Page 4 - TheGoldBug1958-59
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The Gold Bug, Sept. 22, 1958 Stronger Terror Team .Will Meet Bridgewater Sat. Uhrig States Forty-Six Vie For First String Berths Rule Changes Good Potential During Pre-School Football Practices To Aid Offense ---..., .... ~---.. year, hails from Union, New Jer- Coach Philip Uhrig has fourteen sey. Al is slated to see a lot of This season John Q. Football- returning soccer players this year. action this year. Fan, the fellow who says, "1 would These fourteen include eight let; Frank Thyo, a senior from Sil- have done it this way," has an- termen and three players who ver Spring, Maryland, is a high- other problem on his already over- earned their freshman numerals. spirited end that has been shifted burdened shoulders. He must de- Co-captains for the season are to tackle. He is a fine defensive cide whether to kick for one point Bruce Lee, who last year played player and probable starter. or try to get two points by passing center halfback, and left fullback George Welli11gs, a junior from or running the extra point. Ah, John Karrer. Baltimore, is a fine defensive end. poor John. To add to his troubles, Coach Uhrig states that this this new ruling is only effective in year's schedule is equally as tough Freshmen Players: twenty-two states, excluding the as last year's. There are, how- Jim Allwine from Washington, professional league. The "two ever, a few omissions and one ad- D. C., will be on the Terror line. point rule" is expected to grow dition to the schedule. Both Jim is a business administration more common in a few seasone., Gettysburg and American Uni- major. The reason that the scoring sys- versity have been dropped, while Dave A11deTs, a math major- tem has been changed after forty- Lycoming College has been added. n-om Baltimore, will be at the end six years is in order to meet public It is felt that these changes will position. demand for more scoring. The not greatly alter the difficulty of Angeles B(uJUs, another business new emphasis in football will be a the schedule. administration major from Wash- faster game and a game with more The largest rebuilding job will ington, will be at center. variety in offensive plays. Now to be on the line because of the grad- EHl Be1'gquist is a math major show you how the offense will have uation of center-forward Gene from Orange, Mass. BiI! will be the advantage, here are the major Michaels and right-wing Pete in the Terror backfield. new rules for 1958. Urquhart. It is hoped that Lloyd Bill Deoner; is a math and sci- Musselman will receive help with ence major from Bel Air. Bill n) ~~~i~aj::s~~~~~~ i~~~~~ his goal tending duties from a will be on the Terror line. will. be allowed for kicking member of the freshman class. Warren. Schwartz passing co- Don Dewey, co-captain for '58 Jack Gilmot·o is a tackle from the extra points and two The backfield appears to be the captain for '58 Terrore Terrors Cumberland, Maryland. J a points for passing or run- strong point of the squad. Ted plans to be a lawyer. '" ning the play after the Kinter, who appeared in only one Football returned.._ to Western will handle the halfback chores. Jerry Hite, a math major from touchdown. Also, the ball game last season because of a Maryland's campus on September to Fred, one of the fastest" backs, was Washington, will be in the Terror will be put in play on the the leading ground gainer 2 when forty-six...:nen reported on last broken ankle, will be ready for backfield. 3 yard line after the touch- service this fall. fall training camp. Work began ~ year's Terror team. Don Hobart is a pre-med stu- down instead of the previous The first game of the season is right away as two training ses- Al Dworkin, a junior from For- dent from Bel Air. Don will be a 2 yard line. There sions a day were set up. with Loyola on the home field. were twenty-two upper classmen, est Park, Baltimore, will work out guard on the Terror lineup. (2) All players ere eligible to in the fullbaek slot. This game less than two weeks including twelve lettermen return- Tim Hudgins, an end from Balfi- re-enter the ' game during away on October 4, will cause a ing from last year's squad and Dave Edington, a senior letter- more, is a physics major. the quarter, regardless of number of heavy drills early this twenty-four freshmen. man from Washington, D. C., re- Gwry Jackson is an English ma- whether he started the quar- week. Almost immediately fol- EarJy workouts show that the turns to his halfback position. jor from Pasadena. Gary is to be ter or not. lowing Loyola is a tilt with Mt. Dave plays at his best on defense. in backfield. (3) Ineligible pass receivers St. Mary's on Octobre 8. ~~~rs;~~e~~~a~a~~;~:t ~ee':~~ Jack Fringer, a Westminster Keith Jones is a business admin- may now advance beyond This year can be a good year for In early scrimmages the Terrors High product will be snapping the istration major' from Mountain- the neutral zone after a pass soccer at Western Maryland. Last looked good and there has been ball at center. side, N. J. Keith will be in the is thrown instead of waiting year the team received excellent noticeable improvement in team Carroll Giese, a letter winner in Terror line. until the pass is beyond the support at all home games, even in play. This year's main problem, his freshman year, will see action Fred Marlin, an engineering stu- line of scrimmage. bad weather. The coach and team which can be solved by a couple of in the fullback spot. Carroll was dent from Woodbury, N. J., is the (4) Words and signals by the members desire and need the help victories, is confidence. probable starter in the center post, defense which