Page 11 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Page TIWCf: BROWNING AD:MlTS ELEVEN STRIKING NEW BOOKS ADDED TO THE SOUR APPLE TREE CUT DOWN PEOPLE'S STORE On alonduy September :!T, WESTERN MARYLAND LIBRARY Dickmsou bnd ,,£ulll'ralpJ:Il" 73 E. lIIATN ST. Browning Literary held its fi,'s~ (Contiuued from Page 1) :"Ie 1'\11' Western ut. the gallic regul:lr mceting, at 11 Ilumbcruf Freenmn: Hiatorlcal on SlIhll'day, Hlill a lIlule hitr-hed to Stationery, Gifts, Novelties, new girls were welcomed Geography of Victrolas, Victor Records A of welcome by the President Europe. by entbuaiast!c talks by 1:',.ecmnn; Atlas. aradunte members or "Mrs . Hnll: Beowulf . .JUSgPl'fllld: W. R. ~!<'.Dfln.iel, "Tommy" lish People. lhe mute, lind go around the when and Dorothy 1\IeAlpino. nom.». of Ilallunt Rosalie Smith, chairmnll ef the pro- luveutlcns. .qOO or rucrc Dickinson atudcufs noti~e\1 grall1 eommittec, then look chargc, and n,.iuk: of English Lit- the eunngc Ilia] si~ed up tho situation. introduced for the entertalnmeut of tho 'I'cu History '1'h1"oC hundred strong, with and guests, "The DUI·kt.own :\[instJ"el~," who eramre. ('rhrce Yols.) emlHI"kcd at the S'Hne with 11 peppy pJ"ognun prodded Ull uu- wutsou: Rhcridan to l~obcrtson. trom stands lind halted the utr em pt- Dr. A. J. Morrell plcaaaut evening. Ordi~h: ed eseHP;ld~', _ the sen'ing of rorrostnncnts, Powler : Gelske : Love of Nnturc. MARIE BAUS ADMITTED TO DELTA CHIROPRACTOR eleven now girls were received into mem- Quilln' Represeutuflvo Am e rI en n SIGMA KAPPA SORORITY bership. 110 -8. )[llin St. Phone 175. Plays. Cross: History of England nnl! MISS RICHMOND SPEAKS BEFORE Y. W. (!rl'aler13ritain. For Radio and Radio Supplies a voect duet by .i\liss Elle- Westinghouse Lamps, ~ornwlI and Miss and Supervised Teaching. .Electric Vacuum Sweepers, the rcgutar weekly :FACULTY MEMBERS SUBSCRIBE Cleans Hardwood Ploors too. meeti"g Y. W. C. A. last; wed- cnse: Durliues or Introductory So- 'fhe "Gold Bug" stun' is g"lad to :Ill' nesday evening, ~liss Velma Hichmowl the Frigidaire, Administr,\(i()11 and Super. nnuuoe tllNt three members of fuc- discussed the suhje<'.t, "Above tho A,·- ,·ision of til(l Iligh School. (The electric refrigerator) ~liss Richmond was of the Ligdn & 'Young: Tcuching of Ele- Delco Light Products, that ''It" good the and everything electrical. vocnuon, 11 proper ~OCi;l1 IIJll! Algebra. Ahrnh~m Lillcoill. ('fwo intelligent use of leisure tinlC are nil The Electric Shop eombincil into n sillgle life, that life is DO IT NOW! and Adllliuistra· Liberty St., Westminster, Md. sure to he 'uhovethe avcmgc.'" Do yOll wnut to knOW thc I,ruth abou\ "Terror" footb:l11 ever wore the _g1'CCIl fl11d PHILO RECEIVES NEW GIRLS )lillCl": Edul'Htion Por The of Do you wnllt 10 livo over IIgain "'l'hc same old J10y Philo Hall presented 11 linfly "nl! lit· Lit'('. lIlost ll1cnlo1"3hl~ of yOllr (hys ill \rat;ti,·c fI[JpC:lr,In~C fit the firn meeting I1onwrth: Theory o.f EduC:ltion. c()lIegef In the same old place." of the ye,u' lllst 1Il011Ull)" nigllt. Peet Htr,no und H"onzc Age'S ill Just fill in tho blnnk below, enclos- Virgillill Wright, lhe president, gave ing two dollars in (\lIrl"CIlCy, ~lId yOIl A Friend to the Boys " ('_ordial spcech of welcome to bolli old of Teaching in will receive each week throllghout the "uti ncw studenl:S. eollcge yeni" Hl2(i-1927 rt copy of the Ben Hurwitz "Betty" N()Tlnnn, 11111.el Bratt, anl! [,('n,·cs of OnlSS. ~m(·i~1 W"~tprn Mn.rylnfld CoUegll. "1Ilcr,," Rllyn" ga,·c· short -j:!Llkll in (If Pr"y~,· !lOwspnpor, "The Goll! Bug." ;34 IV. MAIN ST. whith to\{1 what Philu 1m.'