Page 56 - TheGoldBug1962-63
P. 56
4 The Gold Bug, May 3, 1963 Nip Ursinus As Klein Wins Again The Editors' < ,WMC Thinclads At Low Ebb ~o~'ts I Mounts Romp By 52 Points ~®l_P)~ The Varsity track team is (31'd and 4th - Cal currently suffering its worst Furhmann (3I'~ - run}, The scene is a tennis match-c-Prof'. Hurt has nh'eady intro . campnign in recent years. On ~~elt~d Schilhng - pole duced his number one man, a small, muscular ""e""O"O ••0•••". Hank Shimizu; his second man, a streamlined, Tuesday, A?ril 30, the Terrors Credit should be given to Coach player, Bob Price; and his third man, a dropped their 5th straight meet Clower and his faithful boys for- ace, Dart-ell Linton. Meanwhile, the opponent's without a win as visiting Dick- sticking it out when the going scanning the opposition to pick out his foe. His careful eye inson College romped 80-55. The gee tough. rnctes the thin, wan looking fellow chatting with the professor- this guy could never last, he figures. Then, Prof. Hurt introduces bright spots in the WMC cinder ---- his fourth man, Captain Jerry Miller. Sure enough it's the guy squad were Art Renkwitz and Netmen In Action that looks like a good wind would sweep him off the courts. Over- J ss Brewer 1st and 2nd shot confident 1I0W, the erstwhile opponent shakes hands with "Moose" p~te(42".p4."~ Ron Shirey and onT~:t:el~~:~" ~p~11\7~ih:~~~~~ :~~ut~~sb:a~~~~\~y~O;:~~do~~~l:~:~'~'l'e~~V:I~luoe::~11l:~:~a~yhe is Jerry Richman-1st and 2nd men came home with another thin-looking fellow with the invisible will to win. broad jump (19'7"), Frank Kidd victory, defeating the Mount When you think 'of an athlete-what image comes to your and Dennis Gosnell-1st and 2nd team, 6-3. mind? What qualities, or lack of same, stand out? The general javelin (176'), Tom O'Malley, Today, May 3,lthe team is conception is a well-muscled body, built for stamina and strength, 1st place high jump (5'6"), and takmg on ?ettysburg College at atop of which sits a small, also well-muscled head, placed there Charley Wheatley and Slammer' the ~atter s home court. Per- to fulfill certain basic feats of sensory comprehension, The pic- Smith took third in the 2-mile forming- for the ~Ollle fans the event of the day, 1=:==::====:: ~~~eSi~~et~~~~a~~I~t~:li~~;:~~e:p~~t~~~e S~~~~~J~~~e°o~d~~l~~i~~n~~ I:!~l~;.~~l~y \~;~;ei~:I:~dw~~c:~~a~a~~l~l~~ run and higl~~~~~~I':~~;.~~ti:~I~~ ~::'~~vl~l~ei~n~~r;~~~:t 2~~~~to pletely, or at least point out an exception to it, we would like to avenging a humili- the family. Thus, 1'- present the case of Gerald Hammond Miller, student by birth, last season to the Jim Davis took over at tennis player by practice. . . nine. With t.he and .banged two hits the relJOIS were At 5'10" and 135 lbs., "Coach" Miller looks like he . . pitching of ~an.ce Klein, Sch.n:ldt assumed the ~hO\tstcp soundly by the Mount at EVERHART'S perhaps he one of the top brains at the college (which he IS) or, Hitchcokmen dl.d Just that pOSItIOn and Pebble Willis Emmitsburg to a dismal tune of athletically speaking, perhaps the best ping pong player (which as they downed their hosts 3-1. handled