Page 60 - TheGoldBug1962-63
P. 60
2 The Gold Bug, May 17, 1~)63 Terrors Outslug Lebanon Valley In Home Finale ~~W F:!!~~"I!!!'~,!{~.~~!!!.,!,~~~~1~",~~n~~?~~~~ __ ------ Revived Lettermens (Iub Whitmore Gains Sixth Victory The Edito~s' With another year scratched off to Father Time the sports ma.n's ~lub is t~ better the re- ~oh~e~~~~op~~je~~:titohnatiSw:h~~a~;i.~~~onw~f;;~~llh~~~~~~tt~~;r:~~:~!n~~elr o~or~~~rn~:!~~-'b~::~ cycle at \VMC has just about completed its turn. There have been lat.ionship between the student, providing letter sweaters for all anon :Valley, 8-6, Monday after- The~e two crucial games, one a great many victories and some losses, some outstanding team the faculty and the athlete letter winners. We realize that noon In the final home game of against T~wson and the other efforts and some brilliant individual displays, some humor, some while promoting athletics. this is expensive, so in order to the sea~on. against this year's ~hamp Loy- despair, some pain and a lot of pleasure-s-also, there have been a The past year has been our do this we' intend to have a Leading the Terror attack ol~, _we~e both decided in the lot of memories, which sports fans will be able to mull over and first and under the excellent couple of dances and exhibitions were Rex "Grand Slam" Walk- la~t mnmg (the Loyola contest remember for some time to come. cuidance of our founder Dick of traveling gymkana, weight- er (who belted another one being an extra-inning affair). Coach \Valdorf's boys rolled up an impressive record to kick Yobst, we've made good pro- lifting and basketball teams. while also contributing two Since this is the last issue of things off this year. Though we can always think back to the gress. Two of our activities These projects will be interest- hits), Neal "Home Run" Hoff- the year for the GOLD BUG, power and proficiency of the '62 gdd machine, for some the single have been the familiarization ing to the students and, at the man (with three splendid set- we feel that special tribute loss of the season, to Susquehanna, will come to mind first. It of the students with the funda- same time, assist us in our ties and two rbi'e) , "Gentle- should be paid to some of the was during the second half of the game that the Terrors, though mentala of basketbal.l and a project. Finally, we are going man" Jim Cupp (with a perfect seniors who have helped to already beaten, outplayed an obviously better team. The real ping pong exhibition between to organize a program whereby 2 for 2 afternoon), and, of make the Terrors one of the spirit of Bob's troops came forth in this second half rally. Mean- "Spear" Klein and "String members of the club can assist course, "Stud" Walter (who small college baseball powers in while, also in the fall, Coach Harmon's soccer-men fought and Bean" Miller. \Ve contributed stude~ts in becoming fairly clobber~~ four hits and one both the M-D and MAC confer- fussed against the mud, cold, and enemy bcoters. Off to an agcn- many men to the operation of proficient on the apparatus round-tripper). Altogether, ences. These champions in- izing start, the Harmonmen rallied decisively in the second part the Mason-Dixon Wrestling available in the gym. WM~ collect~d ~7 hits, at least elude: Lance "Spear" Klein of the season and even drew large crowds (for soccer) out in the Tournament. To wind up the The officers for next year are one m every mnmg. and. Wayne "all conference" cold and the rain to see them play roundball. year, we put on the Cavalcade as follows: "Whit" who gave his usual Whitmore, the best right-left During the winter, the hoopsters, under Coach Clower, at. of Sports Night to familiarize President __..