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Library ~-;estern 1i1ryland College ~:rf9stm.inster, Md. , Western Maryland Names Six New Faculty Members qoMBuy Western Maryland College added six new members to its fac- ulty in appointments announced this summer by President Lowell .... S. Ensor. William 1\1.David Jr. who comes to Western Maryland from ~the University of Denver. has been named dean of men. Mr. David Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. September 26, 1952 a graduate of Dartmouth College, received his M.A. degree from Columbia and is continuing his doctoral studies there. He replaces Dr. L. Forrest Free. now serving as dean of in- str.uction at West Chester State Men Outnumber Women As Teachers College. Dr. Free served as Fulbright Recipients dean of men and professor of a omy and mathematics for fif 651 Enroll For Fall.Semester Revealedi Deadline years. by Charles Wheatley Dr. Kerschner Appointed have Latest office show that 651 students reports from For1953-54 Listed Dr. Jean Kerschner will join the been enrolled in Western the registrar's College for the fall semester of 1952.53. Maryland biology department. Her appointment .This figure, including freshmen, upperclassmen and transfer students, is Applications for the Fulbright followed the retirement of Profeaao approximately the same as that of the fall semester for 1951-52. Scholarships for the school year 1953· Emeritus Cloyd L. Bennighof who ha Unlike previous years however, the men will hold the upper hand, nu- 1954 are being accepted till October ended a 25 year tour of the biology merically at least, with 328 of their sex attending as compared to 323 femi- 31 (with the exception of those for department. Dr. Kerschner received nine students. A complete breakdown Australia and New Zealand, which her doctorate from the University of of the registration, class and sex, is ar close October 15). Three Western F f i ty Return E Iy Maryland graduates have received as follow" Women Men Fulbright awards, including two of Senior 89 78 last year's graduates. To Aid Orientation Juniors 46 60 Mr. Charles Immler, '52, is study- Sophomores 81 69 ing economics at the University of New Students 107 121 Sydney, Australia, and Mr. Eugene Three visitors from other countries MechtJey, '52, ia-atudying Physics at were noted on the roster. These in- Innsbruk, Austria. Mrs. Glenn H. cluded Grosdcn Delev, a multilinguis- Blayney Jr. (Margaret Statler, '47), Miss Sleepe tic student from Bulgaria. Grosden, has completed her residence at Oxford who speaks nine languages fluently is University, England, under a Ful- Miss Joy Sleeper, gra~uat.e. of e a second year student, having trans- bright award, where she was studying Eastman Sch~l of MUS1C,will ferred from West Virginia Wesleyan English Literature. -the music department staff, su after his freshman year. ing Mrs. Andrew Kordalewski. Estu Sano is another transfer stu- Study Abroad Offered Sleeper received her M.A. degree dent who enters her junior year. First Issue Produced Estu calls Tokyo, Japan her home. abieU~~~i~~~d~tl:~yA~:~;!~ia~r:U:;~~~ W~~li::le~~eta Smith, former he Jane McLeod, editor of the GOLD The third student is Diego Mederos the fine arts department at t e UG, had Betty Walter, Charles Belgium, and Luxembourg, Burma, Pratt Free Library, Balti who is not a transfer but retains the Denmark, Egypt, France, Greece, become assistant librarian. r pre- eatley, Paul Lambertson, Gus La- dubious distinction from Etsu and India, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Japan, Neth- decessor, Miss Mary C. Firor, has be- Mar, Harry Grander, and Glen Ash- Grosden of being a member of the burn, business to help her manager, erlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pak- come cataloguer for the county li- Student Government Association in putting out the first issue of the freshman class. Diego hails from a istan, Philippines, Thailand, Turkey, brary in Hilo, Hawaii. President, Jim Moore country just a short hop from the Union of South Africa and the United First Lieutenant Charles L. Crouch, Vice President, Jane McLeod newspaper. United States, Cuba. Student The Orientation Preliminary Kingdom. Jr., infantry, will be assigned to the Blanche Ward Hall was represented Christian Asociation The freshmen are completing a full by Alan Hagenbuch, Elsie Maytrott President, The awards will enable students in military department as assistant pro- Pete Warner, Elizabeth Kuhn, Mary preliminary orientation program that all fields of graduate work and those