Page 15 - TheGoldBug1965-66
P. 15
The Gold Bug, Nov. 5, 1965 3 Adler Extolls Virtues 01 "TangerineFlake~' Dr. David Reports on India: by Roger Bennet AcUfl1' personalities, and art forms. ciety which is suffering from a take of showing us how we per- -'Backwards" Are AdVf"'II";'II'11 I don't want this to sound These have nothing to do with bad case of the worries. The mit ourselves to be dominated UJ •• J like I idolize the guy, but Tom the "Establishment," which big question is "am I cool!" by the trivial, and unimportant. by Dr. D'avid ployees in governmental posts. Wolfe is definitely "what's hap- treats them as vulgar and cern- "am I in?" The richest coun- You can't hide from Tom Wolfe. Indians, like Americans, have Thus there is real benefit to be pening." He's kind of hard to mon, but rather express the try in the world, and everybody He"U expose your phoniness, recognized that they have in obtained by having your caste describe. He doesn't just talk- ordinary American's sense of wants to be a kid! A place your gimmick, your cool, give their midst a number of disad- or social economic group labelled .he says something. He's like form and beauty. where the battle of the bulge is him time. vantaged people. Like us they "backward," At one time after the Rolling Stones-a way of The book is divided into six. fought constantly by little old Give Tom Wolfe a read-you have concluded that something a listing was published bv the ,li~e. parts. The first part is ab~ut ladie.s in toreador pants and ~ay like him or you may hate should be done to remove the Government of Mysore 'State "Tom Wolfe, no relation to ~he new culture makers: which tennis shoes (black !ow-cuts). hl~-he may even make you disadvantages. listing the backward classes for his famous namesake, grew up include the Las _Vegas syn- A place wher~ Eros IS banned think. In India there are three purposes of admission to the in Richmond, Virginia; grad- drome.'. the or?"amzer of the and Hen~y Miller's ExU8 b.ooks ---- groups for whom the govern- universities and the government ~~~dU:i~:~sit;~a~h~~gt~~k a~~ ~e,~~~t~;PP~~~~~:i~~~~:: P~i~ :~~/~~~~te~h:~dc~:~r~~~;~~::~ Scholar Believes ~:~:n ~~~tic~~:r ~~~~:~~. h;~; ~~::iC~S~n~~~~~:~!e~att~o~~~:t:~~ Doctorate (in American Stud- Spector (developer of the at a nunnery. It's a place of (Continued from page 1) the benefit of the fermer un- that they had not been called ies) at Yale. He was a reporter Righteous Broth~rs), and th.e people looking the same, talk- Author of Fifteen Books touchables and the tribal pea- "backward." Indeed, eve r- y for the Washinuton Post for new breed of artists-the Cali- 109 the same, and of course not During the crisis situation in pies the government in New group seeks to be identified in :~:~rai/;~:3~:~or;J~~n~~r~~~ ~~r:i:on~::nsK~:~:iZ:~~ c~:~~ ~;r~~!h, ~~~~~~no~en~~" ~~:~~: ~~~re~l~h:f C~~;~' s: 3~~~~~l~~~:dinh:\h:ts~e~cr~:r~sl~ti~i~ :~;;l~:a;/~~ ~~~~;Yf~:c::sv!~; T'riinrne in 1962, and was the nttes: including Cassius Clay, body wants to be wearing "in" Nations and WHO consultant. mum of seats in each of the real benefits which it carries. winner of two Washington Junior Johnson, and the guy clothes, dance the "in" dance, He was also Moder-ator of the various legislatures are reserv- And once they have been en- Newspaper Guild awards, one who edited Conjidlrntial, just to date the "in" girls, and talk the Conference on "Science in the ed for them. There ar-e also rolled as a bona fide backward for humor and one for