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(iOl WELCOME, 1931.'32, CLASS OF '35! THE BIG YEAR ! Vol.9, No.1 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESnllNSTER, MD. Sept. 24, 1931 FACULTY HAS BEEN Class of 1929 Erects TO THE CLASS OF 1935: Head of Biology Dept. II SIXTY - FIFTH YEAR STRENGTHENED; NEW Memorial on Campus llw GOLD BUG stili'!' you are rceetv- of Back trom Abroad WILL OPEN AS LARGE Due to theillitiatlveanclel1crgy COURSESARE OFFERED tile campus direetly of in iug pus lhis eopy of cur college wl1eltiy. FROSH CLASS ENTERS arrive befon' you The on the CfUn' aspect cntiru frout of Old Main has and r am t:lkill~ this OppOrtUllity to Dr. Little and Miss Love Will been nltered Iluring the write YOII >I tew words in the 1\Ill]\e Rooms are Taken; Class is Teach New Subjects. SUJ!llUC\" Ul(Hlths. A tall, of the members of tile Iaculty and nf Well Distributed, ailverv fiugpole, the p:iJ't thc older atudenfs who hnce ehnrge Several euunges ill the Faculty ,,'ill of the {'IHH of 19.::!9. of of the so-called FI'e~hn'uu Week by A, to the [lre~enL o11tloo\ OMl greet Westfo'fn Mnrylaucl students when whiuh Roy C. CIWll\lu'l-li 11":1.1" of introduciug cur-selves and uf th" lurgest Freeiuua» Classes i,\ the th~y return to College Hill next Friday. is president, Ims boeu making you fcei at home hom the of We~tern .\larylund College will The HOUle Ijcononnes department, ill crce n-d in Ihe c<"ut.~r of " new plllZil l-er.l·s!nrt. on Ow campus next Tu('~rl/l~' for parf.ieultu-, has uoen strengthenctl, and created iuuncdiat.elv 10 the Eaat of the You n m nbcut 10 enter upon U new Preshman Orientntlon program. 'J'hE.- other brau~hes of the college hnve been front entranee. 'l'be flagpole St:IlUI8 experien('e, A t;,piCll\ .amcrlenu eel- cullege ts fm~ilities uave been tnxcd 10 more cl-osely coorili1mtcd. dir~~tly on the IIp'A formC'rly tege such as Western ).Iarylnnd is 1Iot the limit in order \0 aeconuuodato the AI! nnnouneed last apring, Dr. L. C. by the Clnss of ]885 Memorial, eulirel~· ;m ins! i\ nt ion devoted to ill- incoming students, e,'er)" l(,,:,jlabl,; dor- LiUle, D. D., com~s to 'Vesteru blary- ha~ bee]\ mo\"(,d fOl"w:nd to rel>t in a strndioll in \'~rious subjects; it is mitory ~pilee bei!'g filled, IUlld thill fall to est.aulisll the 11CII'BdLClOI mu"b 11l()1'~ jhun tlonl. It intlndes 'I'he Orientu~ion period will hst Ul,til of R~ligious Eilliculion. Dr. LillIe's e01Jllllauding posilinn Oil thl'Ue\\" plot. whal is u~uulIy undet~tood 1I~' the l"ridny, when upper clnssmell lira ~dlO'l- chief uim, espeeially during the eoming The old omer drive ilns bl.'ell ~OUl' I<'rtll "~Qllegc lila." It is a pl:ltc tiled to t£'tnrn, During this period., the ~'ear, is to got the studcnt's yiewpoiut- c)iminnt{'tl, awl Ill" plazil en.:d- whor~ oue {'"un go through fhnt in, ill~01ning studt'nts will be ilJtrodu~~;;l t'J to find out j\l~t how a college rcsident laudse"ped. c"il1,hle experiplh'e of breltkiug all"lIy th~ eoll~'gu, its >tim!! :llId "ustOU1~. J~x' fet"ls aboui. his religious problems. Us' '1'10"flag whieh floutlS from the top fl"Olil the hl>1l1~ti~s 1n au rul"irolllllcnt j}l!riellcClms "hOII'll thlll tl:is plan (,t gil'- ing this as a starting poiu!, he pinus to ."ighty,!ive foot pole i$ a gift of llHUh, :llId fu"omLlens PO)! iug th~ ~'rl"SI""c,, sever:!1 dnys in wltieh build the <'.(.Iursl'Sof ilia deparhuenl to of the sihl,'. where prOhlems of l.i";ug, to- become nccli"'llteo.! :(1 thdr nell' en fit the Heeds of college studl!.uts. At ROJ!I'!" J. Whiteford, 'Oil, thllllgh relll, ~I'~ not :LS formidllhle I"irnument before tho opening o-f el:!ss~B prpscnt hiC is worl,ing for his Ph, D. at "n~l Ihe pell ill ties for mist n k('~ Hot so is :1 valuable oue. 