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t~~~:~~~Bryl~d College 'il9stminster,·Md. GREETINGS SPORTS FRESHMEN LINEUP PAGE 2 PAGE 3 Vol. 26, No.1 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. September24, 1948 English ProFesor Returns Introducing FreshmanAdjustment Aided ·AFter Leave OF Absence Lionel Lee By Big Brother-Sister Plan Arriving at Western Maryland Mrs. Evelyn Wenner, who has been on sabbatical leave, has after an ocean voyage half way The selection of upperclassmen to act as big brothers and sis- returned to WMC to resume her duties as English professor and around the world, Lionel Lee, one of ters to members of the freshmen class has been announced by Gold Bug advisor. the Hill's newest arrivals, brings with Marion Auld, chairman of the committee. The aim of this move- She began her two year leave of absence in the spring of 1946 him a vivid memory of war in the ment, under the sponsorship of the SeA, is to help the new stu- to work on her doctor's degree under the graduate council of Far East, the recollection of six years dents become adjusted to college life. The upperclassmen will be George Washington University in Washington. r separation from his home and par- available to their little brothers and sisters throughout the year to -, answer any qu-estions or help with any problems. ents, and the anxieties of a young A new phase of the big brother and sister movement is being College Faculty Aclcls man in a strange country. harbor on initiated this year. Doe and stag parties are being planned in an Boston Lionel entered Three New ProFessors September 6, 1948. Because his home, effort to foster friendlier relationships between the freshmen and The parties are scheduled for Mon- their big brothers and sisters. ~in:a~~~:is~h~o~!:~~Y~: '~:~b:~~!:~~~ day, September 27, at 7:30. Three members have been' added to The doe party will be held in the Western Maryland faculty ac- become fluent in his use of the English Blanche Ward Gym. Nancy Winkel- cording to the announcement by language. Ensor Announces man, chairman of the committee Lowell S. Ensor, president. His first recollections of war and Ja- Faculty Promotions Dr. H. P. Sturdivant has been ap- destruction center around the planning the party, has requested pointed as professor in charge of the panese bombing raids in December, Six faculty promotions were an- that each big sister be responsible for biology department. He received his 1941, 'when hundreds of buildings col- nounced by President Ensor at the the presence of her little sister. The B. S. and M. A. from Emory Univer- lapsed in rubble amid fire and smoke. meeting Monday night. program, under the leadership of sity in Atlanta, Georgia, and went on Lee, a nineteen-year-old freshman, Dean of Men, Dr. L, Forrest Free, Betty Amos, will in~ude a talk ex- to Columbia for his Ph. D. relates the stories of holocausts with- was promoted from associate profes- plaining to a greater extent the big- Miss Virginia Lee Speer will be out visible emotion, but he recalls sor to professor of astronomy and little sister movement, talent supplied visiting assistant professor of bto-, great loneliness and fear when his mathematics. Miss Addie B. Robb by upperclassmen, and refreshments. logy for the 19.48-49 year only. Last 'f~ther, a .teacher, secured p.assage f.or was raised from assistant professor Tye stag party will be held in Har- year Miss Speer was a member of LIonel, his brother, ~nd his two SIS- ... of history to associate professor. "In vey Stone Park. Harry Le E._ew, the faculty of Frostburg State Nor- ters on a French freighter bound for the home economics department Miss chairman, has announced that Tom mal College in Frostburg, Maryland. Bombay, India. Singapore fell to the Helen E. Grey' was advanced to as- Doolittle will be master of ceremonies. She received her bachelor's degree invader only weeks after the Lee chil- sociate professor from assistant 'pro- Group singing will be led by Charlie . Shook, and will round refreshments 1I1rs. Evelyn lVenner from Emory University in Atlanta, dren had escaped. ressor. out the program. Georgia. Since the night Lee sailed from Miss Edith E. Litzinger, of the Her