Page 54 - TheGoldBug1962-63
P. 54
2 The Gold Bug, May 3, 1963 GUEST EDITORIAL 80's Arrows A Dedication: That Seventh Sense Again What Price Honor? As You Graduate A few weeks ago one of the more conscientious of our stu- This week the GOLD BUG .introduces the 1!ClVe;t member of .. "let !IS d?'illk a toast" a parade of people and faces and dents had to attend three committee meetings. Although two its tecture SUlfJ, 80 K'nepp, 01' If you must, Leste,,: J. Knepp, Jr. colors and places and things to do and some that never get done were unde~ the student government and the third involved faculty Ro will be 1o!'itil!g a weekly .c~llkmn in which he w!ll discus8 vari- .. a blur of a crowd hurrying somewhere with no place to go members, III each case she was the only one to appear. ous. campus Issues. Any OplnlOJ!S expressed here arll those of the and endless bridge games and never a match when you need one Forty people must get together to rehearse a program. A W1"ite1:~nd do J!~t necessuJ-ily reitect editorial views. C~Jnments. . new people to meet and forget and some you'll never meet and few have tests and don't appear. The others are left with the pertammg 1.0 th18 co/1l11m sholfld be addressed ~o the writer, and some you'll remember even after .. necessity of using un-trained stand-ins, and production slows all 8!lgge8tions for possible subjects of discu88wn are welcomed. .. "to the erose with the most" ... smiles and tears and frowns down. Now that preparations for strongly disapproving of cheat- and shocks and personalities and characters individuals in a Deadlines must be met on all campus and organizational pub- the approaching re-evaluation ing in any form, will not inform group getting to be known and knowing and some that come and licaticns. Some students accept assignments, then decide at the of Western Maryland College on a fellow student who cheats. goo an-d some never know .. bermudns and sweat socks and last minute that they haven't time to do them. The work must are well under way, perhaps it All these students then, ac- parkas and dirty raincoats and tennis shoes and blazers and the then be done by the person next highest in authority. is time for the rather uneon- cording to the honor system thing to do at the right time and the right place ... things we've These are just a few typical incidents showing the way we cerned student body to take a handbook (which few have done and floats and parties and dances and picnics and hayrides college students accept-or reject-responsibility-we, who were thoughtful look at o_!le of our taken the tr?uble to read), are and spirit. admitted to Western Maryland because of glowing records of our more questionable campus instf- themselves violators of the code ... "to the elass thut is top~ on the hill". . playing hard and responsibility. But now some clubs even find it necessary to fine tutions, the honor court. .. and. the pledge they sign as in- having fun and yelling yourself hoarse and winning and losing students for not working on committees they volunteered for, in . Is t~e honor court a !Fuldlng commg fl:eshmen and should. beating hopkins and the mount and week-end trips and phon- the heat of good intentions. light III the campus dr-ive for be accordingly prosecuted. A ing home 'cause no time to write a letter .. trying hard in class Naturally ou:- education comes first. That's why we're here, so~ial pro.gress, a~ ll:any sin- gargantuan task, even for the and maybe not hard enough and struggling with exams and and no one is gnmg- to insist that we neglect our studies. But cer ely bel.leve, or IS It .a s~l~- energetic court members. . sweating grades and crash programs and the hallowed panic button there is one striking exception to this rule; wh-en: we have agreed p;erpetuatlflg .boar? of Illq~ISl- !hus, .the honor court,. III ... getting through with a sigh and finally you're winsome, wist- ;1:,l~~efi~~cd:t;e::;:I~~;I}~,; ~n!