Page 7 - TheGoldBug1965-66
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Library "teenern Maryland College ,t Meet W4t Sportlight Honor (t;iiTh ~ug on Court Cook P.4 P.6 Vol. 43, No.2 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND October 22, 1965 Experimental Theatre Sparks New Era in Drama William Patterson Speaks Campus Petition ''Kid Blue," Eisenberg's One Act Play, On Oliver Wendell Holmes Arouses Debate; Appears '1n the Round" at Alumni Hall Article Six Out ne:~Ki~x~!~~~le~~1 p~~~e~et!~~ ~~~~~,~ed from his own when it is presented in Alumni The play is being The one piece of SGA legisla, Hall October 22 and 23 at 8:15 represent the terr-itory ticn which has caused mu~h re- pm. This expressionist play mind, with a free flow cent campus controversy IS Ar- written by Larry Eisenberg 'GS, ment between the finite tide 6 of'the new scheduling is the first of many projects to finite divisions of procedures: "There shall be no be presented by this group. The audience will be open or closed fraternity or so. Larry, a sophomore, has been a semicircle on the Alumni rority functions one weekend supervised in the writing of the stage. Four aisles will :'_ ••,." ..... ",»:" prior to or one weekend after play by Mr. William Tribby, through the audience to any of the four major dances." assistant professor of dramatic smaller stages at This article was once again a art, who will also direct. Set- and elevated above main topic of debate at the SGA tlngs lind lighting will be de- area, similar to the' Senate meeting October 11. signed and supervised by Mr. folds" of the medieval Jeny Solomon, also assistant In the center there will be Debate Is Heated professor in the department. other acting area and, back Frank Rinehart moved that Associate professor Est her this, an elevated stage. William Paterson AJ Oliver Wendell Holmes. Jr. ~~~mS:~:t~c;eed~ri:~ Z:!~~~ur~ ~~it~!1;~u~~arge of costuming Th:it~~~eb::~ePil::i~;a~layed W~l~~~y ~:~~~:~n OC~~~~~n~~ representation." :;~t:i':i~~nteo~:r st;o~e;t ~~~~!:The p~~~::7g~~ ~l~~~bes the ~~e ~:;~t:E~~~~s~~';~~~~~~s P~~ his one-man show, "A Profile of Covering topics from the signatures. The validity of the playas an expression of "the tricia McNally, William Mc- The Theater is designed to Holmes" Mr. Patterson's ap- problems of wa.r and peace to petition was then questioned on alienation of man from his own Clary, Richard McCall, John be a learning experience for the pearan~e in Alumni Hall was the art of readll_lg good litera- several counts. Some members life. It witnesses the gradual Balderson, Charles Hi c key, student actor, and it will give ~~~: o~'~o~;:~~,~Vhi~h'~~~f:~~~~~~~'g~.~~tdj~~i~~I.c\:a~rtri~~~lr!~~~ :~a;ed~~J;d ~~ ~~~d~~o~~~ ~~~e~ro~a~iSre\t~~~d a~:d ~~~:;: ~~:i~r~~.f::~~if,P~to\;~~~h~~;~ ~~:. st~tde~~slla :l~~nc;i;~ p:;~ from coast to coast. spr-inkled with WIt, for. Holmes knowing both sides of the argu- himself. . The place of action sock, and Harry Collins. audiences a more intimate con- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., was well known for his anec- ment. Others were of the ojnn. is the .mind of one man. Ea~h Seating is li~ited to. one hun- tact with the productions by who has been called "the most dotes and repartee. ion that it was not circulated scene IS.a separate thought m dred each evening. Tickets a:e use ~f the arena and the the- complete personality in the his- 1\1r. Patterson has had twen- widely enough, or that it did th~t mJl:d, and each thought $.50 a~d may be purchased mater m the .round. . . tory of American thought," ty-five years of professional not give a true picture of the drives him closer to the pomt Mcpamel Hall office begmm~g The mum stage IS .bemg earned his reputation as one of theatre background. He cur- students' opinions. There were, where he becomes completely Friday, October 15. Mr. Tnb- ;;d~Pted fo~, the p:esentatlOn of the great jurists of the English rently is a member of the staff they contended, many students Kid Blue, but. m the ~uture speaking world when he served of the Cleveland Playhouse, who would have signed a peti- th.e Band Room m AI~mm Hall :~e!:sOC~:~rtJU~~iCet:: tteni~:d ~\~~~~:an~ed~;:c~~I~s a~:Il.bu~~: ~~; ~~~!