Page 22 - BlackandWhite1924-25
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Page 2. The Gold Rug. Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. A weekly ~~w:p~~rL~v~t~(~ to making II Western ~Iaryland College, a Bigger, ~J:~t~l~el~tS~~\t~~t;~niol~~;;eP~~lli:~:.d i 0 0__ 0__ 0__ Entered a~tS~~~~d~:;;~:Sat~la~~e~t~l;~~~,ter,:'lu.,I I Accented for mailing at special 1103 I rate of; postage provided [01' in section Act or October 3, lD17. authorized Februar-y 7. 1924. 0--0--0--0 Sllh~("l'iptlon nrtces hy matt. pnyn ble in I advance, $2,00 pet' year. I o--o--~o I TIl~] GOLD uuo STA1~L~ I ~~I~~I~~~dlV:il~i5n._.~~::::: :~l~~~l~f!li:~~:~~::i Display In The Clubroom Daniel H. Fahrney, 2S .... Associate Editor· Dor-othy Beachley. ':0:6. . ... News Editor; Gilmore Lippy, '27.... .. , .. News Editor g~r~11~~;lelia~'I~i~~\;a;2J,'"26: .: :~~~i:~::~~:~~::I Wednesday, Nov. 12th. W. Ballard wern. 'as austness .Vl g r. 1 1 ii~~'~~t!~:I::e~~(~;7al:d":~~',',' (tl~~~i~~il~~ :~.~~::: Come In And See The New Styles. Thomas IJ. Eaton. '27 Asst.C!l'c'n. )llgr. Prof. G. S. Wlils.. . FaCility Advl!!Or .A U;'['I'lm tHO !:"'I'Eltt:.':!T I Letter to the Editor: ~Q"\LiTyc5HOP the of Two young ladies, members 101' the re- Collar Hug Clothe$ ":\1ollthly" Staff were blamed cent punncauou In the first issue of the £1himo/'f' mllb!:!!>, Jtl'ft'fS regrets ~=============:::::::=========~ magazine of the ,I. G. C. "initiatory rites" and Co!\s~quell11y hall uretr "ears l'Oa$l~d" by certain mernuers or the .I. G. C. 'I'lle factaud w!shestoCOl'l'ecLthelallacylhaLI thta ")lo!)thly" e,,--itor sincerely me accused young ladies had the power or ;!~o~l~~ll~/l~ty1~~~,Babylon & Lippy Co \ WESTMINSTER 5c & lOc .STORE ll;l~il~I:JII~:~~~~ll:la]'art.icle was il. protest I' . 67 E. Main S~~xt door to Westminster against tile pecunur "initiatory rites" of: FLORSHEIM SHOES Westminster Meat Market that organtzanou. Clu!!s all(i org-a.o,.za-I' , Same Goods at Lower Prices. lions are ,!II rtgfn, as long. as they knuw their place' hut when they encroach I ~~~~~~~~~~~~ upon the g~ood graces of Tile ":vtoIlLhly"I STETSON HATSj "F.~tal.tlislted 186:''' rnaroru.y. the men protests m-e in order Ieaei 1ell uie lIght lO he an nnprejudteed ITHE FIRST NATIONAL BANK R1HI unpur-ttal medium fOI the exnresaion Intel national Made-to·Mea3U1e Suits f:s:t~I~e:~a~el~I~I~e,:,~~lle~~1~n:ld~~:1l1~~g~;~;I Ol<~WESTMINSTER be coucerniug a inaner should feel II III I Heavy Wool Sweaters I WES'[')lI,"S'l'Elt - ','Unn,MW oumbent upon himself to nubllsh what III I eX~;I:~:IV:I':rs~ll:~:ll;O~(l~~~:~~l'ed llldlvJ{ll1al~ C I Of i~:::~A;~:~~:~.:oJ:~~~~~i~~~~:~·ilOO.OO [lossea~iI'e or allch a sense of hUlllor thlltl omp iments A Ihey ~all laugh off s!wh ::trllons all th0se 01' Lewis K. Woodward, Vice-Pl'eside,nt. Ill;) ,J. G. r. memhers Ihat treat. the whole 1ll~~~\I~~sea~~~~'inlhe past. hal'c heenthe Friend. George R, Gehr, Cashier, :;::~~'~s(;t;:~:,·~~iO~;~~l~y::s~~II~~'I:~~~(~ll~{~f\~~!lui~I~~~~~~~~~~~~ rol1owing advice. If you will excuse the JllLBN 1'. l'IUl.:t; CO]II);G ~l~~d~ll~1o~\:~~g\~~!I~nOil~a;lhetOll~\'ISee~~!ay~~\C;;H~~I~\~I~fie~~~cl~:Cb~eo~iO\\'i::l~:I~r:so~lIl: Stop at "POP'~ SHIPLEY'S fol' eats ~~lll~~l~~Ci)I:';eISb~I~:~.ti~~ri~\I~;I~i!lt m~etlllg.Sunday. Novemhel' 2,~1',(1.:\11"1 ~~~I~~~~n~1l\~hl:~~e8:\'o\~~etojTe~:,~rel~;:l~l:lUt~~fj !l~~~ea~als[Q~~r'~ZI\?,~~\~~tS;~~~l?n~n~o:~re~f., , . . uutsitiel'S will be led to believe that in~ jllie ~r:llne type as I at :.Iallll. ~ SpeCial Pnces for PICniCS and PartIes ~tead of a group of young ladle~ ll11dgentle-, --- l1I('n at Wcater!! .\1urvland College, we are, Pon1)EH PI'FFS u i11lc-k of circuS clowll'" I The Powder PulTs will stage t.heil· lil'st YOlll'S 'till .f. G. Sees. I perFormance or the ~'eal' F'l'idny evening, Delicious Ham Sandwiches 1~(]iTOI' of ":vrollthly." No\'ember 21st. at Aillmni IlnIl.
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