchen and help with serving. ==================Ifour weeks since the coffee The Canterbury Club, under Money May Be En Route, · ~oe~Sthha:sbe:;n~~~n, fer:~rt~~~ share in whatever little or. big how crowded the coffee house ~haet:;~;~t~~sO~~~~~id~:tg!t~i~~ talent promptu musical performances, mo~e) . nnghtl becomes there always se:ms to thls project (or one under way .. How- contribute to a well-designed dramatic dia- have. People lt "I S art be room for one more m the ever much of the impetus and ec Althou~h Among th;s c~utter of people, factors, notably, a real ccopera- walls these Ch k SoCla ecurl y logue by two professors, to gen- work for the sake of the bare general c1ut~er. manpower has come from other walls. erul free-for-all discussion. in~~e :o~~u V~~i~~S:e~e~~~~ea~f ~~;r;sc~rc~~rll o:~~ma~~r ~o~?~ :~~:f~~~~;~ve~~~a~u~~~~s.t~~ ~~~ :~~~~~~tr:~ro~e.nts, faculty, Will social security help pay .. different coffees .and a few hors onglllal work. And no matter I aCCidental red bnck chimney lD The coffee house is now com- ;~:~;~~~:e n;,XPb~te~helt~a1'e~~~~~e~t~~a~::~~,£iJrsabbei~~t~S:rOfr;~:~os~v~~~·tt~ti: s~~l~: ~~~:eS~t JiomeLo.l.y Ilrp 'J'Le'''e.' ~~~~~~t~f~~~~t~W~l~pdpe~r~~din~hoi~ tion is not so ridiculous as you tIrement; adVise the;n to get.In fers ~ore than JUs~ food. At In. means anything anyone wishes may think. Because of a very t~uc~ with the SOC1alsecurl~y first It offered a tmy people· 'D U1 Uj I to contribute .. a little poetry, ~~~~: l~~,nf~e i~o~~~l;o~:~e~~ ~:;~;:th~~~e?;~nm;;~t:~:ee/he~r ~~:~~~ ~~~~ra~~v~ ~:et~e:~n~! ~i~~~tl~rSjO~s;'aSo~~ ~~~d~cl~~; paid to sons and daughters of Th~ dIstrict office for thiS hlghly mterested folk tore the cup of java. ~~~- ~~!~~~~in::~:a~~~ n~~ :~~~~:: ;:~S~~,aif2~rOY.I~~~tg~i~4~!~:~~wa~o!~'~~~re is a little more Dancing to Our Doom? Parking /Plan ~.ntiJ a~e 2\if lthe stu~e~lt :on- ~~~srs~~~me:~:i:g~O u~t~IO8~~~ ~~hink, :~~: a~ bl:S~:~ l~t~~r~~seO~h: s~ciall~~ pm. . .. room to participate, to curity payments stop at age 18. ., . Irks Student Take ~~:y ~~s;c~;oIJOhn x. GUEST EDITORIAL The gO~~r~:l~}~f~=,Harold ~~~l~ ~nt~: rd~:~~~~~ar:rrea~:~ In the I.ast year st~dents who His father was killed in an au- ;L 1 . Hughes (a M"thodist), has just picted in the Waltz, Minuet, or have regl&tered thel:cars. on ,L ~J. r. years It accident tomobile Since the late Mr. X had "renluS ror tne iVIR'!J come out against "half-clad and even the Virginia Reel. campus have become mcreasmg_ three ago. gyratmg ~oung ,\omen"-an From the Charleston ill the ly aware of a problem that was been covered by social security obvIOUSleference to the danc- Twenties to the JItterbug In the non-exIstent until the creabon for a number of years, pay- Now that the GOLD BUG has received notification of its ing that takes place on T.V.'s Forties, to Presley's pelvic of a ~ew administration p~st: ments totalling $160.00 every financial situation for the coming year, its staff finds that there Hullabaloo and Shindig. The jerks in the Fifties, to the the Director of the PhYSical month have been going to John is enough money left over to treat the deserving members of our chief executive of that sov- Frug, Pony, and Watusi in the Plant. With the advent of this and his widowed mother ever campus community to cymbidium (not the big kind) orchids. ereign mid-western state speaks Sixties, twentieth century man vague title arrived an even since. John, an only child, will Our first orchid goes to MR. RICE for his consistent per- for a large segment of Ameri- has been dancing out his lack vaguer and more elusive holder become 18 next February. Un- formance in the dining hall. With almost rigid fortitude he has can