Page 6 - TheGoldBug1964-65
P. 6
The Gold Bug, Oct. 9, 1964 Green Terrors Need Big Win At Randolph-Macon ,Franklin And Marshall, Mounts Hand Kickers Pairs Of Losses :Walker, Laurence Excel ISoccer Prospects Brighten Despite Intial Defeats pre-season workouts, the new Hank McCann. Despipte a meager turnout in Gottlieby, Dave Millhouser and soccer C:;t~~~iS~~~~; t~at~:' f~~ .The Terrors, howe:ver, will ~,' . yetS~~rt~~ganna;~~~~~,e~~~ ~~~~~rdU~e;~or~!:suat~~n, ;~~~ cfe~~!~::~ ~~~IS~~m~'~~ ~;,~~~~, r.i:ne~C;~:~~~~n :~~ t~~d 19~dllco_~:;;a1~es~~Ia:_~ha!~Ci~i:~a~Ot~~! ~::r~~'~ NIH If a year ago, will test Caoch ~:n~i;,H:~:he~~~;~~ ° t~~:~.!~ ~~~~~~o~ic~~:~ef~Te~~~o:I~~a;~ juniors Scott Joyner and Rol- a .soc.cer threll;t, will invade the and Cre~; :~~hbt~;a~~u~ei~t~~ ~11~1'~~C~~hatIS labeled a game M ike Waghelstein Coach Earle extends an invi- Derasse (line) J tation to all interested men to Ralph Mayamona try their luck at the game of Cann rns. Freshmen "football." Practice sessions promise are Allan are held weekdays at 3:30 pm Rick Coburn, DOll on the soccer field. Dave, graduate courses at Rex Walker has the leading acting as Chief Scout and average gain per rush. His sistant coach. gain per piny is a phenomenal ---- ;:i;!;;~~~af~~~;&dT~~au~~~: WAA Gets Going has carried the ball only twice, somewhat ef a slow start for a The Women's Athletic Tetror QB, and one of'the car- etten began the school year with BOWL Wit~ Chief 2:00 p.lll. Our congrstulations are Soccer_WMC 1 F&M 2 This year's football squad has ed to all with the hope Including Shoes uh-eady been hit by the injury other WOmen will strive J.V. Football_Wl'tfC 0 BJC 24 bug. AnlOng. those sidelined these accomplishments. 848-6570
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