Page 104 - Mather1930SB
P. 104

Honors in                  Courses

Norment Speech Prizes-Sophomore

Class-Sharpe Deardorff Karper, Mary

Lee Shipley.

Freshman Class-Leslie Ewald Wer-

nW-"M, ary Ellen Senat.    ..

Bates Prize for Best All Round Col-

lege Man-William Granvills Eaton.

Mary Ward Lewis Prize for Best All

Round College Woman - Catherine

Elizabeth Read.

John A. Alexander Athletic Medal-

Charles Albert Engle.

Lynn Francis Gruber Medal for Pro-

ficiency in Extra-Curricular Activities

-William Granville Eaton.

   The Harry Clary Jones Scholarship in
Chemistry-Roy Thomas Edwards.

   Winners of Annual Society Contests
   Webster Society Orators: Joseph Cor-
by Newcomer, Thomas McDowell Geal-
ey. Philomathean Society Orators:

Winifred Scott Bush, Victoria Irene

  'Honor Graduate in Military Depart-
ment-Wilmer Varden Bell.
   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109