general topic of study was Mr. Horace Townsend, Jr., who Singapore in 1942, he has spent only modern language department, re- A list of the new students with drama, the more specific research be- formerly instructed at the Univer- six months with his parents at home. eeived promotion to assistant profes- their big brothers and sisters follows: ing concerned with George Stevens, sity of Tennessee, obtained his B.S. Now, in this country, Student Lee sorship from instructor. Mr. Oliver Big Brothers one of the three great Shakespearian from Drexel and his M.A. from the envisions possibly ten more years of K. Spangler was promoted from as- Charles Albert, Thomas Albright; editors of the 18th century and Ii University of Pennsylvania. As pro- family separation, since he has de- ststant to associate professor of mu- Paul Artis, John Bradley; Robert friend of Dr. Samuel Johnson. This fessor of economics, he will head that cided to study medicine. Although he sic. Assistant Professor Frank B. Bond, William Boyle; Warren Bour- (Continued on page 2, column 1) department. (Continued on page 4, column 3) Hurt received appointment to aeso- quin, Alfred Bright; Charles Bru- ciate professorship of political science. baker, Harry Bright; Kenneth Buck- Cline, Fred Consolidated Student Government Officers WSSF Drive To Open ingham, Buckingham; William Cohenj- Brill; .Iack Jacob Lowell Haines, Joseph Burch; Ernest Horner, .Announce Newly Adopted Consti~utio~ On Sunday, October 10 Corleto; Howard McGrew, Joseph Henry Corrado: George The Service Student World Fund drive will be officially opened OIl cam- Culotta; Donald Makosky, John Dor- We, the students of Western Mary- ARTICLE III-OFFICERS Pus on Sunday evening, October 10, gan; Miles Marken, Robert Douglass; land College, in order to promote the EMPHASIZING THE FACT that the Section 1. by Harry Haines, a former student of James Marsh, Richard Dunlop; Eu- general welfare of the student body Student Government is not an urg'ani- The officers of the organization Western Maryland College. gene Mechtly, Julian Dyke; William and the college, do hereby establish zation over and above all other college shall be a President, chosen from An international agency for the Owings, Robert Fink: Gordon Raver, Flavin: Richard William Robinette, this constitution for these specific groups,. but one composed of all stu- the incoming senior class; a Vice- promotion of student activity abroad, James Shannon, purposes: Edward Flickinger; Donald Smith, wn, dents and able to function only President, chosen from the incom- WSSF is largely supported by the Joseph Giannelli; 1. To provide experience in self gov- through their cooperation, the Stu- ing senior class; a Secretary, and contributions of students in the liam Gilmartin; Kenneth Tyson, Al- emment. dent Government presents the new a Treasurer, to be chosen by the United States. All of the funds which bert Grimes; Paul Welliver, John 2. To promote harmony and under- constitution to the student body. The Cabinet from among the representa- are raised during the course of the Gruber: Harvey Ainu, James Hack- standing among student groups group has expressed the desire that tives. campaigns on American campuses are man; Isadore Abrams, Vance Hale; and among- the administration, the every student acquaint himself with used for the purchasing of books. Edward Barnett, Charles Hammer; students, and the faculty. the changes made and the constitution Section 2. buildings, laboratory equipment and Paul Baum, William Henry; Theo- 3. To help new students orient them- in its completed form. Half the con- a. The duties of the President shall other learning aids for the people ot dore Bobilin, Robert Hershberger; 'be, selves to the campus. stitution .appeara in this issue, the re- Jess fortunate countries. Stanley Bowlsbery, Klein Haddaway; mainder to be printed in the next 1. To call and preside over ali meet- Last year's goal was set at $1200. 