Page 4 - TheGoldBug1926-27
P. 4
Pogo Four The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. FRESHMEN WEEK Y. W. WINS RESPONSE 'l'he ~a",pus overlooking lIottn Fitlid, nt sunset, elxtv gil' Is' voices ainl,';llg Wednesday Thursday Prldny Saturday Sept. rs Rept.H; Sept. 11 8el)t.18 pOjlulnr snugs, led hyilbriau Curling_ thut constituted thu fiJ'st hnlf hour of tho v. W. Thursliayevening. 8:20 Assembly. Rmith Rail. 'rue Prealdout of Y. W. expressed, ill u few words of welcome, hur pleas- urc at seeing so llllllly Hew girls on tile Hill. She meutinued the three depart- menta of Y. \V. work, phyaieal, aplrit- unl, snelnl. These wore explained by 1------I.-----8(\i..:nc(\ 'rests. ),Iercb Raj-me, Velmn Richmond, find g,3D Lecture, Leete ...~, Budgeting Lewis Hall. Hilda moo1l1iJ\li~t, rcapcct.ively. She College Aims, ('{)H,'gc EXpt'n~l'S then lntrcduecd the cthor upper-etase- Protcssor Wills. Professor S~llf1('ffcr. men present as fri('nI1~of the IIew girls, Smith Hull. Rmi!h Hall. Physi",,1 ready nud willing 10 help them at any 1·:",,,,,,iu.1tiOll". tjm~, nnrl nlLnoullced th'lt the "V" 10:25 Hnndbooka would be givell to tile new ~h'n, Levine 11,,11, girlA ill the "Y" room 'It once. The t'V(.'lIillj; ""I~ ecur-lurlcd \)y the Iearnlng women, ,\I,·Q,miQl or severn! <.f t ho coll,,)!,(' BOl1gS nnd iuciuuing "Dear western :Milty· Psyehologlcal [~nA"li8h 'rests. IInl1 rulil'mllry nnd the".\hnn.Unter.'·' --E:len, ,\ to)I, a(}oru 1, l.cII'iH Jiall; I..'·lld ..... j'rufc.'1sor. JI~IHlri,'kHllll .\B~ist~nt, .\Ir, Baker. Ree. ::!, 1LL'n, '" til 7., Room J, Ll'wiB !lull: LC'uilcr, nt'"" En.tuu, A~sjsll!lIt. Mr, l!uJlll01,l, ~ec il, WOIl11.'11. A to J, R(,onl K, L~'\\i6 Jlnll: L(·ndcr. ~!iti~ HoJlln'H, F. A. Sharrer & Son AH~i.,tllllt. 1'>liss !{i"]l)l,nll~;;('(l w. Main Street Cleaner and Dyer i'l'oslwrity Pillow Covers. Special Prices to College Stud(>nt~ WOl'k DOIH' hy Prices: ).[1'lho,1 Prrss!"d, Table Runners, Westminster Hardware Co. ~.'jc; Gent '8 Suih ('1{'HlH'dnn<1l)r("~e,t, Silits StNlmcd unLl Gt'ut'~ Etc. THE NEW IDEA CLOTHING .Tohhcl'S and Retail Dcale]':'! in :1'1.110; L11llics' Rpl'illg' ('onts 1111,1 Our. AND SHOE STORE Sold hy Jacob M, Ephraim, Prop. General Hardware jJi~ee Dn~sst's Clll'mh·nll.\· {·],.'1l1ll'1] lind Pr~sscd, $1.2::;. George S. Baker \\~estmillster l\1t. Airy Heating and Plumbing Systems first Silfety with Cllstom('I"S appnrrl is our nlwa~'s. ~()Ul!jtll'l'Iltiull John H. Lawson Bl'lll1swick Tiln~'Ytown Installed AT,REJt1' "ABE" 'l'OZZI, Littlestowll SylH'~vilie nrJlr"~l'ntati\'{' C'oilrg-e Frl'shmell Trade Solicitetl See Us First and Save (gstimates 1"l\I'nished) Hersh An'l1ue, Westminster, :Mli.
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