Page 3 - TheGoldBug1925-26
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Page 3~ Western Maryland's 1925 Terrors Run to SHIPLEY'S for eats ,I. G. C.'S AX:"IIJ,\L Dil'I'IA'J'IO" .. 0'. e.XC~I)~i.O.n. I.t l,s entirely up t~ PEP ~"n:TING AI.I, '1'1It: VOG(;E N;;"er have the men students ot me ind'ivldunI whether she will 01 For lhe past week Pep rueetlngs Oil. His Ham Sandwiches weatern \laryland failed to make will not jam. VIewed in this l~ghL it me Hill hal'e ueen -nuue the thing," • I comment, veroanr or wr+uen ell J G takes on SOlll.ething of the natur-e 0: It IS not a new seneeucn to have 1M Can't Be Beat C at the nme of the aprtug and rail a sorertty wuuout adding to it nne get IlP and make his l1U~ lll1tlat10ns There are various reasons of lhe ellis that ale prone to speech about a Pep meeting n SmltA A Freshman down every hour why the I should In Lhah ommou COmllan} those otnerwtse Hall, Ibut F'rlday ntgtu he added II maka known uieu parttcutai per orguntaauons dra wing card wttu thl' statement' ~h From seven to ten i sonar feeling on the Sl!ihJecl It IS I oeneve tha._tmoet of th". oufecuoua I Sbroy"'~ \IOlli be prcaant a II »ay II c "POp" Shipley's not my nurpcse, however. to review raised agamst J, 0, C. are not con_llev. words Old we go to thar 1llt'et- or their reasons either their criticisms We did. The gOG(Iold "loco- cernlug tnese things' .but rathe-r ot i lng? -tor offering them, but rather to mve the initiation as they are observed moth-e" pulled. the grade and 'Went. l (At The Forks) !~:l:~:l r:~~!ea~· as pes- :rno;1o\~e~r~~:n!~II:~t;~i~~~ ~~~~e~~rb~~ ~;:ra't~en;O!h:~;:. steam enough left ---0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Missunder-atandtngs and hatreds sake or rnuteuou Is as much ;';000 as . Coach Shroyer needs no inu·oouc_ whlch result in adverse criticism. and, a. 'bucket without a uouom. no gooll. lIOn on th~ HlIl. He prOCeeded 141 T. W. MATHER & SONS ,~:s~~eo~a~;n~l~a,~~:i:~S~h~I~Cl:~:Ir.fa::: :Uel~~i~~tl~:I~I\:r:ta~~~~~t.J"~~s:~:lodtrael; ~.~ea~a~~~I1:;~~lag:~~:t .~:; C~~lc~~la~~:~ and real underlying meaning of things occasion .for exercismg a grlldge.l time n gO.Od mllny o.t IlS hn!l securoo as they take place. Of course there 'Elven some or the can-!hdates cannot only II hazy explal\at~on concerning IL WESTMINSTER'S afe some who are ,pl'ejndiced and will .rully reali'l.e this at the time. Ibut it A[ter hiS e~lllanat)On th~ coach told :~~n:i:~\:n t:; tl~eafisl~~l'l1~:\r.~:~~s:f ~~.~ ~~CC~;I:t~l~e;:;t:7;~I~I~:i:h!r;::el'~~ ~;r a~~~:t~:n!~,. !I~~~~twl:;~C:i~~ !~~ LEADING '~I;I~sIO:~ll~~::e~!:~:~:I.gtl;~wl~l~~ill~i:n ~~ ~.e~~n~ ~1\~;l~~;\;n\~O;~or~he~:l~i;~1:: :: ~:~~era~:;:o~~iS~~P STORE [.hose who are interested. one wsy or series Df symhols. some l'ather crude I talk o.f for ?ur tellm. an, J. G.C. . . ~~~s:tJ~h:a~;:;\.:~n~i~~e~lea::il~:n~; as;~~'~:let~;~\I~haO:e~iSr::~~:\::~:~ai- Westminster, :Maryland. rhe ~at~re of the or.gUlI17.allOn our organi,zntion. In the third place Perry made his hOI\' ani! it ll.:lbt -0- -0-- -0- --0- -o- makes It (llfficull to tell anyone ;~~ki~;!:~:!~;~~~~e::~rf:~e ~ll~~t~:;::~I :~~lnsIlS ql~~~(:i;~l.lIn':·~:;leO,~ni~~~~ SEE YOURSELF themonle'nl, the rea! nature and cllar- right?'· the answer would hOl'e !beeI! AS who is "'going iPe fry. WILSON perhaps the is "taking through" 1'lIe lIolse ahOted enOl1~h to allow SEES YOU_ Ibecomeciearer. J "Pop" Rool to gel in a few word"", which were quIte to. the- IlOirlt. "Pop" Wilson Studio Is certalnh' an lidded fo-ree bellilld lilt team E. Main Street. ill spring snd [all. 'rhat Ullfort,unately. it appears that moST that thirty cla.sses have g()ne or our ~nt1tu.siasm was PU{ forth -0-- --0- -0- -0- -0- Gan anyone conceive of an the Pell meeting. [01' at the Stadiulll ~t EATS & DRINKS meaningless thing COlttinuin\\". Saturday. !t \\"a.-; I\hell "Sh')l"lY~ sically the same. whlle thirty Long marie the lllat ally ~~~d~~~W~sIn .. .~~o~OI~:!:e w:~enev:o~ll~l ~I~~n~')· real l)ep WIlSshown. Up to ttl ..t tim~ Rich Nuts DehclOU.S. ledge orunderstantling WOlllll cheers had come only fl'om scatteref Clean Milk CombmatlOlls one to believe that there. 1J.~ ~rOll]lS. PerlUlll$ the welll{ I'~~!'!s PUt SERVED somelhing worthwh!le in it arier nIL forth ,by the che~t· lea'L'1N a"'llll{f'd In Clean Dishes and Sparkling Then another thing to think ahom for this. Rememol)er-if we a\"? It cheer we mllst fifst have !e:III(' Glasses, :.sen~::I::;~ci:tiO/~ ~:S::let~~I;~~'\on~:):~~~ to the Y. W. C. A. as a potenl in- -0- --0- -0- --0- -0- e er In an atmos:phere that's refined of lI'om-enof the upper cln~s. Half fltlence tor the 'best in W. 'I!. C W hI & K" Ing and homelike, i.he class is invited i'n the R"," E. L,,,d,,·kiog. ,,,,ideot BON SACK' The college
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