feasor of military sciences and tac- McDaniel Hall Jane Munson, Betty Parsons, Janet began Tuesday afternoon, with reg- with specialized research projects to tics. President, Bev Rye Pyrtie, and Nell Hughes, president. istration and a vesper service con- study in foreign institutions and Lieutenant Crouch recently reo Women's Athletic Association Bobbie Davison, president of the ducted by the SCA. It included the universities under the renowned pro- turned from a 35 month tour of duty President, Bobbie Davison Women's Athletic Association, and usual battery of English, psychologi- fessors and specialists. Grants a1s9 in the European command. Inter-Fraternity Council Trumpeters Ka.rin Nowack and Bev- cal, general achievement, and foreign are available to students with records President, Harold McTeer erly Warner also returned early. language tests. and drama. Chapel Receives of accomplishment in such fields as Inter-Sorority Council President Lowell S. Ensor formally music, art, architecture President, Debbie Wilbraham Upperclassmen Help welcomed the new students to the Hill A few opportunities in workers' edu- Delta Sigma Kappa Other students helping this week with an address Wednesday morning cation and social work are provided First Renovation President, Joan Grube include: dining hall, Adeline Allen, in Alumni Hall. Dean of Women, in the United Kingdom. Iota Gamma Chi Marjorie Cherry, Ruth Lee, Doreen Miss Helen G. Howery, and Dean of Baker Chapel was renovated this President, Nancy Wagner McNeil, Pat Messick, Elizabeth Nie· Men, Mr. William M. David, Jr., along Granted by Congress summer for the first time since its Phi Alpha Mu mann, Dorothy Phillips, Barbara with student leaders gave short talks The grants are made under Public dedication May 12, 1895. New light- President, Estelle Zies Plasket, Bev Warner, Yvonne Webb, on necessities for a successful college Law 584, 79th Congress, the Ful- ing, carpeting, heating, painting, and Sigma Sigma Tau John Becker, Clark Callender, Tom adjustment. Library tours were con- bright Act, which authorizes the De- other interior appointments were on President, Debbie Wilbraham Douglass, Paul Galvin, Ernie Green, ducted during the days. partment of State to use certain for- the list of improvements. The interior Alpha Gamma Tau Donald Hensler, Duvall lones, Charles Program Proves Eventful eign currencies and credits acquired decoration was done with great care President, John Wilhelm Longwell, Jitn Moore, Ellsworth It was not a matter of all work and book- through the sale of surplus property and good taste in an effort to retain Delta Pi Alpha Schabert, and Ed Shattuck; Walz; no play. The SGA sponsored a mixer the simplicity of the building. evening in Blanche store and post office, Elizabeth held on Tuesday abroad for programs of educational Baker Chapel was originally used President, Mike Rentko library, Betty Sue Harding; office of Ward Gym. A faculty reception for exchange with other nations. Grants for chapel services and other religious Gamma. Beta Chi the Dean of Women, Barbara Sum- new students in McDaniel Lounge are normally made for one academic exercises. Since the student body has President, Stu Abrahams mers; offices of, the women's dormi- Thursday evening and a picnic Wed- year and generally include round trip outgrown it, it has been designated as Pi Alpha Alpha tories, Elizabeth Kuhn and Jean Wil- nesday afternoon were also included transportation, tuition or a stipend, a a meeting place for the College Sun- President, Harold M~Teer lis; department of music, Patricia to round out the program. Jiving allowance and a small amount day School and smaller religious Alpha Kappa Alpha Harnersley. Registration for classes by new for necessary books and equipment. groups. Many alumni have returned President, Jerry Grandea students and upperclassmen was com- All grants under the act are made in to Baker Chapel for their wedding Argonauts pleted today and a regular schedule ioreign currencies. . ceremonies. The first on record was President, Henry Ernst New Eligibility Rule of classes for all begins tomorrow. Interested students now enrolled in performed on January 5, 1904, when Canterbury Club The annual Fall Convocation will Western Maryland College should re- Dr. Lewis' daughter, Miriam, '96, was President, Bob Leather Set For February be held in Alumni Hall, Monday, Sept- quest application forms at once from united in marriage with Herbert N. Future Teachers of America ember 29, at 11:30 a. m. The sched- ule will follow Dr. William Ridington, room 