Page 3 - TheGoldBug1935-36
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE I NUMEROUS RENOVATIONS Ijames Woodbury Takes First Honors WHO'S WHO AT W. M. C. ARE MADE ON CAMPUS At Fori Washington R. O. T. C. Camp DURING SUMMER MONTHS Terror Lieutenants Sm~ In Honor Companies, Fire w-u Wid, Rift, -- In accordance with its annual cus- Fraternities Bathing Facilities Are Improved In and Pistol tom, the Gold Bug presents the fol- lowing list of "who's who" at West- Alpha Gamma Tau-Frank B. All Dormitories CAPTAIN McLAUGHLIN IS EXECUTIVE OFFICER ern Maryland College. The incoming Wade, president. Moving farther on toward the goal freshmen may consult this list as a Delta Pi Alpha-William W. Brat- of a greater Western Maryland, the James A. Woodbury, first sergeant of Company B of the R. O. '1'. C. guide. ton, president. Gamma Beta Chi-Ralph J. Gra- campus has undergone an extensive unit of Wester-n Maryland, was chosen honor man of the Western Mary- Officer8 of Admin'i8tratiun ham, president, program of improvements during the land representatives during the annual encampment of the Third Corps Pi Alpha Alpha--.James F. Draper, summer. In preparation for occu- - area of the R. O. T. C. at Ft. Wash- Dr. A. Nor-man Ward, president of Jr., president. pancy by the men students the Main ingtondurtngJUn, and July of this . the college. Building has been remodeled and DR LITTLE HOLDS SECOND I year. Dr. William R. McDaniel, vice-pres- Sororities bathing facilities in the men's dormi- During the training period for ident and treasurer. tories have been altered. LEADERSHIP CAMP HERE ::;;:~s fr~:l ~h:neo~!a:~~~lti~~iy ,;~~c: Delta Sigma Mr. Samuel B. Schofield, deal) of Twigg, president. Kappa - Henrietta A partition has been put across the the college. end of Smith Hall, cutting off McKin- course of instruction covering all the Phi Alpha Mu-c-Marguer-ite Ring- This summer saw the second season departments of infantry warfare was Dr. Lloyd M. Bertholf, dcan of ler, president. stry Hall which will be used as a dor- of the Weste Mara Camp, a leader- given. freshmen. W. W. Club-Mary C. Hill, presi- mitory for freshmen men. An en- ship training camp for high school Ratings of the Mrs. Fannie M. Stover, dean of dent. trance has been made on the ground boys, conducted by the School of Re- s t u d e n t s were t!001' of McKinstry Hall Tower lead- ligious Education of Western Mary- based upon their Miss Bertha S. Adkins, assistant to Clubs and Organizations ing to the steps which were formerly land College. Dr. Lawrence Little, respective abilities the dean of women. Y. M. C. A.-Edgar H. Hollis, pres- the stairway to the old dining hall. Dean o(the School of Religious Edu- in musketry and Miss Thelma R. Shreiner, assistant ident. The former site of the Cubicles has cation, was leader of the group. The pistol fire, diseip- into a studio to be been transformed to the dean of women. Y. W. C. A.-Mary B. Dixon, presi- used by the art department. session extended from Monday, Aug- I i n e, cooperation, August 17. ust 3, until Saturday, Mr. Frederic M. Miller, dean of dent. Ward Hall has had a new plumbing leadership ability, Women's Athletic Association- Charles Read, Herbert Stevens, and and knowledge of system, including showers, installed. Charles Baer acted as assistants to infantry tactics. Dr. Alvey M. I.sanogle, dean of the Ma'~~~I~:~,~an~~:~:nre6~~~~'~ment-_ Showers also have replaced the bath- Dr. Little. William P. Kesmodel was Woodbury was rat- School of Education. Mm'Y C. Hill, president. tubs in the newmen's dormitories. ed highest from In order to give more light to the The program consisted of morning among twenty-eev- SC~~~I~~\;:~~~o~~ ii!~:~t~~~:l of the 1 R. r,~~:~:k:l~,u~~'::id~~;.ernment--Chas. halls in McDaniel Hall, opaque glass games, athletics and a num- JAMES WOODB~RYen Western Mary- Mrs. Anna H. Isanogle, registrar. I International Relations Club-Ida- panels have been put in the doors. ber trips to points of interest in- land men who at- the The building has been repainted, Miss Louise B. Fisher, assistant mae T. Riley, president. floors refinished, and tile fixtures ad- cluding Washington and Gcttysburg. tended the camp. registrar. Other organizations: College Play- 'T'hir-ty-ftve boys attended the camp. Under the direction of Lieutenant Miss Minnie M. ward, librarian. crs, Officers' Club, Le Cercle Fran- ded to the bathrooms. Colonel Ord of the United States Ar- A new laboratory for the depart- my, the members of the camps were Mr. Ralph Myers, superintendent ~~~:;, I~~!