Page 17 - TheGoldBug1965-66
P. 17
The Gold Bug, Nov. 5, 1965 5 Dr. David Reports w,l,:di:~:"'.:it~h"';h~~,IU~i~~ Should Viet Cong Win? ser~~o~t~~:e~h~romh p~ge :) ~l~:;r~~I~J;ni~l~h~~a~~t~ oCt;;; - I . d n. a .0 ,the are trying to deal with a aitua- James Mellon and Eugene U. S., but many of the lectures ii:~:.sfo~n ba~k~~=;~o~~!ss~~st~~d tion i~volving. th~ existence in Genovese are two outspokenlcr.iticized the U. S. policy in so forth. ,In 1964 the Su~reme ~¥~:m~d;! o:'l~~s~~::c~~~gedu;e~~ American professors who have Viet Nam. Court decided th~t backward- lean} whetherwe are d1scover- caused much c o n t r 0 v e r e y 1--------, ness sh~uld be decld~d solely .on ing ways of approaching the through their voicing of osten, OPEN AN ACCOUNT ~~~e~a~~:v~~gOC~~:s~~~o:at~;:sl~fproblem whi~h will be uS,efuJ to sibly An~i-A~erican opinions on ENDICOTI DAVID'S JEWELLERS caste entirely aside. And now ~~~miea~.:e~ll~;~ t~~!:ea~n t~~n the war m Viet Nam. Th.e iss~e the m~s~ backward ecaeee are strive to resolve the same difff- they have brought to light IS JOHNSON 19 East Main Street co.mplammg that all the benefits culty. whether teachers should have SHOE COMPANY Westminster, Maryland ~~~~a~~tOad~:~ta~:~be:~m%u~i~ freedom of speech. tie~ ~::st~:n t~~h~:~h~~~\een Parents' Day Plans atA:u~~~~~g~n~::~~~!; t:~:~d faced but fully answered is how (Continued from page 1\ tember 29, which lasted from 10 10 W. Main Street to provide professional and oc- ested in meeting with parents pm to 6 the following morning. cupational oppor-tunity for vic- of freshmen in order that they The Committee for Freedom, as Westminster, Md. Compliments of: tims of prejudice without im- might answer any questions it called itself, was to have dealt ~:;:l;:st~~dqu:~~ty e~ei~~~ypr~ ~~~~~~~~n~ts~\~~~~~~ ~~~~YI~;d\~'i:::th:...:,,:::ad:':::m:::i'~f:::":::'d:::o:::m_i:::n_:t:::h':..'::=======~ GEIMAN'S FURNITURE the civil service. Whether those College. The Thanksgiving who have been discriminated Play, previously scheduled for XEROX 914 PHOTOCOPYING against should be given special Saturday night, hall been post- Perfect Copies On Ordinary Paper treatment, 01' as some of us paned one week. might phrase it, whether there In the morning, parents will From Bound Material Or Single Sheets should be an official policy of be allowed to sit in on classes QUALITY CLEANERS & LAUNDERERS Prompt Service - Reasonable Rates ~~s:r:~~v~~~~ !;it~eVaer~~~a;n!~~ ~~: ~~!~~sWi~~~e\~~~ne:,~us:e;~ 1 So. Center Street, or Englar Road firmative. The leaders reccg- dence halls from 12:00 noon to MARYLAND BUSINESS SERVICE, INC. ~:z~;~:dt~n~:~pt:t~ta;:~~~s ~~~: 6:00 pm. 257 E. Main St. Tel. 848-7155 Westminster, !'tid. LAUNDERING - DRY CLEANING - TAILORING cial privileges that go with in- Garment Storage & Linen Rental Service ferior status. Nevertheless, they are satisfied that their Service for Students in WMC Student Center polky is right for them. 