Page 43 - Mather1930SB
P. 43

.J-J\.~~Cv~~CI,  f:J~-.L.1.J: U C;.J..  C lit.          •  •                  anI,T'         r::-1ey

         nALE CEUAR~CO~L~E FRANC~AbI~S o         . ~--'e, ttyI,                     • .!I!..

                                                                                                      M. Daw30n

The last meeting of the French Club ice                                             • M. Senders
                                                                                       M. Unger
was held in McDaniel Hall, Wednesday, J
                                                                                 dans le vestibule
November 6. The meeting was opened e pas s e                           Paris,

~e. the president and in the absence of

the secretary, Miss Merrill, Miss •

Broughton called the roll and read the

minutes of the last meeting. 'I'he treas-                           Le Minuet
urer made her report and requested that

anyone wishing to become a member of

the club pay his dues as soon as P08-                                            _

r------sible. Miss Read led two songs aCCom-

parried by Miss Mather. Miss Charles

read one of La Fontaine's most inter-

esting fables "Le Chene et Ie Roseau".                                                                                                                           L.Darby
Miss Thompson explained a new game                                                                                                              C Wheeler Hobby

to the club in which all the members                COMEDIE            DE CELUI  QUI ESPOUSA                                                    E Noble
participated. Due to her knowledge of
                                                         UUE FEI:ll1E MITETTE "                                                               {eredi t h obbs
the famous women of France, Catherine                                                                                                                              Hobby

Read won the prize which was offered.                    Par Anatole France                                                                   .Lch e
   Professor Bonnotte gave an excellent
                                                                                                                                                                  re ernan
talk on the political parties of Francp-                                                                                                                          romp son
                                                                                                                                                                 rno t t e
after which Miss Thompson explained                                    Personnages                                                                               Caton
the "raison d'etre" of the French Club

a~d its plans for tl.le futUre. Starting
With the next meetmg a chairman will

. . . . .be appointed every two weeks to take
                                                 Boiscourtier,                 secretaire             de M. Le'onard

                                                                                                      • }U1e. Hunter

thal·ge of the program. Each program de H. L~onard Botal.                                                l.111e. Jones
                                                                                                      •  Mmlilee. .  Ford.
will he centered around one central e, avocat • •                                                                    Gilllgan

idea thus unifying the parts of the pro- ~ Eotal, juge.                                                  Hlle. 1'.1ellott
gram. A standing committee of        f'our
;judges was appointed: Professor     and         ! de M. Leonard Bot a'l ,                               i",r11 e. 3r\aTan
M~dame Bonnotte, Mrs. Sanders,       and           joue de 1a musette.

MlSS Atwood. This committee will de- line, m~decin .••                                                   IIlle. Rayme

cide which chairman has presented the :ier, chirurgien-bar~ier                                           lUle. Hutchins

n:ost interesting,_ amUSing, and iush-uc_ Dulauri er, a.~othic ai. r e ,                                 imIIri ll e. RD:wl ings
t ive program and a prize will be award- la Gerandi'~re
                                                                                                         .1. leo Hc.ymvn
ed to the winnel·. After Miss Thomp_

son's talk the membel·s of the clUb              e  passe              dans une salle                  du reZ--':l...:>f'!-·C bt)...n.•c)S~A
L. aM.arsai·11ar·so and the meeting Wassaandg-                                                        du Cercle.
                                                    M. Botcl 8. Paris.
[ourncd. Everyone stayecl f       f
. or re resh-
ments and a few minutes cl tt .
French.                      ia er III hants par les membres
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