Page 71 - TheGoldBug1964-65
P. 71
The Gold Bug, May 14-, 1965 little Houston Entls Boostin' Lettermen's Club Present Awards (o-(optoins Fuhrmonn, Kitltl With Impressive 3-6 Recortl The Lettermen's Club is a lit- active members. Most of the L tI ~ ,J, • 'r. .1_ Vraul/atlng, rDCAmen ea ~~s~':~:~e (j~~~~i~~~~riO~~~~~~ ~~:~:;: ::i~~ r:ee;ri pr~~~; Once more sports fans, this does promise to be one of been in the p~st; conducting ",:ea~ on Mo.ndays as a g~oup to by Michael E. Kindler ed two letters as a result, He is "the old duffer" John Cam- WMC's finest showings in quite award assemblies, sponaormg Slgmfy their membership. The Western Maryland Col- was a mernbez of the record- eron Cameron, your up to the some time. Representing the sports films and faculty-studen! Ail active members who have lege track team, as we knew it, setting 440 and 880 teams of minute commentator on the green and gold in this bold bid games, as weil as the alumni paid up their dues, will be the is no more. The meet against this year. wonderful world of collegiate will be seasqned veterans F'ul- basketball game. guests of the club treasury to- Mount St. Mary's last week . Ed Daniels, though lacking athletics, with another look at ton (1l122lh), Hill (8%/25*), This past fall we conducted night at the Yankee-Oriole closed the curtain on the college m height, has nevertheless been the Cinderella team of the and Reck (21%./13%) along a drive to raise funds for the game in Baltimore. participation of seven Green one of the Green Terrors' pole NCAA golfing circuit-"Little with two representatives from Ernie Davis Leukemia Fund The club held its annual elec- Terror cindermen. Regardless vaulters. His agility in this Houston." Robinson's now famous "Fabu- and we have just recently ob- tiona in April and the following of next year's turnout, the ab- event has earned him three let- \~e~~ ~~~r~~'t~e b~i~h~rb~u~;~ t: (~/~~I~\en;"~·;t~~as~e;i~;~t ~:~~:: ~i11bab:n~;s~~:y~heatl~l~ ~~~ic~i;1Ih~~:ffic~~e~~es., B~~~~ ~~~~~yO!p~~~~ent~~le:~: ~~~h~: te~~ic Wagner, although out ~~m~r~~~~;~ ~~sP~~~~;IYgOI~~~~~0;h~9~::50~)~he 1965 season ~~~'n!u:~r:re~~ti:~ti:~hle~~~e~~~~ ~;:a~~~:~r, S~~CksC~:ll:o~~~:~ ;~;~~ld a~d~~:\~;~ic~tt~:P~u~ ~f~e~~~eya~~;:;~,f~~ t~~sfi~:: ~tte~le~~!~~S~~d a~p~~su~!ec~ ~~nh~~ei'st~~re~~a~~ l:a~~~ ~~~ ~~~~d~~:d~~at~di~;o;~eelr~~leu~ l~an~fss~~n~r~~C;I~h~a~~al~~~: de~~~r~~~~It~Vi~~Cleo~~co-cap- !~:~n:~~o~c~~~'sh~~~o;~or~o~~ in' covey of Johns Hopkins rewarding collegiate career-- coming intercollegeiate competi- tham; ChaplalOs,. C h a rI e s tams, the seniors who have com- as a member of this year's rec- ~JL~~ys~~o ~rhtea!helea~~; ~~:t ~~: ~;!~~~in~~st~~~th~~'~ ;i~~~un:;~~e~~s ~vt~~~o:retopr~~~ W~~~tlln:ln~o~;I~~I~.h~70:~·Of il::~~d a~~ei~~eCOi!~~~l'i~~·:eersin ord-setting relay team. G~~~ge "Fearless" Fulton and in the future. Now t~is !s John ently ~~d: at lunch on the d~y an appeal. l\~~nday, May .17, Versatile Frank Kidd, most the inimitable veteran, the ag- Cameron Cameron slgmng off of activIties should help gam 1965, there \\-ill be. a spnn~ valuable gridder in t.he Mason- Alumni Return to College They'll soon- be in first placeI ing, but "Hustling Still" Kings- saying: support for our teams. awards assembly ~n Alum~1 Dixon Conference last fall, has For Annual Eventful Day bury Hill combining for six Membership is open to upper- Hall. The Let~~rmen s C;:~b WI~ lettered for four times in track The annuai Alumni Day at points and leading the way, l"oostin' classmen who have lettered in !I.ponsor t .IS assem y an. for the Terrors. He was se- WMC will take la on June Fi ~t2ttl~H~~ton~'iC::;~~ ~n~ H~~~~n you]" eye on Little ~~: ;;:~~~u~a;:m:s~~~"a~~er~f~ ;e:~ldat:::::~~~t~oaSi:~~f; t~~~; ~~~'~~~hCt~~~~~in~?sl";~:t:ec~o~~ AJ~mni Will.beiinc~rriVing ~'!; o feather in ~he coachi~g c~p of . Ron B90ne are favorably voted upon by the suPPOtt and interest in the ered both track an~ field .events, ~:I~lalore~~:~~t~at~~: eS;:;;:is:vsI.ll young Robmson. ThiS victory • schoo sports p~ogra~ I as evidenced by his holdmg the A full day of activities has ;s particularly impressive since •• _.. rnce now es school .record in the javelin, been planned :for the graduated ~~~o:;:ie:gatt~~~~;~IS (i2~~)th;~ Track Team Finishes First Studenfs .Ap~ly for Study r~~~n~e!l1~e:o~~d~~~~J'i::th~~~~. ~~~~~~g ~~t~V~llco~ee~i~IO~~C~~l~ I F S over Williamsport which also Involved Winning eason n our Y ears In Scandmavlan Country teams: the 2 mile ('64), shud- sisting of alumni and fncultv Alb~lght In •• a tri-~eet The Scandina.via.n Semi?