'fhey will lJ~c"me Ynie under the dire<;lion of Prof, Hugh sc\"Cr~ as tbey Mually :Ir(' Ollt ill the t'amiliar with the OJlportunitiesoff.;:red to Jrnrt~ilorlle, DORMS AND LOUNGES rou~h':I"d-tnmble world. DR. L.M. BERTHOLF BACK them at Western Mnryhllld, liS 11,,,\1 ag In addition to organizing the nell' Rut although conditions ~re Ulaae those ill which they may help the college. school, Dr, Little willlllll'egeneral (lirec' HAVE BEEN REFURNISHED as l':J.I-orable as posaibl!', it is a tam FROM FOREIGN STUDY 1)1". Lloyd )1. Bert:l(ll!', who has just tiOH of religions netil'ities, aud will Cl)n- thatn eO\lsillernble proport ion.1)f those ,elm'ned from 11 yenr'sstudy abroad. \\"111 duct the fall assemiJlages in Baker ~'hc ]lust summer mont.hs 101ll'e scen who enter as frrshmen do llOt remain Dr. Lloyd }of. Bertholi, Head of tho this yenr resume his .jireetorship of this Chapel. tll(l moat c~tellsi\"Cl improvements in to- graduate. This is due partly to Department of Biology at 'Vestern :Marr' progruill. Uu(ler his g,ddu.oce, nn inl('r' English is StrengtJumed dormitor:' andeumpus CI]uip11lC'lltwhieh home conditione, I1nd ollHlr fnctor:! /I few csting schedule hn~ b"~1\ arranged whirh Tn the :English DCI)artment, Mias WestenlllInr:·I;J.nd College hus made in not under the 1'.011trolof the college 1111](! College, returned to America. is printed Itt the bQ:~,m of this page, weeks ago, afler spending Ilia snbbatitnl EI'elyn Wingate will succeed )[rs. Miriam the last ten years. Both tl,e meu's and 'nnd, therefore, lIt'Cd Hot be consWered lea,'c in a yellr's study at the University A eonsiderable perrion of tlle three (Continned on Page 6-Col. 3) WOHlCU'S dormitori(;s lla'"C beou "ir, in this leHcr. The other principal of Muuieh, Ger11luny. lIis .""ork in tha (Continued Oil Page 6-001. 5) tnnlly refurnishlld throughout. The cause .for a stuilent's fai1ure.l0 grlld Graduate 8('hool of that illBtitntion was campus lllwns llllve recn re-SQ\\"u, driveS uale is his fnilure to (10 theseholastin a fllrthemnce of his brilliant researehes W. MD. COLLEGE UNIT n:sllrf;'ced modeflli"l:ed to Il point work required. Bnt U~ peculiar thing on the ,'isiou of the himey-bee. PLEDGING REGULATIONS plant nnd thCogeneral ment of, Dr. }'er:\ uumber Bertholf TAKES R.OJ. C. HONORS ]Jloeos it. on a new high level, aVollt it is that thill lack of success in to lifts been working ou the question of the ARE NOW ANNOUNCED scholu~tie work is not usually dna President, A, N. ',yard "-11,1 De~1I S. hd,,~ ilil.:'ligr,.-., Uli :he jlllit of ~';~, l'i~i';llIal pl)we~: :If lK'"~ "nd (,·h. - i::, 1:;. Schofietd, in }llanning these imprO"l"e- seets. In lhe spring of H130, he was A set of Pl!'dging Regu]ations were f'o-r the second rime, Western Mary' mcnts made of lillero.l arts eol- studellt, but to sQme sort of ill adup- drAwn Ill) nt the first Ulcetin~ of Iheln' lund Collcg~ has b1)t"n IIllmed Ihe higll' leges through H tour the SOllth, gnthering tation to the eollege environment, granteil it fellowship for foreign study ter-Fruteruity Conr.cil, he'd dnring the Council. Resesreh b~' the National est ~tudent Resene Offieers' 'l'raining iaNj.s whil'h]"HCbl'clI tried out at oth, Homequir1(oftt"mpC!"UnJcnt,somelaek tordingl;\", Ac' on dOliing days of the last session, 'lhe he c1el)UI·ted for EurQpe {'(!fPS uuit tit }'ort .\feadll. lI'esterIl er institutiollS, n!H] adnpting them to of self-eoHtrol, a()m~ l\"I"ong sense of l~uye of absente lust ~ulllmcr to eurry rules are simple and arod("&igned to clar, )faryl:wd will represent the 'L'hird meet tIll: necds of Western Maryl:tnd. I"lIlnes; in short, ~OlUCfailure prt:lper' Ol] hi~ work at ~lIni(\h. ify the atmosphere in reganl to Ihp ('orjlS Area in Cflllll)(~tit.ioll for the 'rhey uijsistcd, ill'selectiug Ihe Iy to lil'c this "coll(!ge IH'r." Duringhisyenrs Of research in rushing and pledgiug of nell' lllcmb(!1"s ,Vurrior of the Pacifie trophy for rifle drawing were room IJiecI'8 by Mrs. ,V, R. Inpointiuguntthatncollsidernl)lc Ameril:ll, Ur. Bertholf reached (m bees by the four Men's Social Club~ llflll" on the hy, profieiency donated by tile University MeDaniel, Urs. A. N. Ward, and l)ellll number of e\"l~ry freshmll1l dass fails pothesis thllt the ho-uey-llee coul!