Page 23 - BlackandWhite1924-25
P. 23
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Page:3. A Ui"IVERSITY COUnSE IN DANCDIG LI)I~Tr,E J,OCALS A SPECIAL A class "open to 'beglnnel's In dancing Miss Florence 'Louden entertained aev- and to those who are anxious to learn the era: Freshmen girls at a porch puny Satu r- fundamentals of good dancing" has recent- day a[tel'l~oon. Her guests were the ):Ilsses I Iy been negnn at the University of Kansas. Betty Ptitntps, Leola Kolb, Mildred Sid- Genuine Army Shoes ~eel~t1~;:;.yOl;:~d~Yt~~t:~~~~~l,Il~~:e~~~r'h~l~ ~~vei~OI~I~;~I~~~'~ve~Ohl~~s~'~i;~~~~~~;~ being devoted to the teaching of dancing aaststed. and the remainder to practicing. A small --- C Inspected ROT All Leather, Goodyear Welt $3.75 sum is charged for each lessen. Captain Monogan came hack i!,!st Wednesday to r-eview the Dean 0, Women t';,,'or8 Iiauctng, "The University recognizes the fact that -nnee. J. Thomas Anders dallcing is tbe rormosc form of social en- We r~gre,t to learn that Pr,ofessor WiH8 and is auxtona to give students tertainment an opportunity to enjov dancing to the full- ~~_.....====~ I ~:;ll;xtt~\\~esa~~i::;I~1 D~~~itl~~ ~~::::n t~~ of the I', DellRl:tment is In the Ch.urCh g~e~~it~~IS~i~ ~,~~:et~~S~II:WI:~~~:l~~~tr~o~:' CHARLES KROOP men's and women's self-government organ- tor a speedy recovery. Iaation for the eatahllshment of the class. Leading Shoe Repair Shop Pleasant memories of Camp )ileade re- turned Sunday m crulng when "caekte-ber- rr.vrxn TH.lWUGH COLLEGE were Issued at ureakrast :!a East Jlnin Street rtee'' To fly tur ougn college is lhe aim of who Second-year For College Students Only: cnertes T. wrtghtsou, Oregon al'l'lved last peered to tranalnte German students are ex, week 'uy airplane eig'ht English sentences Agriculture at Men's soles and Goodyear R. heels College from Preeuo. California. Wrigl\t- into GC\'1Mlll ill eight minutes! son who Is reetstered as a freshman, Is a $1.50 commercia! flyer and has conceived the Peterson donated a tine box of candy to novel idea ofbringiug his ptuna to school a group or college gll'ls. "Go thou and do Ladies' soles and Goodyear R, heels with him and takln~ up passengers during thou ukewtaev-crenows! his spare time to pay his college expenses. "The $1.25 JEJ.'Jo'EnSOX'S 'rEN nUu,;s picture Hill" is glad to see Bill Thomas' In both the Sopbomore and .Junior I NEVFR ff M iss Della Lee Lowry '. 'J ~~:,~ (fo t~~!).tomorrow what you c1a8S pictures-he wasteru SJIOWS the true spIrit :\1arylalld. for a "bigger" Scalp Treatments, Facia] Message, N,EVER (~~o~~~\ers~;J~"berror what you can Abollt twenty-/We Philo girls "starred" Shampooing \,EVEH.spend money before you have la:;t '['uesday, Some '·mooned." ShIne on! 102 E. MA[N STREET earned It. It has been suggested that High and R. Westminster, Md. NIDVEni~u!~ ~hhe~tp.YOUdon't want because F, Wal'(! laI(e up tlie!r re'sidence In tha Phone: 11-W. PRIDE: cost more than hunger, thil'st, and "City of Brothel'iY LOI'e" WE seJ3~:::' repent of hav!ng eaten too "We always lhonght lhat the boys hnd Goodyear Mfg. Co.npany NOTi'lI~gt::. troublesome that we do Will-!et:~.~~l~~°1~ll~r\:;ithb\l~I'~~~::'bu';';,~n:~?W that Suits, Overcoats, and Light-weight I illgly. I --- Top-Coats HOW much pain tlJe evils have cost \IS that' TJle college Is glad to welcome :\1186 ~nUytHhing in the Clothing L~ne. Il'A1U: U~i~\~eS~~:~;sh~~P~:ee~'lllooth handle, Swann as a new student .. G L. MAY, Representative. WI.lEN angry. count tell ·berore YOIlspeak; "Gllp" .rourdan, a formel' member of the It very angry Qotlnt a hundred CIT1~SQ[ '26, paid a visit to "the hlil" last weelr. E<;vcrybodywas gI~,d to see him. and I". A. Dieiieubacb J. G. C. gnve him a hea!'ly welcome. ALL MEN STOP IN AND SAY Team! "HOWDY" TO .JOHN!
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