-ar dIe hurdles ('tiS), ana the sprint members. Luncheon and clas'~ Lycommg. announces that It IS acceptmg medley. me~tings will follow. They will But now the lo~g haul of reg- The Western Maryland track- places were: Huseman .in t~e applicat.ions to its ovel'se~s pro- Calvin "Guts" Fuhrmann, the be held on campus, in private ular season play lS finally over. sters came on strong to finish 100 and 220 yds., Morrison 10 gram m Denmark, Fmland, othel' half of the team leader- homes. and in restaurant!: ~i::~~IYH:~S;~~st,hatSriu~~~::~ this year's season defea.tin g ~hheas~;Oi~ndth!308iods~d~~rd~~d ~~\\~:l'a:andden~~V~::r.fOQU!~i~~~:~' 1:,:~uftstte~l";l~el~OS~i!~:ecdth~~;h~~~ll~~st::i~~:i~'n wil: even though hi~tory \~i~l reco:d !-'oyola at home 77-59,and yleld- Whea~ley in the 2 mile race. fyir;g s~u.dents will spend the amount of natura] ability, so it take place at 4:30 in McDaniel only three wms agamst SIX mg to Mt. St. Mary s at. Em- In the field events firsts were pel"lod !lVIng as members of se- is said. Cal's sheel' determinu_ Lounge. A banqt:et will follow losses-that may be a long way mitsburg, 39-97. :r en f 1 :- s t taken by: Shear in the high lected families and studying in tion to succeed has been a last- at 6:30 in the dining hall. At from greatness, but it's a big places were compiled agamst jump, Renkwitz in the shot put, the Scandinavian. school.system. ing inspiration to the boys on this time, the classes will ente,' step up from oblivion. the Greyhounds. .Freshme_n deWitt in the triple jump, and The Scandinavm Semma!". ?f- the squad. His nchievements according to their year of grad- As this paper goes to press, Dana ~useman an? Jm~ Morl"l- Schuele in the discus. fers educational o~portumhes while earning four letters in- uation with each class seated the 1965 version of Lit.tle Hous- son did. ou~standIng. Jobs as Last Saturday the WMC cin- iii l.anguage ar:d hbe:-al alotsI?lude a s~ot on the record hold- together. The graduated class ton is down at EngleSide Coun- they tumed m tw.o filst places dermen were put down by an stU?leS, courses m phYSical ed\l- mg 4 mile relay team ('64). of fifty years ago will be given try Club in Virginia making each .. The ~urdlmg crew of excellent Mount team. Even catIOn, the arts, an~ the cra!ts. He gave the best he had on t.he special honors. f ~~:~:n finf~ ar:eear~~::on~~i~~~ ~;~:n~~~'e ~~~~iS~~~lyM\~:I~n~~~~:~g~ho~~ea~~~:t '~e;;OI~,et~: wr~:erto ~:a~~i~:vi~:fOS':n~\t~~~: "o~a~r~f ~:~~:~:~ lettered four wi~hh~ s~~~~he~y ;!.1~SidC;~tcl~~~ Tournament. Of course, no OTIeseason. Mounties proved too much as 62 West 58th Street, New York, times as 11 track star for WMC. sor, introduction of faculty expects them to win, but this May 4, against Loyola, first they won 12 of the 16 events. N. Y. 10019. He holds the school record in members, and announcement of . the dis c u s ('65). "Little alumni awards. Roll will bE' ~~a!~~~ :~t~lll~i~hl~~e ti:~r~~ ~i~:d t~o: :~~b~~~ssS ':i~1w~i~~ the COllference Championships. th.eil· own class cheers. This One of our football co-cap- \VI:l officially end Alumni Day tains, Art Renkwitz, uses his fOI 1965. bulk to good advantage as the ---- A MESSAGE TO ROTC COLLEGE MEN cindermen's shotputter. An- U. Hawaii Summer Study other four-letter winner, A,·t is Includes Sightseeing Tours ~'eputed to 1m. the Hill's finest D,·. Robert E. CraUe, ExeC1l- m the shot m the past ten hue Direct01' 0/ the Ad/e'r Uni- years. He was a medal winner versity Study Tour to Hawaii, a! the. Conf~rence relay cham- 'lnno!lneed today that reserva- plonshlps thIS year. lions /M' the 1965 Sum.mer Se8- Ben Laurence decided to put 8ion Program to the Univer8itu his speed to work last spring- 0/ Hawaii are entming the final he's the fleet co-captain of last accepta1/ce pe1iod be/m'e closing year's has earn- I~:::::::::::::::::::::=; un !flay 15, 1965. gridders-and Ii ing to apply a.nd teaChe?'8 wish_ Students Se8- for Summer should write sion Study to Dr. IF YOU'VE GOT EXCLUSIVE 345 Stockton Street, San Fran- Robert E. Oralle, the Adler Uni- vC?'8ity Study TOi!r to Hawaii, FRANCHISE cisco, Cali/ot"1tia. WHAT IT TAI(ES surfaces interior or exterior. new liquid plastic Amazing coating used on all types of waxing when ap_ Eliminates plied on Asphalt Tile, Vinyl. TO BE AN Linoleum, Vinyl Asbestos, Hard Wood. and Furniture. oaint- Completely eliminates ing when applied to Wood, Metal, or Concrete surfaces. ARMY OFFICER, This finish is also recom. mended for boats and auto_ mobiles. 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