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TIlE GOLD BUG Vol. 2, No 6 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Nov. 11 '24 W ~I,~~n;:~~~~~~;~~~~~.~,~~~;~"~~;~~~:~II Beat - I"~~~~~~t~~~'h,:te~,~",~~.~e:,,~~~u\tt alumni, rormer= students, and friends of shington [G1rIHIOII,)rd. Western Maryland. Never before hall the a 1 Last Sunday the Y. \\1. C. A. Deputation and I alumni of nus eecncu gotten together Team began it~ ren program at the Glyu- the football game provided the opportunity I d?ll Methodist Church. The team, upon ar- tov the renewing of many old acauatntances I was the reetptent r-ivlng at its destination, aUft ~~~~r:!liunChe6n was held at the 7th C II ~~~~fe~'~~~~~!lt~):llhoapttajity 'by the Young :o~~~tlerO~~l~:\\~I~~~~):~:S!~~~~~~:eiJ~fab~l~l! 0 ege hU~:il~~\;~~~ ~~\eR~:;~~~~~O\;~~r~:~l_,tl~~ll~:d ~f~~;e9'[~'\~ ~~~)~~~dO~~f;e~~~:~ ~::~h~~~:~:):I~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~.I~~ ~))jeOi~}~~~VIl~erg::tS:oe~~~eg;rl~n:eS;:)I~ ~~~ee~~\hs:c~id ~~i1:~'t~l!idlal~~e~ol~:t a~~:l~I Fordh'mC'ncelswl'thTerrors~~.~~tation Team has ever upncared be- years away trom the ecnooi. There was D U "Pat" Henry, "Heavy" Stayton. W. P. (Rob- The following prug rnm was given under Most of theI hie) Robert.a. Palmor 't'r eadwav, and many ~~- the direction of Chairman Orfppin : others of the men and women leaders of Shl'o}'e.I·'~ jlen Pr-lmlug For WashJlIgtou Servil:e of Song, led ,bv the cnarrmau. the college of days gone by, l:oUel:j'4!GUllle. scripture reading, 't'reder; prayer. Biggs; I;'jl'15 had changed their names, but not The Western Maryland-Fordham game violin solo, Hubert Johuson. accompanied their rovatty to W. ;>'1,C. All Impromptu was cancelled by mutual agreement last by wooden: address, subject "F't-ien dehtp." program or addresses, songs, and yells was Prtday. I!~Ol'llhamasked to be released from Hudgins; readtng.vGrf pptn: address, lIUIJ- enjoyed. Definite suggestions tor the comract. as their team had sustained feet "Soul Debts," 'rraner: violin solo. Hu- a regular meeting place for western MarY-I tnjm-tes ami are UN in physical condition hert. Johnson. tandare Hvlng In and passing through this to 'battle the "Terrors." Shroyer, realizing Mauy new men have become interested In Sel'Uon were made and these suggestions that it was to his advantage also to give his this phase of "Y" work, and real talent has will he carried out shortly. men a resl, wired acceptance of the pt-e- bean discovered, All will be given a chance ""';;~~~\'r:~.l~~:~ a~~1;~;I~:cia~!~ro~~' st:~~~ PO'~'~ll~"Tenors" have three hard games in !':(~kSe;I~I~~lal;~a~asl1~~a\vi~~bo~·gV~~il:t)e~~.Next that the Piltsburgh tl'OWU marie lhe team a 1'011', and as tl!ey 'bear heavily on the [{'el right 'It.St. YIal'Y'Slast Saturday. and are ready moved to Camhl'illge, )1(\. evidenced Iby the fact that not a Bingle I w give the "Shroyel'ites" a battle to the Who (;an give the ~ol'l'ect address or Rev penalty was lntlicted upon aliI' learn rhU'ing finish. N, C. Clongh, formerly lo~ated (It flIt S. the entire gnme. Several times during the The "'rerl'ol'~" have been aIded considel'- !