Page 2 - TheGoldBug1948-49
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The Gold Bug, Sept. 24, 1948 Pencil Shavings' Big Brother-Sister Views From The Hilltop ... (Continued from page 1, column 5) By LEON STOVER Everybody's mouth waters at the Goode, Clifford Pfaff; James Gordon, sight of that delicious-but slightly Richard Pindell; George Hamilton, drippy-morsel, the chocolate-cover- A STATEMENT OF POLICY - Dan Pinholster; Charles Hammaker, . ed cherry. But everybody does not WilliaIfl Porter; Hillard Hayzlett, El- know how to eat them properly. In this issue of the Gold Bug we are faced which he feels concerns a number of the other mer Richards ; Walter Heidelbach, Imagine the surprise of the novice with the conventional but necessary task of students may count upon our aid if his cause Bernard Ridgell; Murray Hopkins, as he bij;es into that seemingly solid placing before our readers the editorial policy is a just one. Howard Shannon; William Huddle, lump of chocolate to find a thick, which we intend to follow, This task is not a For the benefit -of those who may wish to , Thomas Shaw; Allen Hurff, Bob Wil- darkly-colored liquid oozing down his simple one for there are those who will disagree publish something in the Gold Bug, we shall mer; John Isaac, Joe Cessna; John chin and arm. Sometimes this hap- with us whatever path we may choose. seek their cooperation as follows: a list of pub- Isely, Dan Welliver; Arthur Janof- pens to even the veteran eater of the This does not mean that we shall try to please lication dates will be published in the offices sky, Stu Werner; William Jones, ... booby-trap candy when he nibbles " all the people all the time"; some issues may of the Dean of Men and the Dean of Women Charles Williams; Jack Bernard Kelly, Lambert, Al- George Winfrey; sweets from an unclassified mixture be pleasing to many, while others may appeal as well as on the door of the Gold Bug office. fred Yaglinski; Henry Landy, Leon- -c-more probably while he is engroe- to only a few. These dates will, according to our present plan, ard Zawacki; Lionel Lee, Edgar sed in reading. Regardless of public sentiment, we ~vm try fall on two of the .Tuesdays of each month. We The average person will bite off the to keep the Gold Bug true to our ideals and be- should like to have all copy for a particular Hammersla; Richard Leighton, Her- top at a point he estimates to be just Hefs; indicative of student initiative and imagi- publication by the evening of the Thursday bert Klinger; Millard LesCaliette, Roy Bailey; Diehl; Jules Levin, Lawrence above the "water-line," and then nation; and worthy of the institution we repre- prior to the publication date, This news in John Loper, Jack Nau; Lawrence drain the murky contents, attempting sent. Any other criteria would destroy the most cases should consist of. events to come at the same time to rake out the very personality of the publication. rather than events which have passed. If pes- Loper, Ralph Gorten; William Marks, Vincent Richard Martin, Clower; fruit with his tongue. He succeeds L'It is our task to be the voice of the student sible, the copy should be turned over to us type- Walter Rollinson; Leroy Merritt, only in crushing the embalmed fibers body, and we shall do everything in our power written, double-spaced, on one side only of each Claude Libis; John Molesworth, of the ch~rry against the frail, to merit audience and respect for that voice. sheet ·of paper. ._ Maurice Cubberly; Norman N~edle, chocolate sidewalls, which shatter we'wfu-rtever, however, print anything which We shall welcome any constructive criticism Jonas Eshelman; Paul Peshkoff, Da- suddenly in a spray of sticky slop. might express a personal grudge, or which of policy, content or make-up and shall willing- vid Sartorio; Charles Pfeiffer, Joseph A less explosive 'approach would could in any way prove harmful to Western' ly accept any helpful suggestions which may Luperini; Jan Ports, Norman Coates; perhaps involve imbibing the juice Maryland College, her administration or her be forthcoming. August Prassina, John Babb ; Carl from a small hole drilled into the students. Our sincere hope is that we may uphold the Seiler, Skip Barry; Thomas Shanna- side of the candy. But this is such a We pledge our support to every organization high standards of those who have preceeded us han, Doug Bibens; Kenneth Shook, slow process that the chocolate aeon on campus which requests our assistance for and that we may add some building blocks of Alan Dodd; George Shyn, Bob Ebert; melts into an uncontrollable puddle. the advancement of causes beneficial to the value to the already sturdy foundation to be Marvin Siegel, Bob Fraser; Marshall The expert is careful. After neatly college. Too, any individual with a problem inherited by those who follow. Simpson, Bob Gage; William Simpson, removing the top of the candy with a Bill Huber; Gerald Smith, Lincoln sharp blade, he whirls the chocolate Justice; John Smith, Vince Landau; chalice through the air in a great, Elsell Thomas, Charles