Page 9 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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a Vote on 11 W After Ohapel w,,~~ W ~ Gold Bug- :M;onthlyMerger 7ji hn 117.. n1~ i u It l,satu:::~___jGc~::'''16 Wednesd~y ~hmo",pa, Vol. 4, No, 3 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD, Oct. 5, 1926 WESTERN MARYLAND TROUNCES DICKINSON TERRORS WIN BY TWO MIRTH AND MELODYRULE CRACK RIFLE TEAM TERROR BOOTERS TO TOUCHDOWNS 13 - 0 ATJUNIOR-FROSH BANQUET EXPECTED THIS YEAR FACE ARMY TOMORROW On two sueeeaaive iuvaaions into Under the direction of Coptui» Wool· The Western Maryland Varsity See- Western 1.lar'ylnnd proved ey, one of the leading eouehes in tbia cer Tenm will meet the United suaes urea, (I lI"iullilig rifle squad is for both Gettysburg and Dickinson. over the for nt Western )I:).rylnnd this on sat- game of the season. by t.he Other schools indUflcd on the 'Iun-or excellent scbedu+e arc the United States Navtd rura mill Islties, besides pnrtic.ipntion in the AClldemy and Frnukl'll and Marshall Dickin~on tho mere consei-vurive who soon murehes of the Appnlaehlan r.ceguc und College. thr(lughollt, wna able to cheek the joined in theaetion and or the oc- tho; Third Corps Area. The nne-up for to·morrow's game fol- concentrated nttuek of the 'fcrrorsQlIly ens ion with u, zeal that quite equaled A shooting gallery, f'~llly equipped lows: ill thethirc1 period. thnt of' Llieir younger friends. witll four tnngus nnd an c'lunl number lhnbnrger-c-Gonl-keeper. Wesl,PI·n Maryland held the offensive Following close on the heels of soma of bolt lltt.ion Winuhester rifles, will be Benu(·llf,,,~p ..-Center. for two-thirds ,)! the game and gained friendly musical atruina meted ont by available for practlce throughout. the thirteen first downs to Dickinson's four. t·!Je on·hcstl"a, a brief one SCCIlIl uut Wfl~ eenson. Holl:wd-IunerLcft Wing. 'The SCllS1.l.tion of the game was givcn by members of the J'unior eluss. At least thirty enndidu tea for minor UVpy, G.-Outer Left Wing .. ."Greasy" Nenlts wonderful work in the 'Phis little play showed the ailfcrctlce letters are expected to report npon the l!:lIis-JllJler Right Wing. la~t. quarter. IIaviug replneed Millet, between the ages in which our gr)\n{l- issuance of a notice from the .),1ilitnry Co'·ington-Out~r Hight Wing, with the bnll on \\', M.'s 30·yard line, mothers lived lind the present nltra· Depllrtment. Nichols-Center Half·hack. "Greasy" rail 70 yards for touchdOI,·n modern age of youth. Mother and Fath on 8 suecesaive rushes. Chambers, Me· er II'cre played by M.argul'ctWilsoJl,Hnil Reed-Hight lIalf·baek. Mnills, nud :Miller also played u bang· \Vilson K. Barncs; SOIL aud Daughter EXTENSION COURSE LAUNCHED Smith, n.~Left Half·l.mek. up gume. Wcisbeek stood out at gnard. by "Jnck" Alcars, and "Billy" Bev· Since 1920 Western )luryland, Cooper-Right Fnll·buck. :tr(l. Murgnret, 'Villinger, Attired as u through its extension courses, hns been. Play By Pay S(oitz-Lef, }'ull·hflck. dainty litt.le Miss of the fLO's, grllcefnl· Jitcr:tlly "l)ringing the college to the \\'e~t~m Marylund won fhe toas unil Iy {hUH'u(l 0 minuet, which was \)n[,lIlced people." }!'or the past six ycar~ classes electod to kiek and the game was on by the Churl('ston of h"l'clieenconducteil'ltWestn,illstcr for "&AT" RULES ANNOUNCED FOR Ilmid (·heer~ IUHl ~'ells from bolh sides ".Tack" Fallowing t.he of those who could not enroll in the regu· FRESHMEN BOYS of the fiel(l. l\JlI~ham~rr kicked to I..ieh theJuniorplnyers,lheorchestrnplayeu lar college courses. Special aplleul ha~ enfield, who was downed on his 30·yard geveral nnmbers, the musiu easting ita been ",:\(\e for a nOll·teaching group. 1. All I"re$hmen must attend ull pep line. After n couple exchanges of pnnts, llcwitching influellee ovcr the Ilssemblagc Tlie enrollment this yenr hns reached meetings. it's Western )laryllllld's hall 011 50 to such a dcgree that aoon everyone was Thirty, tj,{l largest in Ihe history of the All freshmen tru.\'eling in crrr~ to yard line. p;!~S completed for 8 )'nr(is, "mixing" il]1(l nwking !lew acquaint· (lcpul'tmcllt. nud from eollege muat, pick up up· )'10)1(,in8 to Miller. "Buek" Chambers Extcnsiull cl(lascs in Westminster per el:l~smCfl. with his bald hend "a·beaming," makes Ilcf"esllinentsweI"CSIlI"I'cd, with meet twO evcnings each week through- a. All freshmen must weHr RED t.ies first ilowli \hrll center. Tlushe-. and a the ),',un of eOIl\"crs,,-tiOlI ,,-nd out the yOHl' /llld "re t~ught by members 4. No kuickers slwll be worn. pass £Hil :1nd Miller kicks o,·er thc gOHI c h c~lnl, prod ueed a t~Uphon ic tone of the Westen' 1\Jrrrylulld College }'a{"- ;,. All freshmen shall carry mutchea nt Lille, Ball on Dickinson's 20·yard line. lasting far int.o night. E\'eryonc nlty. Courses in Histor.v, English, awl :111 times. Rushes·net only 4- yards and Dickinson PrC"ch ure being offered. had a wonderful rlllli the only re G. }'rcshmen must not converse with PUlits to "kMains, who is dr0l'ped Oil grct of IOIn"y wus one cannot go to An rutollmellt of twenty·~ix is re· Dickinson's ,fij-yard line. Rushes by .Tunior·l<'roshpnrtieseveryye:lr. ported ror Western l\lnrylnnd extension 7. All clay stndcnts must cnrry books Chambers and Sillin muke first dowIl. classes at Hagerstown, while nt Cum· ill burin)) b'lgS. Diekinson for holding. Cham- berland, theroar« prospcets for over a 8. All freshmen must hair on the hers 2 at eenter. Miller off t.aek· STRIKING NEW BOOKS ADDED TO !tundrc(l studcnt~. History llnd Englisb side just the temple; kle for yards. Chnmberg makes first WESTERN :MARYLAND LIBRARY taught at rrllgcrstowu; Eng n\\lst he :l visible part at ,,11 down. Miller runs the cnd for 5 yards, J?reneh and Spanish are times. No
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