Page 3 - TheGoldBug1948-49
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The Gold Bug, Sept. 24. 1948 avensmen Prepare For Opener At' C'atholic U ------------------- . r: The Lineup Jonesmen Begin four Grid Games Tilt At Washington Opens • Practicei Tough To Be Play~d On New Season For Terrors - By Homer C. Earll Terror Ter"tory Sports Editor Schedule Ahead The calendar says that it's Septem- Our first words are frank ones. By John Gruber Nucleus Of V eterans Plus Backfield Depth Seems ber. The WMC catalogue says that Western Maryland's booting troupe oro Predict A Successful Terror Gridiron Season it's time for classes to get underway. has a tough season ahead. The pros- The Terrors open the football beck Since all of this must be true, then we pects aren't devastatingly grim but this year with Catholic University on As the class of '52 begins its four year tenure upon the Western Maryland can assume that football should be in then neither is there cause for ex- October 9. at the Cardinals' field. Campus. the Green Terror football squad embarks upon its fifty-fourth year motion. One look over the back cam- treme pre-season optimism. Catholic University is an unknown of intercollegiate football. Since 1891 the Green and Gold have been scrap- pus and you'll be assured that foot- Due to the loss of six top men, in- quantity as far as football strengtli ping on the gri.diron with a net result of 208 wins in 387 contests, ineJuding ball is really in fun swing! cluding Capt. Ken Volkart, Doug is concerned. They are expected to 29 ties. For over three weeks, Head Coach Beekes, Waft Sibiski, Otts Brewer, present a strong squad, however, and season has the potentialities . This' impending fifty-fourth Havens bas been running the team Ernie McFadden, and Joe Thompson, definitelY will be out to avenge the ning season. perhaps by a considerable margin. of being a win- through two practice sessions daily. the Green team will definitely need 21~7 defeat handed them last year. The post-war Terror teams show a record of nine wins, five losses, and The squad has shown a lot of im- some reorganization. Newcomer John he overall record for CU-WMC con- reason to expect the win column will be greatly a tie, and there is considerable provement during that period. But Dorgan is expected to fill a slot in the tests is four wine and two losses for enhanced by the evening of November 20, when the final whistle sounds over with two weeks to go until the first backfield and Bob Ebert ......Ed Klohr, the Terrors. Hoffa Field. Here's why. game on the ninth, they should have and Joe Keenan. three of last spring's On October 16, Washington Col- sufficient time to put the needed Terrors Iacrossmen, are joining the lege from over on the "She" will do Eighteen lettermen are ready for action this season and although the polish on their game. ranks to render service. battle -with the Havensmen on Hoffa line will be minus the services of Anderson, Ortenzt, Sg arig'lio, Dorsey. and • Good Team Anticipated With oldtimers Homer Earll, Jim Field. Not much is known of the George Piavis, the backfield suffered only the loss of Stan Kulakowski. Sev- We're going to have a pretty fine Hackman, and Pete Callas plus Dor- "Sho" men's strength. They will be eral of last year's junior varsity will be moving up this fall and should sup- team this year, a team that we ex- gan and perhaps Ray Cushing in the much more powerful this year than ply added depth. pect to win the greater percentage 01 backfield, the prospects begin to last. since they have practically their The line is probably going to be the trouble spot of this club but, even SQ, its games. A considerable number of brighten. Wingmen Fletch Ward and whole team back. Only time will tell it is not to be considered the "weak sister". The end positions are well stocked lettermen, numerous newcomers, an Bob Sterling are leading contenders just how strong they really are. Out with lettermen Cotter. Piavia, and Koboskc returning. Joe Ccrleto, Gene experienced coaching staff, and the for the flank berths. The veteran of the nineteen games played between . Feldman, Bob Martin, Al Paul, and Al Yaglinski are the leading contenders schedule all add up to what we believe Jack Spickna'll will be back defending the two colleges. WIIlC has won thir- for the tackle slots. -c'I'he guard situation is perhaps the most troublesome. should be a winning Terror campaign. the Terror nets against all invaders. teen and lost three with three ties. Si Tullai has moved up from the backfield to guard in an effort to strengthen Of the seven games on tap. foul' This is Jack's third and last year and a weak position which has been complicated by Tilo Margarita's injury and will be played on our own Hoffa Field. it is rumored that he will be in ex- John Sgariglio's