Mann; Edwin sweeping arc and deftly hurls goo and Toman, Tom Stone; Alfred Truitt, cherry into his mouth with an ac- Charles Shook; Martin Tullai, Bob companing snap of the neck-much Frosh Eye- View Sterling; "Ronald Uhl, Sam Winston; like one empties the individual cOlll- Brent Wood, Norman Williams; Rob- munion cup. But a word of warning: ert Wright, Dave Buffington; Charles Much practice is required to' per- Young, Bob Fringo; Karl Yount, Al form this rite without endangering Pirie; Ira Zepp, Phil Kahle; Richard nearby property, so it is safer that McJilton, Ed Ransford; George ~ the beginner eat peanut-brittle. Moore, Bill Rhoades. Big Sisters Mrs. Wenner John Isaac: "So far, so good." Constance Cole, Sue Dixon; Joycie Maynard Fones: "It's quiet." Kaltrider, Ruth Allen; Norma M90re, (Continued from page 1, column 1) Mary Jane Price; Audrey Myers, Eugene Mechtly: "The practice of material constitutes the basis for one keeping large lawns seems to be a Helen Ray; Alice Pitchford, Betty of the courses she is teaching this universal evil," Dixon; Corinne Schofield: Theoda Lee semester, English 311, Master8 in John Cameron: "It's a good place to Kcmpanek; Elizabeth Vey, Caroline Literature, the subject of which will sleep." !-.: Snpp ; Dorothy "Shoemaker, Betty be Dr. Johnson and his circle. The rr David Huddle: "Sensational!" Lenz ; Pauline Adkins, Jean Minnis; mainder of her classes include Barbar-a Baumgardner, Mary Will; journalism, the English novel, anc Dean Helen G. Howery Lawrence Loper: "Very nice, es- Florence Beaven, Dot Gamber; June freshmen English. pecially Albert Norman Ward Hall." Beck, Francis Jones; Lida Birdsall, The first year away she lived with To those students returning to Col- Betsy Patterson: "It's very wet June Graf; Virginia Blake, Peggy the mother of a deceased English pro- lege Hill, as well as our new students, now, but I like it." Stacy; Joann Boner, Phil Weaver; fessor from George Washington, dur- I am happy to extend a most cordial Betty Summers: "Everybody is Dean 'L. FON'e8t Free Betty Lou Brandenburg, Mickey ing which time a very close friend- welcome. We who have been here for very friendly, makes you feel very Hardester; Maurine Brandt, Virginia ship developed between them. After one or more years know that this col- Warmest greetings to members of Myers; Beverly Brockelbank, Sara her death, Mrs. Wenner was be- lege is a good place to be and that much at home." the incoming class! And congratula- Lee Laramore; Carol Brown, Dottie the splendid spirit tions to you for queathed the son's library consisting this college family is a good family Marvina Munch: "I've been here which you have shown as a class l'I[cClayton; Jane Buettner, Sue Brun- of some two or three hundred books." before, but it's better now because I ing; Nancy Burdick, Joyce Parker; Burr, Sue Hall; Patricia These books proved a great asset to to belong to. As we have become bet. belong to it." throughout Freshman Week. I am Byrne, Jean Daughtrey; Betty Lou sure there have been moments of un- with members of the Elizabeth tel' acquainted her in preparation for the written Mary Suzen Rhinehart: " The certainty curing the orientation pro. Callender, Betty Lee Robbins; Doris comprehensive examinations. class of 1952 this week, our confidence weather could be better, but the cess which have shaken your self- Corbin, Priscilla Lankrord ; Patricia _ The second year, her residency was in them has been strengthened. We campus is beautiful." confidence; and there have been mo- divided between her home in Bruns- know they will become very worthy Katharine Wiley: "Everybody's ments of triumph which have reas- Crawfm-d, Anita Julia Rowan; Jean Curl, Damuth, Rita Dot Shindle; wick, Maryland and Washington members of the college family. All of in a rush. It's not a very good day sured you. These are typical ex- Ludwig; Elizabeth Davis, Margaret where she' stayed with the Ameri- us are inclined to begin years with for the freshmen incoming-c-wish the pcrtences in the life of higher learn- Ruppenthal; Elsie Davis, Betty can Association of University Women. enthusiasm and new resolutions. My ing. It is my sincere hope that your The intense study, allowing for ver'J wish is that we shall lose none of this sun had been shining.:' college experience will be rich" in cul- White; Margaret Davis, Rae Acher; Doris Betty Dawson, Norma Roberts; little leisure time, has lead her and spirit as the days pass. Let's work Betsy Lipon: "I think it's won- ture, friendships and Understanding. Day, Jean Watkins; Jeanne Dixon, her husband to nickname George together to make this year one of the derful-wonderful room even if it is Mrs. Free joins me in welcoming you Lois Sauter; Lois Dulin, Martha Washington "a drab learning factory, best in Western Maryland College on the fourth floor." to the campus. Please call on us at Schaeffer; Virginia Fiegel, Anne governed by Ph.D. discipline." history, Libby Schubert: "I may not be "The College Bungalow." Thompson; Joanna Gebhard;' Mar- One of the things about George Helen G. Howery very