'G. C. MURPHY CO. Phone 848-2848 Monday through Friday 85 W. Main St. Westminster, Md. 21157 9 :00 O'clock Until 3 :00 O'clock Daily COMPLETE Gifts for All Occasions VARIETY STORE ANGELO'S ITALIAN DINING ROOM NORCROSS CARDS Main Street YOU?' Portrait: Photographer ITALIAN & AMERICAN FOOD SORORITY MASCOTS Westminster Porterfield Studio of Photography COCKTAIL LOUNGE Hamilton House 77 E_ Main Street Westminster, Md. Opposite Post Office BOWL Order Your CREPE PAPER, Always Insist on the Finest. in Meats and Meat Products GOOD HEALTH With Ask for TO ALL DECORATION and OPPORTUNITY Chief PARTY GOODS MYERS' from in A Complete Line of Fresh and Smoked Meats For a future with a well Frankfurters and Cold Cuts REXALL DRUGS known Midwest Manu- Your Club Colors Made from Finest Meats facturing Firm. We are SCHMITI'S now offering exclusive at WM. F. MYERS' SONS, INC. distributorships for a patented product. No P. G. COFFMAN Westminster, Md. TI8-8710 Russell Stover Candy e o m p et.i t iun. Factory trained personnel will as- Company sist you in setting up a tried and proven adver- Times Bldg. Sandwich tising and merchandising PATIO program. 100% mark THE CANDY BOX SHOP up. Investment guaran- teed. Minimum invest- West Main 8L 848-6860 ment $],000. Maximum Featuring Hie Hamburgers $14,000. All replies con- Westminster Thiek Milk Shakes fidential. For informa- Pteeee _ Subs tion write Director of Finest Homemade Candy French Fries - Shrimp Boats Marketing, P. 0_ Box Salted Nuts Homemade Do-Nuts 14049, S1. Louis, Mis- Inside Seating Plus Other Sandwiches souri 63178. Mints Rt. 140. E. of Westminster Phone 848-5860. UNITED MARKETING KELLY'S SIEGMAN'S COMPANY TEXACO SERVICE THE TIMES STATIONERY STORE 6828 Bartmer Avenue Westminster Shopping SL Louis, Mo. 63130 HOME, SCHOOL and Center OFFICE SUPPLIES Westminster, Maryland Westminster TI 8-3460. 47 E. Main St. 848-5553 TEXACO HAVOLINE EXCLUSIVE Westminster, Md. GASOLINE OIL FRANCHISE GENERAL COMUERCIAL PRINTERS Amazing new liquid plastic coating used on all types of surfaces interior or exterior. Eliminates waxing when ap- plied on Asphalt Tile, Vinyl, This puhlleat.ion is from Linoleum, Vinyl Asbestos, Hard Wood, and Furniture. Completely eliminates paint- ing when applied to Wood, Metal, or Concrete surfaces. This finish is also recom- mended for boats and auto- IS OUR mobiles. Singing goes better refreshed. Carroll Theatre And Coca-Cola - with that special zing NO COMPETITION BUSINESS - but never too sweet - NOV.5·9 As these are exclusive for- "LIVING IT UP" mulas in demand by all busi- refreshes best. "PARTNERS" nesses, industry and homes. Minimum investment - $300. Maximum investment - thing,go NOV. 10 _13 Welcome to the $7,000. Investment is secured "SHIP OF FOOLS" by inventory. Factory trained personnel will help set up 'WESTMINS your business. b~~th NOV. 14 -16 For complete details and de- "BEDFORD scriptive literature write: INCIDENT" TRUST COMPANY CHEM-PLASTICS CQ~e NOV. 17 - 20. & PAINT CORP_ "WINTER A-GO-GO" In Westminster: 71 East Mcaln'St.I.;nS.9300 In Union Millsl Phone Fl 6.7115 . 1828 Locust N~Toli charge from Baltimorel Phon.S76 ...2112 St. Louis 3, Mo. NOV. 21- 23' M8IIIber Federal Deposit In.UfOnC. Corpcarailorl !loUted ~nder the authority of Tha Coc~·Col" Company by, "THE SABOTEUR" , WESTMINSTER BOTILING COMPANY
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