Page 53 - TheGoldBug1962-63
P. 53
"THEGOLD BUG Student!'! On A ; Answer New Look CORE As a "Southland Showboat," The afternoon will be filled the WMC amphitheater will be with various athletic events. rra'nsformed to extol the honor At 1 :30, the Western Md. 'I'er- of the regal -ntei-tnlnment to rors will face Susquehanna in please her maiesty ani! attend- a baseball game. For the ten- ants. nis fans, our tennis team will be . With emcee Richard Klitz- host to Delaware at 2 pm. burg, and Harris Feldman de- Beginning at 2 pm, and lost- buting as an "official" comedian, ing until 5 pm, the sororities, our committee chairman, Di- fraternities, and dormitories anne Briggs, has gone all out to will hold open house to all viei- provide original amusement. tors. Carolyn Breckenridge will In honor of the queen and her the national anthem of the court, there will be a tea held in "Birth of the Blues." Robinson Garden from 3 :30-5. are the Bis- This tea is under the sponsor- cuyne the traditional ship of the Inter-Sorority Coun- May Pole Dance-Southland oil, with each sorority having style. foul' girls serving refreshments. The order of events for our .-- , May Day weekend aloe in the '63 Class Thanks Juniors following schedule. When a class starts a tra- So that students may be pres- but ent at all the activities on Sat- dition, it feels nothing when it pride and sentiment lunch will be served lit sees that tradition carried on and improved upon. Such was the feeling and atmos- phere that prevailed during the junior-senior banquet and party Friday. Words can't do justice to the gratitude and appreciation the senior class feels for the tremendous job done by the junior class. Coupled with the banquet, the party added up to mak, ing the evening one of the best of the school year. There isn't much left for us to say except possibly-Ari- verderci. Sincerely, Class of '63
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