Page 6 - TheGoldBug1958-59
P. 6
2 The Gold Bug, Oct. 10, 1958 WORDS CONCERNING FRAT PI.EDGING . . • An Apology: What It Was, Was Football SELECT THE ONE OF YOUR CHOICE October 16th, 1958-To most of the sophomore and eli- The opening game of the foot- temperature drop left the conces- ly but lucrative vigils on the hill- , gible advanced standing students, this date signifies the day ball season brewed up a special sionaires with a lot of left-over side. on the cam- of excitement Junior men were either selling that fraternity bids come out. Bids from four fraternities brand The Terrors met the Eagles lemonade. their wares or keeping an eye on pus. Even the seniors went to their will go out at 8 :30 am on the aforementioned date. The suc- on the gridiron and proved to be last first game. Most of the men their freshman dates for that eve- ceeding thirty hours will be decisive ones for those who are fiercer than their visitors. How- were selling things, but the women ning. The gals huddled together fortunate enough to receive one or more bids and certainly ever, not all the action was on the took seats to visit with the Alumni to talk 'Over sororities, men, and much consideration should be given to each bid received. field. and to see who came with whom. things in general. More people be- Which fraternity should you join? The answer to this Alumni, who vowed that they This was also a good chance to get gan to notice the score board as question must come from each one of you (as individuals). couldn't wait to get out, thronged a late date for the fraternity party the Terrors "held that line." It is a decision that only you can make. Above all, do not be back to their Alma Mater. The that night. Two young ladies, during the influenced by what others think, do, or say. This determina- men ushered in new girls, old girls As the score mounted, Punchy's fourth quarter, discovered that tion is one with which you will live for the remainder of your with new looks, and wives. The fan club voiced their opinions and they were thirsty. The older of the women came back to compare dia- college career. It will have a direct effect on your ways of monds and to talk to the other asked for their "idol" to be put in. two said to her friend, "Not yet. me in, coach, I Strains of "Put Let's wait til the half." thinking and your modes of life. It should satisfy you and not Alumni to find cut what was new don't smoke!" were discerned com- At the final whistle, cheers went your friends, for you are the one that must be content. among old friends. The "Alumni" ing from the grandstand man- up, the Alma Mater was played One should evaluate each fraternity, concerning what it who never received their diplomas agers. and sung, and fans swarmed the stands for, what it has to offer, and what one has to offer it. returned to see if anyone was sur- The rats had two male (1) field to hug the players with con- There is no best fraternity on this campus; but perhaps one passing the colorful memories that cheerleaders to lead them in in- gratulations. fraternity is the best one for the individual concerned. There they had left behind. The $1.50 spiring the team. Their grace, co- No sir, not all the action was are certain basic ideals that each fraternity assumes. Each admission came as a shock, but the ordination, and rhythm were in- on the field. However, with due tries to establish an atmosphere of true brotherhood among news was worth it. class swarmed deed incentives to all the fans to apologies to Deacon Andy Griffith, The freshman its members. A fraternity encourages proficiency in scholar- onto the cinder track like rats fol- cheer louder, especially when the it must be said that "What It Was, one began to lose some of his equip- Was Football." ship, unity in social interests, and the physical and mental de- lowing the Pied Piper. High school ment. 