!mennt J~eligious Rdut·a· You will fina "Tho Gold BllgJ' this to them exprcssc!l the wish thnt it ~'cnr (L strictly ·\Vcstern :Mnryl:ll1(l news- might mean lUuch to the new members. ~tOl"t rmil TIH)Jnp~on: D'lil.v Vacation pnper, Jeweler and Optician The ent.ertainment of the cvcning was Clmrcll S~hool. will eontnining SHeil news 1I~ of be 11 sl,etch entitled "A;'lrt in Shull; 1'1'ill~ipllis Of Animal lfnryblH1 direct to Western 'I'ho Every Port." "Dot" lo()k Rinott: Dolunr Prim·iples fln(\ present "Goll! students Bug" alH1 [llumlli. dotermill is slnff the pnrt of " sailor who sit8 to lellls. od t() presont nn necnrat<.) of T. W. MATHER & SONS muse Ol'er the clifTcl'eut girls he has met \\"'Oi"III1: Ccnenll Zoology. lifo 011 college hill ill its phH.~es. aMl lovcd during lIis tnwe]~. Appro· lIill: lila",,,, I Olf Konnal Uistology The mech3l1ie.11 work 011 the paper has Westminster's Leading Store priate mu~ieal selling ""liS furnished by recently been pllt in thc hand~ of OlIO Blnnche Ford I.lnl! Ruth 8(;h1illk~. for BibJII 'rcllch· The skct('h ('()II~L~tcd of a ~el'ieB of of tile. most efficient printing companies HERMAN'S ARMY SHOES in MarylaJ,d. tableaux in which the fojlowing" gil'ls l3ail~y: rse ,,]"Ar!' in Rcligiol1 ..~ Ed· The Authorized Shoes for the n copy took pnrl: Chu'n Conolr:lY, In order that yon mny reecivo wo suggest Ilcleu Dennis, "nlues. of next week's issoe, may W.1\L C. Dntdl; Glndys sport Infiu(>lIce. that YOIl reply immc,lintely' li'reemnn, j"rench; Irene G11C81: The Pllth '1"0 Homo. SUBSORIPTION BJ_,Al\'1I R. 0, 0', C, Pliny: J~\"61"lioll fir Art ot Music. (~'ill 01lt, Coupon an(l .Mnil) 131Itl~J": Way (Jf All l<'Jcijh -lll:,,"ClI: Old WOllllln of the )lo"ie~. Gold Bug, "\Ve~tcrn 1IIllryl:wd College, "\Vestmil)8t~r, ],f:lTyl:\lld. 11J:lne~: 1"our HorsellIclI of Apoe· Hail ! Hail ! Enclosed fin(l $2.00 for subseription Rowe, typieal A meric:lII girl 'The sen'ins of rcfrshmellls, dllHcing, Progre~$i\"e )r~tho(ls of to Gold Bng:for tho college year ]92(i- ]927. initiation, fornml greeting of lI~W mem· The Gang's All Here hers by the president, nil'! peppy yells .Leuruer and IUs Altitude. for the new girls o(:("upi~d llie remaiu- Soti,,1 'I'ell~hing~ of the (Namo) illg time. Prophel.s .111(1Jeslls. Ronsack's Tea Shoppe -Hoeger: Poems. (Street) WESTMINSTER WELL Powor of .sound. REPRESENTED 'l'cxt,book of Zool (City and State) In A Student Atmosphere Doetor U. 1,. Presidellt of or "ElIglishLitel'a- Do It Now! the Wesllllillster Seminary, tu"e. was an ofli\·ial delegate to thc Cente,,· Knihhs: Riders of the Stars oW. M.- nill1 Cclebrntioll of t.he Lutherl.lll Theo· Cool!: 8ssenUnls of Sewing. Our Fountain Service 'l'cxtilu Fabrics. PENNANTS. -'rhere :lrc thou~!lII(I~ of fOllnt.Din~ CLUB PILLOW TOPS. in opcrntirm every (l:1Y hut therc i~ BANNERS. n gl'cnt tlitTerenee in H'e W:l.r foun· TABLE RUNNERS. ETC. tn;ns are- 'Jp,'I·nlctI. 'I'hose who de Show Your College Spirit Fcllow~ of n"n':lrd sire 1he l)~SI, wllell it (:osls Represent.atives utilei,,1 di'legnte to the 8:"IlC 110 more hln'Po thilt Koo"t~ GEORGE S. BAKER Dottor Stephens lInd the hOllor of rep' '·ofrouro..,"is the proper pl:1I1e for Miss LOUISE HUGHLETTE resellting tile t'ldest illstitution nt thc them. Gettysbul'g CClltcnninl, 1-I!l1'l"nnl hnving KOONTZ. oW. M.- beCll founded in lS3u. . d,
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