foreign name a few. "in" talk. Eveybody' afraid, Advancement of the New other programs designed to be class, they bend every effort to news. He now wr-ites regular- The last half of KKTFSB in- They're not sure of what, but States" at the Weizmann Insti- helpful to them. However, it is maintain themselves. in their Iy for the HeraJ.d Tribmte's Sun- eludes a Metropolitan Sketch- the bomb is a pretty good ex- tute in Israel in 1960, and of the third category which has low status, day magazine, New York, as book, a discussion of Status CURe. the University of Chicago col- created the most difficulties in The High Cour-t of Mysore well as for Esqlti1'e and Harp- Strife and High Life (why it's What Is Wolfe! loquial on "Radiation in Man's practice. This is the group de- a~d the Supreme Court of In. er's Bazaar." harder and harder to ~ake ends So Tom Wolfe writes two ur- Environment" .in 1960. sCl"i.bedin the Constitution of d~a repeatedly hav had to ?e- 7 H' ';ol~e!S ~bje7~~~~ef(a1!dy ;::fl;'1S l~:;s:~~ry ~~St~~)';;~ticJes cutting up William Shawn ov!~r. fi~~!~~r ~oo~: aa~~or h~! ~~~~~e:'~' tt~i;:~~hee~t~:~k~:~~~ ~;~~iv~~!:; o~e~~~d~~;mt~~t~~: Kol:ed;~rin/J Flake york sty.le. The latt~~ section and the Nell) Yorker and you'd written many film, tele."ision war? Classes are ~ot ~ranted BackwaTd Classes," The courts StrCUl1nline Baby, is a compiJa- IS ~ p:lr~lcularly d~fill1tlve work t.hink they'd jl1st found out that and radio features, He IS t.he 5pe~la! representatIOn 1Il the have tl~rown out law tion of articles which have ap- which wmds. up With a chapter '.he Jolly Green Giant is ql1eer. founder·member and chalr-. legislatures, they hav~. been ?n Val".IOUSgrounds: that It 1S ~e:r:~in~~. ~t~lf~o~~~~~ne~o:~~ calledS~;: :;!i~;a~;r~=snplCx.Wild! He ~omes out with this ~:i~ishofSci~hn~e~~~~~~~;:o~e~~: ~~::;e~t:~d s~~cl:;~~ ~n;::~~~;~ ~7aPt~~~lb~~f~; ~~~ido:r~t~\~~k: ser!ations of emerging customs, Tom "Wolfe writes about a 90- ~::~ ~~n:~1 ~f ~n~~:d:i~ ~~~~ ~~. :!S~~i:SoonU~:1 t~~ ~:v~:;!~ ?1~rhlgphe~l~e~~~~~tlO~fa~~\: s~~: wal"dic!~~itn~!d1~nU;!~~ 510 reo ;.:=======:: I,========~~~~h~;:~t!:~~aat~~~, ~~a;:~;rtN:~ito~!l S~~eenc~eti~e~bgeo~;~t~ I'-____:-K-N-E-E':_S-O-C;-K-S--'r------ __ , ELDERSBURG BUY YOUR FLOWERS FOR ~; i~p~~~~ra~er~i~~~~,th:n~r~~:; ~~eN~~ft~~A~~~~ao\~~nn~~i~n:~ By BA~~~~Er~~p ROTC HAIRCUTS The Phi Alpha Mu ADLER be'v's7. ~O;'~~~io~~ICfE~~HiYe ~e~~!~ RADIO FALL FORMAL :~!l;l~~1t~:~!b~;:~:~. J. ~dgarl,profeS50l" of In~erna.tional Re~a- SPORT STOCKINGS crea (llke Dr. Pnce, RCA VICTOR Stewart Hoover, and motherhood). tions at the UmverSlty "f Bdm- By Westminster Shopping DUMONT - EMERSON Tom Wolfe makes the mis- burgh in 1961. BONNIE nOON Center - In Arcade DUTTERER'S Price's India Campus Hosts Bands T. W. MATHER Hours: Mon, . Wed. 9 _ 6 Thurs. " Sat, 9 - 9 At Game Saturday & SONS DOUG RHOTEN, Prop. Phone TIlden 8-3620 LECKRON WTTR GULF SERVICE AM • FM W. MAIN & PENNA. AVE. , Westminster, Md. Each Keepsake setting is TI 8-6929 TI8-9876 a masterpiece of design, re- Road flecting the full brilliance WESTMINSTER and beauty of the center dia- MARYLAND Service mond ... a perfect gem of flawless clarity, fine color and metiCUlous modern cut. The name, Keepsake, in the ring and on the tag is your as- Serving You: surance of fine quality. Your very personal Keepsake is now at your Keepsake ..' Maryland Hotel Jeweler's store. Find him in the yeIIow pages under "Jewelers." Supply Co., Inc. 225·227 S. 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