Page 13 - BlackandWhite1924-25
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THE GOLD BUG Vol. 2, No 4 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Oct. 28 '24 Western Maryland ·Beats Catholic U. (:m\'~~:'~'I~:t~P~~'~~;~~O;:,.;'EII"JJITerrors Looking Toward I U, S. Naval Reserve Begun I C'rneg'le Te"h En"ounter I lferrlll Aud SUlen III Umellgllt The Nal-Y Department announced on In a game replete with thrll!s and bril- 0 1I 1.1 IAugust eee. that it hopes t.o compete with liant football, Western :'.laryland College, I the Reserve Officers' Training Corps In the sent to defeat the strong aggregation from Having aroused the interest of state colleges and. universities of the country. Catholic llnivel'si-ty of Washington, D. C. football enthusiasts to fever heat, because Beginning thte fall ~jth, two units of the The game was played on a neutral field at of the drubbing they handed Catholic U at IV, S, Naval Reserve III George Washington Hanover, ~a, Hanover last Saturday, the Terrors are ~ow I Vnlve,!'sitr. fUl~ sc John's College, An- ~1erl'ill kicked off to the enemy's goal line, going through the most strenuous drills in uanoua. It Will be spread as broadly as from where the ball was ,run back about anticipation of the contest with Carnegie the R. 0, '1'. C, if it proves succesarur.'' ac- thirty. yards. Here cenicuc U. started an Tech at Forbes Field, Pittsburg, Saturday. I' cording to the Washington Post. cnenstve that looked bad for t~e followers Coach Shroyer's charges have perhaps It has been pointed out that the establish- of the green tenors, regfater+ng several their most gruelling struggle ahead of them. ment of these U,lUtSby tile, Navy Department ~~~{a!?sWU~h~~ge~ardde~~~:dPlt~~~m1'aot~a~~I ~ft~;b~~~~rad~:o ~:tr~~~~I.e~~~~!~e~h~r~~ ~~, ~:~afsk~~~I~~~!B l~h~~~~~I~dsdl~heW~~~e:~e~! a ga~eg were not won that way, and helo that, the U, of Pittsburg gave Hopkins I where rune IS known of the navy, It is their opponents [or downs. Each team then 26-0 shock, so that the dope points to the hoped that th~e untta connected with the ~~t~~~~ti;:v:r~~m~:~.e~f t~~~~ l~:~hf~~:'a~d surrast fi~ht [01' :~hI'Oyer'8 men, ~~:gejl~~~~:rs~~:~t~;;\~atil~e~~znP~~~I~~~ca~~ passes. Their touchdown resulted from a If the' Tarrors c~n put up uie fight th~y the navy and the imoortaucs it bears to somewhat fluky completion ot two of these long forwards, both of which were tipped by ~, aggr-egation, the. Carnegie Tech lads ale I Tile cours~ will be a tour yea.!' etecuve did at ~an~\'el' against the stro~g Cathol~c I national life western Maryland's backofleld men, III for a big sur-prrae. Arrangements have course with approximately three hours a - Western Maryland's first touchdown came been made to :ake care of an Immense week devoted to tacnntcat naval subjects soon after, as a result of such offensive ?I'owd at that lll?tltU!:lon, a~d a ?,Ig time In addition eo two hours In history and ~~~~~al:OI~~w~~O~~dt:~a~~:~n ~~~'ro~:~rt~h~:: ~~S~I~~~~.tedc~;c~el~~ro~~;en~:sd~~lno~~n~~~~~~~l~~~ti~h~n \~~~;e~~~~r ::Inlr~~:it~o~~~;~ started out with a forward pass from Long that the team Will ~ntralll for Pltt~bU1g on will count 