society \vhich is enamored of meaning. The abrasiveness of it. The problem of which I der the old law that would be managed to serve his clients tbe Same Old Food without the a la with the superficial. and brokenness of all forms of speak is that of parking. There the end of the monthly surviv_ mode-the Same Old Food we had last year, and the year befo'rc·: Symbol of the Times? twisting (inherently ali"n to are now so many restrictions or8 benefits except for what and the year before that. His menus are a WMC tradition, in R. R. Marett has observed \Vestern culture) pose the ques- and no parking areas that one John's mother would receive as spite of the fact that those little steaks make fewer and fewer that the "meaning of life is tion, "Where has meaning has to carry a copy of the park_ a widow at age 60. Under the appearances, and that the baker quit because he found more pay danced out before it is thought gone?" or as a recent chapel ing regulations (along with new law the payment of a?out elsewhere. We are behind you, BARNEY, because there's no way out." We could also say that speaker put it, "Who stole the U: ~. Army Transportation ~o- $80.00 per month may continue of getting out of paying for board if we're resident students. life's lack of meaning is danced cookie from the cookie jar?" glstIcs Manual TFM 30-69) WIth to John, but not to his mother, And, for the second and last orchid presentation-for we on. out before it is conSCiously re· Invoh'ement Frightens Us him to see where the residents until he reaches 22 if he con- ly have a surplus of $1.50---we would like to salute all the alized. What other kin·d of A profounder·element in the of his dorm, on his floor, with tinues to attend some recog- PEOPLE ·IN THE PUBLICITY DEPARTMENT of Elderdice dancing would you expect in a· meaninglessness evidenced in his size tires are supposed to nized school full time. who have managed to keep WMC's name out of the headlines and Discotheque in the latter half modern dancing is exposed by park on cloudy Thursdays. The The situation of Mary K. il- into obscurity, so that when WMC students tell a stranger "I go of the twentieth century? The William Stringfellow when he regulations this year even con. lustrates another point to keep to Western Maryland College," he is met by one of several re- Minuet? Hardly. The stately, remarked, "popular dancing ~ider bicyc.les eligible for tickets in mind. Mary received a so- actions: • dignified symmetry of· that avoids involvement with others If parked III the wrong place. cial security benefit of about 1.) Listener looks amazed and asks, "Where is that? I've. eighteenth century dance was and becomes a solitary exercise It is utterly ridiculous that $45.00 every month beca~se her lived in Maryland for thirty ycars and I've never heard of it." Rppropriate for a time when with many characteristics of a girls must park their cars be_ f::~e;a~~~;;t~~~~ ~~~ :!~~h:~ Mar;i~n~~~~ener asks, "Is that a division of the University of ~t~f:?se~~:~n t~o~~hl~~:: .~~: ~~~t~~~ste:~~r~:~~:rti~ndw~~~~ ~;odnv!In~~~:d ~~~~ty \~~l!b!~: 18. Mary graduated last June 3.) Or listener asks, "Is that a teachers' college?" airy gaiety of this nineteenth lesque your own body but never have to park in the area be- and now has a full time job. 4.) And then there is the enthusiastic listener who says, "Oh, century dance refl~cted the op- touch or hold or embrace your tween the girls' dorms. Resi_ Even though she is not going yes, my father/mother/brother/aunt/uncle/cousin/sister and/or timism of the West.before 1914. partner, and, in fact, just dance dents of Albert Norman Ward on in school she or her parents