Page 16 - BlackandWhite1924-25
P. 16
Page 4. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Westminster Hardware Co, I ,~!~~~:~:~:~""B,u,!Everhart'S 'rtre Helen Stone, and Louise Thomas spent the .JOBB'Ens TN Al..iL KINDS OF 1V~~;:~e~~~ ~~~i~~~r=i)ent the week-curt at Barber Shop her home in Sandy 'Springs. 1I1·II.I)En~· ~Ul'l'LiES .Vlr.Wooden was taken ill tn chapel sun- day evening. but is on the campus again. and is gettiug along nicely All MEN STOP IN AND SAY AND »nss Catherine Gerald spent the week-end' . , I onS!~:l"~la~\~.~~ ~l~~~~~dto Hanover satur-I (:E:"lEUAI, nAn))" AUf, I g:~d~v/:hto·\1~:: tt~n~oo~\;~i~n~~~:·e.and .l1r8. ~~~'~'H~O~W~D~Y~'~'~T~O~J~O~H~N~!~~ O S GEHR Ite~:I~£.:::e~::::L::::n~:a;~g:"i~I~:nei:·1 J. Thomas Anders • • I t~~tj~~~~!~laPittman spent the week-end in Wholesale and Retail a ·t~~d~~lI~~~~~~e?I~I:;I c~~~n~~I1~'1~;e!I~~~I HAT S, (I~~:i; the. envy of many other hungry ISH 0 E S, gantor In.[' HARDWARE to a musical atutuo. leisure time by giving MEN'S FURNISHINGS Hall is gradually heing turned xnss Kathryn nuteon is tmurovmg her lIkelele. lessons and xnesee Jones and ,John-I Corner Main and Liberty Ste. 80n are two of her most promising puplla. Varsity hasket-ball practice is on the Westminster, Md. Weatminatll'!r. Md. ~:~~~ ~~'r~l;'ir:lrl;~u.The old time "pe\J"I~~~~~~~~~~~~ will g'et Into the +. 'ntf~~~~1t~O~~el's~;av~~~::n'tl}):~~:)ce~ ~o~~ I BELT & BELT nan dowu-c-thay T. W, Mather & Son Cluh. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. HOSIERY St~\;l~:~~e~~a:el"l~;~:n~h~~~~'a~~~Igi~~:'wa~~ I Westminster's ~,~1:~~'~;~'e~~lv~iS~~O~~ P~ll~\~r'F~~n~~at~:~!~I Give us a call. ~~I~~i~J~~~~I~~~~~~o:b~:s~ ~?:;~:!~I\~I.~\~~iF. A. Sharrer & Son Leading Store W~jt~~int~~~'j;~ Taylor was hostess at a I ~~~Cs~:l1inScl:~~:~~~~tu~~l::es e;~~!~:'Hat~o~II:1 J. FRANCIS REESE. '13, Prop. Richards. Johnson, Siocumll, Owings, WESTMINSTER, MD. Louden. Strange. GOod ttme, good time. good time! ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE :\1iss Frances Andrews entertained at a I ~ard party 'Saturday evening. Her guests Knauff, Furlowe, SEE YOURSELF Included; Misses Davis. Young. The French, BRUNSWICK RECORDS Smith. 'Carnes, first AS prize was won by :\1i88 Betty Davis and Miss The Latest Dance Music. Smith received tile booby prize-a iouv-pou. couples to the Twenty-five we.r_e Invited WILSON par-ty held in the partora last Saturday ~~~~~~~~~~~~ t-e-", B b I SEES YOU evening. Tile social commtueee from both & L' C and girls sides were the hays' the Wil 1son S di 10 Iaponaiute ~:.~l~~~ I a y on lppy o, tu nU.II" much I' NEWS ~ifls Velma 'Brooks '23 writes from Pine FLORSHEIM SHOES I . Ridge. Kentucky that $i1e is very ~~~~~~~~ ~~\~~~~t~~~;is!\~I~sW~~kpi\~let~~(]:tin Drew ~ STETSON Western Maryland Colle~e 1over. ·Saturday·were: at the game at Han- '~2, International Made-to-Measure HATS Among the Alumni Houck '23'1 Estelle Suits Hafer '23. );Iaclea '23, Ed. Stone 'Gus Students -r.n- HoWns '24 (and Bender) Heavy Wool Sweaters ~llss Louise Duley '24, paid a flying visit to the college Satur-day morning. are welcomed by I : Pictures of the Junior, Sontiomore. Fresh- man and WESTMINSTER'S BEST STORE the Prep School classes were taken fo]" 0011'1 l<'org'el Ttl See Oil :vIonday. Club an(] associa- Aloha I tion llict111'eSwl!llhe taken thi~ week. )1em- "UASllf'Ul, .lIR, Iwuns" Nusbaum & Jordan bel'S of these classes and d\lbs in all lhe. OPERA HOUSE are asked ef[ort to get make II HpeCial Dry Goods & "Ready To \Vear" to groups Of! time. 'I'he statf drslres to have I[ 9-11-13 E. MAIN STREET ~~l~;':"l.t~.fthe members In each group. Co- I 1'IHTIHilHl' $; f'HIUAY XWH'rS
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