Page 70 - TheGoldBug1964-65
P. 70
4 The Gold May 14, 1965 VanDyke,Fuhrmann Receive -Letter To TheEtlitor- -News Of The Week In Brief- Goode Rule Dorms Nelson, to Bishop JOh11 special assistant Nelson is the will For Outstanding College Careers for the needs of a productive dent, Louise of MeDaniel Dorm presi- Wesley Lord, Baker present a in Memorial for concert Margaret Van Dyke ing seniors. ?n th~ Hill, soc~~~~ I am learning and t~:5~~~.IhA~~~!~~rfo~~U;:na~~ Ch;~;!.e~:n~!~y a~~:: ~~~o~~~ what I know from talking to lei are Carolyn Je.nmngs, fire members of the group are eight w~h:~~St~:i:~u~~:f~s i~~~ ~~~ ~~t~:~~~~t~~~~.ant III all other students about what they warden, Ma~reen Hickey, treae- Protestant denominations and Koehler, eecre- sever-al persons of the Roman Peggy. A biology-sociology-ed- A pre-med major from Yonk- are learning is not preparing urer, and ~Iane as c~ass repre- Catholic faith. All members of tary .. Serving that me, nor do I think that ucation major is quite a load ers, New York, Cal plans to at- learning is preparing them for sen~tlves are. Jackie !larden, the choir have had extensive yet Peggy has a fourth major tend graduate school in bio- what they think they want to ~enlOr class, Linda Hollidaycke, experience in music. -activities. Peggy's religious chemistry before going on to do for the world, or for what Junior class, and Mary Dickson The public is invited to this interests are evident by her medical school the following . they think they want to contrib- and Kay Henley, sophomore concert. membership in various religious year. He is a member of Tri- . ute to society. I leave the final c!ass. . Freshmen :epresenta- organizations. A Canterbury Beta, Omicron Delta Kappa, member since her sophomore and the Freshman Advisory ~~:~~s~;at~o~he ~~cu~~~;~~ t!: tlv;:r~~~~ be ae~ect~~e~~d!~~fa;l! Math Buffs Affiliate With year, Peggy served as secre- Council. long as I feel that I am learn- Blanche Ward Hall will be National Honor Society ing useless subject matter, as M:rf ~oode. Lynne Macc« Nineteen 8tudents amd throe as I know that I am not w:I1 assist her as fire warden faculty m.emlwrs at Western that which will pre- with Kay C.oleman and Judv .Ull-ryland Gollege ha:toe been to survive in this dif- Rowe as sen1O.r l'epre~entat1ves elected to charter 1nember8hip I will never come to dor~ council. Junior repre- in J(a,ppa Mu Epsilon, national why I attend col- senta~lves Il;re Lynn Cone and ho)w),1l-1'Y mathe'matics society. Maggie Elgm. G~Je Lentz and The e-kapte1' at lVestern Co?ney will represent J\!ul'YiaMwiU be instituted this year s sophomores. month, Object of the 80ciety is to [ interest in -maih.e- Creates New Position msuioe ; in tnoee 8ckool8 whick is reminded of the place a primary empk(Ulis 011 Aml"'"'''',w"" electimt for tke of- the 1!11dergradua,te p,·og1·u1n. secretary Th08e elected were: R. Wil- 8m], Beackt, B'r'll1!.8wiclc; Dianne on B"iggs, Oxon Hill; Robert .!. 20, in tke Dingm', Wa8hington, D. G.; Mary Ebe1'kart, Rdster8tO'W'Tl; nmninati11g committee of ShaTm~ FiscMT, Ellicott City; SGA is 8electing nominees Emma J. Formwalt, Westmin- tke office but am.y0'/l6 wisk- 8ter; Jllditk Goldsteim, Balti- to 1'1tn may 8ubmit their 1nore; Judith Griep, P"eston; w Sandy Roeder, Gkai1'- Ba1'bwra Hi"'sch, Baltimore; of the committee, or to tke II.f.icluwl Kindler, [selin" New Wain said "any hb- office by 6 pm Sunday, Jersey,. Betty Lilley, Savage; .in th: world we May 16. Dat:'J'ell Linton, BaUimor!!; mto IS a peda- The only qualifieations are Gharles Miller, Westville, New .. : It that prospective nominees will Jersey; Jo.cqueline Ray 11. e r, outward mto be sopk
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