Page 102 - Mather1930SB
P. 102

Commencement Exercises                      comes a success
                                                                                         cation, and I do not press this fourth
                 money educating this group  The SIxtieth annual Commencement            point as an important one.
 of men and women in the finest things                                                   meant by Success, anyway i Success
 of this life.                               exercises at Western Maryland College       means getting what you want and be-
                                                                                         ing satisfied with it after you get it.
    "The Christ said 'Go teach all na-       were held in Alumni Han, Monday             Men aren't always satisfied when they
tions,' " said Dr. Ward. "Some people                                                    have gotten what they started out to
do not fully realize the importance of       morning, June 2. After an impressive        get. Perhaps they are urged on by a
educating the common man. Yet the                                                        passion that is an enigma to all men, a
world needs today education for every        processional of Seniors and Faculty         desire for self-realization that ever
body. There are before me one hundred                                                    drives them on. Fifth, College should
potential teachers who may be destined       Rev. Leonard B. Smith made a prayer         quicken in us a love of beauty. Hu-
to perform a great service to their                                                      manity comes up from savagery with
country. They will be the means of           that was a benediction to the students      an inherent curiosity that is really the
leading many out of the realm of Mis-                                                    beginning of intellect. From a certain
understanding into the bright world of       that day being graduated from their         intelligence comes a sense of beauty.
Understanding. "The tenth generation                                                     If college does not create a love of the
will be assured of the finest blood that     Alma Mater.  I                              beautiful in the hearts of its students
may flow through human veins; not on-                                                    it has failed in one of its important
ly the rich man's children way enjoy         The Commencement address was de-            functions. I look upon college asa
happiness and prosperity, but all people                                                 sort of cauldron; it pours into the
of all nations. "Go teach everybody."        livered by the Hon. Alfred P. Dennis,       brains of its .men and women impres-
                                                                                         sions and information and turns out
   At the conclusion' of the sermon the      U. S. Tariff Commission, Washington,        something fine indeed. The graduating
choir sang Handel's "And the Glory of                                                    of a class from college reminds me of a
the Lord" from Messiah. Dr. H. L. El-        D. C., introduced by President Ward as      custom in Greece where a torch bearer
derdice, President of the Westminster                                                    that has run his distance is replaced by
Theological Seminary made the closing        "one of the most distinguished citizens     another runner. This College is an in-
prayer and benediction.                                                                  stitution where young men and wom-
                                             of this state." Mr. Dennis chose as         en may get that kind of education that
                                                                                         will' enable them to carryon the best
                                             his topic, "The Use of a College Eduea- '   of the work begun by others before
                                                                                         them. In this way there will be per-
                                             tion." "Why should we leave our homes       formed those acts that will contribute
                                                                                         to the welfare of the Nation."
                                             and spend four years at a college i"
                                                                                             General Milton A. Reckord, Comman-
                                             asked the speaker. There are several         der of the Maryland National Guard
                                                                                         awarded to the graduates in the Re-
                                             reasons for our wishing to have a col-
                                                                                          serve Officers Training Corps commis-
                                             lege education: First, College helps us      sions as second lieutenants in the Re-
                                                                                          serve Corps of the United States Army.
                                             to understand the problems of life, to       Prof. Carl Schaeffer, of the College,
                                                                                          made the announcements of the under-
                                             get answers to our individual questions.    graduate honors and President Ward

                                             Back of everything in life there is         presented the diplomas to the members
                                                                                          of the graduating class.
                                             much more than is visible to the hu-
                                                                                              President Ward's Announcements
                                             man eye. An ordinary watch, for in-
                                                                                             Dr. A. Norman Ward read a tele-
          The sacred Cantata                 stance, has back of it a plan and an        gram of congratulation from President
                                                                                          Herbert Hoover to Dr. William R. Me-
                                             expert who has made the timepiece. A        Daniel, Vice President and Treasurer of
                                                                                          Western Maryland College, who this
On Sunday evening the College Choir          train rushing past us has a design, a       year celebrated his :fiftieth anniversary
                                                                                         at the College. Dr. Ward asked Dr.
assisted by the singers who have parti-      thought, a purpose back of it-the           McDaniel to rise, saying that he wished
                                                                                         there were a degree suitable to the oc-
cipated in the Commencement music this       metaphysical back of the physical. In       casion, a degree that would be summa
                                                                                         summa cum laude, that it might be
year, gave a sacred cantata, "The            a building, in any object of wealth,        conferred upon so faithful a friend of
                                                                                         Western Maryland.
Daughter of Jairus", by Stainer. The         there is no value aside from the pur-
                                                                                             Announcements of the action of the
entire program was beautiful and in-         pose back of it. A Commencement has         Board of Trustees in appointing Mr.
                                                                                         T. K. Harrison as assistant to the Presi-
spiring. The. selections and their r~n-      its invisible meanings. To some peo-        dent and the election of the two new

dition brought out the excellent tram-       ple Commencement is one of the sad          members of the Board were made at

ing the college singers have received        ironies of life, the ending of things

and were           of the enthusiastic       rather than the beginning of new and

                                             big things. Though graduates leave

praise they received. The program fol-       their college they are still a part of it;

lows:                                        they really take a part of it with them
                                             and leave a part of themselves behind.
Director, Miss Ruth Sherman Jones;           Throughout their lives they continue to
                                             love and Serve their college. Second,
soloists, Miss Winifred Bush, Soprano,;      College culture helps us understand the
                                             hard sayings of life. Christ's disciples
Miss Margaret Lee Nelson, mezzo-so-          often questioned Him about the. mean-
                                             ings of His sayings. And often they
prano; Mr. Richard Weagly, tenor;            were long in understanding His teach-
                                             ings. A savage does not understand the
Mr. Clarence DeHaven, bass ..                value of the uncertain future between
                                             the barbarian and the civilized man.
Prayer, Rev. Harry Nelson Bassler, DD.       Third, College teaches us to live com-
                                             fortably with ourselves. Many people
Prelude                        Orchestra

In That Day (Choral Recitative) Choir

Behold, There Cometh Unto Jesus


My Hope is in the Everlasting (Aria)


Then Jesus Cometh

         Recitative and Women's Chorus       are unable to live by themselves. The
                                             educated man has a fund of thoughts
And When J esus Was Come In                  that are sufficient for his own satisfac-
                                             tion and enjoyment. A ehambermaid in
                              Recitative     .a foreign country would have to talk
                                             to somebody; a phlosopher would live
In the Death of a Man Men's Chorus           there a long time before he desired to
                                             learn the language. Fourth, .College will
But When Jesus Had Put Them All Out          aid us materially. This point is empha-'

          Recitative and Chorus

Love Divine! All Love Excelling

          (Duet) Soprano and Tenor

To Him Who Left His Throne on High

                   Trio and Chorus           sized by statistics published from bank

                                             association reports. I have a great

                                             deal of r    for the man who be-
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