Page 9 - TheGoldBug1958-59
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October 24, 1958 L?cal Frats Gain Miss Pat Schaefer To Reign Slxty-On~ ~Iedges At Homecoming November 8 In Fall Bidding Th, student body elected Mi" editor of the ALOHA.' A member Patricia Schaefer as the 1958 of the Argonauts lind also a pom Western Maryland's four local Homecoming Queen in an-eleetlon pom girl, she has been active in fraternities had their ranks in- Wednesday, October 22, in the intramural sports and F. T.A. Pat creased by a total of sixty-one grill. The attendants in her court is 21 years old and a member of pledges, when bids were returned will be Shirley Ream, senior; Sue Sigma Sigma Tau. to the fraternity clubrooms on Oc- Warren, junior; Peggy Stakem, The senior attendant, Miss Shir- tober 16 and 17. The bidding ees- sophomore; and Carole Gordon, ley Ream, is 22' years old and sion ended for the upperclass freshman. cornea from Oakland, Maryland. members of the fraternities the Miss Schaefer is an English- This English-education major was preceding Tuesday, October 14, education major from Catonsville, a Homecoming attendant in her and by Thursday the bids were in Maryland, who plans to teach junior year, and was selected first the respective mailboxes. high school English. In her fresh- runner-up in the Miss Carroll Alpha Gamma Tau pledged Ger- man year, Pat appeared on the County Beauty Pageant for 1958. ald Bluehdorn, Robert Browning, May Court as an attendant, then Shirley, who is a member of Sigma James Dennis, Richard Gebhardt, in her sophomore year she wa chos- Sigma Tau, also belongs to the Robert Hyde, Robert Leavey, Da- en duchess. Another beauty honor French Club and F.T.A. During vid Matthews, Charles Mitchell, in her second year was her election her junior year she participated in Robert Schroder, Jan Siehier, Ir- as the ROTC Band sponsor. The the College Players presentation of win Stewart, Albert Ward, and Queen has participated in many "The Crucible," in addition to her Baine Yates. extracurricular activities since her part in the Junior Plays and the Those joining Delta Pi Alpha arrival on "the hill." With pre. Thanksgiving Play. were Charles Bernstein, Michael vious experience for the GOLDBUG Other Attendants Chosen L. to R.-DonM King, Sue Warron, Nornw,n Davis, new members of Bird, James Brown, Lloyd Brown, and Junior Follies, Pat is well pre- Miss Warren, the [unior class Student Ufe Council. William Bruee, Richard Carter, pared for her current position as representative, hails and is majoring from Fort Meade, Maryland, Dilkea, Car- Three Selected As Members Fred Giese, Charles Cecil Gardner, Donald ROTC Awards in biology. In both her freshman John Gill, Kenneth roll and sophomore years, Sue was the Holter, LeFew, Of Student Life Council Leneski, Walter James- Mahan, Matousek, duchess for her class on the May Myers, Top Students Fred Day Court. Following her interest Masenheimer, in science, she belongs to Tri-Beta Donald Rembert, Ronald Sanders, The three new members of the Student Union Building: William Moore, Jonathan Shure, DMS Honors and is currently This secretarg, of that 20 year old organization. Student Life Council were an- Membership on the committee Daniel Shankle, Donald cheerleader, who plays basketball nounced to the Student Oovem- was open to all members of the Alan Stewart, David Sullivan, and and volleyball, is a member of Phi ment Association Monday evening. student body. Those interested Robert Vaughn. Lt. Col. Dayton E. Bennett has Alpha Mu. Those selected were Donna King, submitted their qualifications to Gamma Beta Chi welcomed recently announced the appoint- Sophomore attendant, Miss Peg- Sue Warren, and Norman Davis. the Student Government Associa- Henry Andrion, Maurice Arse- ment of six members of the senior gy Stakem, is a home economics Donna King is a biology major tion who then screened all appli , nault, Paul Benham, Lawrence ROTC class to the position of Dis- from Reisterstown, Maryland. She ants. Final selection of members Beyer, Albert Brown, Ray Buck- tinguished Military Student. This major from Lonaconing, Maryland. is currently serving as vice-presi- was determined by the president ingham, Wayne Conrad, Ford honor is given for scholastic and With plans to teach home econom- ics, she belongs to both F.T.A. and dent or.the junior class and Inter- and vice-president of the SGA and Dean, George Duncan, James military superiority. the Home Economics Club. Peggy Sorority representative (Of Sigma the five faculty members currently Goldring, Larry Hemphill, William James Lewis is not a stranger to beauty courts, Sigma Tau. She has also been ac- on the Council. Kerb'in, Donald Linzey, Henry