__. ..._._.Bob Shaw strong m 0 u n d performance handed m 0 u n d combination ;;:~t~~e aH1rl~el~w is;h:~~l:h:;~rr~~g~_~~YI:srsa~ig~~idn~~Pt:~ ~~~~~~~~e;~il~hth!~re u:~p~~'a!~: ~~~~s~~:~.i~~~~_.~~~~~i~b~etef:i~~: bO~S:~:p~:~;'~~~r~6ios~~~~n, one ,~e~~ ~i~e~,il:ais~ ~:~;'s df:::i~S~ compiled as outstanding a record as they had hoped for-at times gymnasium. Secretary .__. . Stan Makover sees a year that began very dis- hl~ter and "Mr, Dependable" they played poorly; at times, brilliantly. Yet, with such excite, Next year the club plans to Sergeant-at-Arms _._.Jim Cupp couragingly with two losses in this year; Charlie "Stud" Wal- ment as the close games against the Mount in Emmitsburg by provide greater assistance in SGA Representative Gil Smink t?e M-D ~on.ference which prac- ter, one of the most consistent throngs 0:( WMC fans; the determined win over Baltimore Uni- tically eliminated the Terrors sluggers on the team and pro- individual performances of Richie varsity, and the outstanding season was, as it should be, one of the Iraekme H"t W" C I from title contention. How- vider- Of. many awesome mo- Khtaberg, the basketball en I In 0 umn ever, even with this handicap, menta wl~h unbelievable home " group, showed the school the power of esprit de corp and hard A L I L yeomlng a rIJltIJT ~:i~ bl;~!~, a;~b~~all~:;:~ ~a:d F II u~~~,t~e c~:::{;~n:i~ ~~~~las::t~f°iv!~e ~:~~us~!n~h;h:a~;e!~~;~~ record on the mats. Also, not 5 oyo a work as it ground out ll; respectable ~rul( t~acher who somehow .found tll~ellto ~ead the team to victory. n . to. b~ forgotten,. the nile team, under Sgt .. ":oung, compiled a' rultlJll' serve ~ S;~:i~~ l~:~{s 7:r ~~~ wmmng log .agams~ some very tough comp.ebbon. Through sheer determination· event winner in taking the high ~nul( ing us four consecutive winn~n Then, WIth sprmg, c?,me baseball, .tenms, and track. Anyone and top performances by fresh- hurdles, low hurdles, and jave- seasons, three titles, and man g Whether a touchdown by Bi- ~~~l~ing moments :!~O~hasst~~~~~v~~dt~~:~~~~~~~~~s '~~lc1:~~i~b~a~~:~n:~~r ~~~' ~;~~kt!~~ ,~~~si~~'nfirs~~:~::~ ~~~ h~r:;~heo~~ho~l-~~~:r~~o;:; SCI' or Terry, a basket by KlitZ-I ;:::' ::::::::::::= on the di1- Walker as ~hey conslsten~ly lambasted encmy pitc~ing. And, of the se~s?~ as the Terrors rolled all three of the aforementioned course, te~ms foll~wers Will re~ember a team, call It the team of over vlsltmg Loyola College, 69 events. Dennis Gosnell, Bruce berg or O'Malley or a strikeout the year If there lS such a thll;g, that developed, in one season, to 53. Knowles, Lennie Owens, Jim by Klein or Whitmore, the Class from a squad of amateurs, begmners, and losers to a conference Cashing in for the Clowel'men Davis, and Dave McIntire, all of '63, perhaps the finest in the Visit the i;~e:~o:~~~'t ~~~~hu~~r!h:~~~ ~~~~~~e~:;~st~:~mhi~sf:~~e~;~~ ~v2e~'ey:rl~a~~r~li:sd~~V;~e~v~nn~~~ ~~~~~:en6t~~i:P;I~:~rSw~;~I:~t:~ ~~h~OI~~r~~!~r~f:~~le~i~v~r~~~~ pectatlOns. ~o tr~ckmen, t~e ~e~son was somewhat dismal, dotted scllool record in the 330 yard Jesse Brewer, Ron Shirey, Char- ess and success. It has been in AVENUE ~:m~a~~~~ WIll With only mdlVJdual honors to add glory to the ~e~:~~e;o~~~f~c~~~U;'::th~'~~~~ leYA~~~~o:h,a~~eR~~ ~~~ryin- ~~~~ ~:~~ti:~u:n/ei~~sivi~~~~ BARBERSHOP This .was.the w~y the w?eel sP,?n in .1962-1963. Next year in jump (5'8"). Dave McIn~ire, juries, poor conditioning, and a stars have shone more brightlYI:========~ the fall, It Will bcgm to whlrl agalll-with some new faces and Cal Furhman, and Frank Rme- general lack of co-ordination, than in many a day. They have ncw hopes. hart placed one-two-three in the the track squad has had a dis- been significant in bringing ================== ~ei~:er;;e,~~:I:n:~a~e~:~:i:IZ~ ~~~?;n~~:ro:~a:~~~s 1~;yS~~~~= ~~~!