~~~e~:,~:p~:11~:!:t~:::~t~~:fv::' ~~O~~ti~~rf~r:~~; ~:::re~~;ar~~: ~~~~e1I~~ ~~~ ~:i~'~::~\~~~C~~~~~ ~~I a'~:ei:~S~t~1:e;s been fun for coernono" . things we remem , it inI!h:~~:;~~!c~~rr~~~~: ,~~~t~~is;i~~~!y~sW;o:,h~e~~s~~=c~:~~ :~a~e~~v~~~,C~~I~\i~~~Si~o~~~v~.:~~ ~~~u;:O~n~h!.t~~~~~~nt~t~: : ~:;\~ ~~~ ~n:ar~'~:d f:~~~s atno~~~~v!~l~I~~tYg:r~h~l"t~~:n~~b~~~?c~;:;e[t~~ ~~t ;:g~:~~~! C~I~P~~:'n~~~7~a~a~~1~0 ::c~~: f~\~cceptinl on~ ul~~e m;~~~~a~i~~ca~/t:~~:;~~~ ~;~'s ev~}; t~~:~h~O:~sude~!r!o;; :~~ :~: :;\:e~a~;~:r;om~ pI:on~eth:et ~~~;~I;~d as~;~s t~~et ~~~~ money, none _ofus wastes so few of our wak~ngg~:~rs a:~:~ =~~1~:d m:;n~e;aad:~~i~f h~ri~~~~ ;r~~~~~t;~~e~~:f~.d~:~sa ~~~~:o~~ and the surprises.. and midnight Oil.and sweat and tears and ~:~~;::~~:t~:~:~~:.i:l:~~;£:o!::~7v:;:~~~~~:£:J:~~o~i~~,t:vs~~::~~bl;,~W~~:h;;~:h~tng ,nd,::11 ;ot~"t"on:::;;::7i~0::0~;:~;L~;;!::;~;~::'::::~~';;;~n:~~~~~h',h;~:~~ l time so another worker can be found. With a little fore-thougl~t ~h: waye~~e~~iSa~':~ ~~wal"~~t~e puss;~ :~~~~\n eano h~n~I'c:;~~to worsh.ip and _just an~ther game of tennis . battling grades _many "emergencies" can be anticipated. ' achievement of this goal, and tem which will not conflict with and straight hal,r and tired bl.oo~ and ex~ra poun.ds , and ezra Fortunately there are people who do accomplish what they several Maryland colleges have the student's standards of per- pound and melvl~le and allpolt and samuelson 01 de\\ey or plato ~et out to do. But all too often we take advantage of these will- expressed approval of and in- sonal honor? Can't supposedl~' or freud or goJdmg or none of these : dou~le dates and long 1~~ ~vorkers, and t.hey end up shouldering our shirked responsi_ terest in our system. mature col!ege students be walks and sunset and the lobby at cUlfew and never enough ~~~tI~e~ts,TohUe;'I"~:~~~s~~es~;~~;J: :r:k:t:y:~~t-~~n:I;\~~~~r d~T~~~O~~l~ c~:~.~IIi:~ea:~tsi~ ~:s;~~~:i~~~~ttOth~:!~ta~~ \:e;~Tl~~'~~ ~l~~p"~e'~·e togethel' we .take our last bow" we came .their own job and ours, too. If each of us did our own share, the mirable end but in the means Can't our honor system base it- and. pus~ed oursel:,es our Ideas and new ways and endless ~orko~~s~~~~~~:~~Seib~~~Y'~:'~:;lah~:~e~~~:/~:i~~di~' is a matter ~;~~e;o 0~c~:7:ta~~\~;nh~no;~: ~~~f\~nes~~~n"~;~~~~~~ ~~~~;n~'~ ~:eOJ;~t(~el~t:~:~t~I~~swe ea~~v;:lda~~ aC:da~;~~a~tt~:c~a.~~c:n;1 'it of chOIce. In the end, it is the person who is not hard-hearted based on a function which most as it now purports to? These wa~ dIfferent a~d It wl7s hard to show someone else and:t changed c)1ough to say "no" at the beginning that let th th d students consider dishonorable are questions to ponder every: whIle we held It and It became the past and the futule and the w?en he cannot come through. Commitment: sh~u~d e:: ;;~~ -informing. A brief survey time the inconspicuous an- now .. littl~ things and big thin~s that fit in the pattem. and WIth care. And they should be kept with care. of student opinion will reveal nouncement appears in the son;e that don t and we force them III and they make a pattel n of . D. E. Beck ~Ou!~:/n~;s\1:s\o:~,~h~a~y~:~~~ ~e~~Dtr~e~Gf~~ata a v~~~~;i:~ h~; thel~'i~j~i~1;d~hip and loyalty" ... frats and sororities and pledg- Talklllg makes a ready man, but reading a full man.