Page 40 - Mather1930SB
P. 40

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WESTERN MARYLAND                                                                                                                               WESTERN MARYLAND
          COLLEGE                                                                                                                                         COLLEGE

     FOOT BALL              'We A Record I ~:J. 7 They                                                                                                   Spring Sports
               and          6  Washington & .Jefferson                                                                 Hi                                      1930

        SOCCER              13 Schuylkill                                                                              0

                            45 Dickenson                                                                               0

                            32 Albright                                                                                0

                            40 Gettysburg                                                                              0

                            26 Loyola                                                                                  0

                            48 All Army                                                                                0

                            2 Mullienburg                                                                              6

     Schedule 1929             The Terrors gathered quite a basket of                                                                                  Lacrosse                   'Tennis

                            goose eggs. 'I'hey will look well, hung up

                            around that beautiful trcphy-e-t.he Mae A.r-                                                                                 Base Ball

                            t hur Cup-presented     to the winner of the

                            Armistice Day contest.                                                                                             ....!Ia.  "_~""""'"""           ""''''_''_''           ¥''"''"''~
                                                                                                                                                                                           ... ,...¥

     . '. Front Row-Willeer, Weisbeck, Gomsalo, Havens (Capt.),O'LcaI·, Pelton, Bates. Second R.                                                                               .

     From ,Left to Rl.ght ~ EleaUis, Stacie, DeHavens, Klepac,. Third HOly-Phill'ips, Mgj·.,. l'Vellinge?", Pinclira, Bel/son olk-Clmy,

     Burnett , Tl111ey, L(UU1ence, }-ol'o"it Bolton Back ROIV-Spier,Gradll({te                                          M g'r. tnni Freslnuun  Coach,  Davis l~Tel"c'          aL11a1 ?1n1b11,1
     DTIo' aulglahctye,, TC'IlaIilpialens,, AsUs'.ts.inge"Mr. g'.I., ~J'"O?IC8 ' Baker, . Neal, Asst. Coach, "Dicl.;"  Harlour. "earl coach.                    , L\ "Olllel'          1,
   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45