disconcert of the entire student body to give This year's squad will face three an end last year and shows promise tion. the offense when they are set in his new spot. John McKenna is a physical edu- WMC a winning soccer team. new opponents. Bridgewater, our Kenny Gill, a sophomore from cation major from "Woodbury, to put the ball in play will opening game, will be our first new Silver Spring, Maryland, shows a N. J. John will be on the Terror brin~ a 15 yard penalty. The of free time FORMER GRADUATE opponent. will also present and lot of promise as end and is a good line. (5) outs is reduced from 5 to 4 number King's College Lycoming new blocker. TO SUCCEED MYERS challenges for the WMC pigskin from "Zooba" Arlington, Virginia, has mar. Jim Pusey is a guard from Del- per half. Holter, sophomore a Jim plans to go into buai- carrters. Ronald F. Jones, a 1955 grad- After three weeks, the possible shown a lot of power despite his ness. uate of Western Maryland College, starting line-up against Bridgewa, 150 pounds. Don Richard, a business admin- Bob Wm'fieid is a tackle from will succeed Bob Myers as grad- ter this Saturday will be Warren Charles LeFew, a returning istration major from Cumberland, Silver Spring. Bob plans to be a will be in the Terror backfield. uate assistant coach in football and Schwartz, calling plays from the sophomore fro m Hagerstown, biology major. ~"head of the intramural program. ·ouarterback slot. Also starting in Maryland, will be playing in the Randy Shining, a tackle from Tom TVatson, an end from Falls While on the hill, he was presl, tile backfield will be Fred Dilkes, backfield for the Terrors. Finksburg, plans to go into den- Church, Va., is going to be a physi- tistry. dent of Delta Pi Alpha fraternity Dave Edington, and Carroll Giese PU1!chy Leneski, a converted Bill Sitter cal education major. and played on the football team or Al Stewart. The Terror line guard from Washington, D. C., is is a guard from Cum, Bob Wolf, a physical education for three STears. Ron played both will probably include a freshman, now playing center. berland. Bill plans to be a politi- major from New Freedom, Pa., is cal science major. defensive and offensive halfback. Fred Marlin, at the center posi- Jim: Lewis, a senior from Balti- going to be in the Terror line. Academically, he was a phys ed- tion. Other linemon include re- more, being 6' 3" and weighing English major and graduated with turning lettermen, Don Dewey and 200 lbs., is not only big, but fast a second lieutenant's commission. Fred Burgee at guard. The end as well. Usually considered a fine As an Army man, Ronnie played men will probably be Jim ......Lewis defensive end, he is also a good on the All-Regimental team and and Walt Mahan; Frank Thye blocker and pass receiver. was chosen for the All-Divisional and Joe Bendel\, will be in the Walt Mahan, one of the largest squad. tackle spots. on the squad, will adequately fill He is married and has a year Player Roster: an end position. Extremely agile and one half old daughter. Ea Baxter, a senior from Balti- and fine on defense, he'll see a lot more, is returning this season to of action. Football Schedule his guard position with the Ter- Don Rembert, a tackle who en- SEPTEMBER rors. George Becker, a junior from joys hitting hard, is from Arling- ton, Virginia. Don won a letter 27-Bridgewater Oollege H Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, is a in his freshman year. OCTOBER former e~and right half and will Bill Rinehart, a junior from ~ 4-Penna. Military A play this season at left half. Lothian, Maryland, will put his ll-Randolph-Macon A George is a good defensive player 220 pounds in the position of tack- 18-Hampden-SYdney H and lis the fastest man on the 1,. 2hKings College H squad. Warren Schwartz, the other Co- NOVEMBER Joe Bender, a 210 pound junior, Captain of the Terrors, will han- I-Franklin and Marshall H will probably be a first string tack- dle the quarterback job. Warren 8-Lycoming (Homecoming) H Je. Joe is a particularly good de- is an exceptionally good passer 15--Drexel A fensive player. and was 41st in the nation last 22-Johns Hopkins H Fred Burgee, a junior from year. - Ali home games at 1 :30 pm Frederick, Maryland, is a fast and Al Stewart, a late starter last hard hitting guard and a very Soccer Schedule good line backer. • I last ineligible Cuthrell, OCTOBER • year Bob because of. transfer rules, To start the school year 4--Loyola College H hails from Dover, Delaware. Bob right 8-Mt. St. Mary's will play in the Terror backfield. Be sure to keep Benny's i r=-Drexel A H Dick Ca1·ter, a ·sophomore from in sight 17-Franklin and Marshall H Alexandria, Virginia, will also be 21-Frostburg A in the Terror backfield. 25-Catholic University A Don:' Dewey, senior Co-Captain BUUUf'd. 29-Washington College H of the team will be handling much 3i-Lyeoming A of the -guard chore for WMC. Kitche", NOVEMBER Don last year was the Most Val_ 8-Alunmi R uable Defense Player. 12-Delaware University H Ft'ed DUkes, a sophomore from 'kI~,Md. 22--Johns Hopkins H Woodbury Heights, New Jersey, Goshfrosh! TIlden 8-7830 Addition New Baugh~r's Restaurant Our The Colonial how'd you catch on so quick? Catch JUST OFF THE CAMPUS Dining Room on to the fact that Coca~Cola is the hep drink on campus, I mean. Always drink it, you say? Well-how . FOR A MEAL OR SNACK dropping. over to the dorm and about Compliments of downing a sparkling Coke or two with Homemade Ice Cream and Thick-Milkshakes J. R. EVERHART the boys. The man who's for Coke OPEN EVERY DAY COLLEGE BARBER is the man for us. SIGN OF GOOD TASTE At the Forks BOliled under outhority of The Coco·Colo Compony by WESTMINSTER COCA·COLA BOITLING CO.• Q!C.