~e!ls~n~':~ti~;~ t~:~Dr. Willioms World Troveler ~vl~~e~eO~S~~I:;~S.~O~S~~I~:~~~~ States from 1902 to 1932. Of script for "A P r ofi 1e of off-campus housing was poorly , lmental Theater bnngs to We~t- ~iiJ~~~~e:.a~~~S~n~gCp~~tr~~~: ~~~r~!'; ~~~St)~~.:al;~t~:s~~ ~~~tG:~~. and represented on ,lectures on ''DisciplineshipII ~:; J!r~~~~~t:dt~ent~:a~;rd ,~~~:~~ a ~O~m~~p~:t~O~~I~t~l~e~~;~n;: ~~~~~~dThOeV~~o\!h~a:~Srtst~or~~ Article 13 Tabled Dr. Colin W. Williams, r----::;=---..I to make it difficult to remember sented in London, where it re- S G A president Daniel Mc- n.oted lectur~r from the Na- that this is, in fact, an actor's ceived enthusiastic reviews. Cready briefly summarized the tlonal Councl.l of Chu.rches of =========1=======.== I~~~:o~~~:rb;~~:~:,h::cr:i~:: t~~ ~~e.¥~~':;~,wIgC:b:; m chapel Norman Braden Presents Series: ::re:~~:~I:I:~~;v~~e~p~~rt~~~;~ "8 . p. . I fOb· t·· "dates without having to compete ship." Dr. Williams will Postdoctoral the G~~~i~~:~ ~~PI~'~~;Ci~I~~:aYand Fellowships aSlc rlnClp es'0 Jec IVlsm ~i:hp:~:;~!~:~ ~~~l:~f~;r%~:: ;:cct;l~~sa~h~I~;~d=~t i~o~lu~l:~ ce~t~~~6-~~:7:er:dn~: ::~n:r:~~ f:~;U~:lna~~:S~~~r ~:1~~~~~ ~a::O~:i~tf~~r~~:n:l~:~~aa~~~ ~::::;::~~~~~C~-~~~~:f ;:~~i~!~e~Fric:f;J.I!,a~~ ~~~:m~;~rl~ ~~~:~;~r::~!,!i~i;:,g~~~:E~:; about her philosophy at the during an extended question by a vote of 15-8, with one Writes Booklets 13, 1965. opening of the Washington, and answer period following member abstaining and one ab_ Seniors Are Eligible D. C. series of "Basic Princi- the lecture. sent. These scholarships are open pies of Objectivism: The Phi- to college seniors, graduate stu- losophy of Ayn Rand." The . ~1~nIs An End. ticle"13 of the procedures be re- toria, Australia, the SOil dents working toward a degree, ~ecture, offered b~ the N~than- ObJectiVIsm, as a phllosphy, pealed. This article reads: "The Methodist Circuit Rider. postdoctoral students, and oth- leI Branden InstItute, wIl! be maintains as one of its major SGA shall set aside no more attended Wesley College with equivalent training h~ld Tuesday, Octob:r 26,Hat P?ints "that man is an end in than eight and no less than six Melbourne University and, e~~e~~~~~~s ~il t~~P~~~~e~ t ~~J;OI:Pi:e ~ho~;,hO~~~~:tiC~t ~;~:e~:, ot~~~.s~h;~auns~lf~e ;~~ ~~;s-I~~r ~eC~~.1~~::~o~h::te~~ ~oi~:; ~~~ f\~~d~:~~;, at and will be judged sole- !'-ve. and .Calvert Street, ~. W., hIS own sake with the achieve- no more than four social func_ bourne University. basis of ability. Those )~ :Va.shmlton· t :h~ p.rlc$2~: ment of rational.self:intere~t as tion weekends set aside per se- . From 1947 to 1950 Dr. Wil- books. r~~ui:::d~teta~~va~~: :n~I;~~O~th~~s~ $3.~~. IS . !:~ri~~~~ ~m~~/'~ ~~~t;re::mester o~ any SChOO~year:" ~~a~llsD;:~eW~dhe~i;gi:!¥di;Sem~~itYInde1~I~erhe returned to Aus- Gra~u.ate Record Examina!ion Branden Lectures nOI' sacrlficmg others to hlm- A motIon tabled dlScusslon of nary in the United States. and t. I' t k f th M th d admmlstered by the Educatlon- an~athp~;~~~en~ra~~enN!:~~:i:~ self." Article 13 until a later meeting. received his Bachelor of Dlvin- i~: C~u;c~vf~ Me~~our~e.. e~r~~ ~;, ~~~t~n~t~~:v~:si;a~~uc~;: •