Page 2 - TheGoldBug1958-59
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2 th-e Gold Bug, Sept. 22, 1958 Editorials.•. Let Me Tell You What I Did CHIT CHAT FROM KIT KAT '/ A POLICY OF PRINCIPLES This Summer .._....Among the changes on campus, pay particular attention to the new locations. Ail science courses are in Lewis Hall with the Sounding off about the campus newspaper, among other Students of every size, shape and departmental scheduled for Science Hall or the ground floor of Memorial remainder things, is one of the favorite subjects of the students. The description are pouring back into Chapel. Strange isn't it that there is no science in Science Hall except first issue of the year presents an excellent opportunity, how- schools and colleges across the na- that of concocting the daily menu delicacies. ever, for u-sto talk about ourselves. (We're quite modest, and tion. These selfsame students are A noteworthy_change is the name of the new chapel to be known don't talk about ourselves in other issues.) seeking a haven in which to recu- henceforth as Memorial Chapel. The smaller chapel will continue to We think principles are good, so we have a few. We also perate during the time it takes to bear the Bakel' name. Here's hoping that regardless of the name, the have objectives, scruples, and policies, but mainly we have recover from the effects of the pur-pose and location will not be-forgotten. Confusion of names will not principles. It's going to tie a long year; there are eight months summer. Some girls return heav- be accepted as an excuse to cut chapel on Sunday' evenings. - .. '" '" "'_ and fourteen issues of the paper between now and June, so ier by a few carets and many boys return lighter by a few-dollars. we think the school and its paper should understand each Each student has spent the summer Prices are rimng eve111WhfYre. Even cigarette8 in the Grille have a other. Right? .Jn a. unique way. thirty cents sign on them; However, this is one of the few plaeee where Summed up, all the GOLDBUG's principles mean one thing: They have worked at such exotic Cokes ami songs in the juke", box ~re 8t11l on~y a nickel. "service to the college." Service through the presentation, as jobs as one fellow who had a 1958 Vehicular innovations are very much in evidence. Have you seen best we can, of news. Service through entertainment by use the football team's mascot, the red and white motor scooter? It actually of features, cartoons, and stories. And also service through ~:~l:~d I~~ri~\d Pt!:: :~~~~~ gets more than a hundred miles per gallon. Maybe the water boy can the presentation of student opinion. take anybody he could fol'- a dem- -cuse it to rush water on the field during times out. By the means of editorials and letters to the editor, the onstration ride. They have work- The continental influence is seeping in via the foreign cars heard GOLD BUG can present views and counterviews, opinions and ed at such common-place jobs as zooming thither and yon. One question, if you please, how did you man- arguments, on many-problems, large and small, which arise stacking boxes in a warehouse or age to transport all of your ..belo~gings ..,this year? on our campus. In our editorials we will continue to observe painting a house. With the lack of and criticize objectively all manner of campus events. In let- good jobs this year many students Ca~'d ga1nes have ah'cady begtm for those who 8tilllmvo procious few decided to put their leisure. time to your bill8. It wa.s rather short cents left to ga,mblo away after paying ters, you, Mr. Student, and you, Mr. Faculty Member, can good advantage by attending sum- notice to find out that, after you had i,we8ted sonw of your SU1nllwr 8av~ make known your views on campus events. We feel_that this mer schools. ing8 in new fa·ll clothes, you had to ~cumulate tho 8mn total of yOl~r first is one of the most important duties of the college paper. One job that was held by many seme8ter..hill8 before being allowed to enroll in classe8. It's jU8t a ques- The editor reserves the right to censor any material students was that of a camp coun- tion of who will pay the intel'est to the loan co-mpa'l1y_the student to pay which may be detrimental to anyone individual or group. We selor. This was one job that in, his bill or- tJpecollege to obtaln op:ratinf eX'P!l/ses. promise to take any suggestions into consideration which may variably changed from day to day, be received from its readers. Please take an active interest and child to child. An ominous note to the senior class: Graduate Record exams will be in your GOLDBUG"'sothat it in turn, can better serve you. The little kiddies all looked so given on .'\pril 25 this year. A word from the wise dictates the study cute when they arrived the first day should begin immediately, ~ot on",April 24", The urge to kill . their bottles of SOME ADVICE TO THOSE WHO DON'T KNOW, in camp, carrying C-rations, inner SlLggestion for the futul'e: Include a blank 8paCOon the Medical re- repellent, insect. FROM THOSE OF US WHO SHOULD KNOW ' tubes, butterfly nets, sixteen blan- port where the prospective student can indioo.te whether he i8 right or Welcome Class of 1962. This is the last day of your for- kets, empty jars (you'll find out left-handed. We have uc deeke for left-lmnded students, nor were any mal orientation period, and we hope that during the past what the empty jars at:,e for very ordered when the new 8hipment for the ba8ement of the chapel arrived. bag several days you have become better acquainted wltfr the HiU shortly), a sleeping The little and girls a Hope this doesn't "crannp Y~U1'8~Yle" ~ny. loaded blackjack. and campus personalities. are all so demure but don't be Tomorrow you will begin the long process of classes, com- fooled. Their full skirts are filled Ancient History students will recall that the wheel was invented plete with pop quizzes, tests, and term papers. You will be- with bubble gum and don't be sur. many thousands of years age. SurpriSingly enough, it's taken them un- til 1958 to cash in on the idea though with the Hula Hoop. Lucky the come better acquainted with your various professors and, it prised if there is a switchblade or man who patented that idea..