Page 7 - TheGoldBug1948-49
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The Gold Bug, Oct. 12, 1948 Navy Drops Jenesmen 5-1; The Lineup • Homecoming Encounter Pits -JHU, Drexel To Be Faced .------------------- Able Terrors Against R-M By Homer C. Earll Sports Editor First Home Game Frid~y Features Philade'lphians As The. Western Maryland Campus Washington College To Meei Gridder. In Stadium gets its first taste of football under Rigorous Fall Schedule Looms Ahead OF Boolers , actual competition this season when Saturday; Havens Preps Club For Randolph-Macon Washington College comes into town In Saturday Qstober 9's tilt with Football makes its 1948 debut on Navy Jay Vee, WMC lost to a better, I Saturday. Cardinals Fall Hoffa Field on the afternoon of Octo- higher scoring team by a 5-1 tally. Hoffa Field presents a most pleas- ber 16 when Washington College will Howard Laniado scored the only ing picture to the eye at this point. provide the opposition. A traditionai to the efforts of Mr. Black Thanks goal of the first half early in the freshman Girls and his....staff. the ·field looks better Terrors Score foe of the Green Terrors, the home opening period to put the Annapolis now than it has in several years. crowd will be looking for a solid booted one into the Show Proficiency team in the lead. In the third quarter, Given a dry day Saturday, the field Over Catholic U. trouncing of the Red and Black. Fletcher Ward , On page two of the Green Terror opponent's goal to tie the score. The , will not~show the effects of the game football book we meet the Washington Navy Junior Varsity came back, Come fall, come hockey! Hockey too much. This will make the Home- Before a crowd of 3000 and on a College "She" men. Their coach Andy however, with two scores in the same season is now under way and practice coming festivities even more colorful perfect day for football, the Green Hewlett, who played with the Balti- period and two more in the final will continue for another week or the following week. Terrors of Western Maryland down- more Colts last year, will be bringing quarter. two. The upperc1asswomen taking • The "1\1" Club ed Catholic University 21-6. to the Hill an experienced team this their turn on Tuesday and Thursday Ever hear of an organization"' After raining all day Friday, the year. The "Sho" men have a largc • Ward Scores for Terrors and the Freshmen on Monday and known as the "M" Club? There's a outlook for Saturday seemed full of squad of able footballers. According Laniado, Fourgan, Boyee, Morgan, Wednesday. Makeup practice is on movement afoot on the campus to mud, but even the weather smiled on to the grapevine their line will be and Helmer tallied for the Midship- Friday afternoon. interest varsity athletes in this or- the efforts of the Terrorites. very tough to crack. Though they men while Ward scored for the A fine turnout of Freshmen pro- ganization. A constitution has already Si Tullai was selected game cap- do not have depth in the line position, Green team. mises to offer stiff competition for been drawn up and has received the tain and chose to kick off since C. U. their backs are quite numerous. Regardless of a first game loss, the the upperclass teams. The Seniors approval of the administration. won the toss. Corrado kicked off and The "webfopters" will be up here The objeCt of such an organization spirit of the team will not be stunted have been hockey champs for the last is to form a bond of brotherhood C. U.'s Mauiri brought it up the to avenge a crushing defeat which C. U. 35. C. U. gained nothing in 3 three years and they plan to defend when they meet the Hopkins squad their title with much vigor. among all men holding varsity let- tries and on fourth down kicked to they received from the Terrors last in Baltimore tomorrow. J.H.U. lost The school hockey squad hopes to year in the nature of a 41-0 trounc- a hard fought 3-2 match to WMC play around four outside gamea this ters. The club could contribute to cam- Gianelli, a short kick which Joe took ing. on our 32 and was promptly dropped. last year. Kinling, of Hopkins, who Ready to stem the tide of the Shore was All-American last year, will year. The possibilities are Hood, Tow- pus activities by giving dances or WMC coming out in the winged-T gang will be Walt Piavis and Jim again be a major threat to the Hill- son, Notre Dame and Gettysburg. other social functions, by supplying had Gianelli handing the ball off to Cotter at ends, Joe Corleto and Al bootera. At