~Iwood avenue, Ballimore, ;>.1ti. ~~l:~ppl~~~ISI~I~~:e~\~ll~I::ao~t:~~o~8,~~Of~~~:~~I~O~;1\~:;))~sP~~ct;l~:sfi~rd,tl;:hij~~t~~:~;~~ A' Helping Hand"-)li~6 H~len Irene SO~!r~~~~:n;roved themselves to he the ~i~~)t:q~~~~~~I~:va~~~)~ ~:H1Shhr~~;~~'r.~~~ ~1~~~fJri;~:e l~~?{l~rs:~\~l~w~)~el~'e~.ue~l~~~t~o~~ real sportsmen we beHeved them to be and are pl'ovln,l! highly successful In this final Several Altlmui wO\lI(\ like to hear frOll! though defent.ed we were gla~l atter the lirive hefore the squad leaves fo)' Chestel'- Dr. II. :\1. (Chem) Lanl,fOl'd, f'rineess Anne. ~nme wall ovel' to tell the worhl that we town Friday i.o give \'cnt to their State )1al'ylalld, wel'e from ohl W, :\1.C. Championship aspir'ations on Saturday Jack Northum, son ot Nettie Crockett L. B. BURD8TTE TIlls game will meau more tu Western Northam, '01, has been visiting in West- .~lal'ylaud than IIny HOp'kins game lIas evel' minster ,liT KIorX KI,'\" '1'0 !'i'l'AGE HI(; .'IEI·~'I'I~!l meant. On thIs practically hangs the Sllecial attention i~, called to tIle TlIurs- The Ku Klux Klan will hol(i a meetlllg in State ChampionshIp, WashIngton College day lun{'htJon in l:laltllnore. Thie luncheon The New Stal' Theater. Wednesday evening. put up u wonllerful fight Itt Emmitsburg last is heltl each week, at 1 :o() P. :\1. and ll$ually November 12th tor the purpose of revealing week proving that their team Is in splendid some W. ~\1. C. folk can be found talkIng the truth of lhe ol'ga.lll~atIon to the people, c,ondltion and 18 determined to. buck the abOut the oW place. Why not call up Har_ who are freely welcomed. Western Maryland line with a sohd mass ot rison, Pla2a 500!}, and fin(! out. where the NatIonal lecturer f!'Om .imperial Palace. uvoirduilols. The "Terrors," if they live up next luncheou wm be, ~~~a~~I\:h~~ig~~~t ~~\~:~,re(tS~~~;I~I~~S~~dtl;: ~~lll1~~;. ?;~henyanS\~~lfa~otst.~isst!J~.e~;ld~I~Kto1~t~~~di~h!e~~~,~~O~E,~[l~lilile\~i::~I'I.'esolve lecture platform today. the old fighting spil'it cbaracteristlc of Readers of t.hls column will greatly help "len at seven o'clock; Ihe lecturebeginlling III Sharemen, anll then mal'ch all to VICTORY, to mal(e it mOl',ealtnLcti,'e '!ly sending such can the J~astel'll stop The meeting is open 10 everyone, fr'i!e of "By's lllen" they The doorll of the theater charge, he wlll ne',V8 as meet:n~s. wedd'n~s, engagements. all thIs is hoped that. every st\ldent, el(:" to elthet· [lromptly at eight. Ladies have been given week, wll! talk football, dream foot-ball. new hOllle~, fires, children, A~k fluestions of the Alumni Editors. a special inVitation, and are welcomed to think football. and actually \lve football. of aneml this meeting where they may heal' If we show (he varsity that we are behin,\ your Classmates-some {lne !IIay I'ead and 'he other side (If (he Ku Klux Kl~n flnes- every mJ.ln to a victorious finIsh ana, in answer them, Oi e Ihe colU'lln n cham'{, to tiOl!' ~[lh·lt. li~hl with Ihpm, llu'y ('AX'T l(l~e, proyc :/.~ worth.
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