Page 99 - Mather1930SB
P. 99
Commencement activities for the fant skirts, the UU"IJ"~",,~""'.[TV·H'" On Wednesday afternoon, May 21,
sixtieth and largest class yet graduat-
ed from Western Maryland College quets of snap dragons while the annual Senior Farewell given by
have been in full swing on the "Hill" dants wore shoulder bouquets
during the past three weeks. With ~he colored sweet peas. the Junior Class was held on the cam-
end of their college career drawmg
ever nearer, the one hundred and one 'I'he procession of the queen and her pus between McDaniel Han and Science
seniors have participated in the various retinue, from the college buildings to
celebrations and exercises of Final her throne on Hoffa Field, was under Hall. The main feature of the pro-
Week with a mingled feeling of happi-
ness and sorrow. Few have been the gram, which was in charge of theJu-
days since the inauguration of the
Commencement activities with the May. - the escort of a royal guard of nior Girls, was a clever play, Supressed
Day Festival on May 16 which were ladies in dashing uniforms of
not slated for a special occasion of duck with red shoulder capes. Desires" by Glaspell Cooke. The parti-
some sort.
, Hav,ing arrived on Hoffa Field the cipants brought out cleverly the auth-
The events of Monday were, howev- queen passed under an arch formed by
er, but the culmination of that series the swords of the Guard to be crowned or's subtle ridicule of the recent mod-
of colorful occasions which have. en- by Dr. W. R. McDaniel, vice-president
livened the closing days of this pres- and treasurer of the College. After she ern craze for psycho-analysis as a pan-
ent school year. Tradition has woven ascended her throne, the Guard passed
a varied scheme of pleasure able situa- before her and gave an exhibition drill. acea for all ills. Song and dance acts
tions from the crowning of the May
Queen down through the Sophomore Ivy For her entertainment as well as for followed the play. The class prophecy,
Planting, the Lantern Chain, the Socie- that of the onlookers there was pre-
tay Reunions, the Trustees Meetings, -sented a lovely litUepageant "Spring- in a of limericks and was
and the Alumni Dinner to the Great time", in which the principal charac-
Day itself. ters were: Ceres, Margaret Leonard; presented, "Pathetic News of 1930",
Prosperine, Alice Huston; Pluto, Louise which gave quite an interesting insight
The, May Day Pageant Shipley; Cupid, Ruth Davis; Water into the future lives of the girls of the
Nymph, Maude Heath; Winter, Louise class of '30. After refreshments had
Werntz; North 'Wind, Elizabeth How- been served, the beautiful cup cere-
ard; Messenger, Ruth Rawson; Fairy, mony took place. The senior girls
Catherine Hobby. formed in a circle, and each one drank
from the traditional silver loving cup.
The Track Meet She then received a red rose from the
Vice-President of her literary society.
During the ceremony, the rest of the
girls formed a circle around the seniors,
and sang. The Farewell closed with the
songs and yells of the various classes.
Many days ago in the afternoon of The annual track meet in which the Ivy Planting
Friday, May 16, when the air still contestants were Companies A and B
breathed of very early ,spring, the co- It has been the custom at Western
eds held their fourth annual May Day of the R. O. T. C. unit was held on Maryland since 1926· for. the Sopho-
exercises on Hoffa Athletic Field. more class to plant ivy in honor of the
Tuesday, May 20, on Hoffa Field. Com-
Senior class. This year the traditional
The May Queen was Miss Eleanor pany B, whose commanding cadet is planting took place on the west side of
Gunby, 'of Marion, Maryland. Her . McDaniel Hall, Wednesday evening, as
ladies-in-waiting, selected from the four Charles Havens, was the victor with a
college classes, were: Senior duchess, the twilight shadows were lengthening
Blanche Robinson; Senior attendants, score of 97 points to Company A's 37. across the Campus. Clarence Koockogey,
Gladys Rickards and Elizabeth Scott; president of the Sophomore class, gave
Junior duchess, Dorothye Todd; Ju- A pie-eating contest constituted a a short talk in which he wished the
nior attendants, Carolyn Tull and Mil- Seniors the "best of luck" as they set
dred Raum;. Sophomore duchess, Eve- novelty feature in which "Reds" Went- forth on the "highway of life." Harry
lyn Ryon; Sophomore attendants, Vir- O. Smith, president of the Senior Class
ginia Sterling and Mary. McComas; landt.. the winner, beat by four seconds replied to this expression of good wiIi
Freshman duchess, Mary Ellen Senat; with a declaration of the Seniors' hope
Freshman attendants, Helen Doenges the record set by Harry Benson last that the two classes, although no longer
and Ann Johnson; trumpeters, Mildred year. • together on the rHi ll, might still be close
Cutler and Elinor Myers; trainbearer, in friendship. The ceremony closed
Cleona Br'insfiald ; crownbearer, Susan In the competitive manual of arms with the class songs and yells of both
Strow; jesters, Isabel Douglas and drill, Barnett of Company B, won the Seniors and Sophomores.
Madeline Murphy. ti tIe of best-drilled .cadet.
The various events and their winners
Relay, Company B
100-yard dash, Brubaker The Lantern Chain
220-yard dash, Doughty
Miss Gunby wore a gorgeous princess 440-yard dash, Seitz With green and gold lanterns forming
Half-mile, Crowthers
Mile, Addison
Shot-Put, Pincura
gown of ivory satin with a .sweeping Running Broad Jump, Eaton a glowing path the Seniors and Fresh-
train. Her crown was of white sweet Hop, Step and Jump, Callahan men women moved through the ritual
Medals were distributed to the Ill-
peas and asparague fern, and. she ca~- dividual winners, including the pie-eat- of the Lantern Chain. In the chain
ried white rose buds and malden hair the green and gold lanterns
fern.' The duchess and attendants wore ~YJLI'U'UlJ'ze' the girls' search for' know-
gowns of point d'esprit in pastel shades lantern is a which
bodices bouf-