=. It ~s not easy as it looks. Try it I. is at this point that we would like to add a few words of the two. widely-renowned wisdom. It is, as you all probably know, very DUring the first night when the Many new face8 are in the crowd now. Welcome to- aU of you.. easy to adapt the attitude that it's extremely smart and world_ child is apt to feel hostile and thus Even thol;l9h we 80em to have an ove1'flow c'l'owd, here'8 lwping that you ly wise to cut as many classes as possible, open a book only must release his aggression, it is will take time out W 8tudy now and then. It would be 8ad to 8ee you when duty, in the form of a test, calls, and above all, disre- best to soothe and placate the little laaving us so 8'00n. You were one of nino.humired applicants but you "Sturdly, one by saying: if you gard the nasty habit of paying attention to what the poor mis- don't shut up and go to sleep, I'm wel'e selected because it was believed that you would be an a8set to the guided sOJlIknown as a professor says. Speaking from experi. goil_! beat your brains out." carnpus. Good luck to you, and wo're glad you're h61'e. ence, (some of which has not been too pleasant), we caution This is always met favorably by '" '" '" .. the new students to start out with a different approach to the child and there is silence for Hope to see you at the football game with Bridgewater on Saturday. about three minutes. The best so- Don't forget the soccer team opens their season at home on October 4 Be there! Loyola. against .~:its~~~~~~:s t~!ih~h~te::~s~~:t~:w:f acl:::~. d!lum~;~ lution to this.prohlem is for the about his subject than you do. Another point in his favor is counselor to consume many sleep_ the fact that he presents his material in an interesting way ing tablets before retiriug for the "Wags" Helps Glorious ROTC night. and when the time of reckoning comes, notes are a bit more Before too long, individuals be- helpful than a page of doodling. gin to emergfl. _At every camp, Defend Virginia Countryside College, however, encompasses many more phases than you can fiend one young Nature the business of going to class and ~tudyjng. Western Mary- Boy, a budding "Luther Burbank By John Waghel8tein tillery bursts and when nearing the land College has some variety of extra-curricular activity for with the I.Q. of about two hundred. After four weeks of preparatory front lines they fired on each other. every taste. Not to partake in these activities is just as big This precocious child has an inti_ training and instruction at Ft·. DUring the bivouac the aggressors a mistake as being one of the constantly missing persons from mate acquaintanc!,! with every in- Meade, the six companies of ROTC kept everybody awake by making the classroom. The various organizations need the student as sect within a. radius of ten miles cadets wcre shipped to the resort raids on the forward outposts. much as the student needs them. Every year they look for. and can be found at any time of area at A.P. Hill, Virginia. The When the weapons' platoon ward to fresh -ideas and different points of view, which the the day or night on the trail of a two weeks at Camp Hill were des_ movcd into its area a jeep ran ovcr ignated for maneuvers freshmen seem to have a talent for producing. By participa- great discovery .. Soon, the pre- tical e:'{perience. The and prac- a hornets' nest, scattering-everyone event in all directions. viously menti{)ned jars A complete black. big are put to tion in the campus functions you not only meet new and some. use as the home' of oome of. the was a twenty-four hour problem out had been ordered and the mud times amazingly interesting people, but you suddenly discover weirdest four, six, and eight-legged consisting of two companies in the clogged roads made the going diffi_ that you are becoming one of those "well-rounded" individuals animals you ever saw outside of a attack. ~- cult for vehicles and troops. It that you hear so much about. Bio. Lab. Then, there is another The two companies were first rained all night and there were The process of becoming a part of college life is often a character along the same lines of briefed and then the march to the plenty of those ferocious Virginia slow and difficult assignment. There's -an old adage. abou_t Nature BOy but with a bit more forward area was begun. During mosquitoes for all. only getting as much out of something as you are willing to daring who deliglJts i11telling the the entire problem the cadets were The dawn bl'ought old "C" ra- put intf,) it. Nowhere does this apply more than in college. counselor about all the snakes he subjected to the pranks of the ag- tions fOI' breakfast. The "enemy" The year 1962 may seem in the very distant future to you has caught. Have you ever awak- gressor forces. The "enemy" was had their reconaissance planes up now, but, and again 'we speak from experience, these years ened in the morning and gazed into made up of units of the 505th Bat- early with another surprise. They will doubtlessly go faster than you expect or desire:- People the soulful eyes of a gigantic two tle Group of the eighty-second .Air_ of buzzed the area and dropped sacks foot c{)rn snake?-'_ Along the.line b{)rne Division. seem to be continually quoting appropriate cliches to fresh~ The direct opposite of these nat_ march simulated a/·tillery fire was of flour just to keep everybody awake. men, but we t.hink this one is not only a little different but uralists is the j;imid little girl who used fa!' the purpose of harassmcnt When the attack got started it also very true. "No man can reveal to_you aught but that has never boon out in the woods, and snipers also helped make was directcd through thick woods, which already lies half asleep in the dawning to your knowl- doesn't know why she came, and things mOl'e chaotic. Since camp one platoon losing a squad com- edge." wants to leave as quickly as possi- had starte
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