\ not the campus. of lin\\""ii. The rifle (illalifieation fired F. M. Stol'er, • to do the I;.cholnstir. work rNlnil'ed, T ouly see a number of the same WUI'e, The Bl1.ellelor Club, Thc Black and ~I Fort Meade "'AS ('ourse B, 'l"ery hard E:leh unit of th,) new furnitur~ hila 110not llle:lll tl)at Ihe college has ~,uy leagth~ of light which are visi.ble to 1m W1lite Club, Gamma. Beta. Chi, and Deltn Nmsidering tile filet tll1lt, ouly two (I:1YII hwn seleeted "ith II regnrd for penna- rule thaI " ~erta;1I pertentllge of eaeh UlIlH beings, but could "see" into U!o Pi Alplm. each sent its Presldeni and one "'ere used fOl' prc]jmintlt~· and but one' nence, as well as utllity and beauty. elus!! !1lU~tbe "lIunked", On the ton, ultra-\"iolctrangeabout 4 tilHesas well- delcgute'nt'large to the conferenec, '[hc half d~~' allo.ted far firing reeotd. Perhaps thl' most important aid to trary we :"'1' M-utinuAlly trying out 11 thing which our own eyes, of course rules whieil were subsequently druwn up W('stern "[llrrIH~\d, enptained by seholnstic work lies in !lIe new iudlYid, different IIU nUClIlpt to save to are inCApable of. This was a startling areM follows: thnt number whu rnllse themselyes George- E1mitis, iutcreollegiate light· urd dl!~ks, wllieh are lmtterned after fall, whilc at the 8/lme time mnintain, (,,"er~',in itst'lf, Lut, Dr. BCl'tholf rea- Pledging Regula.tions IH"llvyweight boxil.lq champiOl), !lcored the eonYelltional jnnior office,desk. ing or e"ell rail!ing ollr scholasti(' sonedfurlher. Tfl;eesconldrespolldto The fol1owing Tules 8111ul apply to all un nverage oi' 189.5 points per team Brlch l,rovidCB ude(junto working Bpaee s!nnd:l!"lls which (lre nlrenily reeog- ultra. l'iOI~1 rIlYS, hOIl" "bout othl!r in· Ulen Slnden\.(l~s of high gtll(le in the educA- sects' Ana so he determined to first put cd one yellf of rel1idenee tit Weslern most sue- lhe Second honors wcut to Drexel Insti COlljnins four drawers for stol'iug books lioIHl1 wo-rhl. One of (I1'{'r trie(l iit lhe Vl'oS{)pM/a, the little "fruit n~'" 80 1If1,r)'lnnd Col1ege. eessful ]!lnllS we hn\'~ tute, Plliladelpldn, with a score of :1I,dQthl'ruidst.06tud;V. so-clIlled Fresllllllll) Week, aud T wielr fumiliar 10 evcry freshmnn biology stu' (1). No fm!ernity shall baUm upon (Continued 011 P~ge 6-Col. 4) (COlltinllecl 01\ Page 3-001. 5) to 8ay ~ wnrd nbollt this plnll before (COlltinued on Plige ij-Col. i!) (Coutilllled (1) Page 3-Co1. 4) )"ou nrr;,'c on the cumpl1ll. PresblJwll W('('k is r~al1y tin Orien" Changes are Made in New Class Schedule t/ltion Period, and that in (l_ double Freshman Orientation Program---1931 sense; it ~ designed to elluLle ),OU to get yourll'clvrs properly sqn:ned Illnu efl"orL to Bvoid coullieh,se,'eral Atudenh are refJuestcd t.o bring this aronnd (ol(l point.ed i.n tile ,-ight di' ns as a ::Il~u to ennhle and changes han' \)ecn "ffccted in tile llell" ('OI'Y ol tile Gold Bug bae!\ to eolleg(' reetion, :Iud o-lder studrnts to get ae' farulty ullifit"d schedule of cl:H;ses which \\"lIB with them in order tv ~heell up on their quaillied wit II )"atl and ndjust Qur, annoullced in the latter part of lasl .schednl~~. TllI~ GOllll1)ilhl(, on Se:l'eilule ~ell'e$ to you, Xon will h.w(l a ehance has also usked the Gold Bug t.o r~ll\inil to get settledi" your !i"ing quurtera the members of th~ Junio,' Class l'ilal lind get IIcquninted with the enmpus, .Math 3-~ hns l,eon mo,"ed to Ihe the town, and some of your fellow fourth honr on J\Ioud:rr, Wednosday, thrir sellcdules should be planned now students atnl te~c'her~ ,~nd Friday. M.alh 11-12 (Modenl with regurd to th~ next two yenrs. But Imy orieutatiull program c:,r, Geometry) will ulterchHll/!"e willi the That is, ~01He t'oura('~ will only he> Qf- ried through in the III"()or three d:lyS ;;,4 course, coming ot the first hour on ferea in altern>!!e ~'rars nn(lcr the lIe\\" lit our dispo~
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