the end of the hockey season officials for various intramural con- Lathroum for a eeven yard gain. Paul at tackles, Tilo Margarita and the W.A.A. will give a party for the tests and in other ways in which an The terrors drove down to the C. U. Freshmen women. At this time all active organization contributes to our 15 yard line where the attack stalled Si Tullai at guards with Harry • Home Game With Drexel . ("Bulldog") Bush at center. The Green and Gold team plays those who participated in hockey will college life. and C. U. took over. They brought The backfield operators will proba- host to Drexel on Friday, Oct. 15. receive thaircnumet-als, sponsoring' the • Knowing Each Other it out to the 30 yard line where they bly be Joe. Giannelli, Al Jacobson, Leo is W.A.A. The Since the Pennsylvania school has a movie "Deep Waters" starring Dana We're all for this proposed group kicked. Giannelli took the high kick Lathroum and at fullback, the ever soccer squad which is rated as ex- becoming an integral part of our col- up to his 40. The terrors then ripped reliable "Hammering" Hank Corrado. ceptionally good, the home team will Andrews and Jean Peters on October lege community. New friends and ac- holes through .the C. U. line and The above lineup is still only tenta- naturally be on its toes in defending 28th. Lets a'Jl plan to attend. quaintances among members of other brought the ball down to the 23 yard tive. their- goal and invading opponent Attention all upperclasawcmen l varsity teams will most undoubtedly line of C. U. where the first quarter with one game under The Terrors territory. \V.A.A. dues are now payable. be made that within the such a group. this We is ended. WMC continued driving until their belts should be ready for Wash- value of Lathroum drove over on a hand off believe In the Oct. 20 away game with ington College and give us" a repeat Towson, Coach Jones hopes his team obvious, inasmuch as brotherhood and line buck to score the first touchdown. performance of last year. In a series will get results similar to last year's a greater amount of knowledge of Henry Corrado successfully kicked which started in 1892, the Terrors 2-1 victory. ~Towson's 4·0 defeat by each other appears to be the only the placement to mak,e it 7-0. WMC have won 13, lost 3 and tied one. way for our communities, regardless kicked off to C.U. and then followed Frostburg earlier this seasof\ and the of size, to function cooperatively to a see-saw battle the rest of the quar- October 23 will usher in another loss of Jack Hart, one of their first the greatest extent. ter with Western Maryland ending gaJa Homecoming. For those who stringers, favors a WMC. victory. The matter now lies in the hands up on the C.U. 20 yard line as the are new here at the Hill, Homecoming Joe Kittner • Shoreman Due October 22 of the men themselves. of the move- first half ended. Score: 7-0. C. U. is the biggest day of the year. All seemed strong in the line in the first is one of the originators The Terror boctera play Washing- grads are welcomed back to partake ton College, Mason-Dixon Conference ment. If you feel that this organiza- half, for Westen Maryland could not of the festivities and view the foot- crack the C.U. line from the 20 yard see Joe and tion merits your efforta, defending champions, on home ground learn what initial- steps should be line in. The attack lacked a certain ball game. There arc dispfays and October 22. We-lost to the Shoremen taken to get the ball rolling. punch whenever they got close to pay performances put on by the frats 2-1·3t Chestertown in the '47 season. • Team In High Gear dirt. and sororities. In the afternoon the Homccoming Queen is crowned amid The opponents in the third WMC. That Green Terror gridiron ma- As the second half got under way an impressive ceremony. Then follows home game, October 25, will be rep- chine roared into high gear in their the Terrors had the choice and elect- the football foray. resenting Loyola. This highly rated, first game of the seeson-Iest Satur- ed to receive. C. U. kicked off and the fast-moving team defeated the Green day by rolling over Catholic Univer- ball was taken by Corrado up to the Randolph-Macon provides the op- this foot-men 5-1 last year. Kropfelder, sity, 21-6. As was to be expected, the WMC 30 yard line. Then the Terrors position for the R-M Terrors for Western Homecoming. and who scored 16 of Loyola's 34 goals club functioned at its best when - began to drive. The C. U. line could Maryland