4. To encourage high ethical and Edwin Brandt, Brian Haddaway; organization, the the moral standards, and tQ give di~ Gold Bug. ings of and the appropriate Stu- but it is hoped by the chairman that John Cameron, James Higgins; it will be surpassed in this drive. Cabinet recticn to the conduct of students dent Council. Michael Converso, Lloyd Hoover; in a~phases of college life, in so Ed Hammersla, the new president John Costlow, William Kern; James far as it has the power. Daniel, Blanche Ward, and Cas- 2. To appoint any committees that of the Student Christian Association Cox, Charles Kidd; Barry Cox, Sam- sell Halls. Millard Crouse, Gene 5. To lead the students to a feeling c. Each representative { to the Cabinet may be necessary, and to 'serve ex which will be the organization spon- uel Knepp; James Culhane, Anthony soring this drive, has expressed higli of each of a member Knowles; Officio, as of comradeship and common pur- _ shall remain on the CabineJ; only these committees. hopes for this year's campaign. He Konstant; William Davis, Joseph pose with students on other cam- Kovalevski ; Alton Davison, John Sil- puses. so long as he is in fuli and regu- 3. To assemble the freshman class be- is certain that those on The Hill ber; Russell Deragon, Herbert Leigh- standing. In the 6. To stimulate active citizenship lar scholastic a member is removed ~~:e :~~ :~~eOs~e~h:n~rs:o\::e:la~! .~~!~~~vs:il~l:n:~~~:s:ole~Sa~~l'~~~~~ ton; James Dix, Robert Lizer; Carl event that among the studepts. Doenges, Ellis Leatherwood; Ray from the Cabinet, or a vacancy oc- to them the meaning. of the or- than they. curs for any other reason, the Mr. Haines, whose international Dow, Ned Masenheimeu; William Du- AM'rCLE I-NAME ganization, its purposes, and its background makes him particularly lany, Galen White; Joseph Eline, The name of the organization shall president of the S.G.A. shall im- regulation. interested in any effort of this kind, William Monroe; Maynard Fones, Lee mediately provide for an election be The Western Maryland College to fill the vacancy. 4. To guide the organization of the would be interested in having volun- Dr th ; Ward Glasby, Charles Parker; Student Government Association. freshman class and the election of teers for solicitations during the Lynn tioldberg, David Patten; John Section 3. its officers dur-ing the first month ARTICLE II--ORGANIZATION I a. The men and women members of o~ the second semester. p_eriod of the campaign. (Continued on page 2, column 5) Section 1. the Cabinet, when meeting separ- b. The Vice-President shall: a. All "students in the college are, ately, shall constitute the Men's 1. Discharge the duties of the Presi- ip8(),facto, members of the organi- and the WOJDen'sStudent Coilncils, dent, when ever the lat.i;er is un- zation. respectively. able to do so, except in so far as b. The policy-making level of the or- b. 'The Student Councils shall prom- they relate to the Student Coun- ganization is the student body as ulgate rules of conduct applicable· cils. a whole. only to the men or to the women 2. Act as chairman of the Student students, as the case may be; they Council of the sex which he or she Section 2. shall t a k e disciplinary action represents. a. A cabinet" elected in a manner against violatQrs of such rules or c. The Secretary shall keep minutes hereinafter described, shalJ func- of any regulations promulgated by of all meeting of the organization tion as the executive body of the the Student Government Associa- and the Cabinet, and shall handle organization. tion. the publicity al1d correspondence b. The cabinet shall consist of the of- c. The chairmen of the Student Coun- of the organization, announcing all ficers of the organization and the cils shall be the President and the meetings satisfactorily in advance. representatives elected in the man- Vice-President of the Student d. The Treasurer shall attend to the ner prescribed in Article IV, on the Gov.ernment Association, accord- finances of the organization. foliowing basis: ing to their respective sex. Each Section 3. Two representatives per class, Council may select from its own The Cabinet shall have as its spon- (one man, one woman.) members such other officers as are sors the Dean of Men and the Dean The presidents of each class. necessary to conduct its own 'busi- of Women, who shan be available The house presidents of Mc- in an advisory capacity. ChineSe Students Erecting a Wall Newspaper