'Suggestion: keep them on velopment of its members. However, a fraternity is primarily cheers and Terror yells permeated the squad. They were excellent ORIENTAL THANKS a social organization. It is judged by the character of its mem- the air with enthusiasm that only sports about it all. Editors Note-Last sprilng, the bers, their personal conduct, and their individual performance. college football can evoke. All "One, two, three, four, five, six, Olaee of 1961 sPQ?l.Iw1·eda cleaning A bid from a fraternity is usually indicative of the fact rumors and misgivings that they seven. That's out- score. We want day. The proceeds that were col- that all of the members of that frat feel that you possess the had had about the team were dis- more!" "Hot dogs!" lected by the cleaning 0/ st.udents pelled as valiantly cheered desired qualifications for membership and also that you most for victory. they Clad in rat hats and Some sixty girls, special because roome wet-s sent to a university in likely have abilities and characteristics that will be advan- new bulky-knit sweaters, they dis- they date members of the team, Japan fQ1' the 8ltPPQ1·t of a student tageous to their concern. It means that the fraternity wants tinguished themselves from the were spread throughout the stands for 01/", yea1.. The project was Some fifty specific num- you. Then, you, and you alone, must decide whether or not apathetic upperclassmen in their watching You see, Some of the men worthwhile usui the class plans to bers. you want the fraternity. "bally-knits". dated two girls, one during the svouscs- a similar project sometime dU1'ing the 8pring In essence, the editor's advice concerning fraternity The P A announcer reported the week, another on weekends. After academic year. Qf the CU1Tent pledging is to evaluate your opportunities and arrive at a de- details of the lineup and the game, an injury, one high-pitched voice To the Class of 1961, cision that you can proudly say is yours. Then, pledge that but the wind blew the sound away. wonld squeal, "He's dead! Some- I am most gratefully in receipt chosen frat. Give that frat your best and forever strive to A noble effort! Also in the press body help" and they would flex his of your very pleasant letter, of encourage the support of its particular ideals and aims. box were announcers from station leg muscle. June 18, not as President of Kwan- broadcasting the play-by- WTTR Transistor models and car Sophomore women displaying sei Gakuin (for I resigned from play. WAR OVER QUEMOY? radios were tuned 'in as WMC foot- various sororities of rejoiced newly- the office at the end of last March tokens their pledged in the at the expiration official of my ball hit the air waves for the first time. fact that they could talk to upper- tenn) , but still as a member of the classmen again. The confusion of - War over Quemoy? This question has been on the lips, Wondering murmurs ignited a Board and Faculty of Kwansei Ga- minds, and hearts of statesmen throughout the world. This buzz through the crowds as the the night before extricated itself, kuin University. Your enclosed and each girl found out what group group of three words-has provoked international concern and Terror visited the girls in the her friends had joined. cheque for one hundred dollars activity. You, as a student of Western Maryland College, stands. (Ever try to hold a one- The band, reinforced with a ($100.00) as a generous grant should also have these words and their implications on your sided converaation j ) "Only one group of talented freshmen mu- from your class of 1961 at Western College is received with Maryland lips, mind, and beart-c-vwar over Quemoy?" person on campus swaggers like sicians, proudly played the various a marked degree of excitement, joy Quemoy has been another in a series of profound and that, but it could possibly be. ." fight songs. The drummer pound- and gratitude. I referred this de, serious victories for the communist world during the past "One, two, three, four. \Vho are ed the pulsating rhythms of the Iightful news to 0111' new President year. Beginning with the advent of Sputnik, through the Leb- we for ?" "Ice men cold Cokes!" The cheers as the cheerleaders shouted. T. Komiya who has succeeded me. fraternity interrupted the anon crisis, and continuing with the bombardment of Quemoy, cheers with their salesmanship. The cheers came fast and furious And I am sure his official acknowl- the Russian government has placed United States foreign Program! for information and so that the leaders could keep edgment and gratitude for your policy and international prestige in an unenviable position. jokes, seat cushions for comfort, warm, but often the most exciting friendly and generous act are plays were missed as the "locomo- Blessed with the advantage of being the aggressor and aided and food for - proved to be an tive" ran through the stands. forthcoming. Meantime let me ex- by inconsistent policy and action on the part of American integral part of the game for those The second half brought the tend to you and all concerned on statesmen and leaders, Russia