grandparents went there. A fine school." Who Stole the Cooki" . . . alone, as if beguiled with the must park their cars beside Gill may still claim the amount due Yes, WMC can be called a fine school. To paraphrase Noah The Minuet and the Waltz thought of involvement but still Gym when there is more than her under the new rule from Webster, "It is a small school but there are those who love it." have as much place in the twen- afraid to. become involved." ad e qua t e space behind that February through June 1~65 (And then, of course, there ar~ those who don't.) tietb century as the sedan chair The "gyratio~s" deplored by dorm. Not only. students, but becausc she was attendmg These orchid recipients have much to do with our feelings and the spinning wheel. A the governor Will not go away also the faculty IS made to suf_ school then. toward WMC. We hope they will think on these things as they century which has produced simply by condemning them. fer, although they are more re- IfcyoO~a~~o~vO~;la~;:~:iti~the medi~~~e~~dL~ni~~~ t~~~fffl~;V:~~~ to report that the 1110ney ~~:n~:~~tra~u~~~~~~~: OfSc~~~ ;::s~~e;f: f:~~1~a:hew~~:st~~~ ~~~l~~;:i~-~~l~i~~yp~;~~~:i:.eM,.. 18-22 age bracket who has at- sit«ation is 1·e'l)ersed; the GOLD BUG ollJes the Administratill'lI Alice, anq the anti-hctero-sex- they .ask, "Where are healing, I a~k that Mr.. Willis rech?n- tended school or is attending $1.50. B«t lIJe thouuht,Y01~'d enjoy knowing hOllJ wc would spend ual, death over life themes·of meamng, and the grace to be nel hIS efforts mto somethmg school, and who might qualify 8w·pil(S 1/lon('y if 10e ever had any. James Bond novels and films is found?" useful, perhaps the numerous ========";"=================~===-":-~=~~====~ Ith! ~rS%;C!;~ai:r;:o;eh~nd:n~~~ ~~~ar~~t~~mc~~p~:,n;:;~~: t:;~ WANTED Did You Bring Your Toboggan?~~~O~r::e ~·~~~ivo~et~va~o~v~~iz:~~~~l~~~~~!;~~~!io~~h petty and PERSONS TO WORK ON CAMPUS NEWSPAPER by Ace Already a junior girl has through this century. D.G.H. ==================_, 1\V.i~~~t~:~e~~~ng~aCtol~~f~.~~t~:~ ::~e~o at~~ ~~::g~ ~::ink;e:o THE GOLD BUG ~;s~ ;;~:ein~l~~:nt~:o~.~~s:b:~~:~ use crutches. And this hap- 'IIrou"II lieIJ 50 lens are still shining from bright pened on a dear sunny day. :Jj 9fficial.student newspl!-per of Western Maryland College, summer days of yore, you will What will happen when there's k~~~~:dedasb~-~~~~l~laos~;~It~~~ ;:Othe ~e~\eO~~e,t~~~f!in~l~~: soon be whipped and whirled ice and snow slickening it up? Maryland 21157 under Act of March 3 1879 about by the turbulent WINDS How many legions of nonacro- What's New, Pussycat? , , . ~; ~~~ :oI,~,~;~i~; ~~~~~batic students will slide an? fall __ -=-============:_ __ I:~n;! Ca~;lb~~~~~~~hr~~~ ~~~~;, !~~:eY:~~/beAs:~iohUOS~VY~n~:~e~~ LINDA lU. SPEAR and-worst of all, ice-it is Ull· And the very worst thing about Editor-in-Chief bearable, insufferable, and, in the path-even worse than ac- by R&n IAebml1-1l ·Woody Allen's original screen doesn't this FEARING afraid The person next to me rol- pJay. ALVA BAKER Business Manager 4\ 7- , short inhuman. tually falling-is This creates licked with .laughter ~t Pet:er say.very I'm much for the author's ;' No~v, when you st.oP to think that one will fall. PRESS about it what has been done to ulcerous conditions in the stom- Sellers havlllg an lllfantIle comIC talents. Murphy Alice Cherbonnier humani;e our wild and wicked· ach and coupled with dining temper tantrum, he rolled in The story is that of a male Judith Rowe William McClary weathered campus? Well, Ot- han' food: this could lead in ex- the aisles at the mad. ch~se fashion editor (Pe~r
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