Page 5 - TheGoldBug1961-62
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Liorl!l'Y THE:::GOID BUG SGA WATCHING WALLET several "In addition, the SGA ha-s spent dollars hundred We helped within this past year on NSA and NSA related causes. pay the expenses of two delegates who attended the national NSA conference in the Midwest this past summer." These statements were part of a letter to the editor that ap- WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND peared in the GOLD BUG's -May 12 issue of last spring. The ~~~~:~=~a~!~iv~:;:~ti:~dt~ri~c~p~~;i~~~l ft~t::c~:~ ""';'====9=,,.,,=======================O~c~to~b~er=13,,;,~1~9~6l'I~:!~~i::i~:,C~~~ aspect of membership. Since then, the issue has remained clouded, ~ Mrs ' J'u'd,-th Cole He-,gns As Queen ~~~;_';f~}h,:_~~~:;~::'-:;,:f,~:~~t,Ot~t:::1~,~~=~;o~,.:;:.:~~;~~t An examination of the Student Government e financial. reo- hundred dollars" are being funnelled out of _~tstreasury. - '_;._ ~, • , "'_' " - crds will diaprove-c-and emphatically-the charges that "several First of Miss.','Reese;. Miss Fetrow,~MissBecker, Miss Jones Will Attend :~tr!~e~Gdi;:~~~~\:e~~a;~~:~~;~!~~ra~o~;~O~;~~!~~~'~~A~~ . - . . .' ". . . .. or nearly all of its budget would have to be directed to !hlS politi- Mrs. Judith Kmg Cole Will tendant and JUnior duchess at nauta. She IS a physical edu- J'udy Jones has made several cal organization to satisfy the charge. Even more concretely, the reign"as queen over the 1961 May Day festivities in past cation major and plans to teach appearances on beauty courts. Student Government's books show that a total of only $37.60 was ~o~l!co~~ng pageant and ac- .years. high school ph!sical educati.on Sh 7 was _Duches~ of Coun~y spent on the National Student Association last year ($30.00- ttvities to be held m- her honor Even as a homemaker, Judy, after graduation. westmtn- Fair at Wilson High School m national dues, $6.00-Maryland regional dues, and $1.60-pam~ orrv October 28. Serving as who is a French major, finds ster is her horne. Washington, D. C.; attendant phlets). members' of-her majesty's court time to be an active member of A newcomer to campus beau- to Miss Ocean City, New Jer- That the SGA also helped pay the expenses for WMC's two are-Miss Eatharrne Reese, Miss the campus community. In ty courts, Claudia Fetrow rep- sey ; and rode in the 1960 Miss delegates, Downey Price and William' Sitter, who attended the Claudia Fetrow, Miss Cindy her junior year she was news- resents the junior class. As a America Parade. national convention in. the summer of 1960, is also completely Becker, and Miss Judit~ Jo?es; feature editor ~or the GOLD nativ.e of Maitla?d, Flori?a, Judy, who is an English rna- false. Not a dollar came out of the SGA treasury-$100 'for the :",ho represent the senior, jun- BUG and co-editor of her so- she IS an art major, who in- jor, hails from Baltimore. conference was contr-ibuted by the Adminjstration. The rest was ior, sophomore, and freshman rority yearbook The. Torch. tends .tc make a career in in, Since arriving on the Hill she made up by the delegates themselves. classes respectively. She is president of the French tertor decoration. has been selected to the mem- Thus is .presented undeniable evidence that the Student Oov- These girls were selected Club and President's Club, Claudia is alumni secretary bership of the college choir. ernment Association is not being bled to monetary death by mem- rrom. nominees from each of. ser~es as Sergeant-at-arms for for her sorority, Sigma Sigma She plans to teach after grad- berabip in the NSA. Whether this membership can justify a the • classes and