-Bacon ers (myself included), though honor. ing and sweat and new responsibilities.: and banquets and dec_ "' orating for something or other and meetlllgs that come one right after the other . and pins and rings and another wedding and L E T T E R S TOT H E E D ITO R heartaches and cutting classes and sitting in the grille and com- CORE Encore sentments, predjudices, and Many of yo_u say we have no ary means they can force plaining and editorials and the fall when everyone comes back bull s?ssions .and dis~us.sions and argumen~s a;t,d fights and .. hatreds on both sides. These right to interfere---we do not Brotherhood into existence. I. water and Ice skatmg and If It snows one more time I II scream .. To the Editor: violent emotions attendant to live here! Do we live behind a student at Western Maryland ... "the time is I!eTe let's give a cheer" . another cup of coffee ., In reply t~ y~Ul" editol"i~l, ~~~~ct~~7:~~~a;i~tlil~no:~~nri~~: ~~~ ~~~:nl~U;!I\ii~e O~el!:m~~~~~ ~;~~:~~~n~t:;;lut~~~;l"~~h~~~~~ ~t~:t~r;;:~i~ot;~ :~~~~'~~~ina;~a~e s.h~r\n;;~ :~~~~ :~~ I~;::~~~i~: ~~n:;at:ft~:t~P:~ (t:!eavb~g C~bs~~;~u; I;.~~; ;~~~ ~~~n~~,a]"j:veS:~I~e:~~~i::a~r~i~~~~ ~el;.~~h:::~l~df~~~ become a sin- ~o:~n: :i~;~da~~lu;h~:jo~t :nnddp~:~~r~I;~~~~~u~:~e ~nhde~~:. ~:a~~ opposed to the activities of fan), I feel that any actions and at the movies. But you say Patience can heal deep-seated and friends ~nd fu~ and sorr9 w ... ', t~;s IS a class perhaps CORE. . . .' . ~~~~Cha~da~v:~ti1~i~;~s:n~i~~~ ~v:d~;:~ ~~e J~~;~t:a ::e~:~: ~v~~n~;ov~e~~~~ !it~~~~~uf!On~ only part of It f01' the glollJ oJ (ja AJ L k breed ex TkO N ~ an.l a film belIevel III the In- ed by hatred for the color of an- no nght, we have the "esponSI- useful tool with which to obtain ================== Your force can I eVlta~llity o~ practical .racial oth?r's skin is contrary to the bility! :Ve,don't ~o f~llow a ,goal. Good neighbors a es n ew 00· cquallty, socIlilly, economIcally, ?aSlC prec~pts of humanitarian_ C?RE 01 N~ACP If \~e dlsap- good neighbors. and politically, in the United lsm~ to whIch CORE s.eems to be plove of met~o?~, but we make me sit beside you, but Colors I Mascot Change , St~tes. Ho\\:ever, I believe that ~~~~:~ed~Vit~hcb~t,~e a~ms~~mi~o:~~I~lh:n~e~~o::~b~~l~~ ~~s;~,~ ~~~\{O;;I~ ;;;v;::t~~:. ;~::neti~; thIS state wlil only be reflc~ed state again that I am strongly the~e hbertie.s-for onl~' III Ill- it. If; however, I sit beside , ~~plc:at~~~u~~t~~n:~:~~~~~:!I:; ~~fs°s~~':~n~~:tli:~th~~~e~;p~:hiC;; ~:el"ln:u:;:n;~;h~he~ o:_;~~r~u~'~~':~t,aS \:/ri~~i~i bte~o~~al ~~~~ Iota Gamma. Chi sorority has ch~nav:n~nd aad~~~i~nh;~;o~'~ce~~ the law. I 1:lve III l\1ontgo~ery reach its goals. selves. friends. recently un~elgone a complete reno';ation of the C:1l11maChi's 9ounty, ~1alYland, Just lsi Pete Alexander It is difficult to conv~y the im- On a foundation 0 fear :'enovatio~ sl~ce the entrance of is just another step in its de· :~act :v~~~~~s ~sf 1~!~~hZ::ki~o~ P?rtance of def~n?ing the~e force, and fury only feaf, force: Its cnthuslastlc pledg~ clas.s l~st velopment. The oldest ~orority place. Again, I emphasize that To the Editor: nghts fOI: evel_Y cltl~en-yet If and fury clln b~ built; but on.:! February. ~h~ baSIC slgn~fi- at WM~, I~X started. In 1894. this process is a nonviolent one. How about giving up some of you qu~stlOn thIS, talk to. Laszlo, strong foundatIOn. of goodWIll cance and SPII'lt of the SOl"onty as glOup establ.lshed.fol
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