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THE GOLD BUG Vol. 2, No.5 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Nov. 4 '24 W. M. SOCCER TEAM TIES NAVY "'S'I"'::,:rAl~::,L:;:~:':.::'::,:~"Rs"-I Carnegie Tech. Halts Terrorsl The Sophs' Hallowe'en Party --- --- I --- 1\10 Exh',l t'ertcus 1·III)e~l. 'ItCH'S UACHD,Un: ]!(i!"iS ~COJt£ _1_0,1 On Halloween night the student body waatarn team held the for the an- IJ}h.ulI \nd Loug HOld lJOIIII SCOIS trooped Marylaud soccer Nav} Plebes to a 1-1 tie on tile Navy lIeld I Secrist, By StltrtJlng nereuse work. Innal part). over to the gymnasrum welcomed Iby 'The gUe~tB ~ere ~l~~~\~~~~i~:;~ t:IlOd::i~:/erIOda,the game th~h~a';!;:~~~rs;I~~;~~ltl;~t~~:a~\,OI~~I~OW\~e~~IF1l;~~~el:'g~~~,~~:sn~e~:ti~;lfl~and MUstiest- The game opened up with Navy's kick-off, Idown fightlng to the tune of 27-0. It was a il y decorated in orange and ))Iack and tne which was sent Into "Herb" Nichols terri- wondartut game from start to tin Ish, but the class colors, na.vy blue and pear! gray. The tory. westeru :viar>'land's center-half, only offensive displayed hy the t.m-uegfe Sktbos Iames or the room were lJanked wI~h [odder, to be sent to Gaily. the right· wing man" bewilded the "Terrors." just ICIng enough ~nd on both atrtes, .one. round IO!tun~-t.ell- who dr+ubted the lball within twenty yard» to give the Plaids the Oockevnese or a vtc-. mg booths where gypsies were preaidtng. at the Navy goal, passing the ball to "Hlll"I tory. During the last pan or the game. the: The Sea of F'ate was at one end of the Prtce. who booted it towards the goal, mtee- Stu-cyerites clamped down, and with prac-: !'oo~, and the. r~rres~meilt table was at ~he lng it 'by a few Inches. . ucenv the second team in, held Lar-nagfe to, ouier, above whtch wer-e the class numerals The ball was held on Navy's Ground for a staudeull. I'~7. . eighteen minutes when Navy rntt-uack i cameete got away with murcer ill the i The IlI:Ogram consisted of Freshmen ;1~:~~~~ledWlt\~~np~~~lt~el~~l~~ ·1~~~\heNI~~~!~. i;~\~in~e;~\]~e;~g tI:~~n~~=~dg~~e a~~I~;s w~~:;,~~.I~~~~tl~~tc~e~~~~~r:~~i.~:~el~~\iOll~ b~)~~el dght COI'UNof lbe goal net, scoring Western everything hut the "Tenor" linesmen's! Jones...,. f :.Ilurylands lolle glIal. Dul"lng the reillainder Ijel"!leys. Western :\[aryland was Penal,L.eoi' "'10S,t deh"hth,ll re reshm,ents. punch and of tile halt Navv wa~ entirely on the de- only once and that was for on·-slde. doughnuts, w~re sened. ,rhe party broke fenslve, heing hard pressed several times A scat'e was thrown Into the Carnegie rOl-1up With the gn Illg of the class yells. ill the goal area. lower~ nt the stal'l o! tlle game. wheu Slllin --_.-._-- The second haH opened up wllh new ilght and Long ad\·ancecJ the balJ by lliunges and GIl.t;,\'I' 'I,OOD ,\.'1' WES'l'.EltN :tIARYJ,,\.~J) displayed ?y :"Iavy, bOQLing the ball time. pa8ses to Camegie's twenty-il~e line. Here.j FOLI,OWIl\G nIl. ,H_lUllS' nt:I'AU'l'L"JU; after ti~e !!lto the Westerll ~",rylaud lJack-: Long passed over the .goal hue to Groton I Stlluellts t'ol"Clld 'fa 'I'uke 1'0 C"1I0US. ~~~:~e\\~~~~~!~~.~e[,~~I~S~fF~I::~~!~~n!i~.i{t!{. :1::: a~;:~~I!r~t~;:.~~~~~r~;o:~Ot~.:~i~.:};~;7.( I' 7!!