~~::.l~~:;:::~~,c~~t:;~:'~nt~~~ ment of chemistry has been equipped. FRIENDS OF COLLEGE DIE formed into a battalion of infantry of buildings and grounds. Sorority Council, College Sunday The room, which will be used for or- composed of three companies. Wes- ganic chemistry end physical chemis- Thomas A. Murray Student Publicat'ions School, Men's Debating, Women's De- try, has been furnished with Sheldon Thomas A. Murray, for 30 years a tern Maryland men formed part of bating Council, 'I'au. Kappa Alpha, trustee of Western Maryland College, the third platoon of Company B which The Aloha-Harold S. White, edt- College Choir, College Orchestra, Col- laboratory fittings. A feature of the died on Saturday, September .14. became honor company for the en- tor-in-chief. lege Glee Club, Shakespeare Club, new laboratory is a table equipped for :Mr. Murrnv, a lifelong resident of campment. The company was led by gas, water, air, and electricity. The Gold Bug-Rosalie G. Silber- Home Economic Club, and the Tri- Bnlbimoi-e, was a prominent member Captain James of Penn State's R. O. stein, editor-in-chief. Beta biological frater-nity. The erection of a rest-room near T. C. department. Captain Severn S. the pavilion in Stone Memorial Park of the bar for 50 years. He was ac- MacLaugblin, now a major, acted as was another feature of the building tive in Methodist Protestant Church executive officer of the company with The accounts of the crash, the Es- activities. work and incorporated nearly all of Lieutenant B. R. Farrar, instructor of Passing In Review kimo who brought the tragic news In anticipation of another success- the and societies of the military science at Fork Union Mili- I back to civilization, and the final re- ful season, repairs have been made to tary Academy in command of the spects paid by the world to two of its the College Grille, a recent addition Mary Ward Lewis third platoon. Lieutenant Farrar was (Continued from page 2, column 3) favorite front-page crashers are now to the campus that has proved to be a Mary Ward Lewis, daughter of the an instructor of military science at there surges forth 3,500 million cubic stale news as far as the newspaper popular student rendezvous. first president of western Maryland Western Maryland in 1923. The driveway in front of the li- College and widow of the second pres- feet of water every year. ~V;~~gil:e\~~;:~~~:~~n ;hh a : ~~~,:~;;~ brary and leading to Blanche Ward ident, died on Wednesday, July 24. Program is Varied In this lake the "Blue" sister of the no matter how spectacular, loses its Hall has been completely resurfaced Funeral services were conducted by Under the direction of these officers, White Nile is born. At Khartum the front page appeal within nine daJ's with nmasitc, an ext1'''_meiy durable the Rev. Drs. A. N. Ward and J. H. the Western Maryland delegation re- two Niles join, giving Egypt the corn- again holds good in the Rogers and road composition. The parking area Straughn in Baker Chapel at 3.30 Oil ceived their training. The sessions fields and fertile soil which made the Post account. The world will soon between McKinstry Hall and the Friday, July 26. included instruction periods and dem- Pharoahs wealthy. Thus the lake is forget, despite the sympathy that is Seminary has been enlarged. onstration periods in the operation of troops. essential to the welfare of Egypt. now being expressed. That's to be As a continuation of the planting Mrs. Hugh Latimer Elderdice infantry 12th Infantry The signal corps of Ft. stationed at the Why does Mussolini want it? En- expected. Other news develops. Time program, several parts of the campus On Saturday, September 7, Mrs. gineers declare that it would be pos- marches on. have been reseeded. The greens