Page 13 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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Terrors Play BEAT Holy cross at SWARTHMORE Worcester,Maas. October 23 SATURDAY! VoL 4, No.4 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. Oct. 12, 1926 COLLEGE MONTHLY IS DISCONTINUED STUDENTS VOTE FORGOLD WESTERN MD. FROSH RESULTS OF RECENT PROFESSOR WILLS BUG-MONTHLY MERGER TIE MT. ST. JOSEPH'S ELECTIONS ANNOUNCED ATTENDS DEBATE MEET At nn assembly of the entire student The Mt. St. Joseph's prep football Senior Class At the request of Debating COUll' in Smith Hall lastWednesuay, the tesuu uud the \V. M. "Baby Terrors" Prcaideut-c-Jnmes Oweua. cil ofWeste~ll Western Murylaud College bat.tled to a (j.(j tie on Hoffa .Fiold last respouec to UII Monthly was by ununimona vote drop- nfternoon Vice-Prestdeut-c-Bessic Eaton. Llaymau. ret ary of the Iutcr-Colluginte of Secretary-Thomas ped as un lndlvldual publication anrl kicke(ioIT,uudafteran Asaoeiatlon G. 8. wm-, merged with the weekly newspaper, excbuuge of punts, followed by IL 15· T'rensurer-c-Eva Lynch Professor of ~ho ac- The GOIllBug. pllSS !'rom Cook to Oravetz and u .Tunior Class of Eugfiah lit Western Mary· Lnek of adequate funds for the SliP' nttonded the annual meet.lug of port of both publications was respousr- Election Postponed. the ussoeiaticn nt. the I'enu-Harrls ble for tlle act.lou taken, and the mer- emcees will Hotel in Harrisburg last Saturday at gel' is expeeted to result in all efficient bu onoec» 2.:·\0 P.lIL eoncentrutiou of all the resources of the 'I'o-mur row, Weflncsdny. In view of the .fact that most of college upon n single journnliatie enter- Western Maryland's debates are ached- pnse. Sophomore Class After a brief statement of the issue Presidont-Ernest B. Nuttnll. by President wurd, J. Paul Lnuiberb- son, editer-in-ehief of the Monthly, was Vice-Proaidcut-c-Robcrtn. Rowe. the association, which encll aensnu eon- introduced to speak on behalf of the Sec-ern ry-M:HY Ruth lIolt. sidora a.nd rccommenrls the leading uldur publieat.Ion. Lnmberteou express- was 110score. Treasurer-Roy C. Chambers. questions for intcr-eolteglutc debates. ed relnetnnce to give up the Monthly; in the fOUl·tlLqU:.ll"tcr,Morris·' Hist(I.·iau-Richard Norris. Professor Wills was accorded a most but nt the same time recognized the the b:lll over for Mt. St. Prophetess-Mary Lee Darby. ndvi"tlhility of merging with the Gol(l failing, Bug. "Neither paper," he "is Irving Literary SOCiety nt. prCB('nt up to a. college 'rILe rell",iu(icr oi the gtuue W:lSspent Ptcsldont-c-Ourrof l A. Hoyer . Gculgtl .s: :31.;""r, ''''l,i·''~''h·Uhg- ti;a .i.a P...\'CliRngillgrunh, IlP-jtiJH..t"'I:.!1JlilV. '" Gold Bng, pointed out thnt eireum· iug an ndvallt:~ge. "Viee"Presidellt--George S. Baker. at(lllces mude it necessary to drop on~ Cook wa~ the best for 8l'eretury-:r. Edw(.rd McKiustry. Or the other. "The deci the F,·osl" whil(l Crew, 'l'reaSlll"cr......()wcnR.. Doolcy. gl·atif,ying. lies with tho student body," Baker Hawley stoo,l out for ]l,U. St. Joseph's. Chaplaill--.J. liammet Simms. suid, "nB to which of the two sh~1\ be The Line.Up Critie-\V. A. Roberts. Tho Assoei/J.Iioll I·eceiverl. WesJ;(lrn continued." 11.t.. .'3t. Joseph's ·W. 1L }'rosh Serge(uot·ut·Al"Ilis-S. W. Downer. request for aa.misRion to Mtcr n. motion was Pll.~sc(lto the ef· Morri8 n.R with tho lltmost CaUl' fectthat three editoTs frOIl1enchstnff, l·'rankie Poeta' Club with two membors of the fae H.1'. ~henld con~titute a committee to R.O. V,~n Auron Prcsidcnt-Dr. H. '1'. Slephens. out a plilll for the two C. Wyzlrwski Vice·Presidellt-Blnllche ~·orcl. Lally publicntions, the students unani· Sholto" hG. Downor Secrctary-IVilsofl n"rnes. L.'J Moore mously to diseontinue th(' College Treasurer-I{osalie Smith. Monthly. G;lrtrell L.E. 'rozzi Slioridll" Q.R Omvetz At the Club's fir~t regula I" meeting INTER-CLASS BASKETBALL Glltl'y RH. Cook I:i~t J. P. Lnmbertson an(l TROPHY AWARDED Ol'(:w I,.U. JOhllB 13. H. were elc"ted to aetive GRACE HERE ON VISIT At tho last Wednosday assombly, 1~.B. H:ullI()ld wOlliborship. \V. PreStoll Grace, '26, wns on the "Shalky" li3l1lLOhl, president of the The uext meeting, to be in charge 0:1' hill for a visit one (IllY last week. Y. :M. O. A., presented the benutiful UlIlpil·o-T,ong. Eli'mboth Normun aud Wilson Barnes, Grace, nn honor graduate in military, lIew "Y" Inter·Class Basl(etball H"n.lline~lfllln-Wei!!le. is selictluled ior ThuJ's(lay evening, entero(l tile regular army ns a seeond Trophy to last year's winners (the October twenty·first, at the home of liollten:IHt ana ha~ been to present sophOlllore~) throngh "Dicky" W. M. BOOTERS SCORE TWO GOALS the President. Fort Presi(lio nellr San Ho Norris, 801e survivor of the ;'ictorious ON NAVY VARSITY Students Jc~iring to npply for mem' will be at GOVCrlrtl<"'SIsland, N. Y., team. ill the Club are reqnestc(l to Ulltil ~ovClllber 16, when ho leaves for "Dicky" in receiving the cup ox· ~opics of origi"al poems to the Ihl' Pacific const a desire to pnrticipate ill a ~ee'·otary Oil or before October twenty· ceremony at the close of this first. winter'a tournnmcnt. ALUMNAE IN DOUBLE WEDDING The Olub is ofl'cring "A Bookfel· MRS. GOODWIN RESIGNS 1(lII"s .Anthology" (1926) :for tho best Marie Mrs. Fl'!1nees Goodwin, who two W"stern M:"Irylalld College song pro weeks ago was on the verge of n neY· W~ISmore eonsislcnt, ,,11(1 aueed (luring the year. vous breakdown, hns resigned (IS hC:1.(1 Marybnd elevon WitS forcea to yield La Cercle Francaia of the (lining·rO(}Ill. It is reported that nve to the Navy booters. Pittsville, Mnrylnnd. ber position haB been filled by an equal· Presidente--Mlle. -Snader. l)]'e.1kf:
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