Page 58 - TheGoldBug1962-63
P. 58
2 The Gold Bug, May J U, l!J63 Terrors Split Double Bin With Susquehanna U. Walker Has Hey-Day In May Day Victory Last Saturdav, the Terrors Susquehanna never threaten- I ira May Day doubleheader ed in the second game, as W]He The peaceful, conservative college town of Westminster is i Susquehanna, losing the put the game on ice with eight squeeze with the issue at hand bound to break into the open game 3-2, and coming back tallies in the fifth inning on six any moment. And, when it does, the town 'of Westminster will to grab the nightcap, 14-5, as singles and three-run triple by become a better place in which to live and to attend college. Rex walker drove in eight runs. Dave "Power Boy" Horton. Wes.tem Maryland College h~s been blasted by. several In the opening contest, Sus- Rex "Grand Slam" Walker source~ In the past few years f.o~ Its ~tand on In~egratlOn. The quehanna's Jim Gibney (5-1) was by far the standout Terror sta~d~.v~~1~~:ht:~.:ka:l~lsntl:~:r~~:lr.ndT~;.tt~d\~:r~~i' the :~lldo~h~v~~~~e!~~.J; ~~lfZ~~~dhi~~batter .of ~he after~oo~ as he existed fOJ·.qUlte a whlle.-that is, until the. . Tony Magnatto and "Stud" d:ove I~ el~hl runs with f~ur team decided to establish the summer trammg Waiter: Wayne Whitmore, who hits, which Included a smashing campus. well enough to win, was grand slam homer, a two-rbi Now, an undeniable fact remains that the Colts, aside victim of two triple and a double. Lance by the college for the use of its ,':::~, 1;==;:========:=:::==:::::; Whittaker Chambers, have been most instrumental in runs in the sixth in- Klein, who was the winning Westminster on the map. Also, the merchants of the . which gave the contest to pitcher, grabbed his fifth vic- profited greatly from the presence of the Colts team, not tory as against only one loss. Let's face it, the tion the revenue received Colts arc a drawing card. ties. Now, the squeeze is on. Negro players on the pro team repeatedly been barred from shops, restaurants, and theatres. a result, the Colt ownership has declared that if racial equality is not achieved in westminster soon, the team will not remain in town. Surely, the merchants and store owners are not foolish enough to let a generous part of their income slip away. This leads one to believe that, perhaps, there is a group or an organi- zation of die-hard extremists who have been putting the screws to any effort of integration. If such is the case, the tables are turned. Now is the chance for Western Maryland College to take a . stand. We can force the issue to its boiling point. We accept Negroes as a part of our college community. Clothes Flower Fresh at the MODERN IDEAL LAUNDRY See MATT CREAMER A.N.W. 333 Carroll Theatre Fri.-Wed_ May 10-15 Gregory Peck "TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD" Thurs .. Tues. May 16 - 21 Robert Taylor "Everybudy Welcume" "MIRACLE OF THE WHITE STALLIONS" Wed._Sat. May 22-25 at the Robert Ryan MelvinDouglas 'BILLY BUDD" DOWNTOWN BAUGHER'S TI 8·9824 RESTAURANT ',4 Mile orr t.he Campus Delicious Full Course Meals Try Our Hamburg Subs Homemade Tee Cream and Thick Mllkshakes Parents' welecme OPEN EVERY DAY COLONIAL DINING ROOM Westminstpr 59 W_ Main St. Laundry 1. C. PENNEY CO. and Recommended by Duncan Hines Dry CIean ing 56 West Main SL s.. NOW THREE WAYS MRS. FISHER Visit the TO SHOP in STUDENT UNION AVENUE • Caeh 0' Ch.,,, I RUILDING BARBERSHOP ~yawoy
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