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e.                                                  Md.; Bettie Slemmons Britting-
                                           ham, Salisbury, Md.; Mary Webber
College for the next  year                 Broughton, Collingswood, N. J.; Ida
                                           Lucille Charles, Prince Frederick, Md.:
was given, September 23 for the Fresh-     Elizabeth Ardea.n Clough, Seaford
                                           Del.; Virginia lola Fontaine, Manokin;
men, and a request for support in the      Md.; Ellen Elizabeth Garcelcn, Severna        Graduates in Supplementary Courses
                                           Park, Md.; Ruth Elizabeth Gleichman,
next big campaign that Dr. Ward will       Cumberland, Md.; Eleanor Anna Gun-              ,Pi~n"o-Evelyn Jackson Mather, Nila
                                           by, Marion, Md.; Helen Frances Ham-          Vlrgl.llla Wallace, Isabel May Wentz.
launch, was made. With the vision of       blin, Salisbury, Md.; Helen Lanius
                                           Harry, Pylesville, Md.; Mary Helen              VOIce-Clarence Taylor De.Haven :
even 'a greater Western Maryland in        Harver, Westminster, Md.: Maude Lar-         Amanda Katherine Bell, Evelyn Jack:
                                           more Heath, Jesterville, Md.; Arvalene       so~ Mather, Minnie Gemmill, Straw-
the next ten years imprinted strongly      Hitchens, Laurel, Del.; Dorothy Lee          bridge,
                                           Holliday, Hebron,' Md.; EstheT Lydia
in their minds, the sixtieth graduating    Hollins, Berlin, Md.; Elizabeth Della           ~~eech-Weldon Griffith Dawson"
                                            Howard, Sharptown, Md.; Alice Hes-          'Yilham Granville Eaton, Leslie Stal-
class from. Western Maryland College        ter Huston, Seaford, Del.; Edna Mar-        hngs Grover, Albert Monroe Reed.
                                            gueritte Johnson, Rehobeth, Md., Mar-
said Good-bye to their Alma Mater. .        garet Delahay Leonard, Oxford, Md.;            Grace Walton Armstrong Asenath
                                            Catherine Marie Lynch, Westminster,         Anne Bay, Elizabeth Arde~n" Clough
DEGREES AND HONORS CON·                     Md.; Thelma Coale McVey, Aberdeen,          Ruth Elizabeth Gleichman, Alice Hes:
  FERRED AT THE ANNUAL COM-                 Md.; Hannah Elizabeth Mitchell; Aber-       ter Huptson, Edna Margueritte J ohn-
      MENCEMENT, JUNE 2, 1930               deen, Md.; Edna Josephine Nordwall,         son; Margaret Delahay Leonard, Thel-
                                            Princess Anne, Md.; Annie Selena Pick-
    Bachelor of Arts                                                                    ma ~oale McVey, Virginia Caroline
                                            ett, Mount Airy, Md.; Mary Lucille          Mernll, Frances Elizabeth Raughley
    George Crass Baumgartner, Westmin-      Proskey, Annapolis, Md.; Frances Eli-       Catherine Elizabeth Read Urith An~
                                            zabeth Raughley, Dover, Del.; Marian        Routson, Virginia Gibso~ Scrivener
 ster, Md.; Raymond Boone Beauchamp         Elizabeth Reifsnider, Keymar, Md.;          Ruth Staley, Clara Frances Ward Isa:
                                            Audrey Rosanna Repp, Uniontown,             ~el ¥ay Wentz, Julia Augusta' Wil-
 Denton, .Md.;. Francis Augustus Belote;    Md.: Edith Elizabeth.Rill, Hampstead,       hams.
 Pocomoke CIty, Md.; Thomas Davis           Md.: Blanche Metzger Robinson, Sharp-
 Braun, Pittsburgh, Pa.; William Hayes      town, Md.; Urith Ann Routson, Union-                       Honorable Mention
 Brown, Jefferson, Md.; Leon Kenneth        town, Md.; Ruth Wells Sartorius, Poco-
 Bunce, Pocomoke City, Md.; Joseph Ed-      moke City, Md.; Henrietta Elizabeth             Senior Class-Wilmer Varden Bell
 gar Bush, Hampstead, Md.: Lyal Wash-        Scott,' Pocomoke City, Md.; Virginia       ~illiam Hobbs, Jr., John Latimer Wat:
 ington Clark, Sidney, Neb.; Weldon          Gibson Scrivener, Stoakley, Md.; Mary      Inns, Gordon John Weisbeck . Roger
 Griffith Dawson, Wilmington, Del.;          Louise Shipley, Newark, N. J.; Kath-       .Hersperger Williard, Charles 'William
 Clarence Taylor DeHaven, Baltimore          ryn Ada Speicher, Accident, Md.; Ruth      Willts, Mary Webber Broughton Eliza-