So, Jim Lewis, the Cadet Battalion for while she was attending Valley tive in Canterbury Club, band, It is hoped that the Student Life George Varga, and Otto Willen. Commander is also president of Queen, and Blanche Ward house council, and Council will be a continuing com- New members of Pi Alpha Al- the Reserve Officers Association. High, she was Winter Nineteen year Miss Lonaconing. the Freshmen Advisory Council. mittee which will serve to meet pha are: Alfred Hinckley, Alan Originally hailing from Westmin- A biology major, Sue Warren the needs of all students at west- Katz, Ronald Poore, Vernon Rip- ster, Jim majors in economics. He hails from Ft. Meade, Maryland. ern Maryland College. peon, Brady ltobetts, and Charles is a member of the varsity footbalJ She is a member of the cheerlead- Runkles. team and Alpha Gamma Tau fra- She also served 'On the Hurt Presents ing squad, Tri-Beta, and Phi Al- Pledging began this past Mon- ternity. This year he served as co- pha Mu. day and this weekend culminates chairman of the Freshman Adviso- class, is a pre-med Second Forum Freshmen Advisory Council. the "Hull-Week" activities. ry Council. Norman Davis, who is president Donald Dewey 'Of the junior The company commander of C major from Glen Burnie, Mary- At the second faculty forum of Important Issues Company, Don Dewey is also an land. He is a member 'Of Gamma the year held last night in Mc- economics major. He is co-captain Beta Chi, Tri-Beta, the Wesley- Daniel Lounge, Professor Frank Decided By ISC of the football team and secretary nns, and the soccer team. Hurt discussed the topic A/rica in of Alpha Gamma Tau fraternity. These three students, along with the World Today. .Two important decisions were Don comes to Western Maryland Allen Gilmore and Sherry Phelps, In the discussion, Professor Hurt made by the Inter-Sorority Coun- from Arlington, Virginia. the president and vice-president of developed the strategy of Africa to- cil this past week. They voted James Cole the Student Government Associa- day as it relates to present politics. unanimously to hold two Open James Ccle . is the Adjutant on tion, and Dean David and Dean He also explained how the Red Sea, Houses for freshmen women this the Battalion Staff. An economics Howery who represent the admin- the Suez Canal, and the Cape fall in the sorority clubrooms. They major, Jim is from Washington, istration, Dr. Crain, who is di- Route Influence the importance of also decided that the rush teas D. C. He belongs to Gamma Beta rector 'Of rellgloua activities, Mr. Africa. would be held earlier than usual. Chi fraternity, of which he is Ser- Waldor! of the athletic depart- In the first action the Council geant. at Arms. ment, and Dr. Jean Kerschner who agreed that there was a definite Manfred Joeres will represent the faculty in gener- College Choir to Sing need to have some type of Inter- The Battalion Executive Officer al, are the members 'Ofthe Student sorority function for freshmen is Manfred J ceres, the vice-presi- Life Council f'Or this year. At Music Conference women during the first semester. dent of Delta. Pi Alpha fraternity. This Council represents a long On Sunday, November 2, the col- The idea of holding tW'O Open A pre-med major, Manfred is also Pat Schaefer, Homecrnning Queen fclt need on the Western Mary- lege choir, under the direction of Houses was decided upon in order president of Tri Beta, and a mem- land College campus. It will CQn- Professor Alfred, will pre- to give all girls an opportunity to ber of the Judicial Board. He old majorette with the band, she cern itself with all phases of stud- sent Cherubini's Requiem in C visit all the clubrooms. These haila from Glen Burnie, Maryland. is a member of Delta. Sigma Kap- ent life from the classroom to M1inor for the second Annual Con- events will be held Sunday after- Roy Kennedy pa. extra-curricular activities and ath- ference of the Maryland State noons, November 16 and November Roy is company commander of Miss Carole Gordon, originally letic events. Because this is a resi- Music Teachers Association at 23 from 2:"30-4:00. Refreshments B Company. Another economics from Utah and now residing in dent college, it is felt that the col- Salisbury. 'I'hia concert will also will be served in each clubroom. major, he is from Arlington, Vir- Maryland, is 18 years old. Her lege should be responsible for all be open to the general public. 