leaving W. M. C. Harry Bush and Harry Bright are back Last year there was considerable cellent shape. Center forward George again keeping the center position strong. grumbling from the student body be- Winfrey begins his second year of The backfield has an abundance of cause only two contests were played varsity play and is being heavily re- (jw. eoad.u material. Starting their third year on home grounds. The attendances at lied upon to be the major Green and in the W. 1\1. C. lineup are" our Ter- both games last year, (even a soggy Gold scoring threat. ror touchdown twins. Hank Corrado Homecoming- couldn't deter the Coach John B. JOTIes states that Griel Squael Leel By and Joe Gianelli. Other leading backs crowd!), were very good. But to the chances of a winning season de- • are Gene Frank. Al Jacobson. J ule justify more than half of our games Havens, Ferguson Dyke. Jim Formwelt, Leo Lathroum, being played at- home this season, we pend greatly upon hOWfast the team arid Luke Sewall. ought to have tremendous crowds at is able to get into condition. The coach Charles W. Havens, athletic direc- Thus, it can be safely said that the is hoping that a large squad will re- everyone or these four games. port this year enabling the team to tor and head football coach. has been Green Terrors will have an excellent alma his with associated mater • School Spirit Is Up have a full-field scrimmage daHy, since his entry as a student in 1926. starting lineup but that there will be Spirit among everyone at western something that was impossible last a pronounced weakness in depth. If Maryland is definitely on the rise. A year. Practice begins Saturday, Sep- BOI'n in Rome, New York, Coach the injury frequency can be kept to Havens played center under the fam- unified student body cheering for the tember 25th, at which time all as- ed Dick Harlow. Mr. Harlow has a minimum, this lack of depth may Terrors will not only boast the morale ph-ants should report. A small JV called Havens the best center that he not become a serious threat to our of the team but will also serve to schedule has been started and. if suf- ever had. As a~Terror center, he was successes. But if the opposite occurs, bring about a greater feeling of uni- ficient interest is shown, it will prob- named on two All- Maryland teams the team may find the going extr-eme- ty among the students. We hate to ably be enlarged upon. - and was the '29 football captain. ly rugged. dig up something like this but it After graduation, Havens served serges as a striking reminder for the With lots of new ambitious ma- as assistant coach at Western 'an upperclassmen - remember Gettys- terial. plus a nucleus of veterans and Maryland under Dick Harlow. He the pros- burg last year? Pretty dismal wasn't a better training program, a little bit also played semi-pro ball for the pects begin to gloW just it. Let's not have any repeat perfor- despite a rugged twelve-game sched- Frankford Yellow Jackets of Frank- mances of that this fall. WMC can ford, Pennsylvania. have one of the best football seasons ule. 1935 In was Havens on record as long as the team and Two newcomers to the program are head coach of tbe Green appointed Gold and student body pull together the whole Drexel and Navy JV. Inasmuch as Jim Cottel' when Harlow resigned to accept an way. the latter is regarded by a navy Veteran right end is being heavily offer at Harvard. This column is now g(ling to deviate coach as being almost on a level with relied upon 1.0 do an outstanding job. DUring World War II, Mr. Havens from tits normal way in an effort to the varsity, they can't be considered served as a colonel in the Air Corps. acquaint the newcomers to '''MC with lightly by any matter of means. Randolph-Macon's rebels invade returning to the Hill after his Army t~e varsity athletic program. Terror-land on October 23. They ap- service ended. During the nine sea- • Fall Sports pear to be weak since they lost to sons that Havens has been head In the fall Western Maryland en- Richmond 33-0. However, scores are coach, Green Terror teams have re- ters into inter-collegiate competition misleading and are not necessarily a- corded 36 wins. 35 losses and 5 ties. in football and soccer. Western Mary- pro per indication of a team's Bruce ·E. Ferguson, like Coach land is a member of the Mason-Dixon strength. Western Maryland has met Havens, has been associated with Conference. the o"i-ganiz,ation having Randolph-Macon only once before, in W. M. C. since his undergraduate a membership of fourteen colleges 1946. when the Green Terrors claim- days. Born in the Pennsylvania coal and universities. This year is the first ed the victory 27-0. country, "Fergie", upon graduation. time that a M·D football champion was appointed assistant coach at Head Coach C. W. Havens will be crowned. AU of