second base ~utJes, 87 to 35. , Barber Shop he is), he just doesn't look like the backbone of the tennis team Actually; the 'terrors bested Only Stud Walters _rema~ne~ a Howe vel', Tom O'Malley (which he is). Tennis demands speed, power, and endurance. UI;~lllU~ ~vlth three fourths. of fi~tul'e at. fil:st base -. Winning stretched his victory skein to six At The Forks in the "Pluke" doesn't shine in any of these categories. But, perhaps a new' m.field. Regular thtrd pitcher, Kle)ll received more consecutive first places t5~~"d:::~~ I;:======== :~~:ui:Pao:~a~:~n~is~I~~te~~il;:~:es_~~~!C~:i~h/ t::r6a~~Chm~~t:~ ~:s~~~~ f~ttl~;b~~~V~~ ~~:~~~ ~'~:~v,~d~~~:i~ s~v~~~~t f~~~~a~~: ~~~l )O~lPals:it~,o~ the ~~~~~ he came to the Hill fl'om Northwestern High, Jcny . ch~~~~~d s;~r~~~I:'CdD~~~~ ;~~s~::~~.l.lof the Terrol lllnC ~~~~~il~~2;~!~n~~thi~~r~n~~.h~~~~ Clothes Flower Fresh had never laid his hands on a tennis racquet, Now, four er Tenors who placed at the later, and signs like "You can play tenni~" and mottoes Alex Ober ~31'd- 880 yal'd . "Winning isn't the most important thing-It's the only Art Renkwltz and Jesse MODERN IDEAL "Moose," the proponent of positive thinking, is the captain of Terror net team. The secret of his success, in case you is that he is always "up tight," never takes "the noose" or LAUNDRY up'! and, above all, lives for the sport. WTTH AM FM The Dickinson track meet pro- bailer in the Conference. Char- See a comic situation when lie recently hit a long drive • / MATT CREAMER ball U)l a telephone '-=========:1;:::=::::::::::::::=== the 2-mile ru~ the r.ains ~:~~~h \~~lt~~pi~Si~:o~I~~:~~::. A.N.W. 333 The gala stndel's Slmp- threw the their jerseys with- post. 1_ stride and plodded Jim Davis appears to be a top Carroll Theatre Fri., Sal. May 3,4 J. C. PENNEY CO. Glenn Ford Shirley Jones "THE COURTSHIP 56 West Main St. In a steady rain that OF EDDIE'S FATHER" {'red play the entire Billies found SUll." Wed. May 5-8 NOW THHEE WAYS Jack Lemmon Lee Remick '"DAYS OF WINE ~~~~regS:l:rt~i;~~~·t:~'ored, as- oth~~r.~~jO\~~~rtsrn~~h ~wo-mile relay team ern shore tennis buff has been AND ROSES" TO SHOP :~~t::d b~~a~;:;:'y sa~la~'~~ D~~: :1~rollme~t at \~l\;C~ it is set a new sc~oo~ re_;ol'd I a top prospec.t by Coach Thurs.· Wed. May 9·15 controlling the ball well, but un- ~h~t lac~'osse \~'11l.become a Charlie Walter is rUlllored . Hurt and has lived up to Gregory Peck Layawa.y _ Cash or Charge "TO KILL A S ~~~~h~:~~~i ~b,=th:':m:o:'t="n:t;:,.:p,:.on:"=~I~=======:; .MOCKINGBIRU" ~b~~k!~t,b\~~i~d:~, ab;:~~~d Jt~"; ~i~la~~Olt'ot ~~/s ~=======:1========~ ~:I~:S ~~:~~iIIlO\~~t~h:to;h;o~i~I; tc:y~~: .~~:~~i:ll~~~Unde~~;~;;~: ~ L~al]!Tl~~ ~l~l;i. a1~inth~ss:~l~~ Ge;~~~b:le~'t 11:~t~::l:I~'~OP:~:s~ LECKRON "Everybody Welcome" PATI-O Sandwich ~~al~~l" g:~'~y (~~~::)n,;:\~i:~~ ~~llc~:)1::~g~~I~,~n~~r~:~~kcsia~~~ GULF SERVICE at the SHOP chalked up a score that put the ing with the 1-0 Buckner's W. !\lAIN & PENNA. AVE. B.B.'s well out in front. Find- Billies. This will be Monday Featuring ing themselves in the basemellt, ('
   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60