Page 8 - TheGoldBug1948-49
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The Gold Bug, Oct. 12, 1948 A get-ac- Soph Women No Man. College Calendar Musical Notes. , , with their tea utmost ability. planned by been has quainted which Miss Gesner, will be held in Concerc Community Expurgate Rats pull (Continued overcoat a little tighter Wednesday, October 13- • The Westminster Community Con- her studio in the near future . from page 2, column 5) Progr-am Christmas • your At a recent meeting of the sopho- across your chest and stare at the SCA, Preshmen mixer, Baker cert the is conducting at a fall campaign The Girls' Glee Club, under the di- Western students Mary- for 6 :45 p. m. more women, the week of Octo. crack in the wall over your desk. The Chapel, October 15- land College. rection of Miss Grace Murray, has bel' 4, was set aside as the annual crack runs down the wall and dis- Friday, The campaign closes Saturday, begun rehearsing for the Christmas Pep Rally, Alumni Hall, 6:30 p. m. initiation period for freshmen wom- appears behind your Chem book and Saturday, October 16- October 16, after which time no program which they present annually on. you wonder if you are headed in the to the American Assoclaticn of Uni- same direction. It isn't a happy Washington College vs. WMC, . subscriptions can be received. The versity Women. Thus far, approxi- I The purpose of this Rat Week was thought but that's how it is and if the home. \ local concerts are presented in the mately sixty-five students have reo to.rceter a closer relationship between world's been knocked in a cocked hat Sunday, October 17- auditorium of the Westminster High ported to Levine Hall for rehearsal the new students and their upper- ~'ou're not so -sure you can do any- Sunday School, Discussion, Dr. School, and the series for the current the sixth period on Tuesdays. classmen by bringing them to the at- thing about it. Shilling, Baker Chapel, 9 :15 a. m. season will feature the -Columbus tention of the student body ill' various "That's how lots of students all I R C Social, McDaniel Lounge, Boychoir, November 15; Mata and ways. over the world are feeling, Mac, and 2-4 p. m. Hart, dance troupe, January 5; and SGA ·Constitution Several skits were performed on it isn't a healthy fe~ling. This guy'! Monday, October 18- Mildred Dilling, harpist, March 14. Wednesday eve n i n g, immediately the one who'll be running his gov- I R C, McDaniel Lounge, 7-8 p. m. Subscriptions may be' secured (Continued from page 2, column 1) after dinner; and following .•study ernment and the way he feels' now, Wednesday, October 20- from .. team of college workers in- hours on Thursday night, the girls it'll be run right to the dogs.' So you SCA,7 p. m. cluding Vir gin i a Riker Joyce ARTICLE X-BY·LAWS were required to sing the school songs see, Mac, you've got a stake in this Thursday, October 21- Gorsuch, Wanda Bradham, Jane By-laws issuing from powers grant- which they had been instructed to idea of helping that guy in Europe Faculty Club, Blanche Ward Gym, Conaway, Jean Daughtry, Dorothy ed under this constitution shall origi- - _ learn. An jnformal get-together of and Asia, because someday he might 8 p. m. Alexander, and Dorothy ~ nate in a meeting of its executive Dalgleish. the freshmen and sophomore girls in be telling you why he feels his coun- Friday, October 22- body, the Cabinet, and shalt" become Blanche Ward gym on Friday night try can't live with other countries Bon fire and parade, 6:30 p. m. • New Music Plan effective upon ratification by a ma- brought the week's activities to a peacefully ~nd you won't be able to Saturday, October 23- This year, for the first time in the jority of the body in whose meeting close. At that time the freshmen en- understand his language." Randolph Macon vs. WMC, Hoffa history of the music department, the by-laws originated. tertained with a program of sopho- Field, 2 p. m. every freshman music major will Following lapse of at leaat one more impersonations. Homecoming Dance, Gill Gym, 8:30 have a big sister or brother from the week, they shall become law by ratio Betty Bachtell, Rita Bittle, Char- ;The Lineup -11:45 p. m. department. The e e upperclassmen fication by a two-thirds majority vote lotte Janney, Jean Mellon, Mary Jean Sunday, October 24- will endeavor to eesost the beginners of the organization. Rupert, and Alice Yearly, appointed (Continued from page 3, column 3) Sunday School, Dlscusston, Dr. by Sonya 'Vine, sophomore women's • Navy Turned Tide Shilling, Baker