has placed American leadership who had the monl~y. The sudden ROTC guard down from their lone- behalf of Kwansei Gakuin Board, our Faculty students and deep and prestige in the Free World at its lowest level since this gratitude for this friendly show of country's emergence as a superpower. your magnanimity. War over Quemoy? Loss of prestige? What does this CHIT CHAT FROM KIT KAT It is certainly very wonderful to mean to the college student-to the Western Maryland College know that there are American student? The effects of Sputnik have already been felt "And she shall have music wherever she goes." This line from friends in so remote a place as through increasing emphasis on science in education, coupled Mother Goose has written itself into the academic program at Western your Western Maryland College, with a complete re-evaluation of the American educational Maryland. Not only do we hear the semi-hourly chimes from the who are so deeply interested in J a- system. Prestige-this is the greatest prize of the Russian Chapel, but did you hear the radio hooked up to the amplifying system pan and especially in us, as to care out the Good-Will Japanese victory. Prestige is not purchased with money; it is purchased during Convocation? Those in the front of the auditor-ium had a pretty .r-y Pr-oject ; so much so that you raised with deeds. Russia is now performing the deeds. The commu- "jazzy" time. money for our sake as a good-will nist bloc has succeeded in parlaying America's lack of a defi- Those fortunate enough to have classes on the ground floor of the gift. Kwanset Gakuin Board will nite policy on limited warfare and Russia's recent propaganda Chapel during organ practice had a pleasant treat. However, that certainly take actions to make the victories in Lebanon into another situation that forces the type of music was not most conducive to the study of Robert Burns' most worthy use of your gift, mak- satires. United States to back away from decision and lose the confi- Fraternity eerenaders are making a hit with the women's dorms ing it a very apt monument of the dence of our allies. The United States has still made no defi- again. Makes you just a li~t1e bi; sen~men;aL goodwill shown so spontaneously nite decision on how to deal with the Quemoy situation. Our by you. every move is criticized, either by our allies or by Nationalist Grille -notee : Pleaee leave the lightB on in the Grille when it i8 Qpen. The most interesting part of China. Any mistake could result in total war or another moral One hungry soul sparing a dime for ice cream: 11eaTly tripped over hud- your letter is the description of the steps you took to publicize your victory for Russia. This is what should and must cause con- dled c01tples as 8M ventured in darkmeee to fond the machine. The lights campaign and to raise money. My cern for the Western .Maryland College student. in the juke box are scarrcely 81wugh. highest compliments to the ingenu, What can you as a student do? A college is an institution The bookstQre staff is trying a 1WW 1'ont'ine to augment their ex- ity and nnstinted efforts your established for the pursuit of knowledge. By acquiring knowl- cellent service to the campus, They are taking staggered lunch hours group of girls called upon to carry edge of the world situation through studying current events 1$0 that they do 1Wt have to shut ltp shQP dwrlng the early afternoon; out your Japanese Good-Will Proj- that By the way, the reason fQI' the delay in aS8Qrti11g mail i8 the fact and being informed on current problems, a student is better the student urorkere have first period ercesee. You wouldn't Cltt cithe'l'! ect. Let me again thank you- qualified to judge our nation's policies. By supporting those At home you're lucky to get your 1nail before noon sometime/J, SQ 110 a.nd with me the whole Kwansei leaders who propose and advocate a solution that appears gripes here, please. . Gakuin-Dean Helen Howery, and boys sound to the informed observer, you as a student can make },fr. Foutz had a problem,. Should he order 80ft or hard paekB of your class-mates, both thing and you girls for the wonderful your interest felt. Knowledge and support are the part stu- eiga:rettes? Seem,IJ as though 1JWl'e ?nen like thr:; Boft pack, so for the performed fo~' us. In clOsing this dents must play to end situations that lead to questions such time being, soft packs will be availablr:; in the 1Mn's dorms a,nd ha.rd letter, I like to thank Mr. H. Ito, as "War over ,Quemoy?" packs in the Grille. a Japanese student, on your cam- Did anyone catch the mouse that had the girls clitnbing on chairs? pus, who late last year approached sex may The Fate Of The Weekend Bcared to death of an inno~ent ~ttle ;wu.s~ but they are still of Kwansei Gakuin in order to in- The fair be bec01ni11g ?nOTe independent, me with a request for the catalogue troduce our Institution to you. Saturday mornings an exodus begins on WMC'c campus. A pat on the back: At a meeting of the Faculty Advisors, the ef- HidiOjiro Kato Why? Quite often the answer to this query is that there is fectiveness of the FAC was discussed. The faculty voted wnanimously nothing to do on the Hill on Saturday nights. With certain that the Senior Advisors had done a good job this year. Congratulations, exceptions, there are no planned activities which can compete but remember your job does~'t s~p he~e. GOLD BUG with those in the "home town". This is not the only reason for of W ....tern students' going home for the weekend, but in too many in- SI~gge8tiQn for the new Grille: Instal/some- card deck racks. Seems OffIcial student neW$paper Beml.monthly Maryland College. published people togethB1· for a game, that whenever as though yo!~ can get four stances it is the case. you luvve to buy a new deck. Some card fans now have as many as nine on Friday during O~to.ber. November. Feb- This is a sad situation, but it seems that it is a more acute decks of next to ?lew cards which are just too much trouble everyone ~t~t~~::l~~~;i;~~~~;I~~~ to carry problem for the many who remain on campus. As a general on your person all the time. A place to leave the1; that rule, those who do go home or t6 their friends' homes for the could U8e them and replace. the~ mig~t sol~e the problem. weekend usually have something planned to do. But what Member about those students who either by choice or circumstance Five fnll-blooded volunteers travelled to Baltimore .to donate blood Associat.ed Collegiate Press stay on campus? And what can be done to appeal to those to Mr. Ebaugh who was associated with the college some twenty years. who habitually leave on Saturday-something that will arouse Some weather the experience better than others, but none were too Subscription Price $2.00 a Year interest so that there is )lot such a wide-spread egress? happy to see the glass of tomato juice offered afterwards. Tell me, was Albert T. Dawkins, Jr. It is not feasible or desirable to schedule fraternity par- your blood red or blue? Editor-in-Chief ties every Saturday night nor can the athletic department be Robert Fothergill over that improved hall is much in the dining The PA system expected to so arrange the sports events. Last year, your l.a.8t year. One- drawback---there is no way to keep all the students of EDITORIAL Business Manager STAFF Student Government Association established a committee en- quiet. Only important announcements are being made this year, SQ it Managing Editor __ titled, the Coordinating Activities Committee. The purpose behQove8 yQU to listB1l. New. Editors __ .. of this committee is to examine the possibility of sponsoring Ass'!. News Editor __ FeatureEdito .... __ some type of activity on the "forgotten" Saturday evenings. A quote from the Dean of -Women who must have heard it before News Feature Edito .... After planning comes participation. If these activities are somowhere: "A college education is the one thing people are most A""iatant News Feature Editor to be a success and if they are to serve the purpose for which willing to pay for and nvt ;:et." *Ther:'s m~re truth than fiction there. Sports Editor •. Muy . Cay McCormi~k Carlton White they are intended, they must be supported by the students. Tom Alhertson Copy Editor It takes time, effort, and money on the part of the sponsoring Methodist Btudent8 were sent a copy of a letter from Margaret Typing Editor _._._. .. VirgInia Pott Ann Kinney organization to set up a program. In all probability, if these IVhitfield, '58, who is ?WW doing mi8siona1'Y WQl'k in Japan. If you'd BUSINESS STAFF is: Miss Margaret her a line now and then, her address Ronald Harman efforts are not supported, the committee and its ideas will be like to drop Seiwa Junio?' College, Okadaya11la, Nishin011liya, Japan. She'd Advertiainll' Man"ger __ .._ Powell Ander.on Whitfield, Ciroulatlon . abandoned. love to heal' from yQu! Advisor _ .._. ....._Dr. Ricbard B. Hovey
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