Page 4 - TheGoldBug1961-62
P. 4
The Gold Bug, Oct. 6, 1961 TERROR Green Terror Eleven To Clash BYTH£J'S With' Randolph-Macon 'Jackets Winning athletics have returned to Western land lOur teams are leading contenders in every sport and in most of the minor ones. We are the Tomorrowat 1:30 on Hoffa possessors of a Co-Mason-Dixon Conference Field the 1960Co-championsof championship; our basketball team experienced its the Mason-Dixon Conference season in the history of the college last year; the base- meet head-on in a game that ball team has become a perennial contender for the willhave a lot to say aboutwho conference crown; and the soccer team has achieved will wear the crown this year. The Green Terrors play host national prominence, as well as producing an AlI-Ameri- to the YellowJackets of Ran- can athlete. Yes, we of Western Maryland can be proud dolph-Macon College in a of our teams-they are among the very best. g-rudge battle. Not only did The majority of these events have come to pass these two teams tie for top within a period of the last three years. This is improve- laurels in the M-D Conference ment, progress, headway. The calibre of athletes last year, but the Jackets' only Wl\1C is definitely on the uprise. l\I-D loss in 1960 was at the However, the purpose of these humble words is not hands of the Tenors, by a to praise our noble teams. It is. rather, to raise a ques- score of 14-8, in a game at tion which has apparently entered the minds of many in Ashland,vs. this period of a few years. With the apparent improve- Yobst ComesThrough ment in the calibre of the athlete, why hasn't there been In tbat game, Western Mary- a corresponding improvement in the type or style of land scoredon the finalplay on a one-footsneak by Roy Terry game that is played? In other words, when you have to break an 8-8 tie. The touch- the material, or the calibre of player, why not attempt, had been set up on a last at least, to adjust the game to a sort that the player desperation pass, good excels in, rather than adjusting the player to the type yards, from Terry to of game that he is definitely less adept at. Specifically, the reference is being made "1l:illll"IiIIiIll_",i I:~~'t.~:::~,Y~i~~~S\~~~Chn~andeth: WMC type of football game, which is preuommanu line. When the running game-plunges, end runs, and up for the for- sneaks, with the yardage being ground out an extra point, Ma- ran out at the cracking inch. the clockdid More specifically, reference is being made ==============="============ h i recent Pl\1C game. Our only touchdown was set ~~:~;i~~d~a~:-l!a~":;!t.~:s~;.,~;t~·~:rh;!.c~~;, Frat Gridders Late Rally Falls Short abou: :5b~~~V~t:~a~~~r~::~; prevailed. Both teams enter the game ~ro~:~h~Yoc~~'~fa~~~ah;::Si~: :~!~~~:~~rve:t~oe~b,~~a;Set For Action A T S b identical I-I records. quent effect on the outcome of the game. Hence leaving beaten Guilford Collegelast weekin a not ~se them, i,~stead of losing yardage on attempts at The grid ~t~lwart~ of the S errors uccum 6-4, after having lost runmng plays? four fraternfties WIll clash Millersville(Pa.) It must be understood that these words express the head-onin the near future to Sparked by the' College,20-12. spectator's viewpoint and are far from being profes- open a new season _of intra- running of stonal. Then, speaking from the spectator's viewpoint, mural football. loreto, the it may be said that a passing game has a greater spec- The perennial battle be- itary College Cadets tator appeal than a running one. Now, one may ask, tween A:lphaGa~ma Tau and an 18-8 win over a just what does "spectator appeal" have to do with the Delta PI Alpha IS expected to WMCsquad last question at hand. And one may retaliate by remarking be resumed.. However, l"Ismgternoon. The that it is the spectators (in this case the members, ~f !~~ie~~er~h~sl~~~~a~:age~~~: r;:~e~ae\.s:~c:I~;t:dndr the, Western Maryland campus) w~o. form the sptrtt Chi array, who last year de- the third. En route ~~~~c~i~~ot~e~~i~;aie:u~p~OrtV~~tr:{ihl:i:~~r: k~~~!a:~~~ [~a~:~naas::~~;d~~:~~I~:;~a~ ~;:il~is~~o;'sieil~;~rsupC,-,-," -;o,CIc,. lhey ate behind them, backing them up all the way. the finalstandings. yards 59 of which And, as an eminent coach has often expressed, spirit is A numberof regular starters throu~h the air lanes. the backbone of any team. 'Vithout support, no team are missing from the Pl"e~cher In the first quarter, can long survive. team, last veer-scha~ps WItha maxed a 60-yard Give the fans an exciting game, which in this case 6-.0 re~ord, mc1udmg i Filoretosprinted four would b~ beneficial to all concer~ed,. and .t~ey will ~~~n~l~obB;~:~;hnDan paydirt on a pass-run spend With an even more enthusiastic SPIrit and The Alpha Gamm~ However,the kickfor loyal support. lost a valuablestarter THE BESTIN SUBS - PIZZAS Fount.ain Creations Acrossfrom Carroll Theater BENN'S W. MAIN& PENXA.AVE. Westminster,Md. 1'18-9781 YOUR, HEADQUARTERS FOR WTTR AM·FM AAA YOUNG MEN'S FASHIONS ROAD SERVICE by McGREGOR Authentic Ivy styling at down-to-earth BAUGHER'S JIM LEPORATI prices in Berm's complete selections of RESTAURANT Representing famous McGregor Fall outer-wear and Y4MileOft'the Campus LAUNDROMAT sport shirts. Budget terms, of course. 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