have met only once before. in '47 is naturally going to worry close to "terra firma" as shown by not stop the onslaught and the Ter- In the 1946 Homecoming contest the home team's defense. ""- rors drove 71 yards with Lathroum Ja.ek Spwknall the facts, i.e., that 239 yards and \v1I~C won by a score of 27-0. Very The Navy score by quartera: Terror Captain again doing an out- ....fifteen first downs were accumulated sparking the attack and scoring the Navy Jr. 1 022-5 standing job in the goal. via the overland method but none of second touchdown on a _13 yard (Continued on page 4, column 1) WMC 0010-1 the six passes hit the mark. plunge through left tackle'. Hank The Terrors appeared to have a Corrado split the upright to make Intramural Touch Football To good bit of power in reserve, a the score 14-0. kicked off and after The Terrors power that will probably have to be Start Soon; Tennis Played In Fall drawn upon before the end of the four tries C. U. punted to the Ter- to Tors, but the "Big Green" failed Washington College, having season. get rolling and Corrado kicked to the Hopkins on Saturday lost to Johns C. U. 15 yard line. After a C. U. in- At a meeting of the Intramural the games have been played~ as by a 20-0 count, is scarcely expected completed pass, C. U.'s Joe Mauiri Sports Council on October 1, the fall scheduled. to check the Green and Gold machine, heaved another long pass which Leo program was launched with the ad- The Council also decided to hold yet unusual things have happened Lathroum intercepted. On the next option of a constitution. the tennis matches this fall because before. play Gene Frank scampered 30· The program consists of a round- of the crowded spring schedule. Five • No Injuries yards on an end run to pay dirt robin schedule in touch football and teams have been entered but the One of the outstanding factors again, with Corrado successfully tennis. All football teams must have names of the players have not as yet .that caused jubilation in the 'I'er- converting. The score was 21-0 at a squad of at least eight men, and the been submitted. The first match in ror ranks after Saturday's contest the end of the third period. tennis teams are required to have a the schedule will be played sometime was the fact that not one of our Coach Havens then took most of five man roster. _ this week. , stalwart gridders was seriously in- the starting team out to give them a The Council includes representa- Regarding the point system, the jured. For a team no deeper in re- well earned rest. The fourth period tives from fraternities, independents major sports, football, basketball, serves than ours, this is certainly a saw no scoring until late in the and men of the Seminary. The rep- track and softball, will have the fortunate circumstance. Here's hop- period when C. U. climaxing a 73 resentatives present were At Paul, highest, receiving five points for ing our good fortune continues. yard drive featuring Whitey Hubert's Preachers; Ray Via, Bachelors; first place, three for second, two for The soccer team was also on the passing, scored. The extra point Lefty Elliot and Dan Bradley, third and one for fourth. The win- road Saturday afternoon as they kick was wide and a few plays later At Paul Gamma Bets; Bill Carroll, Black and ners in tennis, golf and volleyball, the played at- Annapolis. However they the game was over, the final score Stalwart tackle is a big factor in Whites; Harry Le Few, Indepen- minor sports, will be awarded three, were not nearly as successful as bcing 21-6. the solidness of the Terror line. dents; and Russell Simpson, Scmi- two and one points for first, second Coach Haven's charges. nary. and third places respectively.· (Continued on page 4, column 2) Rules covering eligibility, protests, The Council hopes that these revis- forfeits, postponements, athletic coun- ions will provide a more efficient cil law and the point system have system for the handling of intra- Corsages For Homecoming Dance? been written into the constitution. mural athletics. The point system will be used to de- CLASS RINGS termine the intramural champions .by who will receive the trophy, provided BACK THOSE TERRORS! L_ G. Balfour Co. 121 W. Saratoga St. WINE'S SPORT Baltimore I, Md. "MEET AT SHOP PETE'S 46 Penn. Ave. ,qM~R...,~"" SEARCH NO LONGER! PHONE 683·w p.._._..t.'~ To Get Your Eats" AGENT-H. E. Christopher 114 Pennsylvania Ave Westminster 350 FULL LINE OF SPORTING Main St.-Red Neon Sign GOODS McKinstry 103 NEAREST THE COLLEGE