Page 7 - TheGoldBug1964-65
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Lior9l'Y Vol. 42, No.2 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND October 23, 1964 The Golt! Bug Presents: HOMECOMING KICK·OFF (ompusProvitles6010Weekentl; (ompus Selects Queen, (ourt IN PORTRAIT TO GREET YOU AlumniReveol HolitloySpirit 10 the WMC annual Homecoming weekend are top, To Reign DuringFoil Fete Western Maryland College until dinner. Simultan!lQuEly, Queen Judith Jones attended by. Leslie Miller, fresh- Amid ~~eenf:::~.e, Alumni are to be welcomed back the Ah.;mni Tea is to be ~eld in man; Frances Thomas, senior; Linda Mahaffey, junior; produly presents Judith :~it~o::co:7~!ti:h~~hf;:~V~~:: ~~Di~~~~d~ounge to which all .and Anne Spencer, sophomore. ~~f~g~f lhes:~rod;t~;o~l Choir and perform- will begin on October23. Dance Create>! 'Magic Moments' Left and center: the WMC football squad who ~~:e~/~:~~tye~~~~·~~:~e s~~v~~; ~:r :~~ i~:re~:l:~g~e~l~y~:~ Students Ready Floats Homecoming 1?64 wil~ climax tackles Shepherd tomorrow; Right: the Drifters pre- as Homecoming attendant in led her to become active in ~OS Fe~tivities of the w~ekend .will ~:~~~d~'~la~~e~~~~len~;h sp~~~ se~ted by Delta Pi .~lpha. fraternity. ~he Gr:en Terror ~:~rsf:~S~';:~re:~!R~O~~~lj~~~ ~~~l~i~t:e~W~~~~R~h~elai~lOn: b~ kicked-off on Fnday mght sored by Delta Pi Alpha. Dur- Itnbutes campus sptrtt while the Alumm are pictured re- tor duchesses on the May Day member of SOA on campus, ;~;h ra~ly:~iud~~~ltwnf~~~1I::t~~ in; the ,.affair the Homecoming turning at bottom right. The weekend includes: the pep courts, In her sophomore year spent this summer in Hs\;nii floats ~or the parade and cam- ~:ur~~~li~l~~ f:;T~~~t~~'~::~t rally, .para~e. football g~me. alumni tea, banquets, and ifi1tta~;S;;ftn~teQ~\:r ~!~~:~~~~~~gw~~k-~~~d: ;r~re~t~ J et ~~~ur~I:Pl~o~:nh;h~nJ~~:d:a:~ are th~ "Dr-lftera," famed for the climax mg. Homec?mmg Dance. T~e Gold Bug urges ccrted to the dance by Mr. Fran Thomas bands, :koTe u;its andsftoa~ ~acll~~It~,~~ "~nde~ the ,~oardd you not to miss a minute of the festive weekend from George Kemmerer. Senior attendant, Frances constructed by classes, frater- "M -, M ;oe w;~J an. the bonfire Friday night until the last sound of depart- As.a member of Women's. Thomas, is an English major ;~~~:~J:~~.ritie;a~~~e ot~~~ti~~~ for:n~lc da~:en b~gins :: s;~~ ing alumni echoes from our ivy halls. ~;~~~~~h~A~~rdn~n~t At~n~~eda~:~~i~~~ib'e ~~~ pants will assemble at 12:30 :~~ ~~0!'::o~tel~2~30,mak~ng i he . become well-known among Pacella. In her sopho- ~:edL~~~:e~a~lvs~~:et~: lJ~~W.MC Alumni andm;:~~~. or :,;;:~~enJo::~/o~~ZO:i~~ on th~h\;:r~:~te~o~:: to tbe lower entrance of the !l member of Phi Alpha campus. There they will circle sorority, plans to work in the football field pl'evious to the the advertising or publishing game. field after graduation. She served on the FAC and at the Halftime Honors Queen Leadership Conference. A past Starting time for the football member of the Gold Bug staff, game witb the Shepherd Rams this year Fran is editor of the