Page 10 - TheGoldBug1948-49
P. 10
The Gold Bug, Oct. 26, 1948 Green Pastures Pencil Shavings If you had been walking by the by Administration Building several days Leon Stover ago you wouldn't have believed your B-Day On The Campus friends. It does not mean that the very best Only a culture offering baked beans eyes either. But there they were, a personalities and campus leaders have been can produce the true philosopher. large sleepy looking sheep and an in- Now that the most important event in the voted in by the soror~tIes. After all, whe:e For only the person who has develop- quisitive looking heifer placidly college sophomore co-ed's life is over and is our maidenly conceit? Actually, people m ed the habit of eating from a tin can munching on the good 'green grass "of things have settled down to the pleasantly prominent positions on campus, engaged before he is old enough to think can Maryland, particularly that of the grueling week of sorority initiations, more girls with real diamonds, and even peop~e afford to neglect that problem which administration's lawn. As we stood than a few of us find ourselves on the out- with cars have been known to suffer this confronts most people of the world- there in amused surprise we began side rather wistfully looking in. Why didn't crushing blow. finding the next meal-and ponder toying with several thoughts. we get a bid? • Probably it does mean that we didn't get the reality of Existence. Bold brave creatures to have strayed Did we lack foresight and date the ex- out and get to know many people-the soror- Our own civilization is one of away from home in order to find beaux of one of our favorite sorority's sis- ities simply don't know us. It may mean that those fortunate recepticals for hu- grasS' that appeared more palatable! ters? Did we snub one of the members? the one sorority was positive that we were manity that contains a minority of To break away from known pastures Have we neglected to keep food and hospi- going to join another, and there are _veryfew well-fed. people. Some of these are and family ties, to seek a thing undis- tality in our rooms for friendly visitors? Did sororities which waste even one bid. After inevitably, philosophers. covered and to sever the bonds of tra-, our roommates two-time us? Do we go with all, they have pride, too. Incidentally, do we ditions and custom in the face of pos- boys whose fraternity [s not the brother or- know how many hands must be raised to sible severe criticism and punishment ganization to the sorority we wished to join? keep a girl from receiving a bid? Just two! . these may indeed be termed r-adi- Were we diligent in finding out who "the And four times two never stumped anybody calor progressive. different members of the sororities are? Are very long. we sure we didn't get any of them confused? At any rate, let's get out and continue to • New Horizons Were we so friendly to one club that the live and be natural. Our lives didn't cease on Nonetheless, they searched for and others thought they had no chance with us? October 14, 1948, at '8:00 a. m. Sororities pledge girls at the beginning of e~ch term, found new horizons, and the task of Are our marks so.high that erstwhile friends and we are eligible practically until the day adapting themselves to the new situ- feared to welcome us into their midst? ation seemed well under way. Sheep No doubt we have had ourselves on the we graduate (we hope). More of your honor- and Heifer, you were enjoying an en- carpet inquiring into every conceivable rea- able colleagues in the upper classes were not welcomed with open arms by the~r ~ater viable peace that mortals such as we son why we did not make the grade-and sororibus the first or even second time. Our have been searching since time began. 99 44/100 times out of a hundred there is no But do you not notice, Sheep, that the conceivable reason. own classmates have given us.evidence that Heifer has different markings from If we feel as though we have lost our best a college career can be successfully com- yours? Why, he has a longer tail, his friends, that sororities are intentionally pleted without the balm of a bid. Do we re- ,ears are larger, and he has differe.nt cruel or that everyone is directing a know- alize that some of our classmates actually refused bids? coloring from yours! Yet you let him ing l~ok at us because we did not get a bid, So--it's chins up! Let's keep "our teeth feed on the same grass. And you, Jet's stop and try to understand what has pearly, our hair curly, and a big, big smile There are, of course, a number of Heifer, how can you eat the same probably happened. . ill-fed amatur philosophers, but we grass when you can easily see that It does not mean that there is a stigma cast on our faces for everyone. In February all know that they do not philosophize, there'll be another B-Day on the Hill and Sheep has different markings from upon the rest of our college career, nor does still college life marches on! but rationalize the fact that they are it mean that sorority girls will no longer too poor to enjoy the luxuries of the ~~:;~'s :h~'ffe~~; ~~~~:~ t:h::~ associate with us or continue to be our best M..., RuU. fJluId4 professional philosophers. is shaped differently from yours and Then there are those who are well she doesn't eat grass the same way as fed, but who do not appreciate the them. you do! • luxury their satiety affords one, for Their indolence is a natural • Do you not notice the stares of the eJI~ fJn
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