'The decision to hold the individ- ginia. Roy is a Bachelor and presi- major in Political Science is not student activities, not just those The following morning, Profes- ual rush teas earlier was made dent of the Argonauts. yet definite. Carole spends her associated with the academic side. sor deLong, with our choir rune- after the Council agreed there Bruce Lee weekends in Baltimore where she Clubs, sororities, fraternities, and tioning as an experimental group, should be more time between the The company commander of teaches ballroom dancing. Her intra-mural sports are some as- will conduct a choral workshop. A sorority teas and rush parties in Company A is Bruce Lee, who plans for the future are either to pects of student life that will be panel discussion will follow con- the spring of the year. comes from Takoma Park, Mary- enter the teaching profession or to discussed by the Council and sug- cerning the technical problems of Two teas will be held in January land. Bruce is vice-president of study law. However, Carole is gestions for any improvement a choir. and two during February. They the Reserve Officers Association, looking forward to marriage and a made. The Western Maryland Alumni will be held in the fQllowing order: find is also an economics major. A family of four children or more. Other areas in which they will Association at Salisbury will pro- Delta Sigma Kappa, Phi Alpha member of Gamma Beta Chi fra- work include the plans for a col- vide housing acc'Ommodations for Mu, Sigma Sigma Tau, and Iota ternity, he is co-captain of the lege radio station, student uses of the group. Gamma Chi. soccer team. various college facilities, the spon- Argonauts soring of movies, and some of the problems' connected with the new Personal Gifts Increase College Library Install Members College Players Over the past ,Years the Western left his library to the c'Ollege. gar Nusbaum, sent to the college ject "Catalysis" will be the sub- New Windsor the of an address given by librarian, has Since many of the books may be the To Give Comedy Maryland library has been fortun- of value as antiques, each must be volumes which her small library Dr. Karl Lockwood at cere- Argonaut installa.tion ate in receiving gifts of money and could not use. gifts of private checked. For this reason collections from carefully The annual Thanksgiving Play former college presidents as well it takes a lot of time to go through Some volumes in small groups mony next Monday. New associate membens will be in- faculty, students will be presented by the College as other interested contributors. a librarY-Of several thousand vol- come from A recent memorial and stalled at 8:00 pm in Mc- was fr;ends. Players Friday evening, November One of the most outstanding col- umes. In Dr. Ward's collection, given by Dean Helen Howery in Daniel Lounge. 21, at 8:15 pm, in Alumni Hall. lections is that of Dr. J. T. Ward, the cataloguer this year found The requirements for asso- Separate Tables is a brilliant and first president of the college. Miss much valuable material. memory of her mother. ciate membership are at least thoughtiul comedy written by Eng- Elizabeth "Simkins, college librari- Collection Recently Donated As books go 'Out of date, as the a 2.0 average at the end 'Of Innd's Terence Rattigan. The play an, pointed out that an interesting Recently Dr. Austin R. Middle- cataloguer discards volumes not the sophomore year or a 2.1 was produced on Broadway during feature of this collection was the ton, former director of the Depart- useful to the college, and as the ac- average in the junior and from grows cumulation various the 1950-1957 season. diversity of subjects which inter_ ment 'Of Zoology at the University seni'Or year. Transfer stu- Directing the play will be Miss ested the former president. The of Louisville, left his scientific col- other sources, the librarians begin dents who have been here at 1:sther Smith. The sets will be de- books range from religious sub- lection to the school. The books of to think about their book sale. So, least one semester are eligi- signed by Mr. William Tribby. jects 00 English and American Dr. George Wills, a professor in November the annual book sale ble if they have transferred Traditionally, the College Play- literature and include economics, emeritus, also were given to the will be held on campus. In past a 2.1 a.verage and have a. 2.1 ers will charge one dollar per per_ phrenology, shorthand, simplified college. Samuel M. Hann, a Balti- years it has been very successful. average_at Western Mary~ son. This is the only time through- spelling, gardening, history and more lawyer gave 3,000 volumes, The number of cartons already land CQllege. out the year that the group charges science. Another former president, mostly biographies, history, and available f(Orthis year indicate an- admission. Dr. Thomas Hamilton Lewis, also religion. In recent years Mrs. Ed- other good sale.
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