Chapel, 9:15 a. m. representative to the Student Govern- After trailing the Middies for Chapel, Dr. Martin Luther Enders, ment, served on committees govern- most of the first half by a goal, the speaker. Order Personal Christmas ing Rat Weck. Cards Now Terrors came back to tie the score in the third quarter as they enjoyed Prompt Delivery Your Best For .Terrors V s. R.M. a brief period of good team play. The Look Homecoming Large Assortment To Select period saw WMC club closing the fade badly as superior Navy condi- Gloria Beauty Shop From For Homecoming tioning and reserves' turned the tide. 82 W. Main St. p, G. COFFMAN CO. contest with Hopkins Tomorrow's should show an improved Terror GREETING CARD STORE (ColltTiiued from page 3, column 5) team due primarily to the experience, TIMES BUILDING little is known of the R·M club. They painful though it was, gained in th,e WESTMINSTER,.MD. lost to Richmond (33·,0) but this is Navy contest. \ J. WM. HULL,J.w.l.r not a good criteria since the Univer- Hats off! Not only because al1 the Hdqs. for Keepsake Diamonds sity of Richmond is much larger and Baltimore and Washington papers even a member of the Southern Con. say it's true, but because we're also The Store of New Fashioned from RCA Victor ference. convinced of it, we salute Leo Jewelry and Old Fashioned WESTMINSTER'S R·M is known to usc a T·formation Lathroum as the outstanding player Honesty FAMILY Twelfth Street Rag and depend largely on deception. for the Tenors against Catholic Uni- Since Randolph-Macon has bee n veesar y. He not only scored two of the TIMES BUILDING RESTAURANT Love Somebody known to be a slow starter in the three TD's, but also set up the third East Main Street past they .may well be hitting their by snagging a pass intended for Westminster, Md. It's Magic stride by October 23. C. U. hands. Keep it up Leo! Benny's Kitchen My Happiness The Terrors will be up for this game since a WMC team has never Where old friends meet You Call Everybody lost a Homecoming game and Coach BONSACK'S Darlin' Havens is stressing that fact. The Westminster Laundry and like to eat winged T of the Terrors interspersed A Tree In the Meadow with single wing formations is expect- SODAS LUNCHES Laundry and Dry Cleaning 59 W. Main St., Westminster ed to prove the better combination. Pick Up And Delivery Radio-Electronics Service Westminster 6:54-} 14 W. Main St. Notice I in Phone 703 Westminster's. Th~ Baltimore Sun will be de- New Modern Drug Store Basement of Old Main livered to the dormitories every weekday morning and evening and Sunday by Ray Deming, a DRUGS Seminary student. Sign the SCHOOL SUPPLIES SHEET MUSIC Baltimore Sun notice on one o~ COSMETICS \ MAKE LUNCHTIME the bulletin boards if you want POPULAR-STANDARD the paper delivered. SODAS CLASSICAL Bixler and Guild RECORDS REFRESHMENT TIME Drug Co. Choose from a Large Selection FOR THE BEST COLONIAL MUSIC CO, John and Main Sts. In Food and Service 34 W. Main St .. Phone 386.J EAT AT The CITY RESTAURANT W. Main St. - Westminster Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays and Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays and Holidays; Holidays; Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. p. m, Evening show 9 p. m. Week Matinee 2 p. m.-Evenings 7 & 9 p. m. day shows continuous from 4:30 p. m. Murray Cleaners WED., TRUR., OCT. 13·14 TRUR., FRI., OCT. 14·15 PICK UP &: DELIVERY "l\IR. PEABODY AND THE "FLYING DEUCES" Monday &, Thursday MERI\lAlD" Laurel and Hardy Willia11.1Powell Ann Blythe SAT., OCT. 16 FRI., SAT., OCT. 15-16 "ARI\ANSAS SWING" "THUNDERHOOF" Hoosier Hotshots SMITH 8< REIFSNIDER Preston Foster Mary Stewart SUN. TUES., Incorporated SUN.-TUES., OCT. 17-19 ';FUEDIN', FUSSIN', OCT. 17-19 FIGHTIN''' ..... LUMBER-COAL "lUELODYTIME" Donald O'Conner Marjorie Main WESTMINSTER, MD. WALT DISNEY ., WED., OCT. 20 WED., THUR., OCT. 20-21 "BOLD FRONTIERSMAN" ,'EMBRACEABLE YOU" AlIa~ Lane Everybody Is Welcome Dana Clark Geraldine Brooks FRI., SAT., OCT. 22-23 ~ THUR., FRI., OCT. 21-22 To Stop In At "LULU BELLE" "BLONDlE'S REWARD" Penny ISingleton Arthur Lake - "I, JANE DOE" Margaret & Earl's Double Feature SUN.-TUES., OCT. 24-26 SAT., OCT. 23 "TWO GUYS FROM TEXAS" "CHECK YOUR GUNS" Dennis Morgan Jack Carson SANDWICHES- Eddie Dean WED., TRUR., OCT. 27·28 SUN.·TUES., OCT. 24·26 t'ornm UNDEI AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-GOlA COMPANY I" SOFT DRINKS . WESTMINSTER COCA-COL Il BOTTLIWG CO. "DEEP WATERS" "ABB
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