~ur~~~~n s~!~~s~sm~~:nSUt~ Wesltninster Hurt's Net Aces Write 'Finis' 1~~t~~li~~m:ni~ t:err~hO~r~~~ ~~;: ~:;~e:n;:linf!c~i~;~~ ~~l~~~ ~e::~es l~~~';l:.ndc:r~:~~l;f (~i:~ Laundry T A . r nl II. came in second and third in the devcloped talent, the cindermen coaches and fans will bemoan and 10 mazing Jeason v, upsets ~4~n~~~~ ~eac~~d:~~~~:{~h~i1(';O ;esvo~~~h~!~ISeSg;:r~~up for it by :~~~:n~~:IOfa~~ee~~a~~i:~:~~~\l;~ Dry Cleaning At the beginning of the sea- Although Hank Schimzu looked and 220 yard dashes to pick up .. .. .. we say hats off to the Hill's fin- s.. son, Coach Frank Hurt hoped good in practice, his opponent valuable victo:y points as. did .Seniors Tom O'Malley, Jerry est, the Class of 1963. MRS. FISHER only for an average slate Now was too much for him defeat Slammer Smith (3rd-h I g h Richmond, Roy Terry, and Ed • .. .. after fourteen matche~, ll~ ing Hank 6-0, 6-0. '''Bullet'~ jump).' Charlie Wheatley and Shilling will be missing next The acceptance of Negroes thinks his boys are pretty Bob Price battled his rival M.cIntJre (2nd .a~d 3rd~2 year.; but, with. a healthy Eddie for ~ext ye~r may be the first STUDENT UNION ,great. They have come from three sets, to emerge the victor mile), and Ed (2nd~ Dallleis and ~lJke Schlee and a s~ep In helpmg the above situa- nUILDING a slow start to a leading posi- as did Darrell Linton on the pole vaul.t). Charlie . Dotson few encouraglllg freshmen pros- tion, as many of today's finest ~~or~n~~,~~i~hrt:ea:~~i~six;~d~~~; ~~~~~:I~nJh~el~aYS~Onur{Vint;r~~~y;\~ol~,:hea~~~u\.:~:nt ~~e~hanlJ:;b:ct:~t~~;~~~;!e~etS~~e~a~h~ ~.ll~:ea~~hl~t:,~ ;;:~r~e;:eo~s ~~: I~-:::-=--=-:;:::====~ losses. set the score at 4-2 as Denng placed first In the 880 yard run year's 2-6 log. Coach Dick especially strong for attracting !f anyone c_ould be ~U;~~ym~~Uld;;?~;~~d t;;in~:(t (2i~i~5)TueSday, May 17~ the ~lo\:er :~~lb~~~C~~r~!~~~~ng ~r~ ~~!~~~.stars in all areas of en- "Everybody Welcome" ~ald ~o be th_~hlghhght It would ling first' doubles te d hOll_leteam thinclads rolled to Clower has done a tremendous e t e Hopkl~s matCh. on May Qui~by and Wendero:h~' t1~~d t~ell" second straigh~ win with a job in ~he past f.ew seasons in One.major sore spot in WMC at the ~. t:ft;: h~~lll,gbsuffeled ~ lo~s do ubI e s team lost thei victory over Lycomillg College. developlllg potential track ean- athletics is the considerably t~ e op m~ °lrs earlier.1ll matches, leaving 'it up to Lin~ First places. were c.aptured by didates into ~o'pflight perform- poor "recruiting system" used ~ ;ea~on, f t e ,urtmcn lll- ton and Miller to save th Art Renkwltz (shot), Jerry ers. RecogllltIon should also be by the athletic department DOWNTOWN ~att~ the ormer s5 %ou~ts to match. After battling throug~ Richmond (1?0 yd. dash), Tom given to the departing coach for Fewer guesses and more inves~ a e t em to a - vIctory. three sets they finally came out O'Malley . (hlg~ jump), ~i:h- spearheading improvements on tigation could save much money 19 E. Main St. ========= ~~~~or~i~~es:rt~~~1n;h~a~C~~~~; l(;~~ ag:~~lt~~-~)~n~d S~~~~~i~~~~ ~~~~k~,;a~as An~;P~~~e~:~; ~~ve~oe;.~,h-sitters, who "never GO LOB UG ~:n s~~ftn~~s!tt~:~s~\l!