Aluhl! .. is 2 pm. Half time activities build up to the cl'owning of the Linda Mahaffey Homecoming Queen by the Pres- ident of the. Alumni Associa- Linda Mahaffey was selected tion. Members of the court as the representative of the jun- will be escorted by the high ior class. An English major ranking ROTC officers through from Pocomoke City, Linda was the pnthway cl'eated by the ma- II member of the Leadership jorettes, pOOl-porn girls, and Conference and the SCRC. In- terested in newspaper work, she ROTC Honor Guard. holds the position of news edito\' After the game, all dormi- on the Gold Bug staff. tories and clubrooms will hold Linda, It member of Phi Alpha Open House which will continue Mu, has recently been eleeted co-editor of the Torch. She has reprcsented the class of 1966 on AAUP Provides . coul't..~. Linda will be Homecoming and .to thc d,.nce by Lt. Jo- Extra· Curricular Spear. Program For Faculty Proceeding World Wal' II, the WMC chapter of the American Association of University Pro- fessors was established on the Hill. The society drew mem- bers from bIte-rested members of the faculty from every de- partment. 111the past two years, the AAUP has discussed such topics as salarit!s, curricular activi- ties, and the loyalty oath. Dis- cussions this year will be head- ed by Mr. Cornelius P. Darcy. Mr. Keith Richwine is the cur- rent vice-president; Dr. Miriam Whaples is the secreta.I'y-treas- urer. Topics to bc considered :~~!n~f It~:4-:~5~r!l~ ~si:~si~~ ===========================;========~I Dean AI I',.. Ij,'M( ,. ~tudents and faculty, ,J. IJ 1J~1. and 21, in ~h'';~:';~~';;b:''t~;':;'~t:ja~~ld "omOU/Creoce r'IIgTlm"ISltS rr, ..ompus; pm"b, play wHi b. <1".".d by ty for the academic freedom of r. r; ,J. Ji .l'l. 0'/ 0 Miss Esther Smith. William ,tad.nto ~tresses rinuinrg eIJ, love thers T"ibby wHi be tho t"hni,,1 di· Thia organiZation is exciu- rector of the production, nnd ~~~~ f::~lt~o~~eg;u~~s%~~;or:t Wh~h\:':e~:~k~~lg~~~~o a 1~~1~~~~leg~Vae;n~~O:;:e:~ ~~n~~nih~i f~nl~~~;:i~;hi~h ,~""in:_;,;,a-;;b;i;;;Ih,,~~:'.,.,;<'·~:~~!,';';';;::th~ \Vi~h~Sju~~:!.~t~~~l:tsttii~g~lay ease during discussion in the spreading the gospel of world either. In enthusiastic terms, person. Among production will work with Mr. absence of the students," ex- peace, considers bet'self to \ e a she described her plans for points as taking Tribby in the e):ecution of all plained Mr. Dnrcy. "However," "constructive dissenter." The world peace through a "New tude toward life, the technical aspects of the he added, "the students will be Peace Pilgrim is known by no Renaissance" which she believes a "surface liver"; ~".,""""., .. , .