 Md.; William Granville Eaton,' Centre:      Staley, Baltimore, Md.; Rebekah Brew-      beth Ardean Clough, Dorothy L~e Holi-
 ville, M<1:; Willima Grant Edmondson,       er Stonebraker, Hagerstown, Md.; Min-      day, Alice Hester Huston, Margaret De-
 Detour, Md.;, Charles Albert Engle,         nie Gemmill Strawpridge, Woodbine,         lahay Leonard, Hannah Margaret Mace,
 Salisbury, Pa.; Thomas Edward Grove,        Pa.; Mary Katherine Streett, Rocks,        Evelyn Jackson Mather, Virginia Caro-
 Roanoke, W. Va.; Leslie Stallings         I Md.; Gloria Jewel Thornburgh, Sea-         line Merrill, Mary Wethered Moore
 Grover, Owings, Md.; Charles William        ford, Del.; Nila Virginia Wallace, Dun-     Catherine Eli.zabeth Read, Mary Elii~
 Havens, Rome, N. Y.; George Robert          dalk, Md.; Clara Frances Ward, Ow-         Russell, MatIlda Fountain Thompson
 Nelson Hitchcock, Westminster, Md.;         ings, Md.; Helen Warren, Snow Hill,
 Grover Mark Jinkins, Hagerstown,                                                       Nila ~irginia Wallace, Helen .Warren. '
                                              Md.; Mary Warren, Snow Hill, Md.;             J umor Class-Jackson Wesley Day
 Md.! John Aaron Mears, Crtsfield, Md.;        Isabel May Wentz, Manchester, Md.;
 OrvIlle Ellsworth Neal, Sidney, Neb.;         Julia Augusta Williams, Worton, Md.       Roy Thomas Edwards, George Ellwood
 Alexander O'Leair, Lorain, 0.; William                                                  McGo,~an, Helen Frances Eckard, Alice
 Charles Pelton, Harrisburg, P a . ;                  BacheLor of Arts Cum Laude         Catherm~ Hobby, Mildred Elizabeth
 Branche Holmes Phillips, Jr., Salisbury,                                                Ra~m, VIva Mary Reed, Victoria Irene
 Md.; Watson Delaha Phillips, Cam-                Evelyn Jackson Mather, Westmin-        SmIth, Margaret Anna Stoffle.
                                               ster, Md.; Mary Wethered Moore,
 bridge, Md.; George William Ports             Greensboro, Md.; Mary Eliza Russell,         Sophomore Class-Howard Melchoir
 Westminster, Md.; Dennis George Ray:                                                    Amoss, John Harrison Dixon Michael
 nor, Speonk, N. y,; Albert Monroe             Maddox, JI..;ld.                          Edward Hernick, Joseph Thdmas Snv-
 Reed, • Westminster, Md.; Harry Otto                                                    d~r, Stuart DosPassos Sunday, -Bamu·el
                                                 Bachelor of Arts Summa Cum Laude        GIlbert Townshend, Jr., Louis Emory
 Smith, Woodsboro, Md.; Raymond Roby                                           , Roberta Muriel Bishop,
 Spencer, Baltimore, Md.; James An-                Wilmer Varden Bell, Baltimore, Md.;   ~mlfred Scott Bush, Alverta Richter
 thony Stach, Baltimore, Md.; Paul              William Hobbs, Jr., Union Bridge, Md.;   DIlI,on, Elsie Kilig Ebsworth,' -Mary
 Frederick Tillman, Lorain, 0.; Otis Mil-                                                EmIly Humphreys, ,Mary Lee Shipley.
 ton Trice, Hurlock, Md.; Albert Rey-              Hannah Margaret Mace, Cambridge,
. nolds Van Metre, Shepherdstown, W.            Md.; Virginia Caroline Merrill, Poco-       Freshman Class-Thomas McDowell
                                                moke City, Md.; Catherine" Elizabeth
 Va.; Douglas O'Neal Ward, Westmin-           . Read, Easton, Md.; Matilda Fountain      Ge.aley, Tovio Elmer Puro, Cleona·
 ster, Md.; Calvin Saunderson Warner,           Thompson, Taylor's Island, Md.           Ehzabeth Keys Brinsfield, Margaret
 Bel Air, Md.; John Warren, Snow Hill                                                    Lohr Erb, Helen Troy Hambsch Jane
 Md.; John Latimer Watkins, MonroV:                                                      Katherine Krinel', Kathleen Moore
. ia, Md.; Gordon John Weisbeck, Buf-                                                    Helen Estelle Mullinix, Mary Susa~
 falo, N. Y.; Clark Henry Wentz, Han-
 over, Pa.; Roger Hersperger Willard;                                                    Strow, Ellen Frances Tyler. . y.!-:::
 Burkittsville, Md.; Charles William
 Willis, Better"ton, Md.; Lane Ignatius

 Yingling, Westminster, Md.

Grace Walton Armstrong, Baltimore,

Md.; Asenath Anne     White Hall,
Md.; Amanda               Williams
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