our opponents Western Maryland's Terrors meet Western Maryland. Ferguson has for Mr. Havens is at the helm of the except Lebanon Valley and Gettys- Gettysburg at G-Burg on October 30, the last few seasons doubled as head Terror team for his eleventh season. burg are conference members. A JV in what should be a real test of basketball coach. He was away from football team also plays a schedule strength. c;.:.Burg is powerful and well the Hill during the war serving as The season's is not par- making it possible for freshmen. to 4supplied with man power. They are a "Captain in the Army. ticularly rigorous schedule several con- but gain experience before moving up to going to use a winged T - formation Blocking-back for Bill Shepherd in the varsity. - and present a powerful picture at this 1934, the year that Shepherd was the tests promise ~to be stiff battle. For The soccer team is coached by Mr. time. national high scorer," Fergie is now the first time since 1914, Lebanon John B. Jones and not only competes The "Mounts" play host to the Ter- the head backfield coach for the Valley is seen on the schedule. Under the tutelage former Kerr. of Andy in the M-D conference but is also a rors at Emmtttsburg on November 6. Green Terrors. member of the western division 01 Although not as strong as Gettys- Colgate coach. the Pennsylvania school the Middle Atlantic Soccer League. burg. they are not to be taken light- Thomas J. 'I'ereshinski, a pre-war has been making great strides for- Several non-league contests are in- ly. In a series which started in 1898, fullback, is beginning his second year ward in the quality our of their football coach. Last season he as an assistant Of course. old nemesis, team. cluded on· the schedule. the Terrors have won twenty-four, Speedy Joe is expected to cause the tutored the junior varsity eleven. Gettysburg, promises to provide us • Winter Sports usual consternation with his great lost seven and tied two. .with a real battle. Thcre are two major Tcrror sports The "Flying Dutchmen" of Lebanon Terry wds born in Glen Lyon. throughout the cold winter boxing break-away running. Valley invade Hoffa Field on Novem- Pennsylvania and comes from a foot- It will be two weeks before the and basketball. "WMC competes in ber 13. According to the football ball family. His older brother. Joe, team goes into action and during that very fast company in the ring. In Soccer Schedule period, Coach Havens plans to smooth past years our pugilists have made 1948 grapevine. they too are loaded witll ~e:s~~:.g ae:: ~ory!~~g: as::~fi;t;;, out the rough spots that are still of Col- power. Andy Kerr. formerly for themselves and the school a very gate, is bringing plenty of material Paul, is on the Terror squad. During evident in the Terrors game. By the fine record. (kwber 9 Navy JV Away into the Valley. Just how strong they the war, Terry served as an infan- time the ninth rolls around, the lads Under the tutelage of Bruce Fer- 13 Hopkins Away try lieutenant and received the in Green and Gold should really be guson. Green Terror basketball play. 15 Drexel Home really are remains to be seen. but it Purple Hea~. ready to show that they're going to is quite certain that a tough fight Jjes ers have recorded many fine seasons. 20 Towson Away ahead. Joseph Kittner. a pre-war tackle. be poison to their rivals throughout The team normally plays about is also beginning his second year as the season. twenty games so that the student 22 Washington Home The last game of the '48 season is an assistant coach. Joe returned in body gets plenty of opportunities to 25 LoY(lI& Home with Hopkins. a traditional rival. '46 and played until he was injured raise the roof (If Gill Gym cheering 29 Franklin-Marshan Hopkins is powerful and fast, and is in the Delaware game. Joe was nam- the team onward. There is a junior Away well supported with plenty of weight ed on several All-Maryland teams be- varsity squad which plays in the November 6 Bucknell Away in the line and speedy backs. They fore the war. Since he was injured in If you graduate in August 1949 Mason·Dixon J. V. League. The J. V. 9 Gettysburg Home have changed their style of play and the Delaware game, Joe has not been please sign the list on the door game is usually played as the pre- 12 Delaware Home anticipate knocking ,the Terrors off able to participate actively in foot-- of the Aloha Office sometime liminary to the varsity contest. in fine style. Western Maryland has ball and instead is helping Terry with this week. 'VrestJing is a minor winter sport. 17 U. of Baltim(lre Away ~on six, los~ /wel~e, and tie~ three the junior varsity 'and acting as as- (Continued on page 4. column 4) 19 Maryland Awa.y III a long serIes whlcn started III 1897. sistant line coach.
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