original, but it's awfully excit- L. Forrest Free garet Beyer; Kathryn Gibbs, Ruth Washington that, greatly impressed Dean of Women ing." • Dean of Men Marsden; Lucy Grace, Eva Mae Da- Mrs. Wenner is the close association vis; Elinor Graybeal, Babs Jolley; between the city and the collage. The Mary Ina Grice, Eleanor Nettleship; school places great emphasis on the Simple And Considerate; Consider It Simple! Doris Hale, La.Rue Coblentz; Velma .combined use of the university facili- BY LOUIS PIETROFORTE Hall, Carol Lowe; Mary Hawkins, ties with those of the city, particular· Betty Funk; Sarah Hering, Betsy ly the museums, art galleries, Libra- "Ah say, friend, this town we're ing facilities like back home, do you tating. In fact, he's the'one who gave Taylor; Ruth HiCks, Beverly Mil- ry of Congress, and Folger Memorial going through is Westminster. West- prefer your eggs sunny side up, and that classic reply to the question, stead; Dolores Horine, Marion Auld; Library. _ minster, Maryland, that- is. Geo'ge various sundry items that will en- "What was your first impression of Sally Lu Horne, FloI"ence Rice; We the' members 0/ tM editorial Washington, yuh say? Better able us to make the freshman feel \Vestern Maryland College!" Jeanne Hoyt, Dottie Phillips; Doro- staff, join the faculty and student than that-Charles Carroll slept as completely at home as possible, for "Impressionable!" was the enth';§ias- thy Kammer, Doris Holmes; Dorothy body in welcoming Mrs. Wenner back here! See them mailmen in the gray this is your home, you know, for the tic reply. We don't expect flashes of Keesecker, Jean Knox; Diane Kelley, the Confederate uniforms? That's to The Hill.-Ed. next four years unless fire, storm, wit like that from the average fresh- Joyce Gorsuch; Betty Lou Kellner, Army bidin' their time. Headquar- hUrricane, drink, or an act of the ad- man, but if you show promise, we ters fo' th' new Civil War is that ministration deems otherwise. might allow you to act as master of Shiela Siegel; Donna Kohl, Bonnie ceremonies next freshman week, or Gutbu,b; Roberta Lang, Virginia • Inlpressionism A Fad Clayton; Ernestine Langrall, Helen you might even. try The G,old Bug. But we digress. On this campus the Ray; Nancy Lee Lawson, Caroline freshman will find many strange • Schedules A Necessity Benson; Catherine Lay, Joyce Hinkle; things going on, and some things, not There is something around here Helen Leerburger, Betty Wiley; Vic- so strange. We will let the strange known as "A Schedule" ... one al- toria Leister, Rachel Ennis; DOl'Othy things lie as they are for you to ways fits things into hi::; or her Lien, Callie McNabb; Betty Litsch, stumble upon them as you go on "Schedule" Now, this fhing is not a Jane Guttman; Charlotte Miller, Doris So you think that's far fetched? We wearing apparel into which you Ritter; Joan Montague, Nancy Mc· all got here, one way or another, your way. Here we will touch-on the throw your old cigarette butts, old didn't we? Having arrived on The not-so-strange things on The Hill, exam pap.ers, and extra copies of Allister; .Marvina MU'nch, Virginia Hill with this freshman, let's go like that student sitting there in the Gone With The Wind. It is an in- Avers; Doris Myers, Shirley Steven· Naylor, . along with him as an invisible third middle of the road looking like Ma~ tangible thing, yet tangible; timeless son; Mary Neal, Eleanor Shirley Clark; Ghandi on his last leg. He is hatma Catherine Price; Her- NeW!! EdItor party ... that's a popular dieM meditating. He has received his last yet timely; personal yet impersonal; ma Nixdorf, Betty Crosswhite; Anne SPOri8 Editor nowa~ays ... and watch his progress Copy Editor. semester's grades and is wondering in short, it is a schedule. One arises Ogburn, 'Winkelman; Anna Park, Typing Edit ...r on Our progressive way. whether or not to change his courses. at a certain time, goes to classes at Sonya Wine; Addie Lou Parks, Rita BUSINESS STAFl!' Bll.a.iJle"~ ManBger . . . . .. . .. Ted Qnekh One must register. Everyplace you One should meditate on a thing like a certain time, studies at a certain Biddle; Helen Parsons, Dorothy Alex- AdvertiSIng Manager Ed'Vright go you gotta register. The reason is that since it involves one grand mesh time, relaxes at an uncertain time, ander; Betsy Patterson, Mickey Rup· Oirculation Manager Della Graul very simple. . we like to know who of red tape and a small fee that will and is fast asleep long, long before pert; Winifred Pattison, Pat Moore; you are, where you come from, what dent his parents' purse about the size the radio announcer comes to the part Janet Preston, Edith Sanner; Sally John Gruber, Ruth Allen, Helen Ray, Mike Chandler, Frank Stevenson, Leon Stover, Pat you want to do, what kind of tooth of a miniature Grand Canyon. But in his script where it says, " ... Ray, Louise Hyder; Doris Reck, Mary McLaren, Jackie Brewn, Joan B ....ngle, paste you use, what were the plumb. Joan.n& Koehler. he is a brilliant codger and is roedi· (Continued on page 4, column 1) (Continued on page 4, column 2)