206 Veasey. President, Mike Rentko In order to enable students whose assembly days. that announced for Lewis Hall, who is the Fulbright Pro- With th,e renovation of Baker Chap- Horne Economics Club standing is below average to devote gram Adviscr on the campus. The el there are a number of opportunities President, Dixie Davis more time to their academic work, the upon the I 3Ju~tmortam I closing date for filing completed ap- for memorial gifts. Anyone who is Le Cercle Francais decision was taken last Spring to Tom Douglass in using this means of per: President, interested plications is October 31. However, petuating the memory of relatives or Lutheran Student Association place certain restrictions since considerable time is involved in alumni of the College is invited to President, Beth Witzke holding of time-consuming major ac- filling out the forms, it is highly de- contact President Ensor. Methodist Student Movement tivity positions. Western Maryland College received sirable that inquiries should be made President, Bev Warner The regulation will go into effect in the news of the deaths of two of its as early in October as possible. Pershing Rifles February 1953, and thus will be of former students, Lt. Robert D. Ebert, College Calendar Commander, John Clayton concern this semester only to the ex'::. '51, and Felix W. Morley, '55, during the summer. G. C. Murphy Co. Saturday, September 27 Sunday School Betty Parsons tent of encouraging superior study by the Lt. Ebert, battalion commander unit of those individuals likely to be affected. President, Western ROTC Maryland activity -To Hold Open House Regular Schedule of Classes be- Tri-Beta in "Major regulation positions" as included during his senior year, was outstand, are this follows: gins, 7:50 a. m. President, Jim Voss member of a varsity athletic squad; ing in his accomplishments. He was G. C. Murphy and Co. will hold its Sunday, September 28 Wesleyanettes officers listed in the Student Hand- a credit to the college, gaining special annual open house to welcome the Sunday School, Baker Chapel, 9:15 President, Kay Nowack book (pp. 34-35). recognition for his splendid academic college students and faculty Monday a. m. , weeleyens 1. Students on the academic warn- standing while attending an officers' evening, September 29, from 7 p. m. Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p. m. President, Harold Johnson ing list whose grades in the school at Fort Benning, Ga. to 8:30 p. m. Monday, September '29 preceding semester average be- Volunteering for overseas duty, Lt. Mr. R. K. Will, "manager of the low C may hold no major activ- Ebert was sent to Korea in July. He store, cordially invites all members Fall Convocation, Alumni Hail, ATTE'N-TION BIG SISTERS ity positions. was wounded, but later returned to of the faculty and student body to 11:30 p. m. The annual doe party 'for Big and 2. Students not on the academic combat. Announcement of his death attend. There will be reireshments Murphy's Open House. Little Sisters is Monday night in Mc~ warning list whose hours at- was made in August by the Depart- and favors for the guests, and door Thursday, October 2 tempted in the preceding semes- ment of the Army. priz;es will be awarded to winners of Dsniel Lounge at 7 p. m. Call for ter exceed hours passed or points Felix W. Morley, a newcomer to the grand drawing. Men's Glee Club Rehearsal, Levine your little sister and escort them. earned may hold no more than Western Maryland, had already gain- There will be plenty of entertain- Hall, 7:00 p. m. This occasion has always been a ment and refreshments. Don't forget! one major activity position. ed many friends on the hill. He met tremendous success in the past. It is Saturday, October" ... AND BIG BROTHERS TOO 3. Students with no failures and an untimely death in a tragic water mishap early in the summer. rapidly becoming a tradition on the Football, Gettysburg, Away. The annual stag party for· Big and from 0 to 6 more quality points It is with deep regret that the stu- Hill. Sunday, October 5 Little Brothers is also planned. Ditto than hours attempted in the dents of Western Maryland College Murphy's "Headquarters for Col- Sunday School, Baker Chapel, 9:15 on the entertainment and refresh- preceding semester may hold no mourn the loss of these two men who lege Needs" is looking forward to the a, ffi •. ments. more than two major activity will long be r.emembered by those who big reunion on Monday, the eighth! Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p. m. positions. knew them.