~e o~~~~~ i:~~r~~~y Fr<;~~I~~id~U~~·s ;~~ named. See You ;ex; Y:ar! Billiards TI 8-9824 - their finest upsets. of W"stern Continuing in grand style Flash! the home six ellcOtlntered Amer~ KEEPSAKE LECKRON ~~~~tsu~~ve~!~ t3 n t~hetr~:~~~ B-Ballers Capture WTTR 'AM·FM & .. -, I:~·~n:-2;h;ft~th::tth';:.::::,th~M AC Championship ARTCARVED GULF SERVICE ::--S,:-b,,-C,;-p';C-'n--CPCC';'-'CC$3C'".OOC-,-y- Diamond and W. MAIN & PENNA. AVE. Gail Allen ... ~~~e~r~~z:'b~t sdi~n;it~ee:ri;~ Playing in a must game lasti,========:::; Wedsling Rings Coach C Editor-ill-Chief Linton M'll y Q' b d Wednesday, too late to catch II II Th t Westminster, Md. Joseph Spear Winte;ling I erh· ~In ~h a\ GOLD BUGi headlines, arro ea re Open an account TI8·6929 T18-9876 .t Managing Editor their single wml:t~~es m~~~~g Hitchc?ck's !,t~ine turned, Donald Hinrichs the 5-1. Price and Winter- Lycommg ~-lJFon. the loser s dia- DAVID'S JEWELERS N... ~?.J;:O_l'l~~i~;,t:::~~.~J~:l;hd~~~t:':~,:~~~~2~:~~~f ;p~~~:::~l;i~i~~!:~~ 19 E. Main St. CHANGEOVER SPRING May 17-21 Fri.-Tues. Robert Taylor Asd. NewsEditors Li~d!CM~b'::ff.,;! freshman lost their doubbJe; ~aenc!J "J~i~~,la~~~~nC~~~~~~n~e~ J'MIRACLE OF THE Westminster WHITE STALLIONS" FeatureEditor__ ..__ FTDi~~e:e-r:~i';;: match. Neal "Huffy" Hoffman, Charlie What's New in the Bookstore?? ;:::~I.a:tdi:::t:: ..~:~SJ~~~y G~ro~~~ I would like to take this :~lt~:~ ~~~H~~~b~t;o:~~edCu:it ~~:~:~h:~;~.~~i~:~~h;r:~yltr~~~~ ~~~~~I~;I~~h~Sn~~~~~~~~~~~~ tin~h~~~1°~~e Terrors failed to ~:~~'r~~t~~n Mel~!~YD:!~I!: • Books - for Doers of Deeds and Dreamers 'of Dreams Sherwood.J""eo~ Soear. Wilford who cooperated with me this regain their Mason-Dixon title "BILLY BUDD" for Planners of Plans and Schemers of Schemes __:_ we'vc Fat Books and Thin Books, Big Books and Little Repo~~£i~£:~~~::I~~:e:V~~:~a:i~:~:~~::st~~ pir~ntut~~~e ;~::~ ~7~~ese~o~heth~~~d;::e l~la:~~! ~======== Books, Sad Books and Glad Books - evcrywhere you , look-.books!! ~~~;stei~~nds~~~';,llas~~~s,Jc~~l~ ~~i~~dSht~UI~h~~~ba,~~ob~:~~ ~~~;~e~eCsii!o~~~fh~~ l~~:, ~:li~Clothes Flower Fresh Arnyed at last - another book for fans of Golding worked hard to publicize oth- bel' of this year's squad. After at the (author of "Lord of the Flies") "Free Fall," $1.65. ers. To John Law, hard- a disastrous Southern trip, they Ha\'e yOIl seen the glorious color photography of working assistant editor; to rebounded to carve out a suc- the.Verlag serics of Panorama Books? They recapture to Sylvia White, best looking ;::::::::::::::=, MODERN IDEAL tell!n.gly the atmosphere of places dear in memory or Bill Penn, most reliable P. C.; cessful season. 9"ntlclpated keenly. Handsome gifts, modest price, $2.95. TypingEditor. . VivianBittner staff member; to Will • o.ur new shipment of art reproductions includes "Devo- Typists: Joy Holloway,Jackie Baer. Wrightson, almost unbiased LAUNDRY tion," "Meditation," "The Gossips," modern in interpre. Susan Ambr""en. Meredith Ho- bllrt, Kllthie Ravelli, L)'II Smith. intramural rep 0 rter; to EVERHART'S tation, popularly priced. NanoyWhitworth Photogra.pher..~.~DavidSutton Richie Klitzberg, ace column- See ist; to Mike Sherwood, Milt EditorialAssi.tant .~ DennisDorSch Barber Shop "THE COLLEGE BOOKSTORE" BUSINESS STAFF Hendrickson, Sandy Callan- MATT CREAMER Advert.i.ingManager_._ RonaldLerch der, and Dennis Dorsch, my At The Forks Daily 8:30 am to 4:00 Exchange_. .__ LindaTruitt Cil"culation. SusanSachs sincere thanks. J.M. A.N.W. 333 Sats. 'til 12 Noon Winslow Student Center Advisor_._ Mi•• NancyWinkleman
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