•. "., play. Edward Scheinfeldt will immediately informed of the other name. She travels with is coming, and which she feels squarely"; . "Unqaiahi".1 :;;::',.,: be the master electrician and subjects that concern them." only the (']othcson her back and will bring about a "Golden Age bad habits; Duane Lins will be the stage ____ the few items in the pockt'ts of of Peace," rather than total an- silence and Phi Alphs Feature ~~rgr~~~t~~ic t~~bel~~~n?e:~~ ~~~:~ti~~t e~~I!r~hi~n~:;:e;:~: ~~:l~~p~~:so~o:~~~glife into i Queen's Way Fashions "Walking 25,000 Miles For have peace in their own lives, harmonious and altruistic whole. World Peace" on the back. she asserts, for only inner har- She feels that unnecessary pos- Students who hnve Daniel McCready' MOLLIE p~:F~~:~~nr::;". isYt~~r~he!:~:: to S!e ~~;cve!u~~e~~: ~t{aiai~~! mO;~e C~e~~~~~~l~~~~rkling_ :n~~~s are unnecessary bur- ~~;~~a~f:endi:v~l'~~! h:;e ~tter ~~~~EL~~C ~~f~e ~Si~~: !~:w,y~l;:h !~~b!l~~enf:h~~~ ~~:~gt~~~m~ne'!n~~odT~~ln~!a= ~~~~~eY~~latPe:i~:r:~~:~ ,~itio~~e\~~i~~es~~~t;~~:s:~~~~c:f ~~~!tsl.n~~~ y:~r's~~f;;~le ~re': ~~~;~NBlo~mJ.t~NrE ~l~~i K..r.~il~:~ public as well as WMC students Pilgl'im speaking as part of the. come gl'ndually, and feels that the body~"temple of the Spir- bel'S are: John Stille, Nancy MICHAELS~:'/ R ~n:s'L . ~~30M;~d~~, :C~:::!lerLO~ng~: ~~~~e~~~' ~:Ogl~~~~~~~~gde;~~.~3 !~~l,U·~it~~~~:. ex;re ths~;;~~ ~~'!~t~~~.~should be I ~~:CkShr[v~~~t Ed~~:~~ F~~i- AIRLINE C L'E; Admission will cost ten cents. pence and hal'mony. She dc· the estabilshment of a Peace lion of lass, and Donald Green. Bond; EMMETT, William Mc+ !fl~r~!h~~~~Sa~~ct~O:~e:~~:: ~~~ibdeedvei~;m:~~i~~Sh:rh~~e;~ g:~~::~~~~i~~~~~I:I~e:;~;I\:~~ :~~~~;~n of LaAlso Edwa~'d ~~::;;/ S;~h~~~_:i~~~:i:i~ of the progranl. role, stating that she had found the workings of peace in an offi- OUs"; ! • w~~, d'th ER, Carol Yeager; J? 0 N N Modeling the renowned a meaningful and rewarding cial manner. This, she feels, motive. i er;l , BOWDRY, ROllald Llebman; ;'Queen's Way" clothes will be way of life. She has hnd re- would be a good example to all one must one's self- El' Cus.~r' M rth FIRST FRESHMAN, Louis ~ree~: i esu~tul~:~~rct, ~~~~~ ;e~~~ah~~l~~i ~~~:~~f~~:h\!~ ~;:!C;;s sr~~la~i!~c:~ur S~:n;l~ ~~iiO~n;ateful thin:~'~mSh~o~ an:mJeudit~1 Griep.a a ~f~~,r; W~I~a~nO~o~d ;F~~~:~ Jones, and Jacque Rayner. heen travelling on her pilgrim- maintains that the establish- lieves that people must work for Other new members GLUCK, DUane Lins; Other models will be Betsy Mur- age, and feels that "most illness ment of a world language, to be the good of the whole or Carolyn Koerber, Betty RED GRE1FFINGER, phy, Ginny Hess, Nonn Browne, is psychologically induced." taught everywhere as a second there will be no harmony. She Lilley, Kay Liston, ; ALEX LOOM- !;~g~:rb~Vt~tri~i~rg~ft!Il~~~ The ~::c~e;~~l~i:~: penni- ~~~f~:;etheW:au~:e ~~ w~~~h u~ ~~~~n~:~:~ep~~!:~c:n!~~!rt~"; Lord, Sherri~l Ma~tingly, J~~~w~!!g~.~' ~i~~~~ modeling the clothes may be less and has no organizational derstanding. ing. And lastly, she advised Neff, Kathenne Richards, LEHMAN, Nancy Callfieltl; tried on by interested members backing. She walks until she Steps for Better Life them to live for the present, for olyn Wareheim, and Mary CLANCY, Robert Julia; MR. of the audience. finds shcltel' and fasts until she The Peace Pilgrim li5U; sev- then there would be no worry. Warren. HIBBERTS, George Klander.
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