'towards a degree. Its studeuts to Byham good for'fifteen yards. li'rom then Thursday. arriving III the smoky city some: will be enrolled a~ midshipmen of the na,al on S!Ilen smashed and twisted his way to Umg Frl~sy morning. Pr~ct!caIlY th,e entire I reserve receiving no pay except fifty dollars n. touchdown on four or five line plunges, squad Will Il!1l.kethe trIP, Inclndmg the tor a uniform. bllt they will he expected to It iB felt Ihat hIs work at this time should coaches, pubhclty manager and manager. take a ,three months cruIse in SUIllmer in go towards 'WInning lIj_mIlls place on the UANF.~i\TJ.'OO'fnALL I the practice SI.I U .adron for WhI..Ch they wUl nll-)1aryland team. Much credit Is due the .,'" receive approxlInateJy elghty-nme dollars a line which opener\ up holes mttch larger --- month, the regulal' pay of a midshipman of Ihan Smen usually requires. A description of how foo~ball is played [he nary at "ea Western !'I1aryland maintained a slight 'In America provolled minh in an assemhly - _ ed.!!e on Catholic V, almost throughout the of Danish . stndents, ,accor~i_ng to John I 'fill<: FTI!S'I' I :'iTt:H·COLI,EfHA'I'I<: ~'OO'I'. :~~It~':he~n~~~ ~~~'et~~al~~~g~~k~~: o~e~~~ ~~~~le\~h~rll~~~~I!~el~~~:~t1~)~~S~~;et~o~:~= BALL GA,"}; ~~~~a~~' ruO~~le~e~Il~la:ne~~.b~~iJYw!~~1~I~l~~~~:1~ntU~iif:e~~i~rm~~~:a~ntsAssociation on, A match between Harvard and McGm for mistakes by the WaslIingtolllans, "I weTlt Into the subpect o! having," says (:\1ontresJ) played o,n May 13th, 1874, was Catholic U, got five first downs" three on Professor Prince, "and gave them a view the first Inter-collegl8'te tootball game ever ;~;\\;~i~(, bi~e~~~rk~e:la!~;;\angdU;~(~~k~(~-~~~~~'~r~~es~om~nes~~7~:Paai)~~~~a~~SI~a;~~ ~~~te:~~d'he~dart:arad~~nl;1b~tc~~t~~~ ~~~~~~ ~l~~P1~~ry~!~~OI~~a~'BIV~~~h~n;~:~I~~which I ~~~~~h~h~l~ t\~il!°~a~Os\~~I!':n~~hel!~I~~lst~\~,na~~aC~~I~dl~Il~~~e~U;rbYP1:~\~8g.was simple. A The winning score' came in the last three one of the professors expressed the hope player CO\lI~eltiler run, ~hrow"or pass the minutes l:!o:/'~~ed'C:l~l Jl;~:;e;rn~e!~en PlaY-I'th~6;t r~~f::ll~o~sse~ea ;~~ e~~~~~~ know ~~)l~g;?~:~~I~ecl~en~~!'{i~d~;lm~co~~:~~or~~~~ :~_ ~ __ . ~Z~,~l~gb;;~/ I~~~::.!do~o~\~ril~~St~~J~n\~:~ O\l~I:~~~ll~lt~yerS participated In the first A':'INOUNCElfENT ,(sIted whether we did not have a flelr!I game; but ~s a matter of chance ra~her t~au ___ I nospital and stretcher bearers, and on my design. fOl~lof :he Canadian pluyelS havUlg On :'olonday evening, November 3rd., I reply 'or course' the whole hall wenl. been deliuned III Montreal. 1<01'the first ~~~~n~!ra~~taBa?r~n~~~Irg~~:wac~n~~I:~~~~I~~into spasms of laUg~:.: _ I ~1~Je I:~eii~s1l1~~~!f70s~~I~n!!a~~~~~st;~~mOfc~~! the DaviS building, (over Stal' Theatre). A pl'ogl'esslve card-party was held In one! oldest clot.hes availahle and wore dar~t This room has tile best danCe fioor in town, I room, while games and contests were going. trollsers, white undershirts and magneta :\leal1's Orchestra will furnish the musl!:, on In the other parlor. Punch and cakes scarf>! wound around their heads, Theil' op- The !'
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