~el~Vi31ij~:~~~at~~:t~JI~ ~;!s~~; ~~~~eD~~ ('enter of the field for Ule rest of the hUlf.IWhO W(lre Stl'OUg for the :\1arl"iaudel·S. ~mes ~!:nouncel d S l~ en Ion a reSIgning Two extra five minule periods wel'e played Me!Tlll's punting was of the'h'ghest o~del": IllS rpsI:lo\~ a~ :~a :'.I~r Yle rls,~y.pel}tl;~L- ~~Illl~.nI)U~ff~ll~jth~~'~e~t~~ntl/i~~la~~~a~i~lll~~~,~~,:I~eal~~~.eo;e~r~;tl~~dk~:~a~;:J~t~P~~~;l~I~,~;;I ~~~~. J'~a.rb ~l~frl Dr~ Jla~l:~r has ~~~I:~~~:l~ III'euks so the game etHled one all.' 10[ oar,negie'S plays lJy lndi~l:jllal dariug: ~eg~~\lr:',ltall~Olte~~lS~u~~:'~ eSel~o~~g;~(O~:: FltE~CII--;-V~;;·,;;SI:;;-AK nt;RE ~~~~~ ::pu:Cei~lfyg~:~:i~te~~h~f~:~(fra~~.~:etl~~~:\:l~~!;;~et~ ~~:!l;~eall~~li~re:et~~I~ t'::~e a;:a~~~~ IIr. \l'lIl'd htylte~ )Ia)or t'j\rr!m:'ton 1'0 '\d-IZ~~I:~;I~~~k~:~k:l1~'I~~ltl;~~::r~\)~.o :e~~~~:~~.'yell~ that were given him o.n th~ hall~ rlrel'S Sl11denl~_ W~storn Murrland's men cs-me throughlte!ltlfied. to the high. e~_tcelll m ~lnch Dr. President Ward ha~ been fortunate in se- without serious inhll"ies. Peny aud Sillcn J~meg IS held by. hiS students. rhe w~l1 ~l;i'~.e~~~~o~/I~I~,I."I"YtoW=~~U:!l~~jUZ~~~lel?J ~~~;;~~gthae \!~)tt~I~'I;:I~ ~~ythl!~t~'~Ill~ac~~~nc1~,~:.~hJe,~m~~~;~~liesll~I;~~~~~c~~s~~e;ce~o With ~1aryland. Wednesday. November 5th .. at Shroyer sent in all of his ~ulJstilllte8 aud --_._.- r.:30 P. :.IL the :\flajor will relate ~ollle ot,the second string men tool! up the work O:IPRO}'ES~OR nANfK }JEAI)S lWS'I'Onr h!s war eXl_Jerle"co>s. The meeting \\"jJJ he holding back the Ski bas. . I IIt:I'Al1'l\UE:'i'I' hC'~~Il~~~~~Il~a~i;~ has add-ressed Ilot less I in \~~~!.C~~l~~·I~tiZ~r:~~~ ~~ ~'i~etl~~ll~l~~\~.ll~iI Profess.or James R. Ranck, the lIew head ~II:I~~en~~leaf~~II~~~ie~~~Plsepelfb~(:tn~a~!yh~~~ ~~~u:~~?IO\\~e~'~t~:v~~~l~~ea~~e~l~ll~'O~l:~:~:~lt~tI~fe~;'~e~~~~I~hl~~~a~~~~t~;'s~~a~:~~~e~O~:'~I~:' thrilling tales and magnetIc )lersonahty. i ,\1aryland fight and grit.. ('nl'negie IS en- IIn F.ebru.nry 19~1. WIllie there he w~s al~o 8ay~ one of his critics: "AmerICa will <1eavoring to stage a coutest with We,)!IH'n {,lfejlloyeu hy the government. scrvlll~ III rer:eh·c F'urrington. He at ('ommo,n-,MarYland in Baltimore next year. Ithe, Vete!"ans Insurance Bureau. ~rolll place without being commonplace. He hns I Carnep;ie-27 West.. :.I1d.-O February to June 1921 Professor Ranck was interpreted France to Amedca and AmerIca IGoodwin LE Groton 1ll"lllc!pal of the school al ;\Ianchester, :\1ary- to FranCe. 'Rough anrl Brown' his book otlKristof LT Byhanl,land. The following year he spent at Har- poems. will live amo~g the l·ell.lly {:reat Alld~rson LO )'JcRohle I vnrd University fro~ wll.IChhe recell'ed hiR ('onlrilmtlons or Amencan l!tE'rature. ;\1anby C Perry A.. \1. specializing m history and govern- . "_ Cass RG Bona,Jn~lt. The next fall found him Masler of ,\ :'i X 0 Ii Net: ~r F. X '1'1 IYo(lel' RT ~ecrist History aL 8warthmor~ Prepal'atory School. ":\1ake-tlp" work rOf st~ldents In Dr. Will's rh~ble RE: Hajj IS.\\"RnhmOl"e:Pa;, and In Saptelll?er 1,923 he classes, Wednesday evenmgs at 7:30 o·clock. Bastian QB :'.lerl"lll entered. Union fheolo!;lcal Sellllllary. New Work must lJe made up within one week of Newman LH Buck IYOl'k CIty. Last summer he took up the the absence, except that students who are Wertenberger RH Long 'dutles as pastor of 8L. John's .Re_ormed e:bsent on Wednesday rnny report 011 the Hpede FB Si11ln chnrch. Bethlehem, Pa_, and remamed then) I'nllnwlng Wel1nesda.v. (ContlnllPIi 011JHljJ:i'tllt·pr.) lIntll called to hl~ fllese:nt lln~lIlOIl
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